Un.Wavering (Claimed Series Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Un.Wavering (Claimed Series Book 3)
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At the remembrance of her companion, Hayden swept her eyes across the alcove. Using a low-hanging tree branch as a pull-up bar, the man performed a succession of quick and flawless pull-ups. His fatigued body all but preened under the familiarity of exercise.

Averting her eyes from the undressed and incredibly cut figure, Hayden wandered over to the cooked rabbits, feeling disheartened when she remembered Cole’s careful and diligent lesson of rabbit skinning.

“I see you’re finally awake,” Nicolas said in way of greeting. He dropped from the branch and turned a critical eye on Hayden. “Did you think I abandoned you? Is that why you began running further south without first properly scoping out your surroundings?”

Heat warmed Hayden’s cheeks, and like a fool, she avoided Nicolas’ judgment.

Remaining silent, she peeled off a chunk of flesh from the rabbit. Despite being cooked a few hours ago, the meat was still warm and tender.

“Thanks for the rabbit,” she mumbled.

Nicolas took a moment to respond, though it wasn’t to acknowledge Hayden’s gratitude. “I could have followed Cole after they took him.” His voice no longer came from across the clearing, but nearer to her. “Why would I abandon you now if I followed
and helped you escape from Celeste?”

“You still need me to pinpoint Cole’s general direction,” Hayden figured, giving him a hard stare as he took another step closer.

Nicolas smiled mockingly and Hayden glared. Cole’s brother clearly used the hours Hayden was asleep to recoup as well. He appeared a little less sickly, a little less frail, and a lot more focused and threatening.

She preferred dealing with Nicolas when he was dead on his feet.

“I have a good idea where we’re headed.” He walked around the makeshift fire pit, holding her gaze all the while. “I needed to keep you with me. To protect you. I don’t trust your beta to keep you safe when Cole isn’t around. And without you, Cole will hardly be open to my help.”

Reasons unknown to Hayden, Nicolas’ comment irritated her. She clenched the meat between her fingers, causing juices to drip down her fingers. “You lied then. You didn’t need me at all. Ultimately, I’m a treat to keep Cole at bay.”

Hardly deterred at her acidic tone, Nicolas nodded.

“Yes.” He considered her. “And no.”

Hayden exhaled, disgusted.

“If he knows you’re safe, Cole will be more inclined to spend a few days down South to investigate. It’s time he found out what our parents were dealing with before their deaths.”

Her interest rekindled. “Marie and Xavier?” She watched as Nicolas crouched down next to the embers, his attention firm and unwavering on Hayden. “They were actually responsible for something that warranted their murders?”

Nicolas caught her bitter tone and countered it with icy cruelness. “I had two options. Celeste could kill all the Slayters, including myself. Or I could help her kill my parents and spare Cole in the process.” His eyes turned hooded. “I chose the latter. Clearly.”

Hayden studied him spitefully before lowering her gaze in acceptance. She knew Cole would find more reason to argue, more reason to stay stubborn. They were not her parents, however, and it was not her betrayal to forgive.

“What were your parents doing that Celeste found so disagreeable?”

“All in due time, Hayden.” He smiled thinly. “It will be more beneficial to explain once Cole joins us. However, my word alone will not sway him. He will need solid evidence of our parents’ wrongdoings, hence our extended stay in Nevada.”

“Nevada?” She inhaled a few more pieces of rabbit, eager to set out again. “That’s where Celeste is holding Cole? Or is that where we will be investigating?”

“It’s where Cole is being held, and close to our investigating.” Nicolas stood. “Do you know what Nevada is known for, Hayden?”

She stopped chewing when she noticed the ominous glow in Nicolas’ eyes.


The man raised his eyebrows. “Make sure you your throwing knives are prepared and ready.” He turned a broad shoulder on her and destroyed the traces of the fire pit. “We are venturing in an area werewolves prefer to avoid.”

Hayden lost her appetite. “And that would be…?”

“Nevada. The silver state.”

2. Chapter Two


“It’s there, isn’t it?”

The fierce winds would have carried away her whispered inquiry had it been anyone other than Nicolas on the receiving end. Sitting proud and calm, the ebony wolf merely twitched his ear in response. His blue eyes focused intensely on the small shack built into the side of the mountain.

Said shack appeared unassuming.

There was nothing particular conspicuous about it. Quite the contrary, it appeared feeble enough to collapse precipitously in the strong, biting winds.

Besides the faint aroma of silver scenting the air, the only thing that alerted outsiders to its oddity were the wolves. Wolves were not a rarity in Northern Nevada, especially in the mountains, but it was unusual to see them congregated around a building structure.

Hayden knew better. Despite Celeste leading
these werewolves had enough control to morph into their canine forms on days that weren’t the full moon. Then again, the term ‘rogue’ was no longer the black and white classification the traditional werewolves created those many decades ago.

Who knew how many types of rogues were out there, how intelligent they were, how strong they were…

Leaning against the tree trunk, her fingernails dug anxiously into the cold bark.

“He’s in there,” Hayden whispered breathlessly.

