Valkyrie (16 page)

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Authors: Kate O'Hearn

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Animals, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy & Magic, #General

BOOK: Valkyrie
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ife over the next few weeks entered a blissfully quiet routine. Curtis and Carol spent more time at Tamika’s house as they worked to stop John Roberts Developments. A strange calm had descended from the developers and Carol was getting nervous. Her research showed that the developer was not easily stopped. The fact that the house had now been paid off, with Freya’s money, meant nothing to them. It wasn’t the house they wanted, but the land that it stood on.

Archie started to join Freya for short patrols of the Chicago streets at night. While Archie remained with Sylt and Orus on the rooftops, Freya would fly down to stop muggings and robberies.

Before long there were whispered rumours about a costumed, winged avenger patrolling the dark streets of Chicago. Archie delighted in cutting out newspaper articles about it and reading how the police were calling it a hoax – while the victims
criminals were claiming it was true.

At school, Freya’s grades improved. She stopped arguing with her teachers and focused on her studies. With the threat of Freya’s retribution still in the air, JP and his gang of bullies seemed to be leaving everyone alone.

Despite the calm, the afternoon training sessions with the Geek Squad continued. Freya marvelled at the changes in her students. They had learned how to defend themselves. But more than that, it was their growing confidence and joy that touched her the most. As the days and weeks ticked by, the Geek Squad began to get very excited about the upcoming winter dance.

‘Greta, come quickly! JP’s gang is going after Archie again. The whole Geek Squad is there. It’s a big fight!’ Tamika shouted as she ran up to Freya, who was waiting for Archie outside the school.

They ran round the building. Up ahead, Freya saw Archie fight back against one of JP’s gang. Leo Max was beside him, fighting with another gang member.

Elizabeth was trying to pull one of the bullies off Connie. She was using the kick Freya had taught her. With one blow, she drove them away.

Freya stopped running and slowed to a walk.

‘C’mon!’ Tamika called, trying to drag her along. ‘Before they hurt them!’

‘No, wait,’ Freya said. ‘Look at the Geek Squad. They’re standing up to the bullies. All of them are working together. I can feel they aren’t frightened any more.’

‘But they could get hurt!’

‘They’ve already been hurt,’ Freya said. ‘I can’t get involved. They have to do this for themselves.’ Freya pulled the raven from her shoulder and handed him to Tamika. ‘Here, hold Orus for me. If this gets out of hand, I’ll join in. But let them go for a moment.’

Tamika had long ago conquered her fear of Orus. She held on to the large raven as she and Freya approached the fight.

‘Come on,’
Orus cawed, flapping his wings.
‘Get them, Archie! That’s it, Leo Max, hit him!’

More and more kids surrounded the fight and cheered them on as the Geek Squad all joined in to protect their new friends. Freya strained to see JP among his fighting gang, but he didn’t seem to be there.

She stood back, watching her students proudly. They were using all the moves and self-defence techniques she had taught them to protect themselves. Their days of being victims were over.

Suddenly a powerful blow cut across her back. Freya was knocked
to the ground. This was followed by a second, more powerful strike across her wings.

Howling in pain, Freya looked up to see JP looming above her with a baseball bat.

‘Not so tough now, are ya, Freya?’ He lifted the bat and brought it down again.

Freya raised her arm and blocked the blow. The bat struck her painfully in the wrist.

‘Gee!’ Archie cried when he saw her on the ground. ‘Leo Max, look! JP’s got Gee!’

Archie fought free of the boy he was wrestling, charged over to JP and tackled him to the ground. Leo Max was right behind him and jumped on top. When Kevin joined it, JP was pulled away from Freya.

Freya used this opportunity to climb to her feet. Her wings felt like they were on fire and screaming to be freed from the coat. The armour she wore protected her from serious injury, but it didn’t stop the intense, bone-searing pain of the bat’s blows to her wings.

Gang members came to JP’s aid and pulled Archie, Leo Max and Kevin off their leader. Within moments, JP was back on his feet again and holding the baseball bat. He moved straight in on Freya.

‘This is it, Freak, you’re gonna die!’ he threatened.

‘And you are too stupid to live!’ Freya responded as she prepared to take him on.

At that moment Mr Powless arrived. The History teacher saw JP with the bat, advancing on Freya. He grabbed JP’s arm to stop him, but JP turned quickly and raised the bat to the teacher.

With little time to think, Freya jumped in front of her History teacher and took the blow. It struck her full in the chest. The twanging sound of the wooden bat meeting her silver armour rang out.

It startled JP for a moment. In that time, Freya caught hold of the bat and wrenched it away from him. ‘I have had enough of you,
!’ she shrieked in rage. Tossing the bat aside, she lunged forward and caught JP by the coat. Hoisting him easily over her head, she let out a loud Valkyrie howl as she threw him across the yard.

