Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (10 page)

BOOK: Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Abe remembered what Turi was like when he was returned to the tribe after being kidnapped by some human named Billy. Turi had stayed to himself for years, never really talking or interacting with the others.

Now he was supposed to be mated to an elder? That was really messed up. Somehow Abe knew that Egon was not Turi’s mate. “So what do you plan on doing?”

“I don’t know,” Turi wailed. “I can’t be mated to him, Abraham. I just can’t.”

Abe hated when he was called by his birth name. Only his tribe used the full version. That’s why he hated hearing it.

“What about Malcolm?” Valentino asked. “He runs a ranch, but from what I’m told, he also runs a place for people who need help.”

Abe glanced up at Valentino, glad the canines were gone. “Uh, have you forgotten our small problem?” Like the way his mate had gone to the Lakelands’, sword drawn and punching Gavin.

“I’ll call Malcolm,” Valentino said. “Even if he is still pissed at me, I know he won’t turn your friend away.”

“He isn’t my friend,” Abe answered and regretted his words when he saw the hurt in Turi’s eyes. It was true, but he wasn’t out to crush the man. Still, Abe didn’t retract his words.

He really didn’t want to be caught up in this mess. The sooner they could get Turi to the ranch, the sooner Abe could be done with this. He never wanted to see the elders—or any of the tribe members—again.

“Who’s Malcolm?” Turi asked when Valentino walked away.

“Do you remember when you were rescued from that human’s house?”

Abe could visibly see Turi shutting down. He wasn’t sure what had happened, but he had a feeling Turi didn’t want to think about that. He gave Abe a quick nod, his eyes downcast.

“Malcolm was the father bear who showed up when you were rescued.”

Turi scratched at his head. “I really don’t remember too much that day.”

And Abe could tell Turi wanted to change the subject from the way his eyes began to dart around. “What is this place?”

“A vet clinic,” Abe stated proudly. “My mate owns it.”

Turi’s green eyes widened. “That cougar shifter is your mate?”

“He is,” Abe answered and then thought of something. “Was that you calling my name?”

Turi nodded. “I wanted to see if you were alone back here.”

“What about out in the parking lot?”

The man looked confused. “I wasn’t out there. I shimmered right into the hallway.”

Before Abe could say another word, Turi’s father shimmered in behind Turi. “How dare you disgrace our family by running!”

Abe grabbed Turi, ready to shimmer away when a cougar came barreling around the corner, yowling loudly. Valentino!

Abe had never seen his mate in his cougar form, but he knew who the creature was. Turi’s father let out a disgusted grunt before shimmering away. Abe knew that he hadn’t seen the last of that man.

Valentino shifted and Abe wanted to cover his mate. He didn’t like the man standing there naked for others to see. The shifters may be used to nudity, but Wood elves weren’t. Turi gaped at Valentino, his eyes lowering to the vet’s groin.

Abe smacked Turi on the back of his head. “It is very offensive for someone to stare at a naked shifter.” And Abe was very offended.

“Sorry,” Turi replied as he quickly glanced away.

“We need to get him to the ranch,” Valentino said as he opened a small locker Abe hadn’t even noticed. His mate pulled a pair of jeans out and a dress shirt, quickly donning the clothes. “Malcolm said he would take Turi.”

Abe was relieved. He couldn’t turn Turi away, but he also didn’t want to take on the responsibility either. He was dealing with enough problems of his own.

As the three walked toward the front of the clinic, Abe remembered the voice in the parking lot and shivered. Turi said it wasn’t him.

So then, who was it?

Chapter Seven


Valentino pulled into the Lakelands’ driveway. He cut the motor and climbed out of his Focus. Abe and Turi followed. He spotted the twins working with the horses in the corral, but headed toward the front door.

He wasn’t here for a visit.

“Are you sure I’ll be safe here?” Turi asked, his eyes glued to the twins. When they turned around, Valentino could see Chance’s brows lifting high on his forehead before he quickly masked his features.

