Read Untouchable Lover Online

Authors: Rosalie Redd

Untouchable Lover (35 page)

BOOK: Untouchable Lover
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“You tease me.” She drove him insane.

She pulled down the corner of her sleeve, revealing bare skin. He homed in on the dip under her shoulder and the beginning of her breast. Riveted in place, he couldn’t move, his legs rock hard. Her gaze dropped to his crotch where his pants tented. He burned for freedom.

“My mate, my love.” Her tongue swept the corner of her mouth, and his heart leapt into his throat. She reached over her head and unzipped the back of her dress.

“Melissa.” His husky voice broke on her name. She turned to face him. Her dress slid forward revealing a hint of cleavage. The dress moved lower, inch by inch, until her breasts broke free of the confining material. At contact with the cool air, her nipples puckered.

Mine. Mine.
His inner beast fought for control. Desire and need to claim her fogged his mind. He groaned, and the sound came out a growl. Stalking her with his eyes, his body tensed, while he waited for his opportunity.


The sound of his name on her lips heightened his desire. He couldn’t wait any longer. His need to claim her overpowered him, and he rushed to her side. Ripping the dress from her body, he focused on her distended abdomen. He stilled.

Melissa’s brow creased. She placed her hand on his face. “What’s wrong?”

“The babe.” He choked on the words and stumbled back. Gulping down breaths, he tried to calm himself.

She peered at him, and her eyes blinked several times. “What about the baby?”

He licked his lips, but couldn’t speak.

“Ah, I think I get it.” Her shoulders relaxed, and she rubbed the mound below her waist. “Do you think you might hurt him? Is that it?”

He nodded.

“You won’t hurt the baby. He’ll be fine. Trust me.” She ran her fingers through his short hair and down his arm. Hyper-aware of her touch, he relaxed under her care. “I’ve had a baby before, I know what to expect, what to do. Let me handle it. Ok?”

He swallowed and placed his hand at the base of her neck. Cradling her head, he pulled her into his embrace. The dress, slack around her calves trapped her as effectively as if he had grounded her to the spot. He bent down and captured her lips, their softness driving his need to claim her. She opened to him, and their tongues joined. He devoured her lips then trailed kisses down her chin to the back of her ear. She shivered in his arms.

The air in the room warmed, and the light from the sunstones dimmed. Confined in his clothes, Noeh started to sweat.
Not acceptable.
He picked her up and out of the dress. She gasped at the swift movement. He burned the image of her bare body into his mind. Gently, he placed her on the bed where she threw off the covers.

“We don’t need these.” She smiled.

His chest expanded at the sight of his beautiful female. He undressed fast. Shoes, pants, and shirt all ended up in a heap. He leapt onto the bed and straddled her body. She laughed. He loved the sound of her voice. Careful not to crush her, he enveloped her in his embrace.

His erection pressed against her thigh. She arched under him, bringing them closer together. His bonding sac grew hard under his tongue, and he let the bag fill with his ink. Holding her in his arms, he’d never felt so whole, so complete. He wasn’t afraid of what he was about to do. On the contrary, he couldn’t wait to bond to her physically. She’d changed him. He loved her fiercely for that.

She rubbed her hands across his shoulders and into his hair. At the movement, her nipples grazed his chest. A low, guttural moan escaped his lips. He kissed her mouth and licked her lips, requesting permission to enter. She opened for him, and he deepened the kiss.

Her nails pierced his back, and the sensation drove him mad. He broke the sac under his tongue, ink filling his mouth. The liquid trickled into her through their kiss. He fed her more until his bonding sac emptied.

He pulled back and looked at his queen. His chest expanded. He cherished the feel of her close to him.
My little kitten.
Her eyes glistened, and she licked the remaining moisture from her lips.

“We are now bonded.” He trailed kisses around her cheeks and nose.

“How long until your rings appear?”

“A few hours. By then, we’ll know the extent of our bonding.”

“I know it will be strong,” she said. “Will my markings show, too?”