‘Wait here!’ Freya ordered Tamika and Orus. ‘It’s time I finished this!’

Freya charged at the bully and, tearing off a glove, exposed her bare hand. But just before she could reap him, Archie darted in front of her.

‘Gee, no!’ he cried. ‘Stop – everyone’s watching you!’ He caught her by her coat and turned her round. Archie held up the glove. ‘They’re all watching. Here, put it back on before they see.’

Everyone in the yard was staring at her.

‘Please,’ Archie begged. ‘Don’t expose yourself, not now! It’s over. Mr Powless saw what happened. JP will be expelled. He won’t be allowed back here. We won!’

Orus returned to her shoulder.
‘It’s over, Freya,’
he cawed.
‘Calm down.’

Freya was shaking with rage. Her wings were agony and her arm was swelling from the blow. She wanted desperately to share that pain with JP.

‘Greta!’ Dr Klobucher ran between the gathered students. When she saw Freya’s bare hand, her eyes became fearful. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Nothing,’ Freya muttered tightly as she pulled the glove back on. ‘JP attacked us.’

‘I just heard. Are you all right?’

Freya nodded. ‘I am. But he got me right where it hurts.’

The Principal leaned closer and whispered, ‘Your wings?’

Freya nodded.

‘I’ve got to stay here with JP. We’ve called the police and they’re on their way. I don’t want you here when they arrive.’ The principal turned to Archie. ‘Would you take Greta inside and see that she’s OK? Then get her home.’

‘Sure,’ Archie agreed. ‘Come on, Gee, let’s get you inside and see the damage.’

‘I’ll come too,’ Tamika offered.

Everyone was staring at Freya as she stormed down the school’s hall. Word of the big fight was spreading faster than a wildfire and all the students wanted to see her. Stopping at the girls’ bathroom, Archie shoved open the door. ‘Is anyone in here?’

When no one answered, they walked in.

‘Stay at the door,’ Archie instructed Tamika. ‘Don’t let anyone in, including teachers.’

Freya was already pulling off her coat when Archie came up to her.

‘Nice and easy,’ he said gently, helping her.

‘Stand back,’ Freya warned as she reached for the slip-cover. When it came away, she put both hands on the edge of the sink and leaned forward as she slowly opened her wings. The pain was intense. Freya started to tremble as she carefully extended them fully. She sucked in her breath as the pain soared.

‘Gee, you’re bleeding!’ Archie cried as blood dripped to the floor. ‘JP broke your wing!’

‘Let Orus look,’ Freya said.

The raven flew down to Archie’s arm and inspected Freya’s wing. He leaned forward and carefully went through all the feathers until he found the problem.

‘Here it is. It’s a ruptured blood feather,’
Orus explained.
‘It needs to come out now.’

Freya explained, ‘My wings aren’t broken. Orus says it’s a ruptured blood feather. That’s a new feather that’s just emerging. The feather shaft is full of blood when they’re new. I’ve got to pull it out or the bleeding might not stop.’

She looked back at Archie. ‘Move further away from me – this could be messy.’

When Archie was standing next to Tamika, Orus directed Freya’s hand back to the broken feather. It hurt to even touch it. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and caught hold of the shaft. Fighting to keep in the cries of pain, Freya wrenched the feather out.

Her hands were shaking as she inspected the damaged black feather. ‘It takes ages to grow primary flight feathers.’

Archie peered at the broken feather shaft. ‘Wow, no wonder it hurt. That’s thicker than my finger!’

‘Let me see,’ Tamika called. She came forward and looked at the damaged feather. ‘Yuck, that’s gross.’ She pulled paper towels from the dispenser. ‘We’d better clean up that blood before someone sees it.’

‘I’ll do it,’ Freya said quickly. ‘My blood is as deadly as I am – you can’t touch it.’

‘Are you going to be all right?’ Archie asked.

Freya nodded as she started to clean the floor. ‘My wings are bruised and I won’t be flying for a bit. But other than that, I’m fine.’

Tamika shook her head. ‘I was so scared when I saw JP hit you with the bat. But I was even more scared when you took off your glove.’

Freya looked down. ‘I shouldn’t have done that. If Archie hadn’t stopped me, I’m sure I would have killed him.’

‘JP in Asgard?’ Archie said. ‘I wonder what Thor would do to him.’

‘Thanks to you, we’ll never have to find out.’

When the floor was clean, Freya put the soiled tissues in her pocket. ‘We’d better get out of here before the police arrive.’

As she started to draw on her coat, Archie held up the slip-cover. ‘What about this?’

