Until Series: Box set (53 page)

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Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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“Jesus,” he says, as I rub myself against him as he’s trying to get the door unlocked. When the door opens, there is a loud thud, and then both his hands are on my ass. His mouth crashes into mine; one of my hands goes to his hair, the other to his belt. His mouth leaves mine, traveling down my chin and neck, then pauses at my chest, where he bites my nipple through my shirt and bra, making me moan. My hands leave him, going to my shirt, pulling it up and over my head, then to the front of my bra to unsnap it. He pins me to the wall, holding me up with his hips, before he grabs both my breasts, licking one nipple then the other. His mouth comes back to mine, his hands going to my ass and thighs, his fingers digging into my denim-covered skin as he walks us towards the bedroom.

“I need you,” I say, biting his earlobe, then licking his neck. He runs us into the wall, his mouth crashing back into mine. We’re both breathing heavily when he starts to undo my jeans.

“You’re only allowed to wear dresses from now on,” he grumbles, making me smile right before he bites my neck, then lowers his head to lick over my nipple again, making my head thud against the wall. I finally get his shirt off and drop it to the floor as I bite down onto his collarbone. He starts moving again, my nails digging into his back as he rubs his fingers along the seam of my jeans. I can feel the wetness pooling between my thighs. “I need to taste you. I’ve been thinking about it all day,” he says, making my body shiver and become even wetter.

“Please,” I whimper; just thinking about him doing that makes me crazy. I bite down on his neck, grinding against him. All of sudden, all movement stops. I think I might have bitten him too hard until I feel him start to tremble.

“What the fuck?” he yells, holding me tighter against him. I lift my head looking in his eyes, seeing that he’s actually trembling in fury, and look over my shoulder to see Jen tied to our bed.

“Holy shit,” I whisper, looking at Jen, who is tied spread-eagle to the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of small lace panties.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Trevor growls, walking us to the dresser, still holding on to me tightly, my chest pressed against his. He pulls out a shirt from his drawer before he turns around, putting me on my feet, pulling the shirt over my head. “Are you okay?” His hands come to my face, pulling my eyes to his. When I see the worried look on his face, I take a step back. My stomach drops when he reaches out for me desperately, but I take another step back, then another, until I reach the bedroom door, motioning for him to step out. He looks at the bed, then me; my blood that was simmering before, starts to boil. I was going to kill this crazy bitch. I look in her direction to see her watching us, not saying anything. I don’t want to look at her again until Trevor is out of the room. He walks towards me, his head low. He tries to touch me, but I shake my head; my whole body is buzzing with anger. When he finally steps out the door, I close and lock it behind him. I turn around to see Jen watching me; her mouth is moving, but she’s not saying anything. I walk towards her. Her eyes following me, getting wider the closer I get.

“So you thought that you would come here, tie yourself up, and when Trevor got home, he would see you in bed and screw your brains out?” I ask, looking at the knots on her ankles, realizing that someone else must have tied her up, because her hands are tied the same way, and just as tight.

“What are you doing here?” she whispers, looking at the door. I think she’s in shock or something; this girl never stops running her mouth and now she can’t even form a few words.

“Don’t act like you don’t know that I live here.”

“You weren’t supposed to be here.” The anger in her voice makes my eyebrows go up.

“I wasn’t supposed to come home to my own house?”

“He doesn’t even want you!” she yells, her body thrashing around on the bed.

“You do know that we’re getting married, right?” I cross my arms over my chest, looking down at her.

come back to me.”

“Wow,” “You are completely insane!”

“How do you think I got tied up?” She stops moving and smirks; I can’t help but to laugh at how stupid she is. Then I think about it; if I would have dropped Kara home and come in later, her plan might have worked. And that thought pisses me off even more.

“For someone who has so many stalker tendencies, you don’t know much,” I say, looking around the room, noticing her bag on the dresser.

“I’m not a st–stalker,” she sputters out, looking around, pulling on her wrist and trying to get free.

“Really, are you sure? Because I’m almost positive that this is the kind of thing a stalker does.” I open her purse, find her phone, and go to her text messages. Finding exactly what I’m looking for, I press call.

