Until You (36 page)

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Authors: Jennifer McNare

BOOK: Until You
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Although Ashleigh was disappointed that Nicholas had decided not to initiate any further intimacy between them during the duration of their journey, she couldn’t help but be pleased at the progress they seemed to be making.  Perhaps if she was patient, Nicholas would eventually realize that their marriage could be for the better, rather than the worse.

Chapter 22


Seated before her dressing table mirror, Ashleigh removed the last of the pins from her hair.  Then, reaching for her brush, she picked it up and began to pull it through her curls in long leisurely strokes.  As she sat there idly brushing her hair, she realized that nearly two weeks had passed since she and Nicholas had returned from Thorn Hill.  And though he had remained charming and solicitous since their return, unfortunately her husband had made no attempt to seek out her bed, or to further their physical relationship in any way.  She knew that he desired her, for at times she could almost see the hunger in his eyes when he looked at her, and considering what had happened in the carriage, he had to know that she would be receptive.  But even so he held back, and each night she remained alone in her bed. 

Tonight would be yet another night spent alone, for Nicholas had been gone for the past two days, called away to London by an urgent message from one of his solicitors, or so he had told her.  Rising from her seat, she walked to the nightstand beside her bed and picked up the book she had been reading earlier.  It was still relatively early, and she feared she wasn’t tired enough for sleep to claim her just yet. 

As she moved to the upholstered chaise that sat near the fire, she couldn’t help but wonder if Nicholas’ trip to London had merely been an excuse to see another woman.  She knew enough about his previous behavior to recognize that he was a man well accustomed to sexual excess, for he certainly hadn’t earned his prior reputation as a rake for nothing.  Was he in bed with Isabelle
, or perhaps some other woman at that very moment?  She prayed that he wasn’t, for the notion made her feel sick to her core.

Fortunately her thoughts were diverted when Annie knocked softly upon her door and then entered the room, breathless, almost as if she had been running. 

“Goodness, Annie, are you alright?”

“Yes, Your Grace,” she said, holding out a small white envelope for Ashleigh to take.

As she took the envelope into her hand she was confused, for there was nothing written on it, not even her name.  She looked to Annie with questioning eyes, “What is this?”

“Well, I am not exactly sure.  You see, I was out in the garden looking for Mrs.
cat, when this man suddenly stepped out from behind a tree.  Why I nearly screamed, he startled me so,” Annie declared.  “I didn’t recognize him, so I asked him who he was and what he was doing there, but he just held out this envelope and asked me to give it to you.  Then he turned and walked away.  At first I thought he might be a prowler, but he was well-dressed and ever so polite, and he spoke like a gentlemen.  And well…I’m sure that I have never heard of a prowler looking like him before.”

“What do you mean?”  Ashleigh asked.  “What did he look like?”

“He was devilishly handsome, tall with dark hair, and he had green eyes I think, and like I said, he was dressed impeccably.  Do you have any idea who he might be, Your Grace?” Annie asked curiously.  “Do you think I should ask Hawthorne to send some of the footmen to investigate?”

“No Annie, I do not think that will be necessary,” Ashleigh said, already suspecting who the mystery man might be.  When she was a child, she and her Uncle James had played a special game whenever he had come to
to visit.  Instead of presenting himself at the front door, he would send a note to Ashleigh through one of the servants.  He would then hide somewhere on the grounds until Ashleigh found him.  Her prize for finding him had been whatever present he had brought back for her from his latest travels. 

Due to his position with government, James traveled all over the world, and whenever he returned from an extended trip he brought a special gift back for her, usually something foreign and exotic.  Although she had been telling him for the past few years that she was getting much too old for such a childish game, she secretly loved it, as her Uncle James knew quite well.

Quickly she tore open the envelope and scanned the brief note inside.  With a small shriek of delight she dropped the note onto the top of her vanity and then dashed to the armoire to grab one of her heavy wool shawls.  “Everything is fine Annie,” she said smiling, then grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the door.  “There is no need for concern.”



When Ashleigh entered the dimly lit garden, her eyes eagerly scanned the surrounding area.  Not seeing anyone, she moved toward the large fountain that sat near the rear terrace and peeked behind it, but there was no one there.  Walking a bit further down the gravel path, she came to a small clearing, softly lit by the moon's faint glow.  Suddenly she sensed another presence, and before she could make a sound two large hands gently covered her eyes from behind.  “Guess who?” a familiar masculine voice whispered in her ear.  Ashleigh instantly turned and threw her arms around her uncle's neck, hugging him with unrestrained joy.  She hadn’t seen him in well over six months, and she had missed him terribly.

“Uncle James, I cannot believe that it is really you,” she cried, stepping back to get a better look at him.  “You have been away so long.”

“I know my darling and I am truly sorry.  However, I hardly expected to return and find out that you had gotten married in my absence, and to the Duke of
no less.”

“I guess that means you received my letter,” she said somewhat sheepishly.

“When I arrived at my townhouse earlier this afternoon I discovered it straightaway,” he replied.

“Please don’t be angry.”

“That might be less difficult if I weren’t aware of the man’s reputation,” he said tersely.

“It’s not what you think,” Ashleigh said.

“Isn’t it?”

She looked up and met his gaze head on.  “No Uncle James, it isn’t.”

Her uncle sighed heavily.  “Do you love him?”

“Yes, I do,” she answered honestly.  “Very much.”

“Well then…I guess I cannot kill the bastard,” he muttered, his voice a mixture of teasing and subtle hostility.

“Uncle James!”

“Sorry,” he said, pulling her into his arms for a hug.  “How about congratulations then.”