Freya caught hold of the silky fabric cover. ‘I’ll carry that for now. I don’t want too much touching my wings at the moment. My coat is bad enough.’

Out in the hall, they found the Geek Squad waiting. Leo Max had a swollen lip and a bruise on his cheek, but he was grinning from ear to ear. It appeared everyone in the Geek Squad had some kind of injury. But they were all happy.

‘We did it!’ Leo Max cheered. ‘We showed them! They won’t bother the Geek Squad ever again!’

Despite the pain in her wings, Freya chuckled. ‘You sure did. I am so proud of all of you.’

Elizabeth came up to her and shyly tapped her on the arm. ‘I’m not afraid any more, Greta.’

Freya wanted desperately to hug the little girl. She could feel the great change in her. ‘I saw what you did for Connie. You were very brave!’

Elizabeth blushed at the compliment.

‘What about you?’ Leo Max asked. ‘JP hit you with the bat. Are you OK?’

Freya nodded. ‘I’ll live. But what happened to the other members of his gang?’

‘They ran away,’ Kevin cheered. ‘We actually chased them for half a block! It was their turn to be afraid. It was so awesome!’

Kevin was the most changed of all her students. He now had confidence and was using his academic skills to tutor the others with their subjects.

‘We should go out and celebrate!’ Leo Max said. ‘Everyone come to my house; we can order pizza!’

Freya smiled but shook her head. ‘You all go. My back hurts. I want to go home and rest.’

‘Me too,’ Archie said.

Freya, Tamika and Archie watched the members of the Geek Squad walking proudly down the school hall, sharing in their victory.


ack in Asgard, Maya had only been in bed for a short time when loud, angry voices disturbed her rest. She sat up when she realized who it was.

‘Is that—’
Grul asked sleepily from his perch.

‘Odin!’ Maya cried. She leaped from her bed and reached for her robe.

Maya entered the living area and saw her mother and three sisters standing before the leader of Asgard. Her mother was wearing her light robe and her long braids hung down to the floor. She was wringing her hands and trembling.

Her sisters were still dressed in their gowns and looked as though they had only just arrived from Valhalla.

Odin’s face was stormy as he stood before them. Loki was standing right beside him with a self-satisfied smile on his thin lips.

The moment Maya laid eyes on him she knew he was causing trouble.

‘Where is she?’ Odin demanded. ‘I do not like to be disturbed during my sleep with news of a runaway.’

‘Freya has not run away,’ her mother cried. She caught sight of Maya and ran to her. ‘Maya, would you please fetch Freya. Loki insists she has fled Asgard.’

Maya shot a threatening look at Loki.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. Then he smiled slyly back at her and his dark eyes sparkled. He seemed to realize that she knew what was going on – and that she wasn’t going to say anything. Finally he directed his attention to her mother.

‘You are wrong, dear lady. Earlier this evening I saw her and Orus flying across Bifröst with my very own eyes.’

‘That is impossible,’ Odin said. ‘Heimdall would never allow it.’

‘Yes, well, Odin, I do hate to tell you this,’ Loki said snidely, ‘but Heimdall isn’t as reliable as you think he is. I often catch him sleeping on duty. Why, this very night I found him lying on the ground and snoring like thunder. He threatened me when I told him you would be angry.’

‘That’s a lie,’ Maya shot. ‘Heimdall would never do that. He is loyal to Odin and his duties!’

Loki gave Maya another teasing smile. ‘Anyone who is content to spend an eternity watching a bridge can’t be trusted. How do we know that he won’t allow the frost giants to cross into Asgard to destroy us all? He barely speaks to anyone. Who knows what he’s thinking or what plots he’s hatching?’

Just as Odin opened his mouth to defend Heimdall, Loki continued, ‘But if you insist Freya is here, show her to us and we can end this.’

‘If you are so frightened of frost giants, what does that say about your very own wife, who happens to be a frost giantess?’ Maya countered. ‘Are you suggesting that we can’t trust her and that she shouldn’t be welcomed in Asgard?’

‘You leave my wife out of this, Valkyrie,’ Loki shot as his dark brows knitted together in a threat.

‘Enough!’ Odin shouted. ‘I will not have this bickering.’

‘Great Odin,’ Maya pressed, ‘are you going to let Loki disturb your rest and lead you around like a mule? He is causing trouble and you know it!’

A shadow crossed Odin’s face. ‘I do not like your tone, child. Loki told me he saw your sister cross Bifröst without leave. I have no cause to doubt him.’

‘But this is Loki!’ Maya insisted. ‘You know how he likes to cause trouble. He’s only doing this to discredit Mother.’

‘Maya . . .’ her mother warned.