He touched the skin around her left eye, tracing where the lines would appear, the mirror image of his own. “Yes, and they will be beautiful on you.”

“Good, we have time.” Her flirtatious smile and the glint in her eyes left no doubt what was on her mind. “Roll over.”

“As you command, my queen.”


Melissa woke to the smell of pine and sage. The familiar scent infiltrated her body, and she cuddled into his shoulder. His low snores made her smile. The warmth of his skin and the softness of the bed reminded her of the previous night’s activities.

She couldn’t believe they were together, a bonded couple. She peeked at his throat. Three black bands, each half an inch thick, circled his neck. Her chest expanded as a sense of peace enveloped her.

The sunstones grew brighter as the night began. Noeh stirred.

“Good evening,” she said.

He raised himself to one elbow. “Let me see you.”

His fingers caressed the skin above her left eye and traced a path to her cheek, where he caressed her spirals. He leaned forward to kiss her marking, and his lips, warm and moist, followed the same path as his fingers. “The marking suits you and is displayed for all to see we are bonded.”

“Good. I want everyone to know you are mine.”

He laughed and fell back onto the pillow. “May the gods have mercy on me.”

He tensed. His face turned toward her, his features pinched. “What do you see?”

Melissa glanced at his throat and returned to his stare.

He sat up. “Well? One band, two bands?”

“One band.”

His gaze probed hers and his hand gripped her arm. “Only one?”

“Plus one.” Melissa smirked.

Noeh’s shoulders sagged and he relaxed. “You tease.”

“Plus one more.”

“Wait, are you telling me I have three bands?”

Melissa nodded and could hardly contain herself. He seemed so surprised as his hands touched his neck.

Noeh jumped out of bed and raced to the mirror. He lifted his chin and moved his head from side to side. The three black bands stood apart from his pale skin. He glanced at her through the mirror. Her heart exploded with love for her handsome, powerful male.

“It’s rare to have three bands. We are very blessed,” he said. “I don’t think I could have taken it if I only had one. You would have been free to seek the bed of another male, and I would have to live with the consequences.” His voice, low and somber, burned deep within her.

“Well, it’s a good thing you have a couple to spare.”

He crossed the room in an instant and landed on the bed. The mattress bounced, and he caged her with his body. “My little kitten, let me show you what it’s like to be so bonded.”

Chapter Fifty-One

Melissa sat at her dresser, brushing her long hair. With so much to do to prepare for the baby, the last three weeks had flown by. The adjacent room, the one she’d stayed in was now ready for the prince. A small bassinet, a changing table, even a rocker, had all been made with the greatest of care by one of the Jixie carvers. The excitement and anticipation for the little guy from the residents of the Keep made her chest expand.

Eager to arrive at the evening repast, she pushed back her armchair to stand. The weight of the baby made her movements slow, and she placed her arm under her extended belly for support. The normal three month pregnancy had accelerated, faster than either she or Gaetan had anticipated.

The baby pressed against her abdomen, and his foot kicked into her ribs. She cried out and placed her hand against the wall. The coolness comforted her as she leaned her head against the stone.

Noeh was by her side in an instant. The towel wrapped around his waist was still damp from his bath. His wet hair dripped water onto her arm. He placed his hand around her shoulder, and she leaned into him.

“What’s wrong, kitten?”

“I just need a moment to catch my breath.”

Although he would never say, she knew he worried about her and the baby. He attended to her constantly and never left her side for more than a few minutes. The pregnancy had progressed over the past few weeks, but not without consequence.

Melissa winced as the baby stretched her to capacity. Her abdomen stuck out from her body further than she’d imagined, and she hated the tent-like dresses she wore. Yesterday, she’d started to spot blood. So far, she’d been able to hide that from Noeh.

He grimaced, his eyes scrunched below his eyebrows. “I don’t like this. You’re pale.”

Careful not to touch her waist, he helped her cross the room and get into bed. “Rest, I’ll call Bet and Gaetan.”

The male she loved pressed his hand against a crystal in the wall. The stone shimmered under his palm, the message sent along the Keep’s network of sunstones. Bet and Gaetan would be here in minutes.

