Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (8 page)

BOOK: Valentino's Cowboy [Brac Village 10] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Now that was the job Abe would love to have.

“I’ll go get him.” Valentino walked toward the front of the clinic as Abe glanced at the grey kitten.

“It must really suck to be stuck in there.” Abe was astonished when the kitten moved toward him, sticking his paw out between the bars. He grinned as he ran a finger over the soft fur.

“I see you and Symba are getting along,” Damon said as he entered the holding area. Abe gazed up into hazel eyes as the man gave him an easy smile. He liked Damon. The guy was nice.

“He’s cute.”

Damon stuck his finger in the cage and scratched the kitten’s head. “Just don’t get too attached. Symba is going home tomorrow.”

Abe glanced at the row of cages. “Do any of the animals live here?”

“On a permanent basis?”

Abe nodded.

“Nah. This isn’t a shelter. Most are here because they had some sort of surgery and need recovery time. Some are here because the owner is out of town. We house them until their owners return.”

“Like an animal hotel.”

Damon chuckled. “Something like that.”

Abe watched as Damon opened the cage and pulled the kitten free. He petted the grey fur before handing the kitten to Abe. This was the first time Abe had ever held a kitten. He was from a tribe that didn’t believe in pets. The Wood elves had pigs and cows, animals that helped them sustain their lives, but never any pets.

The kitten purred and Abe was instantly reminded of Valentino. The small animal curled in his arm, seeming content.

“He likes you,” Damon commented. “But, I was told to show you how to run things back here. Are you ready?”

Abe handed Symba back to Damon. “I’m ready.”

They got underway and Abe spent the better part of his morning cleaning cages and getting to know the animals. By lunch, he was exhausted. He walked up front to tell Damon he had completed all his tasks when he saw Bryce walk into the clinic. Abe couldn’t help but smile. It was good to see his buddy.

A wide grin broke out on Bryce’s face when he spotted Abe. “You’re covered in fur.”

Glancing down, Abe saw all the hair that he had collected on his clothes from spending his morning with the animals. “It looks like I need to shave my clothes.”

Bryce chuckled and Abe laughed. The big bear could always make Abe laugh. “What brings you here?” Abe attempted to wipe the hairs from his clothing, but no matter how hard he wiped or plucked, he was still hairy as hell.

“Lint brush,” Damon said from behind the reception desk. “That’s the only way I found to get the hairs off of clothing.”

Abe would have to remember that. He turned back toward Bryce to see the bear standing there staring at him. “What?”

Bryce glanced toward the back hallway. “Can we talk?”

He knew Bryce was looking for Valentino. He wasn’t sure why though. It seemed pretty odd to Abe that none of the Lakeland men had called him since he moved in with Valentino three days ago. He was starting to think that he hadn’t meant anything to the bear family.

Waving his hand toward the front door, Abe walked out into the parking lot, Bryce following.

“Are you still mad at us?”

Abe faltered in his strides, turning toward Bryce in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

Bryce leaned against his truck, a guilty expression on his face. “The accident.”

“But it wasn’t anyone’s fault.” He wasn’t sure why Bryce was looking guilty. The guy had nothing to do with what happened. Abe didn’t even blame Gavin or Winter. He knew neither man had intentionally hurt him.

Light-grey eyes darted toward the clinic before Bryce looked down at Abe. “You should’ve seen him.”

Okay, Abe was getting a headache. He didn’t understand what Bryce was telling him. “Who?”

“Your mate. After the accident, he came to the ranch. Boy”—Bryce shook his head, a rueful smile on his face—“the man was pissed. He knocked Gavin a good one on his jaw, shouting that Gavin had no regard for your safety.”

Abe was shocked. He knew that Valentino had gone to the ranch because the man had gathered Abe’s belongings. He just didn’t know that Valentino had a confrontation with Gavin. Abe wasn’t sure what to say to Bryce.

“Dr. Prayze said, and I quote, ‘Since you treat my mate as expendable, I want you to take me to his room so I can pack his things.’”

