Until You (38 page)

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Authors: Jennifer McNare

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She smiled slightly and tried her best to appear confident.

Madeline reached out to softly brush a stray curl from Ashleigh’s brow, and then rose from her seated position.  “I am going to go and speak with Monsieur
and see that he fixes you something to eat,” she said, smoothing her skirts.  “Remember what Dr.
said, you need to eat and keep your strength up.”

“Yes, I will.”

“In the meantime, I will send Annie in to sit with you while you rest.”

“All right.  Thank you Madeline.”

Madeline smiled and then bent to place a light kiss upon her forehead.  “I’m just sorry Nicholas isn’t here,” she said, her smile fading as she straightened.  “I simply don’t understand what could have caused him to leave so suddenly this morning, after riding all the way from London just last night, and then to leave without a word to anyone.  It’s so unlike him.”

“I’m sure he must have had a good reason,” Ashleigh murmured quietly, not wishing to cause Madeline any further distress. 

“Yes, well in any event, I am sure that he will return with all haste the moment he receives my note.”

Ashleigh merely nodded as Madeline once again smiled reassuringly, and then turned to the door.



When Annie entered the room a few minutes later, Ashleigh had propped herself up against the pillows and was looking at the shawl she had tossed onto the chaise the night before.  “Annie, there is a small velvet box underneath that shawl on the chaise.  Could you hand it to me please?”

“Of course, Your Grace,” she replied, moving swiftly toward the chaise.  Finding it, she immediately brought it over and handed it to Ashleigh.

“Thank you, Annie.”  Opening it, she removed the ivory box.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” Annie said admiringly.

“It was a gift from my uncle.” 

“Your uncle?  Oh, the man in the garden last night.  He was your uncle?”

“Yes,” Ashleigh said, smiling fondly.  “He just returned from an extended trip abroad and wanted to surprise me.”  She gave a soft little laugh.  “It’s sort of a game we’ve played since I was a child.  Unfortunately, he had to return to London right away, and wasn’t able to stay but for a moment.
But he assured me that he will return for a proper visit soon.”  She glanced toward the French doors that over looked the garden as she spoke. 

“Your Grace, are you alright,” Annie asked anxiously, watching as Ashleigh’s smiled faded and her expression grew troubled.

Ignoring Annie’s question, Ashleigh turned her gaze to the other side of the room, toward the dressing table.  She scanned the top, looking for her uncles’ note, but she didn’t see it.  “Annie, the note you brought me, the one from my uncle, it was on my vanity, but I don’t see it now.”

Annie turned and followed Ashleigh’s gaze.  “Oh, there it is, Your Grace.  It must have fallen to the floor,” she said, pointing to the crumpled sheet of paper.  “Would you like me to fetch it for you?”

“Yes, would you please?”

Walking over, Annie bent down and picked up the note and then brought it to Ashleigh.

Taking it from her, Ashleigh saw that the paper was oddly wrinkled, almost as if it had been crushed in someone’s hand.  Smoothing the crumpled paper, she read the brief missive once and then a second time, and then turned her horrified gaze back toward the French doors. 
Oh Nicholas! 
Suddenly it all made sense.



When Nicholas arrived at his London townhouse, he was filthy, tired and his head was throbbing.
The long ride from the country had done little to alleviate the dull, aching pain that reverberated throughout his entire skull.  Not a heavy drinker by nature, the hangover was one of the worst he’d ever experienced.  With each jarring impact of the stallion's hooves upon the rough terrain, he had cursed the deceitful slut who had so cleverly trapped him into marriage and then played him for a fool.
And whenever her tear stained face had entered his thoughts, he’d reminded himself that she was nothing more than a conniving, self-serving bitch, just like the others.  Striding into the foyer, he ordered a bath and a meal to be sent to his room, and then made his way upstairs. 

Twenty minutes later, he sat immersed in a tub of hot, steamy water as his thoughts continued to spin in a tangled whirl.  He had mentioned an annulment last night, but now that he had time to reflect, he decided that marriage to Ashleigh might have certain benefits after all.  Now that he understood her true nature, he was no longer susceptible to her clever manipulations.  He could banish her to one of his other, lesser estates, far away from London and
Manor and never have to see her deceitful face or hear her lying, traitorous voice again.  In addition, a wife stashed conveniently in the country and the title of Duchess of
no longer up for grabs, would also serve to keep the other money-hungry, title-chasing vipers at bay.

Yes, he decided, he would stay married, but the child she carried would never inherit the
title and all that came with it, he thought with bitter fury.  It made him furious to think that he had begun to care for the child growing in Ashleigh's womb, to envision its future with a father's hopes and dreams.  He snorted in disgust.  He would leave everything to Brendon.  He knew that his younger brother had little interest in the title, but he would rot in hell before he let some other man's bastard benefit from the wealth and power that had been a part of the
family for generations.  



When Nicholas eventually rose from the cooling bathwater, his mind was clear.  Summoning his valet, he prepared himself for an evening out.  He intended to stop by Alex's residence and see if his friend had any plans for the evening.  If he were free, perhaps he could convince him to spend part of the evening at one of the exclusive London brothels that catered solely to gentlemen of their class.  He’d been celibate for far too long.  He needed a woman, a woman who made no false pretenses about who, or
, she was.

Attired in his customary black evening attire, Nicholas descended the stairs a short time later, nodded in passing to Thomas, and then entered the awaiting coach.  

When he arrived at the
residence, he was pleased to learn that Alex was at home.  While a footman was sent to inform the earl of his presence, Nicholas waited patiently in Alex's study.  He poured himself a glass of brandy, but after one sip he set the glass aside, the unpleasant effects of his recent hangover still fresh in his mind.  He sat down moodily in one of the large wingback chairs before the fireplace and stared at the glowing embers.

