Unwrapped (31 page)

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Authors: Erin McCarthy,Donna Kauffman,Kate Angell

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #Anthologies

BOOK: Unwrapped
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Jay’s face lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree, all glowy and bright.

Aidan relaxed. Maybe he’d get off easier than he’d expected. In Jay’s eyes, nothing Dutton’s offered could compare to Pamela’s cup size.

“We need more wine,” Jay said. “It’s freezing in here and I could use the buzz.”

“I can’t get so drunk I let you take advantage of me.” Pamela giggled.

“You’ll never be under the influence, babe, only under me,” Jay said.

Pamela laughed so hard she nearly fell off the couch.

Allie nudged Aidan with her elbow. “I feel like Alice down the rabbit hole.”

“I’m right there with you,” he said. “But there’s no way out of Wonderland until tomorrow.”

Allie laced her fingers with his. “It’s funny how things turn out when two people are forced to be honest with each other.”

“What do you mean?” Aidan asked. What was she leading up to?

She looked at the two would-be celebrities, laughing and whispering like old friends. “Their department store confessions seemed to bring them closer together.”

Aidan kept quiet, knowing he was on shaky ground with whatever he said. Best to let the matter drop. For now. He had his own admission to make. That would happen soon enough.

For the moment, he enjoyed the softness of her palm, the intimate squeeze of her hand. When she shivered, he felt her chill all the way to her fingertips. He tensed. As much as he’d like to believe otherwise, they’d need more than body heat to survive the night.

“Let’s move to the sixth floor,” Aidan said. “Sam and I will locate battery-heated camping blankets.”

“I have sensitive skin and wool blankets can be scratchy,” Pamela complained. “I’d rather have a cashmere comforter.”

“Our bedding tonight isn’t about fashion, it’s about survival,” Sam said with authority. “We don’t want anyone to freeze.”

“We have display beds. You can take your pick,” Aidan told them.

Jay looked at Pamela, his eyes widening. “Have you seen the Gold Bed?” he asked. “I read about it online. It’s the most expensive waterbed in the world. The frame is coated in 24-carat gold, and Swarovski Crystals line the sideboard. We could make some big waves tonight.”

Sam shook his head. “No waves. Without electricity, the bed will be a block of ice.”

Pamela shivered. “Sounds too cold for me.”

“I’ll keep you warm,” Jay told her.

“I’ll help Sam gather what’s needed so we can all keep warm,” Aidan said to Allie. He bent, lightly brushed her lips with his own. He would have enjoyed deepening that kiss. Wrong time. Wrong place. He didn’t want his woman to freeze on the spot. “I’ll be right back. Then we’ll head upstairs.”

He returned in record time, not wanting to leave Allie alone longer than was absolutely necessary. With him he had battery-operated blankets that were thick, durable, and meant to sustain sub-zero temperatures.

Tonight was all about warmth. Not sex.

The sleeping bag for two was his personal favorite.

Spooning was his position of choice.

Sam assisted the Murphys to the emergency stairwell, making sure they had plenty of light to guide their way. They began their climb. Pamela and Jay scooped up the leftover chocolates. Lanterns in hand, they weaved unsteadily across the room, making Aidan wonder if he should follow them to keep them out of trouble. Their laughter echoed eerily through the darkness.

Allie nudged him, offering to carry the blankets and sleeping bag, if he carried her. He hooked her opera cane over her left wrist, lifted her easily. He swiped the last lantern off the coffee table.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. “We can make a quick stop on the fifth floor. Food and wine can provide dinner.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Allie smiled back. “We could pick up something for Sam and the Murphys too,” she suggested. “Pamela and Jay are having their own private party.”

Aidan swung the lantern wide on their departure. There were so many items to be returned to their regular departments. At that moment, he didn’t much care. Getting through this bitter cold night was his number one priority.

He held Allie close. So close, he couldn’t tell where her body left off and his began. It felt right to have her in his life. Three years of missing her now melted like an ice cube. She warmed him with a look. A touch. A smile.

Food and wine produced sweets for everyone. Aidan topped the blankets with a holiday tin of orange-pecan biscuit thins and a sticky toffee pudding. Eau de Sucre was his favorite gourmet microbrew soda, served in aqua mosaic bottles. His tastes ran to maple syrup root beer, while Allie wanted to try both chocolate lavender and black lemonade.