“What are you doing with my phone?” she yells. I take the blanket from the end of the bed and toss it over her, with a self-reminder to burn all the bedding when she leaves.

“Hi, Mr. Carlson. Jen is here at Trevor’s and is going to need you to come pick her up. Oh, and if she comes back again, I will be pressing charges for breaking and entering.”

“You fucking bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you crazy?” she screams, thrashing harder than before. I knew she wouldn’t like that; she’s a daddy’s girl all the way. Plus, her daddy pays for her school, and whatever else she needs, so his anger affects her bank account.

“I’m going to say this one last time, Jen. Trevor is mine, and if you insist on doing things like this, I will insist on making your life a living hell.”

“I’m going to tell everyone in town to stop coming to your store so that you’re forced out of business!” she yells.

“You can do that, and I’m sure some of your minions will listen; but that won’t change the fact that Trevor is mine.”

“He will be back. They all come back, eventually,” she says, making my anger skyrocket. I look around, seeing the scissors that I used this morning to cut a tag off a shirt laying on the dresser.

“What do you think about girls with bangs?” I ask, looking her over.


“You know, bangs,” I say, making a slashing motion with my finger across my forehead.

“No one wears bangs,” she says, rolling her eyes.

“You have always been a trendsetter, right, Jen?”

“Are you out of your mind? You want to talk about hair and clothes? Fucking untie me!” she screeches. I pick the scissors up off the table, and walk to the bed. Jen’s eyes go wide, looking at me then the scissors in my hand. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? Please don’t kill me.” I can’t help the evil smile that slides into place; her eyes get huge, and I lift the scissors close to her, speaking very quietly.

“You’re going to want to be very still, Jen. You don’t want me to give you crooked bangs or to cut you, right?” I ask, gathering a large chunk of hair from the front of her head.

“Don’t you dare,” she growls, but doesn’t move.

“Be still,” I repeat in a sugary sweet voice, before I open the scissors over the large wad of hair, and begin to cut; the noise that the scissors make is music to my ears. When I’m done, she has bangs that are so short, that ninety percent of her forehead shows. “Wow, I never noticed how big your forehead is. Too bad you don’t like bangs; they could help to cover that shit up,” I tell her, shaking my head. “I’m sure your dad will be here soon; I better go,” I say, dropping her hair in the trashcan by the bed, taking the scissors with me.

“I’m going to fucking kill you.”

I shrug and walk out of the room closing the door behind me. Trevor is standing against the wall his head back, looking at the ceiling. Jen starts yelling from the other side of the door to untie her, so I yell back that her dad can do it when he gets here, causing her to start screaming at the top of her lungs. I have one last wicked idea.

I walk over to my purse where I had dropped it by the door when Trevor had carried me inside. I grab my phone, walk back into the bedroom, snap a few pictures of Jen, and grin when she thrashes around on the bed so hard, I think her wrists might snap. “There,” I say. “You’re always taking selfies when I see you and your posse in my store and at the bar. These will be a nice addition to your collection you no doubt have on Facebook. Don’t worry; I’ll tag ya.”

“Oh my God! Don’t you dare, Liz!” she hisses.

“Then if I were you, I would think twice about what you do after your dad comes to get you,” I taunt. That shuts her up.

When I walk back out of the bedroom, Trevor’s eyes come to mine. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers, pulling me into him. My arms go around his waist; we stay like that for a little while, just holding each other, then I look around, realizing that Lolly is missing.

“Where’s Lolly?” I ask, running down the hall, yelling for her. She’s not anywhere in the house. I run back to our room, throwing the door open, causing it to slam into the wall. “Where is my dog?” I yell, moving towards the bed, ready to kill this bitch. She must see how serious I am because she answers right away.

“Th…the shed out back.” It takes everything in me not to smack her in the face, or suffocate her with a pillow.

“I got her, baby,” Trevor yells from the living room. I run and skid to a halt, seeing Lolly stumbling around.

“What’s wrong with her?” I get down on my knees; when she sees me, she stumbles in my direction, and then flops down in front of me. Laying my ear against her chest, I listen to her heart and make sure that she is breathing okay.

“Bitch, I’m calling the fucking cops!” I hear Trevor yell, and then Jen apologizing over and over again.