Her mate, with his broad shoulders and bulging muscles, was a large male. Despite his size, he’d always been careful with her, treated her with the utmost care. She rubbed her abdomen, and a sense of pride caused her heart to swell.
Our son takes after him already.

A chill made the hair on her arms stand on end. Pain, sudden and forceful, raced up her back. Stars bloomed in front of her eyes. A shrill cry burst from her throat.

Standing against the wall, Noeh spoke. His muffled words sounded far away. Comprehension eluded her. Wetness coated her panties, and the smell of her own blood saturated her nose. A strange sense of peace enveloped her, and a tug pulled on her spirit. She tried to fight the allure, but the sensation was too strong. The light brightened until Noeh faded from her vision, and she lost consciousness.


Melissa’s cry sent a tremor of dread down Noeh’s back. Her face was a mask of shock and pain.

“Melissa.” Noeh shook her shoulders. “Stay with me, stay awake.” The smell of blood tinged the air. A wet spot grew between her legs and onto the mattress.

“No!” He stared at his mate, and her pale features made his heart still.

“Wake up.” He patted her face, a bit rougher than he intended, but his fear ruled him. She was out cold.

Hurry up, Gaetan.
Ripping the towel away from his hips, he jumped on the bed and straddled her legs. He raised her dress and used the cloth to staunch the bleeding. Adrenaline pumped through his body, pushing him into overdrive. A knock on the door made him jump.

“Enter!” He slid to the side of the bed to allow his Haelen quick access to his queen.

Gaetan hobbled in as fast as his cane allowed. He took one look at Melissa and stopped. “Oh, no—” He raced to Melissa’s side.

Bet propelled a cart full of medical tools and supplies through the door. She glanced from Gaetan to Noeh. Her eyes widened. She didn’t hesitate, but pushed the tray to the side of the bed, within Gaetan’s reach.

“Status?” Gaetan bent down to take Melissa’s pulse.

“She cried out, then, all the blood. Sh-she fainted.” Noeh’s heartbeat raced so fast, he thought his heart would explode. Time slowed to a crawl. His senses became hyper-alert, aware of every movement. His beast fueled him, giving him the strength and stamina only his beast possessed.

“Let us handle this now.” Gaetan’s words were clipped, short.

Noeh stared at Gaetan. “You’re out of your mind if you think I’m leaving her side.”

“We need room to work. Every second you delay is one I’m not spending with her.”

Gaetan’s words sank in. Noeh glanced at his queen and stepped away.

“Oh, Your Majesty,” Bet said, “please put something on.”

She turned away to avoid looking at Noeh’s naked body and handed Gaetan a scalpel.

Noeh stared in disbelief as Gaetan ripped Melissa’s dress and crawled onto the bed. Bet helped secure Melissa’s legs into a bent position, ready to deliver the baby.

Noeh’s butt hit his dresser. He didn’t realize he’d backed up. This couldn’t happen. His body shook as he stood there, unable to do anything to help his queen. “Tell me she will be all right, Gaetan. Her and the baby. Tell me.”

Gaetan didn’t respond, his full attention on Melissa and the babe.

“The needle is ready.” Bet thrust a large needle with a green fluid at Gaetan. He placed the tip in Melissa’s arm and depressed the plunger.

Noeh approached the bed and stepped on the black slacks he’d worn yesterday. He grabbed them, pulling them on as fast as possible.

Melissa took a breath. Her eyes opened wide. The sound of air going down her windpipe was music to his ears. As relief washed over him, his knees gave out, and he caught himself on the foot of the bed.

“Push,” Gaetan commanded.

Melissa’s soft breaths, punctuated with strained groans almost took Noeh down again.

The baby’s head crested. He saw his son for the first time. Elation and a new sense of responsibility hit him, mixing with the concoction of fear and anxiety he’d already brewed.

Melissa’s face contorted into a ball of pain. He raced to the head of the bed, careful to stay out of Bet’s way.

BOOK: Untouchable Lover
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