She didn’t need Nicolas’ confirmation. She didn’t need to
this old, rundown shack to know her Alpha was inside. Her exhaustion, which had weighed heavily and dampened her spirits, abruptly vanished.

Adrenaline took its place.

Cole was finally within reach. His presence was still weak, still murky, but every instinct told her to go into that rotten shack and retrieve him.

Her foot twitched, and twitched again. The toe of her boot made a steady trail in the snow, inching ever so gradually towards the shack. She began to dismiss the threat of the prowling rogues who stood careful guard.

There was no rhyme or reason to the wolves’ pattern, anyway. They were simply prowling the outskirts of the shack. Surely, between Nicolas and herself, the watchmen wouldn’t pose much of a threat.

As if sensing her intentions, Nicolas suddenly animated, lunging at her with uncanny quickness.

His hackles rose, exposing his sharp canines. A low, almost inaudible growl thundered in his chest as he stood before her, his tail high and hooked aggressively.

She took a startled step back, but hastily composed herself when no attack came. Observing the raised fur on Nicolas’ shoulders, Hayden reluctantly lowered her chin. She kept her eyes firm, though, refusing to admit total submission in the face of Nicolas’ hostility.

“I won’t,” she placated softly. “You may think I’m stupid, but I’m not

A part of her was insulted that Nicolas thought she’d charge senselessly into the shack. But he had every right to intervene. Her instincts, no matter how hard she suppressed them, were to retrieve Cole as soon as possible. Briefly, she wondered if this recklessness would worsen once they mated.

Shaking her head at the senseless thought, she retreated into the trees.

Nicolas’ displeasure was tangible, but Hayden wasn’t discouraged. Boldly, she crouched down eye-level with the onyx wolf and smirked boldly. The canine snapped his teeth inches from her face and Hayden congratulated herself for not flinching.

“You said we’re going to use stealth to rescue Cole.” Despite the situation, she found it
to keep eye contact with the Alpha male
“I can’t wait to hear this plan.”

Though her tone was mocking, Nicolas obliged. His bones and limbs shifted, gradually turning back to human. He gave her an unimpressed look, an expression worth far more words than he’d ever speak aloud.

“Silly girl. I have half the sense of sending you down there to act as a distraction.”

Feeling audacious, Hayden remained unintimidated. “You wouldn’t do that.” She called his bluff. He always bluffed when it came to her safety. “You admitted yourself that you needed me alive to placate Cole. Without me, he’d never trust you again.”

One minute she had Nicolas in her sights, the next moment she found herself face down in the snow, a hand wrapped firmly around the nape of her neck. The unyielding grip, and its position, set Hayden’s teeth on edge. She bucked against the hold, but Nicolas kept a knee at the small of her back, preventing any counterattack.

His weight was oppressive, dominant, and he left her breathless.

He pressed his lips against her ear, his tone as cold as the snow beneath her. “I am not vying for Cole’s trust, nor his favor. This means you are
.” Tightening his grip, he increased the weight on her back. “Rest assured I
you. I am fond of you. If, for whatever reason, you become undesirable in my eyes, I will dispose of you.”

Exhaling, Hayden glowered at the snow, smart enough to remain limp. She did not rebuke his actions, as Nicolas was asserting his authority. While she preferred to be the more dominant wolf, she knew her boundaries.

Against the eldest Slayter, she was a defenseless pup.

“Do I make myself clear?”

Amber eyes turned hooded with annoyance. “Very clear,” she bit out.

He released her and she scrambled up, refusing to be on her belly any longer than necessary. Brushing the snow from her arms, she glanced up and noticed Nicolas was no longer in sight. Twirling, she spotted him retreating
from the shack, away from Cole.

“You’re going the wrong way.” Hayden jogged after the nude man and brushed her fingers across his large bicep. That was all she was able to grab before he pulled away. 

“Now is not the time to attack.”

“But we can’t leave him.”

Nicolas stopped and turned. “You cannot think logically because of your relationship with him. It’s a good thing I am in charge. You’d be dead by now, or worse, part of Celeste’s experimental group.”

Hayden pondered on the latter scenario, before refocusing on Cole. “Every instinct I have is pulling me back towards him.” She hadn’t intended to sound so weak. “I can’t be away from him. Not like this. You promised—”

“To reunite you with Cole.” 


He inclined his head. “And I will. But now is not the time.”

And without another word, he continued his retreat. His powerful shoulders tensed prominently before he fluidly transformed. He preferred his wolf form, she noticed mutely, probably to avoid any unnecessary conversation with her.

She stayed back for another moment, glancing at the shack from over her shoulder. A bad feeling settled in her stomach. Even if Nicolas said the right things, about protecting Cole, about doing all
because of his affection for his brother, Hayden still had doubts.

There was nothing wrong with having doubts, she reasoned. It would be stupid to trust him blindly. But could she trust him enough to follow him into Celeste’s hideout? She couldn’t imagine going by herself, but if it came down to it, she would.

Pushing away her reservations, Hayden trotted after Nicolas. Despite his vagueness, he had an idea up his sleeve. And right now, that was more than Hayden possessed.

