Read Until Series: Box set Online

Authors: Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Series: Box set (57 page)

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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“Can you untie the back?” She turns around, making me groan. The cheeks of her perfectly round ass are peeking out from the bottom of her silk panties.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I choke out.

“What?” Her head snaps around.

“You seriously have to know how fucking hot you look right now.” She gets a crazy little smile on her face before arching her back slightly.

“Can you please untie me?” I step towards her, running my fingers along the edge of her panties on her ass before grabbing one of the ribbons, giving it a gentle tug, and unraveling the bow. When I finally get her completely unlaced, she pulls it around to her front, then places it on the bed, before turning around to face me, her hands holding her breasts. The whole visual is so hot; I actually do know where to start. I pull her forward, my hand wrapping around her hair, bending her head back, giving my mouth access to hers when she gasps. I lick, bite, and suck on her lips, her tongue chasing mine. My mouth travels behind her ear, down her neck to first one breast, pulling her nipple in and sucking hard, then the other, doing the same. Her body arches back. I let go of her hair, drop to my knees, pulling her by the hips so her pussy is right in front of my face, and bite her through her panties, before ripping them to the side and fucking her with my mouth. She grinds down on me, using my head as leverage.

“So fucking wet, baby. You like it when I fuck your pussy with my mouth. You like me eating you.” I look up at her, her cheeks flushed, lips pink, and eyes dark and hungry. I grab both her ass cheeks, pulling her tighter against me. “Tell me,” I growl.

“Yes, I love it.” Fuck, I was going to come in my pants just from watching her get off. I pull her tighter against me, sucking her clit into my mouth. She comes on a scream, and when I know she’s back with me, I stand up, kissing her deeply, and start getting undressed with her watching me the whole time. While I pull off my pants, she unclips her garter belt from her stockings and is about to roll them down her thighs, when I stop her.

“Let me do that.” I walked over, my fingers traveling up her hips and under the garter belt before pulling her panties down, leaving everything else in place. I help her onto the bed, crawl between her legs, lift one, and then the other, and rest her ankles on my shoulders. I slowly rolled down her stockings, taking my time to kiss every inch of skin I expose along the way. “You’re so beautiful.” Feeling her wet heat against the head of my cock, I can’t help but to slide into her in one long stroke, feeling her wetness surrounding me. Her pussy tightens, her head arches back, baring her neck, and when her eyes come back to mine, I slide out, then back in the same way. Every stroke is slow and precise, making sure to hit that spot that I know will have her screaming when it finally builds up. “You’re so tight and wet, baby. I love the way you feel surrounding me.” Her arms and legs wrap around me, holding me tightly.

I can feel myself beginning to lose it when I feel her pussy practically begging to convulse around me, each stroke pulling us both closer and closer. “Come with me. Shit, come with me.” I put my hand between her legs, pinching her clit and sending her over with me. I rolled over so she was on top of me, both of us breathing deeply. “We just consummated our marriage,” I say on a puff of air. She starts laughing, her head coming up.

“We did; now it’s official. You’re stuck with me, Mr. Mayson.”

“Thank fuck.” I pull her head back down, kissing the top. “How about the hot tub now?”

“Sure, just let me lay here for a few minutes.”

“You can relax in the hot tub.” I palm her ass, stand up, and carry her outside to the hot tub. And this is how we spend our honeymoon. Sleeping late, breakfast in bed, lazing around the cabin while reading, watching movies, kayaking on the lake, and nights and days making love.

Chapter 12

iz.” I can
hear my name being called, and I know the voice, but don’t know why Kara would be calling my name when I’m on my honeymoon with Trevor.

“Hmm?” I answer from my groggy state.

“Liz.” I try to lift my head, but become dizzy from the sharp pain that slices through my head. Then I remember that today is my first day back at work. I was there with Kara when two guys came into the store and forced us at gunpoint out to their van. When I tried to prevent them from taking Kara, something slammed into the back of my head.

“Kara?” I ask, trying to open my eyes; but they seem too heavy, my body to tired. I try to fight against the feeling that is pulling me back under, knowing I need to make sure Kara’s okay.