Abe was floored. Yes, they were mates, but Valentino had acted so feral, so…so… “He said that?”

“I want to know if you feel the same way, Abe.” Bryce leaned against his truck, watching Abe with a careful expression.

His answer should have been a resounding
, but Abe wasn’t so sure. The Lakelands were great people, but Abe had always felt like he was in the way more than helping out. He’d never felt like he truly fit in. But hadn’t Abe felt that way his entire life? Even now, living with his mate, Abe felt lost.

He had lost his parents at a young age and the tribe had raised him. He had guardians that took care of him, but he never got that special love that only family could give. His needs were met, nothing more.

That’s how he felt living on the ranch. His needs were met and Abe never went without, but…

Bryce shifted to his other foot uncomfortably. “You know I care about you, Abe, right?”

He knew Bryce liked to take Abe with him when he went into the city to party. Abe loved going to The Manacle and cutting loose. Bryce was fun as hell to hang out with. His shoulders rose slightly.

“Really?” Bryce asked, his tone filled with bewilderment and disbelief. “You’re my buddy, Abe.”

“What’s going on?” Valentino asked as he came outside. He didn’t sound pissed—although his tone was firm—but Abe could tell the man was being protective.

“I’m just having a conversation, doc. I promise I’m not doing or saying anything wrong to your mate.”

Wow. Abe had never seen Bryce this docile when confronted. The guy was a big goof and loved to have fun, but he had also seen Bryce when he was downright livid. He just stood there, his expression inscrutable.

Valentino moved closer, wrapping his arm around Abe’s shoulder. “Shouldn’t Gavin be the one standing here?”

“After the way you laid into him?” Bryce asked and Abe could hear a touch of ire in his tone. “The guilt is eating him alive.”

“He shouldn’t have disregarded Abe’s safety!” Valentino bellowed. Abe had never heard his mate so angry before. As he gazed up at Valentino, Abe saw something move behind the man’s eyes. It was the same thing he had seen when Abe had told his mate about the accident. Now he knew it for what it truly was, rage. It was like Valentino’s cougar was the one staring out of those taupe-colored eyes.

“It was an accident!” Bryce defended vehemently as he stood to his full height. Abe had seen this before. Bryce acted this way right before he attacked. This was crazy!

“Wait!” Abe shouted above the two. “Fighting will resolve nothing.”

“I’m a predator, Abe,” Bryce said, his jaw still clenched tightly. “I came here with the very best of intentions, but I will not stand here and let another man talk shit about my sibling.”

That was one thing Abe had learned about the Lakelands. They were loyal as hell when it came to their family. Gavin could have murdered someone and Bryce would defend the man to the bitter end.

Abe had always envied the Lakelands that. But after hearing how Valentino defended him, Abe couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his belly. His mate had gone against the Lakelands to defend Abe. The knowledge pleased him to no end, even though it was fucked-up that it was the bears Valentino went against.

“And I can’t stand by,
stand by while my mate’s safety is ignored,” Valentino replied just as heatedly. “I don’t give a shit how bad Gavin feels. He should have been the one coming to see Abe.”

Valentino gave Bryce a humorless smirk before he turned, heading back toward the clinic. “Finish talking with him if you want to, Abe. As for me, I’m through with this.”

Abe watched until his mate disappeared inside the building, feeling so damn confused about what to do. Valentino was his mate and Abe wouldn’t go against him. But the Lakelands had taken him in and given him a home when his tribe turned their backs on him. They were good people.

“He’s right.”

Abe’s head snapped around. “What do you mean he’s right?”

Bryce placed his hands on hips as he looked at the building. “Valentino has every damn right to be pissed at us. You were hurt. That’s all he sees. If the same thing had happened to Ahm, Gavin would be…” Bryce glanced down at Abe. “You know us Lakelands stick together. There is no way I couldn’t defend my brother.”