“Nick, what are you doing here?”  Alex asked, as he strolled casually into the room a few minutes later.  “I thought you had just returned to

“I did, and now I am back.”  His tone was flat.

“Is everything alright?”

Nicholas was in no mood to discuss the events leading up to his impromptu return to London, so he deliberately steered the conversation in another direction.  “I thought you might like to accompany me to Madame Renee's this evening, unless of course you have other plans.”

Alex was clearly surprised by the suggestion and regarded him with curious eyes.

“Is something…”

“Do you want to join me or not,” Nicholas asked abruptly as he rose from the chair, cutting off Alex’s question.

Alex hesitated, studying him for a moment before he spoke.  “Sorry Nick, but I was thinking of trying my luck at White's tonight.  Why don't
?  I know several gentlemen who would be more than willing to attempt to lighten our pockets,” he suggested, his tone persuasive.

Nicholas considered the alternate suggestion, not unaware that Alex was intentionally attempting to divert him from his purpose, most likely due to his affection for Ashleigh.  He doubted Alex would be so considerate of his wife’s feelings if he had the slightest notion of her true nature, however.  He could enlighten him of course, but he wasn’t in the mood to discuss Ashleigh’s betrayal, not yet anyhow.  “Why not,” he said, rising from his seat before the fire.  He could stop by Madame Renee’s later, with or without Alex.  “Let’s go.”



When they entered the lobby of White's, some twenty minutes later, they were greeted warmly by several friends and acquaintances.  It was still early, but the place was already crowded.  After procuring drinks from a passing attendant, Nick and Alex gradually made their way over to the gaming area, spotting two empty seats at one of the card tables. 

Sitting down, Nicholas realized that he was seated directly across from Albert
, heir to the Marquis of
and groaned internally.  Albert was well known for his addiction to strong spirits and Nicholas grimaced when he observed that the irritating young fop was already well into his cups.  

“Good evening, Your Grace,” he greeted loudly, his words slurring together slightly.  “Haven’t yet had the opportunity to offer my congratulations on your recent nuptials.”

“And now you have,” Nicholas responded coolly.  The news of his sudden and unexpected wedding to the Earl of Dexter’s granddaughter had apparently been the talk of the ton since word of the shocking event had reached London, but this was the first time he’d ventured out in public since the ceremony.  Those who knew him well would know immediately by his tone that he had no desire to discuss it.  Unfortunately, Albert, slack jawed from the exorbitant amount of alcohol he’d already consumed, was clearly too far gone to notice.

“I expect congratulations of a different sort are in order as well, considering the haste of your wedding,” Albert drawled jeeringly.  His glassy-eyed gaze didn't take in the sudden tightening of Nicolas’ features or the chilling look that entered his frigid blue eyes, and he plunged on recklessly and without thought.  “Knowing your reputation with the ladies, I’d wager the newest member of the
family will be making his or her arrival well-before the nine-month mark,” he said, lifting his glass in a mock salute.  

The other men at the table sat in horrified silence, obviously expecting Nicholas to put an immediate end to
pathetic existence.

Alex laid a restraining hand upon his arm as he started to rise from his seat, clearly thinking to keep him from pounding
into a bloody pulp, but he needn’t have bothered, for he suddenly dropped back into his chair in stunned surprise, his attention diverted by what, or who rather, he had just seen over
left shoulder. 

Alex watched in fascinated bewilderment, as did the other four men at the table, as his expression turned murderous, though it was no longer directed at Albert.  Instantly the other men at the table, including the slightly sobered
, shoved back their chairs and rose from the table with various muttered excuses, seeking to distance themselves from his obvious fury. 

Nicholas was barely aware of the swift departure of his tablemates.  His attention was completely riveted upon a dark-haired man standing across the room, the same man whom he had seen embracing his wife in the garden the evening before.  He was almost sure of it.

Alex followed the line of Nick's gaze across the room and then turned back to him curiously.  “Having trouble with the new in-laws already Nick?”

“What?”  Nicholas asked sharply, momentarily distracted by Alex's bizarre question.

“What gives old man?  I can understand why you would want to end
miserable life, but why the hell are you looking at Ashleigh's uncle as if you’d like to kill
too?” Alex asked, his expression bewildered.

“What the devil are you talking about?”  Nicholas demanded, baffled by Alex's question.

“Ashford,” Alex said, wrinkling his brow as he gazed at Nicholas in confusion.  “You were just looking at Ashleigh’s uncle like you wanted to murder him.”


“For God's sake Nick,” Alex muttered, shaking his head in bewilderment.  “Yes, Ashleigh's uncle.   James Thornton, the Earl of Ashford, the man you were just staring daggers at.”

 “Ashleigh's uncle, are you sure?”  He was familiar with the Ashford name, though he’d never met the man in person. 

“Of course I'm sure.  He was a friend of my father’s.”  If possible, Alex’s expression grew even more perplexed.  “If you didn't know who he was, why the blazes were you looking at him like that?” he demanded.

Nicholas felt as if the breath had been knocked from his body.  His mind was suddenly spinning out of control, the silent roaring in his ears nearly deafening.  Ashleigh's pleas reverberated throughout his head, over and over again. 
Please, what have I done?  I don't understand.  You're frightening me.  I love you
.  He remembered every brutal, heartless word he had said to her.  He remembered the tears as they’d slid in silent glistening rivulets down her pale cheeks.  He had wrongly and unjustly accused her in his mind and then very nearly violated the delightful, vivacious creature who carried his child in the cruelest way possible. 
His child
He knew she would never forgive him; dear lord, he would never forgive himself.

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