“Liz, you need to wake up.” She shakes me and I’m finally able to open my eyes enough to see her standing over me. “Thank God,” she says, falling to her knees next to me.

“Are you okay?” I look her over, noticing her clothing intact, and no bruising or scratches are on her.

“Fine…fine.” She holds her face in her hands. “After they knocked you out, I didn’t try to fight them.” She lifts her face, looking at me. “I’m so sorry. They’re looking for Tim. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to, but I told them where he is,” she whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“It’s okay, calm down.” I lift my hand, holding hers. After a few minutes, I’m finally able to sit up. When I look around, I notice that the only light we have is coming from a small battery operated lantern. When I take in our surroundings, I know exactly where we are; well, not exactly, because there are thousands of tornado shelters all over Tennessee, and this one looks like it’s been abandoned for a long time. The old cement block walls are disintegrating; the shelves that are supposed to hold supplies are rotten, the smell of mold is so strong that my stomach turns. “How long was I out?”

“I don’t know. A while. When they finally stopped, one of the guys took you out of the van, while the other one questioned me about Tim.” She starts to cry again, this time, holding her very large stomach.

“Kara, you need to calm down. I know you’re upset, but if you go into labor right now, this whole situation is going to go from bad to worse.”

“How can I be calm? I just handed over my fiancé to men who want to kill him.” She cries harder.

“Kara, I know that you’re scared for Tim; but right now, you need to think about you and the baby.” I rub her arm, trying to calm her down. “Tim is working with Trevor and his brothers. He is in a better situation than us right now.” I remind her of where Tim is at this moment, hoping that it will help to calm her down enough to help me get us out of this hellhole. After a few minutes, her crying stops, and she uncovers her face. “We need to try and get out of here.” I tell her, trying to stand. My legs wobble, and I stumble sideways into the wall.

“You’re bleeding.”

“What?” I ask, leaning against the wall. The back of my head pounds with every beat of my heart. I lift my hand to the back of my head; that’s when I feel the large wound and the wetness from my blood against my fingers. When I bring my hand near my face, it’s covered with blood. “Shit,” I breathe, closing my eyes.

“I’m going to be sick.” Kara goes to the corner, throwing up and making my already-queasy stomach lurch. I swallow against the feeling. We both don’t need to be sick at the same time; one of us needs to have it together.

“They say head wounds bleed a lot more than any other wound,” I say. I’m not sure if I’m saying this for me or for her. She lifts her head, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, looking at me. “We’re going to get out of here, Kara; I promise.”

“Okay,” she says. I can see how scared she is when she doesn’t look at me. Using the wall for balance, I make my way to the set of stairs that lead to the large double doors. Once there, I climb up on my hands and knees to the top, pushing against the doors. They don’t budge an inch not that I’m surprised. I scoot down the stairs, sitting at the bottom of the steps, trying to come up with a plan.

“What if we both try?” Kara asks. I lift my head, looking at her standing in front of me; her face is pale, her eyes red from crying.

“We can try.” I scoot over, give her room to get up the stairs with me, and once at the top, we both push against the doors, counting and pushing to no avail.

“It’s not working,” Kara says, making me laugh; the stress of the moment and her words break me down.

“We will get out of here,” I say, praying I’m right.

“They took pictures of us.”

“What?” I ask, looking over at her.

“When they finally brought me down here,” she looks over at me, “they took pictures of us.”


“I think they’re going to use them to get to Tim.”

“We need to find a way out of here,” I tell her, and this time my worry seeps into my tone.

“The door won’t budge.”

“If we can’t get out, then we need to find a way to protect ourselves against them when they come back.”

“There is nothing in here.”

“We can break the old shelves up and use the pieces as a weapon.”

“They have guns.”

“I know, but either we try to fight, or we wait for them to kill us, or whatever it is they want to do to us.” Kara gives me a nod and starts to rub her large belly. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, just some Braxton Hicks. I’ll be okay.” I watch her closely, praying that my nephew doesn’t decide to come into the world right now. “I’m okay; I promise.” Kara says, watching me.

