Vampire Charming (12 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Vampire Charming
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started nodding.

a pragmatist like Jane could feel the electric pull of Slade’s optimism.  It
was like hope and shininess came together to create this one perfect savior of
the downtrodden.  Slade’s face reflected confidence, and strength, and so many
that you wanted to join his crusade without even knowing where he was

paths we
to walk would not have led us to this point, it’s true.
 But I do not question the wisdom out the gods. 
was where we were
needed and
is where we must fight.”  His gaze glowed with absolute
sincerity.  “You’ve heard the stories of Fang’s cruelty.  People here are
suffering and scared.  If justice for all the citizens of Infinia matters to
you,” he looked straight at Jane, “then you
help them.  You must
.  It is who you are.”

son of a bitch…”  She whispered, seeing where this was headed.

you think a king should be fair to peasants and lords alike, then you
do all in your power to overthrow the Werewolf.  Would you turn your back on
misery, because it is safer?  Would you allow a monster to kill the innocent,
because you fear the risk?”  Slade arched a brow.  “No.  I think you are so
much braver than that.”

stared at him and knew he’d just fucked up her whole life.

is a deeper purpose at work, bringing us together.”  Slade made an emphatic
gesture with his hand.  “I believe that.  We are here, because our old lives
were stifling all we are truly meant for.  We were
to save this
world.  And we must do it

rebels gave a brief cheer and Slade glanced at them in surprise.  Maybe he’d
forgotten they were there.  The speech was aimed at Jane.

Slade repeated, more forcefully.  “Together, we shall overthrow Fang. 
Together, we shall free Infinia.  Together, we shall build
homes and
kingdom for the people we love.  You are not faceless extras in
this story.”  He looked right at Jane.  “You
the story.  This is our
legend and we are writing it
right now
.  Together.”

her better judgment, she felt her lips curve.

eyes gleamed, seeing that she appreciated that line.  “It will not be easy. 
Great quests never are.  But, I ask that you join me in building a better
future.  The future we were meant to have.  The future you deserve.”  His gaze
stayed locked on hers.  “Stay with me and you will not be sorry.  I swear it.”

that second, Jane saw the truth.  She gazed up at the lunatic in front of her
and knew that he really
a king.  His destiny
huge and
important.  Slade was the star of this film.  Not because he was good looking
or charismatic, but because he believed that he could solve all of Infinia’s
problems before the credits rolled.  He was asking her to save this whole
stupid world, because he believed they were the only ones who could do it.

he was right.


let out a long sigh.  She wasn’t going home today.

Chapter Six



with a tracking shot along a sinister corridor of the palace.  The forbidding Obsidian
Fortress looks like Castle Grayskull mixed with the Death Star.  The rest of
Infinia is terrified of the place and with good reason:  Its owner is a mean,
dangerous, (but super-hot) Werewolf.  All sorts of creatures cower in the darkened
corners, fearful of FANG’S wrath.  Some of them are crying.  Some are praying. 
There’s a close-up of a scared baby covering its eyes.

we see FANG.  He’s looking super-hot and majorly pissed.  Ominous music plays, something
with BIG sound and BIG drums and maybe some creepy chanting.  (Note:  We should
definitely hire JOHN WILLIAMS to write an evil sounding score for this part.) 
FANG approaches a hidden door …and the scene fades to black, leaving the
audience wondering what this super-hot villain is planning next.


Redrafted Film Script- “From Here to

the fuck could Slade still be alive?

had thought that bloodsucking bastard was long dead.  Surely
would have killed him, by now.  Mostly likely Damien or one of Slade’s own idiot
followers.  The list of possibilities was endless, though.  That Vampire was
the most annoying, arrogant, meddlesome asshole ever born.  There should have
been a line around the block of supernatural beings waiting their turn to behead
that douchebag.  Instead, he was wandering free in Infinia, gathering more
followers by the day.

slammed through the echoing hallways of the Obsidian Fortress, his cape billowing
behind him.  The entire palace was constructed of glassy black rocks.  It
loomed over the green lands of Infinia like a tombstone.  Jagged and dark, it was
designed to intimidate the weak followers of this weak land.  It showed them
who was boss.

one crossed the Werewolf King.  Lately, even his own men were wise enough to
stay out of Fang’s way.  He’d already executed a dozen of them just for being
nearby.  When he was feeling testy, he needed an outlet for his frustrations
and the Goblins were suitably breakable.  But, after his justifiable burst of
pique had left sixteen of them torn apart by wild dogs, he had his emotions
back under control.

of this just went to show that if you wanted something done right, you had to
do it yourself.  Slade had ruined Fang’s last homeland, but he wasn’t going to
get away with it, again.  This time, Fang would see the Vampire dead and his
stupid, blond head on a pike.  Since no one else was up to the task of
defeating that bastard, Fang would personally perform the honors.

looked forward to it.

nearly a week, he’d been scouring the Endless Woods for any sign of Slade and
he’d come up empty, though.  That ludicrously attired ass-hat had vanished.  No
matter how many underlings Fang sent into the woods, there was still no trace
of the Vampire.  In fact, there was very little trace of the underlings.  The
infinite stretch of trees swallowed everyone who left the path.

Fang knew Slade was still out there.  Plotting.  Pontificating.  Planning to
steal his throne.  If he was going to defeat the Vampire, it was clear that
more drastic methods were needed.

checked to make sure he wasn’t being followed and then stepped into a stone
alcove.  Shoving aside a delightfully morbid tapestry featuring a wolf howling
at a blood red moon, he opened a hidden door and headed down a concealed
staircase.  Torches lined the walls, casting eerie shadows on the mirrored
surface of the walls, as he descended into the bowels of the palace.