She was soon completely covered with blankets and food. He could only see the top of her blond head. He could, however, feel her curves, as one of his arms supported her bottom and the other crossed her back. They proceeded to the emergency exit.

Sam came quickly and unburdened Allie once they reached the sixth floor. The guard spread the biscuits, pudding, and sodas on a mahogany nightstand. The Murphys came to serve themselves. Luckily the pudding came with plastic spoons.

“Any particular place you would like us to sleep?” Warren asked Aidan, stifling a yawn. “I’m tired and would like to stretch out soon.”

Aidan pointed to a row of Sweden by Hastings beds. “The beds are all made up. The mattresses are like sleeping on a cloud,” he said with just the hint of a sales pitch. “Sam will put batteries in the camping blankets and you should stay warm throughout the night.”

Marian Murphy slipped into her winter wool coat. She wrapped a scarf around her neck, then donned her mittens. “I’m all for being toasty,” she said, hunching her shoulders and rubbing her gloved hands together.

“I’m all about heating the sheets,” Pamela said from two aisles over. She pulled back the comforter on a queen-size bed and began to stroke the top sheet as if it was a lover. The little sound of appreciation she made was almost sexual.

She grabbed the price tag off the bed and her eyes popped. “Only Midas could afford these linens. It says here they’re handmade merino wool backed with thousandcount Egyptian cotton. They’re also threaded with gold.”

Jay came up behind her. “I’ve never slept on gold.”

“That bed’s strictly for show,” Sam interceded before the two could crawl under the covers. “Pick another one.”

“Party pooper.” Pamela sniffed.

“Forget him,” Jay said, slipping his arm around her. “We’ll try out all the beds until we find the right one.”

“Just call me Goldilocks,” she giggled.

Aidan and Allie watched as the couple sat, bounced, and flopped on a dozen display beds before settling on an ornate brass one in the far corner. They picked out orthopedic pillows and thick down comforters. Sam left two camping blankets on their nightstand in case Jack Frost nipped their noses.

The Murphys chose a double bed and Sam saw to their comfort, making sure they were snug under the covers. Sam settled onto a juvenile boy’s single near the emergency exit. Aidan knew he took his security job seriously. He would safeguard their sleep from a bed designed as a race car.

Aidan finished off the biscuit thins and Allie sipped the last of her soda. They looked at each other, Allie biting down on her lower lip, Aidan trying to keep his libido from getting out of hand. He restrained himself from licking off her chocolate lavender soda moustache. Instead he pressed the cuff on his shirt to her upper lip. It was time to turn in.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined taking Allie to bed at Dutton’s Department Store in the middle of a blizzard. Yet here they stood, looking over the displays, ready to make a decision on their bed for the night.

“Sleigh bed? Round one?” he asked her.

“I’d be waiting for Rudolph all night in the sleigh bed,” she said with a smile. “The round one reminds me of a marshmallow.”

“Four poster?” He grabbed the sleeping bag, took her by the hand, and led her down the aisle. She limped beside him. He brought her to a luxury bed with a sheer nude fabric canopy and matching sheets. It was a bed where naked bodies could blend with the bedding. Sex would get all wrapped up in an intimate heat.

No lovemaking tonight, it was too public. Aidan focused on the cold that settled around them. Tonight was all about survival.

“The bed looks inviting,” she agreed, letting out a long, slow breath as if she could read his thoughts.

Aidan spread the sleeping bag over the sheets. He unzipped one side to give her easy access. She rested her cane against the headboard, toed off her right boot, and climbed inside.

“Feels like a furnace,” she said.

Aidan took off his loafers, eased in behind her. He positioned himself against her back, careful of her sprained ankle. Her head rested on his upper arm, and her shoulder pressed his chest. Her bottom curved against his groin. The slide of the sleeping bag zipper locked them in for the night. She pushed back, snuggling tight.

The lady was exhausted.

She softened in his arms.

He hardened against her ass.

He counted close to a million sheep before he fell asleep.

Chapter Five

idan, Allie, wake up

Allie Smith opened one eye and yawned. Someone was shaking Aidan’s shoulder so hard it awakened her too. She tried to stretch, but found herself confined between man and sleeping bag. She smiled, remembering how cozy she’d felt all night with his arms around her and what she guessed was his erection pressing against her behind.