I can’t believe she did this! She broke in, drugged our dog, and then put her in the shed so that her friend could tie her to our bed. Trevor comes back into the living room with the phone to his ear, his eyes on me. He looks like he could kill someone. “Dad, I need you to come to my house, and bring someone with you. Jen broke in, drugged Lolly, and is tied to my bed.” His hand goes to his hair. With his chest heaving every time he looks at me, he seems to get angrier. “Fuck no! She did this shit herself, thinking that I would want her fucking ass,” he roars into his phone, making Lolly jump. He pulls the phone away from his ear, shoving it in his back pocket. I stand and walk towards him, wrapping myself around him. I hate that he’s feeling like this.

“Are you okay?”

“Fuck no,” he says, holding me tighter.

“Well, this has got to be the most interesting day that I have ever had,” I say, right before the doorbell starts going off. “That’s probably her dad.” I unwind myself from Trevor, but he stops me from going to the door with a hand in the back of my shirt.

“I’ll get it. You stay with Lolly.”


He bends, kissing my forehead, then heads to the front door, while I go back to Lolly, who is still laying down next to one of the chairs in the living room. “You’ll be okay, girl.” When Trevor walks back into the living room, Jen’s dad is close behind him; his face is bright red, and he looks ready for murder.

“Ms. Hayes, I am very sorry that this happened. Please accept my deepest apologies, and know that something like this will never happen again.”

“All due respect, John, I’m pressing charges against Jen for what she did. Not only did she break into my house, but she drugged my dog, then had someone tie her to my and my fiancée’s bed,” Trevor says, his fists clenched at his sides.

“I understand,” Jen’s dad says, before turning at the sound of someone walking into the house.


“James.” The two men greet each other.

“Where is she? I would like to speak with her,” Jen’s dad says. It’s plain to see that he’s holding absolute fury in check.

“She’s down the hall, the last door on the right. She only has a blanket covering her, sir,” I tell him. He looks taken aback, and then shakes his head, walking down the hall to his daughter.

“You all right, son?” James asks, looking at Trevor, whose jaw is so tight that I’m surprised it doesn’t break.

“Yeah, but I still want to press charges.”

“Alright, why don’t you and I go outside and talk for a few minutes, and you can tell me what exactly happened.”

“Sure. Just give me a minute with Liz and I’ll meet you out there.”

James nods before he comes to me, squatting down. “Hey, darlin’. You alright?” He asks softly, and I nod, thinking that I’m a big fat liar. “Sure you are.” He smiles, pulling me forward to kiss my forehead, then stands, walking out the door.

“You okay, baby?” Trevor asks, squatting the same way his dad had.

“Yeah, I’m just ready for this day to be over with,” I say, laying my head against Lolly’s side. Trevor’s hand runs over my cheek and back through my hair.

“Everyone will be gone soon.”

“Alright,” I whisper, trying not to think about what would have happened if I had walked in while Trevor was here alone with Jen. I would like to say that I am so secure in our relationship that I wouldn’t have assumed the worst; but the truth is, I, like a lot of women, would have jumped to conclusions, never thinking that this was some kind of sick setup.

“I’m going to be right outside talking to Dad.” He bends, kissing my cheek.

Ten minutes later, Trevor and his dad come back inside. Lolly is finally up and about, but still stumbling into things when she tries to walk.

“Are they still in the room?” James asks, looking down the hall.

“Yeah.” Just then, Jen comes down the hall, tears streaming down her face, her new bangs showing off her large forehead that she tries to cover with her hand. I bite my lip to keep from laughing at how bad she looks. Trevor, who is standing next to his dad, looks up when he hears her; his eyes go wide, then come to me. The look on his face makes me pull Lolly close and shove my face into her fur to muffle the sound of my laughter.

“Sheriff,” Jen’s dad says. I raise my head slightly so that I can see their interaction.

“Mr. Carlson, why don’t we talk outside?” James says, holding his hand out in front of him for Jen and her father to precede him. Jen hasn’t looked up; her dad places his hand against her lower back, leading her out of the house. When I hear the sound of the door closing, I can feel Trevor staring at me. I don’t look up; I just sit there and continue to pet Lolly.

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