Valkyrie (18 page)

Read Valkyrie Online

Authors: Kate O'Hearn

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Animals, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy & Magic, #General

BOOK: Valkyrie
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rchie wasn’t getting any better. As the long night progressed, the surgeon came in to check up on him, but each time he looked unhopeful.

Hours before dawn, the quiet of the hospital room was broken by a familiar voice.

‘There you are!’

Freya looked up and saw Maya. Her sister approached the Angel of Death and bowed respectfully before storming into the Intensive Care unit. She was wearing her winged helmet and nightclothes.

‘I have been searching all over for you!’ She caught hold of Freya’s hand and started to pull. ‘Come, we must go. Odin is in a fury. He knows you’ve run away. Sylt is on the roof; she will bring us home.’

‘Odin?’ Freya cried. ‘How?’

‘How do you think? Loki told him. You must come back now, before the Valkyries gather for the reaping. Odin doesn’t know I’ve left Asgard. I told him you were out flying. But if he finds out, he’ll send a Dark Searcher after both of us.’

Freya’s eyes went from her sister to Archie and then to the angel at the door. ‘I can’t go.’ She pulled free of her sister’s hand and moved back to Archie’s side.

‘What? Why?’ Maya demanded.

‘Because of him!’ Freya pointed to the angel. ‘He’s here for Archie.’

Maya frowned in confusion. ‘So, let him have him.’

‘No!’ Freya cried. ‘Archie is my friend. If I let the angel take him, I’ll never see him again.’

‘Then reap him and we can go.’

‘I can’t do that either,’ Freya said. ‘He won’t have died in battle. Odin will never allow him to stay in Asgard. He’ll send him through the Gates of Ascension and I’ll lose him forever.’

Maya pulled off her Valkyrie helmet. ‘Freya, you’re going to lose him anyway! If Odin sends a Dark Searcher after you, you will lose everything. So will I. I begged Heimdall to let me cross Bifröst again. He’ll get into trouble as well.’

Freya removed her own helmet. ‘I’m sorry, Maya. Go back to Asgard. I don’t want you to get into trouble for me. Tell Odin what I’m doing. Tell him I promise I’ll come as soon as I know Archie is safe.’

‘You are insane!’ Maya cried. ‘I can’t tell Odin that!’

‘I don’t care what you tell him,’ Freya continued. ‘I’m not leaving Archie!’

‘But he’s just a human!’ Maya exclaimed. ‘You hate humans! Why would you risk yourself for one?’

‘Valkyries,’ warned the angel at the door. ‘I believe you should cover yourselves again. The doctor is coming!’

But it was too late. Freya and Maya watched Dr Taylor enter the Intensive Care unit. His eyes landed on them by Archie’s bed. ‘You there,’ he called in surprise. ‘What are you doing in here? It’s late – visiting hours are long over.’

Maya stepped forward and gave the doctor her most devastating smile. The surgeon stopped in his tracks and stared at her with his mouth open.

‘Wait here,’ Maya told Freya. ‘I’ll take care of him.’

‘No!’ Freya wailed. ‘Don’t reap him. He’s trying to save Archie!’

‘I’m not going to,’ Maya said. ‘Would you please trust me?’

She approached the surgeon and placed her hand on his covered shoulder. ‘What’s your name?’

‘Peter,’ he stammered. ‘Peter Taylor.’

‘Well, Peter, I need to speak with my sister,’ she said softly. ‘Would you please check on your other patients and leave us be for just a little while?’

‘I – I . . .’ Dr Taylor muttered.

‘Please . . .’ Maya said coyly, giggling softly. ‘I promise we won’t be long.’

Freya watched her sister use her beauty like a weapon against the unsuspecting surgeon. His eyes grew huge and his face turned bright red. He didn’t stand a chance against her. Maya’s ability to charm was renowned in Asgard. No human could resist her.

‘Of course,’ the surgeon finally said. ‘Take all the time you need.’ He drifted out of the Intensive Care unit as if in a dream.

The Angel of Death took several steps into the room. ‘That really wasn’t very nice of you, Valkyrie. He will come out of your spell very confused. Peter Taylor is a truly gifted surgeon. It won’t be good for him or his patients if he starts to question himself.’

‘It’s better than me reaping him,’ Maya retorted. She turned back to Freya. ‘Now, can we go?’

The Angel of Death took several more steps closer.