Maya was desperate to save her little sister and would do anything she could to convince Odin of Loki’s treachery.

‘Look what he did to your own son,’ she pressed. ‘Everyone knows it was Loki who gave Thor’s hammer to the frost giants. Then he convinced Thor to dress as a woman and pretend to be the new bride of their leader to get it back. Thor was humiliated and it nearly started another war with them!’

‘Maya, stop!’ her mother cried, as her pale cheeks went red with embarrassment. ‘It was never proven that Loki stole Mjölnir and gave it to the frost giants. And it wasn’t just Loki who convinced Thor to dress as a woman, we all did. It was the only way to get his hammer back without going to war.’

‘No, it was Loki!’ Maya insisted. She looked desperately to her three sisters for support, but they said nothing. They were too frightened of Odin to speak.

‘Stop!’ Odin boomed. ‘If it is true that Loki is causing trouble, prove it. Bring your sister to me. However, if she has fled Asgard, it is she who is in a great deal of trouble.’

Loki grinned, knowing he had won. ‘Yes, Maya, prove me a liar and trickster. Produce your little sister, Freya.’

Maya was trapped. She didn’t know what she could say to protect Freya. She cursed Loki with her eyes. But if she said more and told Odin it was Loki who had helped Freya cross Bifröst, that wouldn’t help her sister.

‘She’s not here,’ Maya finally admitted, trying to sound casual. She looked at her mother. ‘You know how Freya loves to go flying with Orus at night? Especially before a reaping? Do you remember the First Day Ceremony?’

Her mother nodded. ‘Yes, of course! Odin, Freya was nearly late for her own First Day Ceremony. Maya found her halfway across Asgard. My youngest daughter has a wandering spirit. She often goes out flying alone.’

‘I told you she’s not here,’ Loki teased as he clung to Odin’s arm. ‘She’s gone to Midgard to be with the humans.’

‘She wouldn’t do that,’ Maya’s mother cried. ‘She knows the penalty for leaving without permission! Please, Odin, give us some time to find her. She and her sister are very close. If anyone can find her, it will be Maya. Please let her go. You’ll see. Freya is just out for a short flight.’

The smile on Loki’s face broadened. ‘Yes, Odin, why don’t we let Maya go? I am sure she can lead us straight to Freya – in Midgard!’

Maya felt the noose tightening around her neck. ‘I can only find her by flight.’ She turned hate-filled eyes on Loki. ‘And you don’t have wings, you’re grounded. You can’t follow where I go.’

Loki used his shape-changing abilities to turn himself into an eagle, then a hawk and finally a large black insect. When he returned to his normal shape he smiled again. ‘I can follow you anywhere you go, Valkyrie. But I don’t have to. Freya is not in Asgard. She has gone to the human world to live among them. She hates it here and she hates Odin!’

‘Enough!’ Odin shouted.

He approached Maya and his eyes were as red as his hair. He raised a threatening finger to her. ‘Go now. Fly. Find your sister. But if you do not return with her before the Valkyries gather for the reaping at sunrise, you know what I will do.’

Maya’s mother brought her hands to her lips. Her wings were quivering in fear. ‘No,’ she whispered softly.

Odin nodded. ‘You have but a short time, Maya. Find your sister, bring her to me or, I swear by my sword, I will send out a Dark Searcher to find her and unleash the Midgard Serpent on Earth.’

aya was frantic. She dashed to her bedroom, picked up her winged helmet and flew out the window. Checking that Loki wasn’t following her, she headed straight for Bifröst.

Heimdall was at his post and his face showed alarm when she landed before him. ‘Maya? What brings you back here so soon and dressed like this?’

Maya realized she was still dressed in her nightgown. ‘It’s Loki,’ she cried. ‘He’s betrayed us and told Odin that you were asleep on duty and allowed Freya to cross Bifröst. I have been commanded to bring her back before the Valkyries leave for the reaping, or he’ll send out a Dark Searcher to find her and release the Midgard Serpent!’

‘No!’ Heimdall cried. ‘This is my fault. Freya will be punished when the crime was mine. I must tell Odin.’

‘It was Loki, not you!’ Maya insisted. ‘But all is not lost yet. I have until dawn to find her. Please, I beg you, let me cross Bifröst. I will go to Midgard and bring her right back. Then we can go to Odin together and tell him of Loki’s treachery.’

Heimdall nodded and stepped aside. ‘Go, find your sister. I will do what I can from here.’

Filled with relief, Maya went up on her toes and kissed the Watchman lightly on the cheek. ‘Thank you, Heimdall. I will be back soon.’

‘Fly safe, Valkyrie!’ Heimdall called as Maya leaped up into the sky.

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