She would follow him until he proved deceitful.

But by then, she knew it would be too late to turn back.

* * * *

The aroma of burning flesh and blood quickly alerted the two werewolves that something was amiss. Nicolas swiftly transformed back into his human form and maintained a smothering proximity to Hayden, a subconscious and instinctive effort to protect.

His face was unreadable, but it was drawn sternly, a far cry from his normally mischievous and arrogant façade. Hayden cast him a sidelong glance, her eyes lingering across his rugged features.

Her heart yearned when she once again noted the similarities between Nicolas and his brother. The sooner Nicolas was clean-shaven, the sooner Hayden could stop drawing comparisons. Cole and Nicolas were nothing alike, yet the relation was obvious.

“Shouldn’t we turn back?” Hayden inquired softly as she peeked through the thick brush and towards a decent-sized cabin.

This was Nicolas’ planned destination, but it was also the source of the foul smell. Going inside was the last thing she wanted to do. How could death and destruction possibly help rescue Cole?

Strangely, he agreed. “We should,” he consented. “However, considering these men were part of my plan to extract Cole, I would like to know what became of them.” The man’s pale eyes considered her. “You can wait out here. I won’t be long.”

Hayden bristled. “I think I can handle whatever’s inside.”

Naturally, Nicolas didn’t stick around to argue. He was already across the clearing, approaching the side entrance. Quickly trailing after the elusive man, she paused alongside him to listen for signs of life inside the cabin.

Nothing greeted them besides the pungent smell of death.

Without holding the door open for her, Nicolas entered the cabin, his steps inaudible. Hayden matched his stealth, but she couldn’t stifle the startled gasp from escaping her lungs. She observed the scene before her, fighting the sharp nausea.

There were twelve men, all murdered by varying degrees of brutality. Some were still sitting around a table, their attacker clearly taking them by surprise. Most of them had broken necks, their throats torn and bloodied. Others had deaths that were more gruesome, varying from fractured skulls, ripped abdomens, and a face plant in the fireplace.

A werewolf was clearly responsible.

Hayden watched as a steady trail of blood dripped from one of the men’s throats and onto the floor with a pitter-patter-like melody. Tightening her jaw, she looked away.

Though, the walls didn’t prove to be much condolence either.

Eyes dilating, she analyzed the wolf skulls hanging proudly next to their respected wolf hide. Weapons, rifles, and other weapons propped against the walls, unused and untouched despite the brutality that recently took place. Photographs of men lined the walls and tables, each frame proudly displaying a fresh wolf kill.

Those weren’t ordinary wolf skulls or wolf hides. Those belonged to werewolves.

“Hunters,” Hayden spluttered in accusation. “You wanted to ally yourself with
? How were these men supposed to help us rescue Cole?”

Her overwhelming pity for these men suddenly vanished. Instead, she callously viewed it as an eye for an eye.

Nicolas barely paid her any heed as he coldly assessed the carnage. “I’m certain Cole explained to you the importance of Hunters. They must exist if the werewolf exists.” He paid special attention to a photograph on the wall. “Without them, there would be no order. Traditional werewolves can only do so much to eliminate rogues.”

At her sides, her hands curled into fists. “Hunters are what started all this. They ran us out of Albertville. They destroyed our
. They don’t know right from wrong, they only know bloodlust.”

The Alpha male offered Hayden one of his customary smirks. “Come now, Hayden. You don’t honestly believe that, do you?”

She stubbornly avoided looking at the dead bodies. “I do.”

Nicolas tsked. “The rogues orchestrated the evacuation of your home, not the Hunters. What was the one thing that would trigger such a reaction from the Hunters? What was their Achilles heel? Or… more appropriately, who was holding their leash?”

Hayden bit the inside of her cheek. “Red Donovan,” she grumbled out.

Slowly, the tension left her body as she began thinking rationally. When she was on the run with Rachel, she’d come to the same conclusion.

Somehow, the rogue werewolves managed to get to Red Donovan, who’d still been recovering from his injuries with Falco. Either the rogues had killed Red Donovan, or they coerced a traditional werewolf from town to kill him.

Either way, the end result was catastrophic. The flimsy truce between the Hunters and the Albertville werewolves had crumbled.

“They’re smart,” Hayden commented reluctantly with a hint of unease. “The rogues.”

“Celeste is an exceedingly smart woman. A very noteworthy enemy. Or ally.” Nicolas grabbed one of the rifles and turned to her. “From here on out, I think it’s best if you forget the stereotypes. Rogues are no longer uncontrolled. Traditional wolves are no longer honorable. Humans will no longer be oblivious. And Hunters are no longer the police force of the werewolf community. Trust very few. If any.”

She stared.

It was unnerving to be amongst a dozen of corpses, but Nicolas’ warning somehow made her even more on edge. “That’s ridiculous,” she rebuffed. “How are we supposed to win if we can’t trust anyone?”

Nicolas abruptly stopped inspecting the rifle and gazed through her. A soft, nearly inaudible scoff escaped his lips. “My dear girl, this isn’t about who wins or who loses. The victor has already been crowned.”

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