‘Stop!’ Freya said, blocking his way. ‘I told you, you’re not taking him.’

‘It is his time to die,’ the angel said softly. ‘It grieves me that his passing will cause you pain, but it is unavoidable.’

‘And I say he is going to live,’ Freya insisted. ‘Angel, you have so many others you must take. Go to them. Let me have Archie for a while longer.’

‘I am sorry, Valkyrie,’ the angel said softly. ‘This is not my decision. I do only what I must.’

The angel took one more step closer and looked to Maya. ‘Would you please tell your sister that there are times when we must all do things we don’t want to?’

Maya reached for Freya’s hands. ‘I know how much you care for Archie, but you must let the angel do his job.’ She paused. ‘Look at him. He is suffering. The longer he lives, the more he will suffer. He wouldn’t want this half-existence between life and death while you and the angel fight over him. There is no recovery for him and you know it. Let Archie go.’

‘No,’ Freya cried. ‘Please,’ she begged the angel. ‘Please just give us more time together.’

‘Freya, you can’t stay,’ Maya insisted. ‘Odin is going to send the Dark Searcher after us.’

The angel inhaled sharply. ‘A Searcher is coming for you?’

Maya nodded. ‘If my sister does not return to Asgard with me right now, Odin will send him after both of us.’

‘Child, listen to me,’ the angel said. ‘I have seen what the Searchers do to those they’ve been sent to find. They will destroy you. Please, do as your sister asks. Save yourself and return to Asgard. Your loyalty to your friend is admirable, but it will get you killed.’

Freya was desperate. ‘One week, that’s all I’m asking for. Please, just give us one more week.’

‘Why one week?’ Maya asked.

‘Because that’s when the school dance is,’ Freya explained. ‘Archie was so excited about it. All of the Geek Squad are going.’ She turned imploringly to the angel. ‘I know that it is within your power to grant Archie one more week’s life. You must do this for him. He and the Geek Squad have been denied so much already, can’t we give him this one dance?’

The angel frowned and stepped closer. ‘You, a powerful Valkyrie, would risk your own life so this boy can attend a simple dance?’

‘You don’t understand how it is for the Geek Squad,’ Freya continued. ‘They have been picked on and beaten up just because they are different. They are the outcasts of the school. But they are all wonderful, caring people. This one dance may not mean much to everyone else, but it means everything to them. They are just learning to stand up for themselves and coming to this dance will prove it. If Archie and I don’t go, they won’t. How can we deny them their triumph over their fears?’

The angel considered a moment. Then he looked at Maya. ‘One week will be but a short time in Asgard.’

‘But Loki is out for blood,’ Maya cried. ‘There is no telling what poisonous words he is feeding to Odin right now. It is too dangerous.’

‘I’m not leaving,’ Freya insisted stubbornly. ‘Please, Angel, give Archie one more week.’

The angel looked over at Archie. Then he approached Freya, rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned closer to her. ‘If I do this, you must swear that the day after the dance, when I come back for Archie, you will not stop me.’

‘Don’t do it!’ Maya cried. ‘One week is still too long. Loki has betrayed you. Odin will send the Dark Searcher, I know he will. You must come with me now before it’s too late.’

‘I can’t,’ Freya insisted. ‘I’m sorry, but you still don’t understand. I must stay. Go back to Asgard. I will return right after the dance.’

‘But the Dark Searcher will find you.’

The angel shook his head. ‘No he won’t. Not if she doesn’t wear her helmet again. That is how he will track you. When he arrives, we will do what we can to distract him.’

Freya looked at the angel in shock. ‘You would do that for me?’

‘You are risking Odin’s wrath for this human boy. How could I not? Now, do we have an agreement?’

Freya nodded. ‘I swear, after the dance, I will not stop you.’

‘It is agreed,’ said the angel.

Freya stepped aside and let the Angel of Death pass. Her heart was pounding. She knew angels could be trusted. But seeing him so close to Archie set her nerves on edge.

The Angel of Death stood beside the bed and waved his hand over Archie’s head. ‘It is not your time, child. Sleep now and heal. When you wake you will grow stronger. Go to the dance. Live your whole life within this next week.’

When he finished, he looked at Freya. ‘It is done. He is yours – for now. Use this time wisely, Valkyrie.’

The angel bowed and then vanished.

Maya faced her sister. ‘What have you done?’


oment by moment, Archie improved. Dr Taylor returned but remained under Maya’s spell.