“Much better, thank you.”

“I take it your grandfather hasn’t yet returned.”

“No, not yet.”

“Well, when he does, I am quite certain that your new husband will have more than enough to deal with without my interference.”

“I am quite certain you are correct,” she said with a slight grimace.  “So now that that's settled, and more importantly, what did you bring me?”

“You are still an impudent little minx, aren't you,” he admonished with a laugh.  Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a square velvet box.  “I hope you like it,” he said, lifting the cover to reveal what lay inside.

Ashleigh gasped as she gazed upon the delicate, heart-shaped ivory box that rested within.  Upon the lid, a full-blown rose was etched in startling detail.  Each petal was a work of art, and each surrounding leaf a testament to the artist's skill.  “It's so beautiful,” she breathed.

“I'm glad you like it.  The minute I saw it I knew I had to get it for you, for it reminded me of your own delicate beauty, so much like your mother’s.”

“Thank you Uncle James, I will treasure it forever.”  Standing up on her tiptoes, she kissed his cheek.  “Now let’s go inside so we can talk, I want to hear all about your latest adventure.”

“I'm sure you do,” he said with a laugh, for Ashleigh always wanted to hear every last detail of his travels, no matter how boring or mundane.  “But I am afraid I haven't the time right now.  I have to return to London tonight.” 

“But you cannot leave yet.  You only just got here.”

“I only came because of your letter.  I had to see you, if only for a moment.  However, it is imperative that I return to London immediately.  I swear to you that I will return just as soon as I can, and then you can fill me in on all that's happened while I have been away.”



As Nicholas climbed the stairs to the second floor, he felt as if he were literally being pulled in the direction of Ashleigh's bedroom.  After being gone for only two days, he was surprised to find that he was remarkably eager to see her.  As he walked swiftly to her door, one would think that he had been away for two months rather than two days.  However, in the short time that he’d been gone he had done a great deal of thinking, and finally he’d come to a decision.  His prolonged celibacy was about to come to an end.
Consequences be dammed, he was no longer going to fight the desire to take Ashleigh to his bed.   

Stopping outside her door, he received no answer to his light knock.  Gently he eased the door open, thinking she might have gone to sleep early.  A brief glance around her bedchamber however, told him that she wasn't there.  He was about to go back downstairs in search of her, when he noticed a piece of paper lying atop her dressing table.  Curious, he reached for it and read the brief message: 


I received your letter.  You have no idea how much I have missed you.  I shall be waiting for you in the rear garden.  I cannot wait to see you my darling!



For a moment he couldn’t breathe.  He read the note again, his head spinning.  No, this couldn’t be happening, not again, he thought.
Not her!
  The paper crumpled in his fingers and then fell to the floor as he fought the sudden pain that slashed at his heart and threatened to send him to his knees.  
Not her!

Still as a statue, he took several deep steadying breaths until gradually the pain began to lessen and he was once again in control of his emotions.  With sickening clarity, he realized that Ashleigh had indeed been playing him for a fool all along.  How could he have been so stupid?
Despite everything he’d learned in the past and in spite of every internal warning that told him not to, he had slowly allowed her to worm her way into his heart, and now, once again he would pay the price.  Only this time he feared the price would be more than he could bear.

Turning, he strode toward the French doors that led out onto the terrace overlooking the rear gardens and savagely jerked them open.  Moving to the railing he looked down, searching the shadows until his gaze finally came to rest upon two figures clasped in an intimate embrace.  It was true.
Furious, he was about to turn away, intending to go downstairs and confront his traitorous wife and her lover, but just then the man pulled back.
As he stood watching, the man quickly disappeared into the darkness as Ashleigh turned back toward the house. 

With a degree of control he didn't know he possessed, he walked back into her bedchamber, pulling the doors closed behind him, and then sat down in one of the chairs before the fire.  How many times would he play the fool?  How many times would it take before his heart was finally ripped from his chest once and for all?  He heard his father’s voice in his head.  “
Your whore of a mother is gone.  Nothing was good enough for her, not even her own children
.”  He thought of Melissa telling him that she loved him, and then finding her in the arms of her lover.  He remembered the night of the masquerade,
“You may have been the first, but you certainly weren’t the last.”
  She’d obviously been telling the truth that night.  Stupid, stupid fool, he thought, castigating himself.  He had let his guard down once again, and now he would suffer the consequences. 



When Ashleigh reentered her chamber, she was surprised and delighted to see Nicholas sitting before the fire.  “Nicholas,” she cried.  “I'm so glad you’re back.”  She tossed her shawl, along with the package her uncle had given her onto the chaise as she rushed toward him, thankful that he was home and eager to tell him about the recent visit from her uncle.  However, the chilling look in his eyes stopped her cold.

“Nicholas, is something wrong?”  The look he gave her was so filled with loathing that Ashleigh felt as if she had been struck.  She stood speechless as she tried to comprehend the reason behind it.

Slowly Nicholas rose from his chair and moved forward, swiftly closing the short distance between them.  When he stood directly before her, he reached out and grasped her chin, forcing her head back so that he could see every detail of her beautiful face.  “You know my dear,” he stated calmly, “after the annulment you might want to think of performing on stage.
I hear there is always a demand for good actresses in London.”

In the flickering firelight, Ashleigh saw that his expression was filled with contempt, his eyes cold and hard.  “Annulment?  Nicholas, what are you talking about?” she gasped, regarding him in complete confusion.  “I don't understand.”  His grip tightened on her chin.  “Please, you’re hurting me,” she cried, as she tried to break free of his grasp.

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