Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty-First Century (46 page)

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Authors: Barbara Carrellas

Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

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* Commit to your sexual pleasure, your sexual energy, and your orgasm.
* As you breathe, Kegel, fuck, or flog, visualize your intention to know death better.
* You may visualize briefly stepping out of your body, seeing yourself as spirit, or becoming peace or silence or a part of All That Is.
* You may visualize being embraced by God/dess or even kissing Death on the lips.
* At the point of orgasm, let go as completely as you can. Release your visualization. Let your body go, your mind go, your emotions go.
* Do nothing, plan nothing, be nothing. Let death happen to you in whatever form it chooses to take.
* Make no judgments about what happens.

My other favorite death meditation is energetically quite different. It is done with a partner. One of you will “die” and the other will witness the “death.” If you are the one who is “dying,” lie down flat on your back in the yoga corpse pose with your arms and legs extended and relaxed. Your partner sits on the floor next to you and just witnesses. The rest is simple: all you do is die. How do you die? Well, that’s what you discover in the course of the meditation. Your breath may get shallow, you may have
visions; everyone’s method of death and experience of dying is different. And that’s the point. There is no one way to die. You may find that dying is very easy for you; you may find it very difficult. That is also appropriate. This meditation is not about who dies better, faster, or more easily. It’s about opening yourself up to a closer, healthier relationship with death.

If you are the witnessing partner in this meditation, try to keep your eyes open or partially open most of the time. Stay present with your partner. Even though you are only witnessing, keep in mind that witnessing death is in and of itself a powerful experience. As a witness, you too may experience visions; your partner’s face may appear to change. You may feel emotional; it may bring up memories or visions or feelings about the death of a loved one. If you believe in past lives, you may even experience some of your own deaths.

It is said that only through death do we really know life. Each time you perform a death meditation, you are likely to discover a new aspect of death. Every time you embrace death a bit more tightly, your delight in life expands proportionately.

As I am sure you realize by now, Tantra is about far more than sex. In Tantra, all worldly activities are opportunities to experience the divine, especially when they are approached with consciousness and intention. Sex is simply one particularly delightful and powerful way to tap into the pleasures and desires that permeate the entire universe. As you dive totally into each present moment in sex, you tap into universal ecstasy. Soon you will be able to make that same ecstatic connection in other areas of your life. When you live Tantrically, you live with love and passion for all of life, and with a consistent, blissful connection to All That Is and All That You Are.


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