‘Well?’ Freya asked.

The doctor’s dark-hazel eyes were only on Maya as he grinned. ‘It’s all good news! I’m not sure how it’s happening, but he is recovering.’

‘There are other forces at work here,’ Maya said. She focused on Freya. ‘So, the angel has done what he promised. Archie will live one more week. You are risking everything for him. Is he really worth it?’

Freya nodded. ‘He is. If you could only get to know him, you’d see that for yourself.’ She looked out of the window. ‘It’s still dark out. You’d better get going while you have the cover of night. You can’t wear your helmet again or the Dark Searcher may find you.’

Maya shook her blonde head. ‘I’m not going anywhere. If you are staying, so am I, and if the Dark Searcher comes, we’ll face him together.’

Freya was awash with gratitude to her sister. She hugged her fiercely. Together, she knew they could face whatever Odin threw at them.

They stood at Archie’s bedside while the doctor carefully removed the breathing tube and started to disconnect him from the machines.

Archie moaned softly.

Orus flew down from her shoulder and landed on Archie’s chest. He marched up to his chin.
‘Come on, Archie,’
he cawed loudly.
‘Wake up!’

Dr Taylor tried to shoo him away but Orus nipped him sharply.

‘I wouldn’t try to move him,’ Freya warned. ‘Orus is quite fond of Archie.’

‘That’s because Orus has no taste,’
Grul cawed from Maya’s shoulder and then started to laugh.

Freya held up a warning finger to her sister’s raven. ‘Don’t you start, Grul. I’m in no mood to deal with you right now.’

The raven huffed, but grew silent.

Finally Archie opened his eyes. They landed first on the doctor, then on Maya and lastly they found their way to Freya. ‘Gee,’ he rasped softly. ‘What happened?’

‘JP hit us with a truck. But you weren’t struck very hard. You’re going to be fine.’

A frown knitted Archie’s brow. ‘I don’t remember. Are you OK? Did he hurt you?’

Freya smiled gently on her friend. ‘I’m fine, Archie. But it hurt my wings again.’

‘Guess this means you’ll have to ride with me on Sylt.’

‘Ride Sylt?’ Maya asked. She looked at Freya. ‘Have you been letting him ride your Reaping Mare?’

Freya nodded. ‘Every night. We take her out and go flying together, don’t we?’

Archie nodded. ‘I love Sylt. She is so cool.’ Suddenly Archie’s expression tensed. ‘Gee, where’s your coat? You’re exposed.’ He looked nervously at the doctor.

‘It’s all right,’ Freya said. ‘Mia has enchanted him. He won’t remember any of this when we go.’

Maya looked out the window again. The first streaks of dawn had appeared on the horizon. ‘Speaking of going, we’d better get moving while it’s still dark. Sylt is on the roof waiting for us. She can carry you home.’

She turned to Dr Taylor. ‘Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for Archie. I would ask one more thing of you.’

‘Anything.’ The doctor blushed.

Maya walked closer to him and smiled radiantly. ‘We are going to take Archie with us. Can you arrange it so there are no questions asked?’

‘Of course,’ the doctor said. ‘This is my department. I’ll take care of everything. You just take good care of young Archie here. And maybe . . .’

‘Yes?’ Maya asked gently.

A bright-red blush came to the doctor’s cheeks. ‘Maybe I can see you again?’

‘Perhaps, Peter,’ Maya promised. ‘Perhaps.’

Getting Archie out of the hospital was more difficult than they first expected. Despite the early hour, there were still a good number of nurses on duty. With both Valkyries having no cover for their wings, they had to resort to using their helmets to get Archie to the roof.

‘I hope Odin doesn’t notice,’ Maya said softly as they walked through the hospital corridor towards the stairs to the roof. Freya was holding on to Archie’s arm to keep him invisible with her helmet’s powers. ‘It’s this, or we expose ourselves. We don’t have much choice.’

‘Yes, we do,’ Maya said. ‘We could all go back to Asgard right now.’

‘That’s not an option,’ Freya said as they stepped out on to the roof. When Sylt saw them, she nickered with happiness, and nudged Archie affectionately with her nose.

Archie paused and looked at Maya. ‘Has something happened? Why are you here?’

Freya quickly shook her head as her eyes pleaded with Maya not to say a word about the trouble they were in.