Malcolm had told Valentino what happened all those years ago and he knew that it was Chance who had rescued Turi. It seemed Chance remembered the guy.

“This is the safest place you could be,” Abe said. “The bears don’t let anyone around that doesn’t belong here.”

Turi didn’t look convinced, but climbed the steps regardless. The guy was twitchy as hell. Valentino wasn’t sure if it was from seeing Chance and remembering what had happened so long ago, or if it was from running. It could be both, or the man could just be a naturally twitchy guy.

Malcolm met them at the door, opening the screen for them to enter the house. “Dr. Prayze,” he said good-naturedly. Valentino wasn’t sure what to expect.

“Stop looking like I’m going to bite your head off,” he said to Valentino. “Water under the bridge.”

Okay, that wasn’t what he had been expecting, but Valentino was glad there were no hard feelings between him and Malcolm. “This is Turi.” He placed a hand on the jittery fey’s shoulder.

Malcolm gave a gruff nod. “He’ll be looked after. I called Maverick to let him know what was going on.”

That was a wise move. If shit got funky, it was always good to have the alpha on a person’s side. Maverick was no one to trifle with.

“How’s the hand?” Malcolm asked Abe, his features softening when he glanced at Valentino’s mate.

“We’re heading to Dr. Sheehan’s,” Abe answered. “I’m hoping to find out more once he looks at my hand.”

Valentino gave a low growl when he spotted Gavin standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He and Malcolm may have settled their differences, but he was still pissed at Gavin. At least the man had enough decency to look guilty.

“We need to head out,” Valentino said. He needed to get out of here before he lost his temper. He was a pretty laid-back man, until it came to his mate. Valentino had no clue he was this feral, not when it came to men. But Abe was his mate and Valentino was very fierce about protecting the small fey.

Abe glanced up at him and he knew his mate could tell that he was on edge. Maybe one day he would forgive Gavin, but today was not that day. He placed his arm over Abe’s shoulder, steering his mate toward the door. “I’ll call and check up on Turi,” he said to Malcolm.

Valentino moved them outside, taking in a deep breath as they walked back toward his car. Abe didn’t say a word. The man climbed into the passenger side and settled in.

The drive was quiet all the way to the Den. Valentino stopped at the looming black gate and buzzed. Once he announced who he was, the gates swung wide. He parked next to a row of shiny motorcycles and headed toward the house.

He and Abe were shown to the doctor’s office.

“Great to see you two,” Dr. Sheehan said as he waved a hand toward two chairs. “Have a seat so we can see what’s going on with your hand.”

Valentino sat next to Abe as the doctor began to remove Abe’s bandages.

“How’s it look?” Abe asked as he gazed down at what the doctor was doing.

“You’re healing beautifully. Now, let’s see if you can bend those fingers.”

Valentino moved closer, ready to comfort Abe if he couldn’t move his fingers. “Just remember I have a hand you can borrow if need be.” He winked at Abe.

“Let’s not start that again,” Dr. Sheehan said. “No sex in my exam room.”

Valentino’s heart froze and then pounded as he quickly inhaled when Abe gazed up at him through the fall of his blond bangs, his smile amazing and teasing. He had a heavy feeling in his stomach and was nearly breathless at the way Abe was staring back at him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Valentino glanced down and wished he hadn’t. He could see the outline of Abe’s erection in his pants. His mate didn’t stop staring at him as he began to move his hand for the doctor. Valentino had a feeling Abe was using him as a distraction and he was all right with that.

But there was no way he could fake a hard cock. Valentino had been patient enough. When he got his mate home…

“Very good,” Dr. Sheehan said. “It looks like the functionality in your hand wasn’t lost. I think you will have a full recovery, Abe.”

Abe’s head snapped around as he wiggled his fingers. They moved slowly, but they moved. Valentino grinned widely as a soft sob left Abe’s throat. He ran the back of his knuckles down Abe’s back, placing a light kiss on his shoulder. “See, there was nothing to worry about.”

The doctor began to rebandage Abe’s hand. “He’ll still need healing time, but it looks like he is progressing nicely.”