“I’ll call you,” Abe said as he felt a small part of his heart break. Bryce had spoken as if Abe hadn’t been a part of that family. As if he had been the stranger he always felt he was. Bryce’s words only proved Abe right. He didn’t belong. “Tell Gavin it wasn’t his fault. Accidents happen.”

Bryce gave a low chuckle. “I sure am going to miss you on the ranch.”

No, Abe was not going to get all misty-eyed. No way. He had a new life now with his mate. That didn’t mean he couldn’t visit the Lakelands, but his place was beside Valentino. He wasn’t a part of the bear family. Bryce had just said that in so many words. But he liked Bryce and Abe was determined to keep his friendship. “We can still go into the city to party.”

Bryce walked to the driver’s side of the truck. The man’s smile was so small it barely qualified. “We’ll see.”

What did that mean? Before Abe could ask, Bryce pulled off. As he stood there, Abe bitterly accepted the fact that he had never truly fit in on the ranch. They were probably glad he was gone. The only thing Abe ever did was get in the way.


Abe glanced around when he heard his name being whispered. He didn’t see anyone, but he knew he had heard something. The parking lot only had a few cars and as far as he could see, Abe was alone.

Feeling a bit spooked by the detached voice, Abe hurried inside the clinic. Damon wasn’t behind the desk, but Valentino was standing there, studying Abe with cautious brown eyes. The man looked guarded as he leaned into the desk. “I wasn’t trying to be a prick, Abe.”

Abe cradled his healing hand, feeling a bit exposed as he stood there. What was he supposed to say? Valentino was his mate. The bears were his friends.

Running his hand through his already disheveled hair, Valentino let out a frustrated breath. “I lost my cool when you told me what happened.”

“Why?” He really wanted to know what motivated the man. They had just met. It was true that they were mates, but there was no way the vet had felt that deeply or cared that much about Abe within a few short hours.

“It pissed me off when you said everyone ignores you and treats you like you’re a dimwitted man who needs constant supervision.” Valentino crossed his arms over his chest. He gave Abe a half-cocked smile and the image was startling beautiful. “All I see is a man who is willing to help no matter what. I see someone who has a very big heart and—” Valentino cleared his throat.

“And?” Abe prompted Valentino to finish what he was saying. No one had ever ticked off Abe’s qualities before and he was dying to hear what his mate thought about him. “Go on.”

Valentino nodded, shrugged. “You’re a bigger man than I am, Abe. I don’t see how you are so willing to forgive after what happened to you.”

“Because I know Gavin wasn’t trying to intentionally hurt me.”

Valentino pushed from the desk, walking over to Abe. He reached up and ran his fingers over the bangs hanging in Abe’s face. “You are truly one of a kind, my little cowboy.”

Abe sucked up the attention, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of his mate’s fingers caressing his hair.

“So responsive.”

Abe inhaled sharply when he felt Valentino’s soft lips press against his. The warm and moist lips set his blood on fire as Valentino wrapped an arm around Abe and tucked him in close. He opened his mouth, sucking Valentino’s tongue in.

His mate gave a low chuckle as he pulled back. “You are definitely learning.”

Abe could feel his cheeks heat up at the compliment.

“Am I interrupting?”

Abe turned, but didn’t recognize the man standing there.

“Not at all, Mr. Howard. Have you brought Whiskers in for his checkup?”

Oddly enough, Abe wasn’t embarrassed that he’d been caught kissing in the middle of the clinic. He was too busy talking his cock down. It had grown hard when Valentino touched him.

Taking in a deep breath, Abe went back to work. He entered the holding area, hearing the dogs bark. It was very noisy back here.

He groaned when he saw that Roger had kicked over his bowl, the water everywhere. He had just cleaned that cage before going on break. The oversized lab wagged his tail excitedly when Abe approached his cage.


Abe spun around, but found that he was alone. The hallway was empty, only him and the animals in the back. Whoever was calling his name was scaring the hell out of Abe. The first time it happened he thought maybe he was hearing things.

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