‘Nothing,’ Maya finally said. ‘I just came here to go to the dance with you and my sister.’

‘You want to go to the dance?’ Archie asked.

Maya nodded and gave Freya a pointed, dark look. ‘Why not? It’s probably going to be my last.’


he sun was already up when they landed back at the house. By the time they’d settled Sylt in the garage and finished feeding the mare, Archie was already back to his old self.

Seeing his smile as he moved around their small kitchen, making a large batch of pancakes, caused a great pang of sadness for Freya. Archie was running out of time, but he didn’t know it.

‘What day is it?’ he asked as they sat down to eat. ‘I seemed to have lost track of time.’

‘It’s Sunday,’ Freya said. ‘You were in the hospital just over a week.’

‘Really? I don’t remember a thing. Sunday, eh? We’ve only got a few more days to the dance. I can’t wait!’

Freya looked over to her sister, but said nothing.

Later that day, Freya and Archie convinced Maya to join them going to Tamika’s house. Archie wanted to show them he was all right, and Freya wanted to introduce her sister. She also wanted to quietly thank Tamika and Alma for cleaning and repairing her velvet coat. With the bloodstains gone, she didn’t have to worry about Archie seeing and asking awkward questions.

When they arrived, the greetings were loud and welcoming. Everyone was shocked and delighted to see just how recovered Archie actually was.

Alma grinned at Freya. ‘Angel, did you have something to do with his sudden recovery?’

She shrugged. ‘What could I do? I’m just a Valkyrie.’ Freya then introduced her sister, using the name Mia.

Alma smiled radiantly at Maya. ‘Aren’t you pretty! Two Valkyries in my home – who’d have ever imagined it?’

Maya returned the smile. ‘It is a pleasure to meet you.’

Tamika was bursting with excitement and could hardly contain herself. ‘We’ve got so much to tell you! We’re moving!’

‘What?’ Freya said.

Tamika nodded excitedly. ‘Curtis and Carol are buying a big house near here and we’re all moving in together. I won’t have to change schools!’

Freya frowned in confusion. ‘But what about this house? You said you didn’t want to leave it. We were fighting the developers to keep them away.’

Alma explained. ‘Carol has got the police on to them. They have finally opened up an investigation into their actions. They won’t get away with what they’ve done. But this place? It’s just an old, rundown house. We were fighting to protect our home. We still have that. And thanks to you, our family has grown.’

‘I – I don’t understand,’ Freya said.

‘Come into the kitchen and help me finish making dinner.’

Away from Tamika, Freya watched the old woman struggle to sit down. Instantly at her side, Freya helped her into a chair. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘The doctor says I am weakening. Who knows how much time I have left?’ Alma explained. Freya felt the oddest sensation clutching her heart. It was something she’d only experienced once before – when she’d heard the angel saying Archie’s time had come. She realized that she was feeling grief. Though she had only known Alma for a few weeks, the thought of losing her was painful.

‘Isn’t there anything they can do?’

The old woman shook her head tiredly. ‘They’ve done all they can. It’s my time, child. It’s natural and I won’t fight it. You once told me there wasn’t an Angel of Death standing at my side. You may not see him now, but he’s there all right.’

Freya heard Tamika’s laughter from the front room. ‘Does she know?’

Alma shook her head. ‘Not yet. She’s so excited for the dance, I couldn’t tell her.’

Freya dropped her head and walked over to the sink. She peered out the kitchen window at the burned-out wreck of the house next door. ‘I’ve failed,’ she said softly. ‘I promised your son I would take care of his family and I have failed.’

‘What?’ Alma cried. ‘Child, I bless the day you came to us. You have done everything you promised Tyrone and so much more.’

‘But I didn’t save this house – you are leaving it. The girls will be left alone without you.’

The old woman struggled to rise and approached Freya. She put her hand lightly on her arm. ‘You listen to me. I was going to die whether you came here or not. But now, thanks to you, I can rest knowing my girls are safe. Curtis, Carol and I have been talking and we’ve made all the arrangements. They will be adopting the girls when I am gone. With the money you gave them from your jewels, Tamika and Uniik will have everything they need to live good lives.’

‘But—’ Freya said.

‘No buts. You’ve fulfilled your promise to my son. Maybe not the way you intended, but you have. I know you are a Valkyrie and I know what you must do in your life. But here and now, you have saved all of us. Tamika has friends she never had before. She and her sister will grow up with parents who adore them. What more could you possibly give them?’