She located the zipper at the top of the bag and tugged it down the side. Unfortunately their sexy sleepover had come to an end. The light from the overhead fixtures nearly blinded her. The electricity was restored.

Sam stood over them, his expression wary.

Directly behind the security guard was a uniformed policeman. His badge read Officer Link. The cop stared at her for a long time, making her self-conscious. She knew she looked a mess. Bed head and wrinkled clothing had her wanting to zip the sleeping bag back up.

Aidan stirred beside her. He pushed up on one elbow, blinked against the brightness. “Officer,” he acknowledged, his voice hoarse. “Emergency services must have worked quickly to restore electricity.”

“State Street is up and running, Mr. Dutton,” the officer stated.

What did he just say?

Allie started, tried to clear the cobwebs from her head. She must still be asleep. The law enforcement office had address Aidan as
Mr. Dutton

“We’re assisting those trapped to leave the building,” the cop continued. “We’ll provide police escort to their homes. The street is almost cleared. We found vehicles buried at the curb. It’s been slow-going for the snow plows.”

“Any further problems, Officer Link?” Aidan asked.

Allie noticed he avoided her gaze. They’d just spent the night pressed together like puzzle pieces and now he wouldn’t even look at her?
What was up with that and the “Mr. Dutton” business?

The officer cleared his throat. “Law enforcement is canvassing the area now. We’re making certain there weren’t any looters. Down the block, Lacy Antoinette’s has a broken front window, no doubt from the blizzard. Unfortunately, racks of lingerie were stolen. I found a red bra on the sidewalk.”

Sam shook his head, muttered, “The thieves must have escaped on snowmobiles.”

Allie wasn’t concerned about criminals or red bras. She mentally backtracked to the policeman calling Aidan
Mr. Dutton.
Surely the cop had made a mistake.

“Your parents were concerned for your safety, Mr. Dutton,” Officer Link said. “They would appreciate a call once the phone lines are restored.”

Again, “Mr. Dutton.”
She might be sleepy-eyed, but her hearing was acute. Her man radar told her Aidan was hiding something from her. Something important.

The officer tugged the flaps on his winter cap back over his ears then nodded to the security guard. “Good job, Sam. Looks like everyone survived at your store. Others in the city weren’t so lucky.”

“That’s my job, Officer Link,” Sam said with pride, “and I try to do it well in any kind of weather.”

“Good to see you again, Mr. Dutton,” the policeman said on his departure. “Those of us at the thirty-ninth precinct always appreciate your generous donation of Trees for Tots. We gave away two hundred decorated evergreens this year. The children went nuts. Kids believe they must have a tree for Santa to leave presents.”

The third
Mr. Dutton
couldn’t be a mistake.

A bitter chill raced up and down her spine, his betrayal making her numb. She couldn’t feel, couldn’t think, couldn’t move. Every nerve in her body was stretched taut. If she so much as took a big breath, she would explode into millions of tiny particles. And she’d cease to exist. Her heart broken.

The richer the man, the faster he leaves
. Her mother’s words rang in her ears, loud as an alarm.

A shudder racked her body, breaking the spell. Pain stabbed her insides. It hurt. Hurt bad. This couldn’t be happening. Surely Aidan hadn’t played her.

She knew deep in her heart he wasn’t a mean man. She’d seen firsthand how he took interest in the welfare of the Murphys, how Sam looked up to him with respect, even the way he handled the phony would-be celebs. With firmness but compassion. Still, she couldn’t deny he hadn’t been honest with her.

She silently fumed. The man knew her body as well as he knew his own, and he couldn’t let her in on what the entire police department already knew?

Of all the failures she’d endured with men, this was the worst yet. There was no room in his privileged lifestyle for a broken down ski bunny who could barely hop.

Whatever excuses she made, she couldn’t deny the awful truth. She’d fallen in love with the first floor supervisor, only to be told he
owned the store.

Merry Christmas from the Grinch.

Allie Smith had just found coal in her Christmas stocking.

She pushed to a sitting position against the headboard, glanced at the man she now knew as Mr. Dutton. His hair was mussed, his gray eyes were heavily lidded. He looked uneasy. Worried. His lack of self-assurance made her own confidence wane.

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