“If you start to feel like you’re having real contractions, you need to tell me,” I tell her, going over to the shelf and using my weight to try and pull it apart. It doesn’t budge, so I kick it a few times, but still, nothing. “It’s not working,” I state the obvious, watching the light flicker and start to dim. “Shit.” I run over to the lamp and turn it out, hoping that we will have enough battery when we really need it. “I never even thought about turning the lamp off.

“I never thought of it either.”

“You wouldn’t happen to have started smoking and have a spare lighter, do you?” I ask Kara, making her laugh.

“No, sorry.”

“Figures.” We sit there in the dark, my brain running over hundreds of scenarios. I can’t believe that yesterday I spent the day driving back home from our honeymoon. After leaving the cabin, we drove to November and Asher’s and picked up Lolly; she was so happy to see us and we missed our girl. After we got her, we went home and unpacked, ordered a pizza, and complained about being home and having to go back to the real world. I hated watching Trevor getting ready for work this morning. I wanted so badly to cuddle into him and hide away from the world for a few more days. Now, I wish I would have spent a few more minutes looking at him, kissing him, and telling him how much I love him. When he realizes that Kara and I are missing, he is going to freak the hell out. I’m leaning against the wall when I hear what sounds like a car. I stand when I know it’s getting closer.

“Is that a car?” Kara asks, turning on the lamp. I can see the terror in her eyes.

“Kara, I want you to go into the corner, tuck yourself into a ball, and turn off the lamp.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I have no idea. Just, please, listen to me. Get in the corner and tuck yourself into a ball.” Once I see that she is tucked away and turns off the light, I follow the wall to the opening of the stairs. Listening, I can hear the vehicle stop, then the sound of chain against metal, then the creaking of the door above opening. I see the beam of light from a flashlight shining down the stairs. My heart starts pounding so hard that I hear it in my ears. I hold my breath, waiting for when the person is at the bottom of the stairs, and then I wait patiently for them to notice me. I know it’s pointless to try and fight; there are two of them and one of me. They have already proven that they don’t mind hitting women. When the light shines around the room, it pauses on Kara for a second, before flying in my direction and shining right in my eyes.

“Liz?” I know that voice. I don’t know where from, but I know that voice.

“What do you want?” I ask, shielding my eyes from the bright light.

“I’m here to help.”

“Kai?” I ask, realizing who it is. “Do you mind lowering the flashlight?” The light immediately lowers, letting me lower my hands that were shielding my eyes. “What are you doing here? I mean, how did you find us?” I look over my shoulder at Kara, who is now sitting up in the corner.

“Tim helped me out, so I am returning the favor. You’re bleeding.”

“It has slowed down,” I say, touching the back of my head. “How did you find us?”

“Been watching for a while now.” He takes a step toward Kara, and I automatically step in front of him.

“I’m just gonna help her off the floor.”

“No, I’d rather you not.”

“You don’t want my help?”

“I never said that. I just need to make sure that you’re a good guy.”

“Ms. Hayes—”



“Mrs. Mayson…I got married.”

“Jesus, you’re nuts.” He shakes his head, laughing. “As I was saying, Mrs. Mayson, I’m definitely not one of the good guys, but I’m here to help you.”


“Your brother gave me what I wanted in exchange for my help.”

“Not again.”

“No, Mrs. Mayson, you’re safe. Now, if you’re done, I would like to help Kara off the floor. That can’t be good for her or the baby.”

“How do you know Kara?”

“I make it my business to know everyone, but in this case, Tim told me. Now, if you would please move.” I swallowed; my gut is telling me that he is being honest, but his energy is so scary that I don’t know what to do.

“Liz!” Kara cries. I turn around to find her on her hands and knees.

“Oh God, what’s wrong?” I run over to her and kneel down.

“I don’t think these are Braxton Hicks; I think I’m going into labor.” Her breathing is choppy; she cries out again, holding her belly.

“Do you think your water broke?” I ask, rubbing her back.

“I don’t think so.” I look at Kai, who has knelt down next to us.

“I’m going to pick you up and carry you out of here.” Kai gently picks her up, and once we’re outside, I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with fresh air. I look around and see a large, black SUV, and a guy who looks like a sumo wrestler standing next to the open driver’s side door.

BOOK: Until Series: Box set
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