Read Unwanted Fate Online

Authors: A. Gorman

Tags: #Romantic suspense

Unwanted Fate (23 page)

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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He parks in the driveway and squeezes my upper thigh gently. “Ready?”


We get out and make our way to the front door and Kenneth meets us before we can knock.

“Glad to see you, come in. Cassie is out on the deck.”


“I’ll show you the way. Do you want something to drink? Dinner’s almost ready.”

“I’m good,” Patrick and I answer at the same time.

Kenneth smiles and leads us to where my mom is, and when we make it out to her, we see she’s talking to a man. Who is he?

“Emily, Patrick, this is my good friend Mike. Mike, this is Cassie’s daughter Emily and her friend Patrick.”

Patrick looks like he’s been kicked in the gut with that introduction, but the look quickly fades.

“Nice to meet you both,” he says as he stands up and shakes both of our hands.

“Please sit wherever you want, I’m going to check on dinner. Anyone need anything?”

We all shake our heads no.

“How are you feeling, Mom?”

“Better now that I’m out of the hospital and I don’t plan on going back there anytime soon.”

“That’s good to hear.” She smiles and I return the smile—glad she’s realizing that she needs to take better care of herself.

There’s an awkward silence and I don’t know what to say. I’m trying to think of something when Mike speaks up.

“Emily, I’ve heard a lot about you today. Sounds like you’re doing some amazing things in the nonprofit sector.”

“I do what I can with the money I’m given. Thanks to companies like Patrick’s, I’m able to help more people than ever.”

“Sounds like you enjoy what you do.”

“Very much so. Anytime I can help feed someone or make sure they have shelter, I feel like I’ve spent that grant well.”

“I can see why your mom is very proud of you.” He takes a sip from his wine glass that was on the table. “What do you do, Patrick?”

“I’m the CFO at CU Gold Company.”

“You’re doing a lot of business around the world,” he says with a cocked eyebrow.

“We are. One of the largest gold companies out there.

“How long have you been there?”

“If you count my internship, over six years. Worked my way up from data entry to where I am now,” he says with pride.

“Sounds like you’re driven.”

“Very much so.”

“Hate to interrupt everyone, but dinner is served,” Kenneth says as he walks out to the patio.

We all get up and follow everyone in the house, and go to the right into a dining room that overlooks the mountains. The table is a large oval walnut table with enough place settings for everyone. Kenneth helps my mom sit down, and I sit next to her with Patrick’s assistance. In the center of the table sets a large pan of lasagna, a huge bowl of mixed greens salad, with various dressings on the side, and platter of garlic bread. My breath is going to be icky after this.

Kenneth helps Mom get her food, and everything is passed around so everyone can fill their plates. This feels normal, and right now, I’ll take normal. I just wish Nate were here to enjoy this too.

fter a delicious meal, Kenneth and I are in the kitchen cleaning while Cassie lies down for a while. Emily and Mike went out to the deck to talk, and I’m sure he’ll have some words of wisdom to help her mom move through the stages of grief and help her as well.

“Thank you for getting Emily here safely,” he states in a fatherly tone.

“No thanks needed, but you’re welcome.”

“So, how long have you and Emily been friends?” Oh great. I haven’t had a father interrogation before. This should be interesting.

“Around a month,” I say, handing him dishes.

“Oh, I thought it would have been longer, but when it’s the right person, you know.” He finishes loading the dishwasher, and mumbles to himself, “I wish I would have realized that sooner.”

“I agree.” He turns around to me trying to figure out if I heard the last part or not.

“I’m not going to sugarcoat this. I fucked up. I know. God, do I ever. I know you can’t make Emily do anything she doesn’t want to, but please don’t let her give up on me.”

“I don’t know if I’m the best person to be talking to about this because my relationship with my own father is shit.”

“I understand. I want you to know I don’t plan on going anywhere. I left Cassie once and I’m not leaving her again. I’m going to make it right, like I should have done to begin with.”

“Just don’t hurt Cassandra. I don’t know if Emily would be able to forgive you if you did.”

“I don’t plan on it.”

“Good, then I don’t see why Emily would have a problem with getting to know you. You just have to ask. She’s a pretty understanding person.” I lean against the counter, watching him, trying to get a read on him.

“Thanks, I’ll remember that.” He half smiles. “I guess I don’t need to have the ‘hurt my little girl’ speech with you, do I?” His tone goes from soft to hard.

“No, not at all.” I chuckle.

“Good.” He pats me on the back and we head to the deck, and what I thought would be a dick measuring contest was averted. My cell phone vibrates in my pocket as we walk out, I see it’s a text from Addison.