‘You,’ Freya said softly, as she peered into the old woman’s fading eyes. ‘I should be able to give them you.’

Alma smiled gently. ‘I don’t think even you could do that. It is my time. I am ready.’ She reached for her cooking pot. ‘Now, why don’t you spend some time with Tamika and Archie, and leave me to finish dinner?’

‘But I want to help,’ Freya argued.

‘You can help by staying out of my way.’ As she shooed Freya out of the kitchen the old woman laughed. ‘And tell your sister I want to take her measurements later. By the looks of things, I have another dress to make for the dance.’

Dinner was loud and filled with laughter as they all sat together enjoying their meal. At first awkward, Maya soon relaxed and sat beside her sister, telling stories of their life together in Asgard and sharing with them the details of Freya’s First Day Ceremony.

‘I wish I could have been there,’ Archie said wistfully. ‘I would have loved to see it. Asgard sounds amazing.’

‘It is,’ Maya said. ‘But this world has its own kind of magic. I think my sister is only just starting to see that for herself.’

Freya nodded and then looked at Alma. ‘When I came here, I really didn’t like humans.’

‘And now?’

Freya grinned. ‘I really like them.’

Archie tore up a small piece of bread and threw it at her.

‘I like
humans,’ Freya corrected, as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Later that night, they freed Sylt from the garage.

‘Tell me again why we’re doing this?’ Maya asked as she pulled off her coat and freed her wings.

‘Because Sylt needs her exercise,’ Freya said drawing the Reaping Mare into the backyard and helping Archie up on to her back.

‘And Freya likes to play superhero,’ Archie teased.

‘I do not,’ Freya protested. ‘I just like to help people.’

Archie winked at Maya. ‘See what I mean? A superhero complex.’

Taking to the sky, Freya led them into Chicago, to the part of the city that she had taken upon herself to patrol. They landed on an apartment roof and gazed down into the quiet street below.

Like he did whenever they were on patrol, Orus moved to Archie’s shoulder to wait with Sylt while Freya helped people below. Maya ordered Grul to join Orus.

After a few minutes, Orus said hopefully,
‘It looks like nothing is happening tonight. Why don’t we all go home, make some popcorn and watch a movie.’

‘Be patient,’ Freya said. ‘This is much better than a movie.’

‘Says who?’
Orus cawed.

Suddenly a scream filled the air.

‘Here we go,’ Archie said. He turned to Freya. ‘Go get ’em!’

Freya grinned at her sister. ‘Come, it feels wonderful to help people – you’ll see.’ She looked over to Archie. ‘Follow us, but stay up on the rooftops.’

‘Yes, sir!’ Archie said, saluting formally as he drew back on Sylt’s reins.

Freya and Maya leaped off the roof and soared over several buildings. Down below, they saw what looked like a gang of men circling a woman. She was screaming as they advanced upon her.

‘Follow me,’ Freya called back to her sister.

Freya and Maya touched down on the street beside them causing the men to turn round.

Freya drew her sword and charged forward with Maya following closely behind. But almost immediately, Freya knew something was very wrong. There was no fear coming from the woman and no threat towards her from the men. Instead she felt something else. It was excitement mixed with triumph.

‘Gee,’ Maya warned, using Archie’s name for her. ‘I think we should go now.’

The words were barely out of Maya’s mouth when soldiers burst out of doorways behind them and the gang of men surrounding the woman drew weapons.

The woman pulled out her own weapon. ‘Hold it!’ she ordered fiercely. ‘Shut your wings, drop your sword and don’t move a muscle! You’re completely surrounded!’

‘You don’t want to do this,’ Freya warned, sensing danger all around her.

The woman’s eyes moved from Freya to Maya and back to Freya again. ‘This is my lucky night. I set a trap to capture one winged avenger, and here it is, I catch two.’ She pulled out her mobile phone and pressed a button. ‘This is Command One, send in the trucks. These birds are caged!’

Freya and Maya stood back-to-back as the soldiers aimed their weapons at them on both sides. The soldiers meant business. They could feel that they were prepared to shoot.

‘What are you?’ the woman demanded, stepping closer. ‘Where are you from?’

‘Who are
?’ Freya asked.

‘I ask the questions here, not you,’ the woman shot. ‘Now answer me. What are you? Why are you here?’