Obsidian Fortress had been built on top of Infinia’s most sacred spot.  Fang
was a big believer in choosing a home based on location, location, location.  For
generations, the Light Fairies harnessed the energy in the caverns, but they’d
fled, now.  He had to make do with far less skilled assistance, so it was
to discover the ancient spells.  Werewolves weren’t known
for their patience.

you find Slade, yet?”  He demanded, slamming into the large chamber at the base
of the stairs.  It was the heart of the Fairies’ magicks.  The walls were made
of thick, semitransparent crystal.  It glowed with an aurora borealis of power;
brilliant colors shifting deep within the white stone.  It was said that all
possible futures could be foretold in the patterns, if you knew how to
translate them.

Dark Fairy looked away from the changing colors.  “I don’t know his location,
but he still lives.”

already knew that.  Why was he paying this evil bitch to tell him things he
already knew?  Well, besides the fact that Fairies were the most beautiful of
all supernatural beings.

glowered in annoyance, but his body was already responding to the sight of her. 
With waist length golden hair and deep brown eyes, she looked like most of her
kind.  Except, her angelic face held an underlying viciousness and her smile
was all cruel edges.  Dark Fairies and Werewolves often worked together, but
this woman was particularly gifted at evil.  He should probably try to remember
her name, but it didn’t matter.  Her job was to help him control Infinia and to
provide a warm body.

gave him a knowing look, sensing his lust.

seen nothing else?”  He snapped.  “Nothing at all to help us defeat Slade?”

glided closer, covered in nothing but an ethereal blue robe.  “Why do you worry
so about this Vampire?  You’ve killed so many of his kind, sire.”

shook his head, because she still didn’t understand.  “He isn’t like the
others.  Slade is an overconfident, self-righteous idiot.  But he
people.  That makes him the most dangerous kind of enemy.”

so?”  She untied the fastening of her robe, letting it fall to the ground.  The
woman spent more time naked than clothed.  The ancient power in the cavern
aroused everyone who entered the space and she seemed to thrive on the mindless
lust.  In the corners of the room, Cave Elves stirred.  They were her sexual
playthings and they scurried closer at the promise of a new game.

let out a hissing breath as one of them dropped to its knees before her.  Its
wide mouth found the junction of her thighs and began lapping at her juices. 
Her head went back with an erotic moan, but her eyes stayed on Fang.  She liked
to tease.

was so turned on by the sight that he didn’t even protest when another Elf
crouched before him.  Spindly hands unfastened his belt and began massaging his
erection.  Ordinarily, he wouldn’t allow such a low creature to touch him.  Elves
were just mindless servants, after all.  But, this room amplified sexual urgency
and drove him towards release.

gets into people’s heads with his naive jabber.  He convinces them to risk all
on hopeless dreams.”  The Elf sucked the hard length of him into its mouth and
Fang’s jaw clenched.  “Slade’s real power is his goddamn

we’ll find him and publically execute the optimism right out of his body.”  She
whispered as the Elves worshiped at her body.  “Show everyone who the real king
of Infinia is.”

it will be too late for that.  The Vampires here are dead and forgotten, but if
Slade survives much longer, he’ll rally other beings to his side.”  Fang shoved
deeper into the Elf’s mouth, ruthlessly uninterested in its cry of protest.  “His
death will just make him a martyr.  It will drive the rebellion to even greater

then we’ll have to break him.  He must possess a weakness.”  The Dark Fairy bit
her lower lip as more Elves cupped her naked breasts.  Squeezing them hard
enough to leave red marks.  Offering them to Fang.  “We just need to discover
what he cannot survive without… and take it from him.”

slowly grinned.  He pushed the whimpering Elf aside and crossed to the Dark
Fairy.  “Slade has a woman.”  He reported, because he’d already thought along
similar lines.  “A human.”

soon as it was safe, Fang had turned into his wolf-form to search for Slade’s
trail himself.  He dared not go far into the Endless Woods, so he’d quickly
reached an impasse.  But, he’d scented the woman and the fragrance of her still
lingered in his mind.  It was tainted and mixed with the Vampire’s stench, but
there was still something…
about the human’s citrusy smell. 
Something that raced from Fang’s nostrils straight down to his cock.

she his Eternal-One?”  The Dark Fairy asked in concern.  “If he regains his
soul, it could increase his power.”

hasn’t bonded with the woman,” Fang would know if Slade had claimed her, “but those
moronic brothers said Slade was fascinated by the human.”  Fang couldn’t recall
the siblings’ names.  He’d never been very good at caring what other people
called themselves.  Most of them simply didn’t matter.  “They said that he
followed her like a puppy.  That he seemed to

  Why would a Vampire need something so ordinary?”

all humans are ordinary.”  Fang’s eyes skimmed over the Dark Fairy’s lamentably
straight hair.  The Whatever-They-Were-Called siblings had said Slade’s woman
possessed a headful of erotic toffee-colored curls.  He couldn’t get the image
of them out of his mind.  Why should the Vampire own such a gift?  “Mortal
women definitely have their advantages.”

Dark Fairy wasn’t convinced.  “Are you sure the Satyrs weren’t lying about the
Vampire’s attachment to her?”

was their name.  Or it had been anyway.

one lies when they’re on the rack.  All four of the brothers told the same
story before they died.”  Fang spun her around so she faced the crystal wall,
gripping her neck and forcing her to bend over.  He moved in behind her.  “Slade
cares for the human.  She’s his weakness, so we’ll find her and steal her away.”

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