That was the best news Valentino could have hoped for. Abe was going to be all right. His heart lightened as the doctor stood. “Just be careful with your hand. The stitches will come out soon, but the healing is going to take a lot longer.”

Valentino shook the doctor’s hand. “I’ll make sure he takes damn good care of it.”

“Try to exercise those fingers as well,” Dr. Sheehan said. “Do a few curls a couple of times a day to strengthen them.”

Valentino left the Den with Abe, satisfied that his mate was going to recover. “I guess you don’t need my hand after all.”

Abe gave him a sheepish grin. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“We never got to eat lunch,” Valentino said. He had to ignore Abe’s statement or he was going to jump the man’s bones right here in the driveway.

“But it’s closer to dinner,” Abe pointed out as he got into the car.

“Then I guess we have dinner.” Valentino drove them into town, parking in front of the diner. He hadn’t taken anything out for dinner, so they would have to dine out tonight.

As they took a seat in one of the booths, Valentino noticed a man walk into the diner. Now, he normally didn’t notice strangers coming and going. Heck, he was still trying to learn the townsfolk. But what made him eye the guy was the fact that he was eyeing Abe.

At first Valentino thought it was jealousy coming out, but it was the way the man was studying his mate. The stranger took a seat at the counter and finally ignored them.

“I’m still famished,” Abe was saying. “Everything on the menu looks good.”

Valentino smiled when Tangee came over to the table to take their drink orders. He still hadn’t decided what he wanted for dinner and Valentino was still watching the man who had been watching Abe.

The stranger hadn’t glanced their way for the rest of their duration at the diner. That still didn’t mean Valentino trusted the man, but he let it go. He just might be feeling paranoid after dealing with Turi and his father.

“Ready?” Valentino grabbed the ticket and went to the counter to pay. He gave a sideways glance at the stranger, but the guy didn’t look his way. He met Abe at the door and then walked out, heading toward his car.

Valentino drove home, putting the stranger from his mind. He had other things to think about, like claiming his mate. He had been more than patient and his cougar was getting edgy. Valentino could practically feel the anticipation humming through him as he drove them home.

“Thanks for dinner,” Abe said from beside him. Valentino could tell his mate was nervous. The man kept fidgeting with the seatbelt strap, his eyes darting out of the window.

By the time he pulled into the driveway, Abe was jittery as hell. Valentino cut the motor and slid from the car, being as casual as he could. He was jittery as well, but not for the same reason that Abe was. His little mate was nervous. This being his first time.

Valentino was just horny as hell and couldn’t wait to get his mate in bed. He also couldn’t wait to claim the small fey. He had behaved rather well in the past few days and now Valentino was about to be rewarded.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” Abe asked as he entered the living room.

Hell no. “I was thinking more on the lines of dessert.” Valentino curbed his arms around a slim body. “As I recall, someone said I could have it.”

Valentino walked backward until he reached the couch. He was wound too tight to make it to the bedroom. His cock already felt like he was going to explode in his jeans. Valentino needed naked skin and he needed it now.

Curling his fingers under the hem of Abe’s shirt, Valentino carefully worked it up and off of his mate’s body. He was mindful of Abe’s injured hand and make sure the fabric didn’t get caught on the bandages.

“Such a pretty body.” Valentino dipped his head, lapping at one of Abe’s nipples. He teased the flesh with his teeth, rolling the small bud around in his mouth. Under his fingers, Valentino could feel Abe’s chest rising and falling rapidly. His heart was beating wildly.

He was aching, wanting Abe to touch him, to show Valentino that his mate was just as needy as he was. Pulling back long enough to discard his shirt, Valentino attached his mouth to the neglected nipple, bathing it with his tongue.

Small moans were rumbling in Abe’s chest as Valentino began to unsnap the man’s jeans. He wanted to feel that thick cock in his hand. Abe’s fingers began to skim through Valentino’s hair, his fingers curling and uncurling. His wounded hand was resting on Valentino’s shoulder.

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