Maya muttered softly, ‘Get ready to give them your loudest howl and then fly. If they want to know what we are, we’ll show them.’

‘Leave them alone!’

Freya looked up and saw Archie on Sylt. He was shouting as loud as he could while the Reaping Mare shrieked in rage. The two ravens descended from the sky and attacked the men nearest to Freya and Maya.

Sylt tucked in her wings and dove at the large group of men. Just before she struck the ground, the large mare opened her huge wings and bowled most of the soldiers over as she glided smoothly past.

‘Now!’ Maya shouted.

Both Valkyries let out howls that were so loud, windows shattered around them forcing the soldiers to drop their weapons and clutch their ears as the glass rained down on them.

Without pausing, they opened their wings and launched into the air. Following closely behind Sylt, they were just climbing higher when they were met with a terrifying sight.

Four large, black helicopters were hovering overhead, waiting to catch them. Their blinding searchlights shone directly on to them, lighting them up as a target.

‘Stop!’ boomed a voice from one of the helicopters. ‘Land on the roof right now or we’ll open fire! This is your only warning!’

‘This way!’ Freya shouted as she took the lead. She tilted her black wings and manoeuvered expertly away from the helicopters. She dipped down, close to street level, where they were protected by buildings. With the helicopters unable to follow at that level, they were able to escape into the darkness.

Back at the house, they settled Sylt in the garage. Frightened and furious, Maya charged forward. ‘If that was your idea of fun . . .’

‘No!’ Freya cried. ‘I don’t know who they were.’ She looked over to Archie. ‘We’ve never seen them before, have we?’

‘No, never!’

‘Who were they?’ Maya demanded.

‘I don’t know,’ Archie said. ‘The military maybe? They’ve probably heard the stories about Gee and set a trap to capture her.’

‘Well they very nearly succeeded!’ Maya raged. ‘Do you have any idea what Odin would have done if they caught us? It would have meant war!’ She focused on Freya and raised a threatening finger. ‘As long as I am here, there will be no going back into that city again! Is that understood?’

Freya nodded. ‘Understood.’

Maya stormed out of the garage.

Archie reached for a towel to wipe down Sylt. His hands were still shaking. ‘I was really scared, Gee. I thought they got you.’

Freya smiled weakly and picked up a second towel. ‘So did I.’

When Monday morning arrived Freya tried her best to convince her sister to join them at school.

‘Spend a whole day with human children? No thank you!’ Maya was adamant. ‘After last night I have had more than enough excitement. I’d rather marry a Dark Searcher.’

Freya shot a look at her. Dark Searchers were a subject she’d rather not think about.

‘Sorry,’ Maya said quickly. ‘My words got away from me.’

Archie looked suspiciously between the two. ‘Are you sure there’s not something you want to tell me?’

Freya put on a forced smile. ‘Nope, everything’s fine.’ She waved goodbye to her sister. ‘We’ll be back by four.’

Outside, Archie looked back at his house. ‘Will Mia be OK on her own?’

Freya nodded. ‘Orus taught her how to use the television and remote. He’s told her all about his favourite shows. I’m sure we’ll find she hasn’t moved from the sofa all day.’

Archie was met with loud shouts of greetings from the members of the Geek Squad as they all gathered round to welcome him back to school.

‘Boy, I thought I’d never see you again!’ Leo Max said. ‘We tried to visit you at the hospital, but the battle-axe on the desk wouldn’t let us in.’

‘Yeah,’ Kevin agreed. ‘I tried to sneak past her, but she caught me.’

Freya nodded and laughed. ‘I saw you there. You almost made it.’

‘Where were you?’ Elizabeth asked. ‘I didn’t see you.’

Orus cawed in laughter.

‘Who, me?’ Freya stammered. ‘I was hiding beside Archie’s bed. The nurse didn’t see me there.’

‘Cool!’ Leo Max said. He caught Archie by the arm. ‘Did you hear? JP got away from Mr Powless right before the police got here. He stole his brother’s truck. That’s what he hit you with.’

‘Yeah,’ Kevin added. ‘He busted up Mr Powless’s lip good and broke his nose. He was away from school for two whole days.’

‘Where is JP?’ Archie asked.

Leo Max shrugged. ‘No one knows. The police are still looking for him but they think he’s run away. His gang has been expelled permanently from school.’

‘Finally!’ Archie cried.

The bell rang and everyone headed towards their classes.

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