Hey, big bro. Letting you know there is no change in Dad’s status, but he is still holding in there. How are things with you, Emily?
Good about Dad. Emily and I are good. She just found out about a dad she didn’t know she had.
OMG Poor girl. Keep an eye on her. She’s good for you. Love you. Talk soon.
Love you too.

I put my phone in my pocket, and Mike and Emily’s voices roll into the house as we get closer to the deck. They are talking about sports—Mike’s passion according to the small talk at dinner, revealing that he has several sports clients.

“Hope we aren’t interrupting anything,” Kenneth says as he steps out onto the deck.

“Not at all. We were talking about the upcoming football season, and it seems that Emily is quite the Bronco’s fan.”

“Guilty.” She smiles as I take a seat next to her on the loveseat and put my arm around her shoulders. She leans into me and her citrus scent travels to my nose, relaxing me.

“Oh, really? We might just have to catch a game, then,” I say, nonchalantly.

“I would love that!” She says as her eyes go wide with excitement.

Conversation between the four of us is light, and her mom joins us a short time later, joining in the conversations. Cassandra looks a lot better than she did at the hospital yesterday, and I think that she’s content here. I hope it works out for her and Kenneth because I would hate to pick up the pieces of Kenneth destroying Emily.

As darkness takes over the sky, Emily yawns. I know she gets up early and goes to bed early so I need to get her home.

I lean over and whisper, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, I’m tired.”

“Okay.” I smile at her. “Kenneth, Mike, Ms. Janes, we’re going to get going. It’s getting late.”

“Oh, okay,” Cassandra replies, “I guess I didn’t realize how late it was.”

“You both are welcome here anytime, please come up whenever you want.” Kenneth stands and shakes my hand after I help Emily up.

“Thank you. I’m sure we will visit again,” Emily says with a smile. She walks over to Cassandra, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. “Talk to you tomorrow, okay.”

“Yes, night darling, Patrick.”

“Nice meeting you, Mike. Take care.”

“You too, Patrick and Emily,” he says, shaking both of our hands.

“Night, Emily,” Kenneth pulls her into a hug and she doesn’t hesitate.

“Night, Kenneth,” she says, smiling.

We walk toward the front door and Kenneth follows us, turning on the lights before we need them. I get Emily in the car and walk to my side of the car, waving at Kenneth before I get in and shut the door. We’re quickly off the property and onto a state road, taking us wherever she wants to go.

“Where am I taking you; your apartment or my house?”

She looks at me, mischievousness dancing in her eyes. “Your house.”

“Do you want to stop by your place to get clothes?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind.

“Not at all.”

“Thank you. So what did you and Kenneth talk about?”

“That’s bro talk.”


“I’m messing with you. Just make sure you give him a chance; get to know him. I told him I would encourage you to.”

“Maybe you should do the same with your dad.”

“I don’t know how good that will do. He’s non-communitive and they don’t know if he will ever recover.”

“He’s still alive right?”

“Yes, but I don’t know if he can hear me or if he even wants to.”

“Remember the letter he wrote? Maybe that’s your real dad, Patrick. I know he’s hurt you pretty bad, but at least try so you can say you have.”

I sigh. I know she’s right. “Fine. For you, I will try.”

“For yourself.”

“I will try for myself, for you.”

“That works.” She places her hand on my leg, rubbing close to my manhood. “I talked to Dr. Mike about everything. He suggested I write letters to Nate. That way I can get the emotions out I’m feeling and reading them at a later date will help me see how far I’ve come.”

“I can see that. It’s a good idea.”

“I think so. You know what else is a good idea?”

“What? Watching the stars from your bed,” she says as she rubs my cock through my slacks.

“I like the way you’re thinking, but you might want to watch your hand. I don’t want to have to pull over and fuck you on the side of the road.”

Her hand stills. “You wouldn’t.”

“I’ve been thinking about you wrapped around me since Sunday, don’t tease me.”

She moves her hand onto my leg and doesn’t move it. “Sorry.” She bites her lip like she has something else to say but won’t.

I move her hand from my leg and place mine under her dress. The garment is loose and I can move my hand up her leg without restriction. As I get closer to her mound, she wiggles in the seat with want, moving me closer to her. She’s wet, very wet and not wearing any panties. I think someone was a little presumptuous.

“Forget something this morning?”

“Umm,” she moans as I rub her slowly. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I don’t want to be a tease. “I wanted you when I woke up this morning.”


“Mmm, but you left me.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” I see a side road and I quickly turn down it. I drive a little farther down and see a pull off that looks well hidden. The gravel road I turned down doesn’t look traveled.

BOOK: Unwanted Fate
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