Vampire Charming (9 page)

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Authors: Cassandra Gannon

BOOK: Vampire Charming
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considered that possibility.  “You believe she’s right?”

to believe people are rotten, because they always fucking

not true.”  Slade found it sad that she’d say such a thing.  Jane Squire was
too young to be so cynical.  “Most people are good.  Not as intrinsically
honorable as Vampires, but…”

interrupted him.  She did that a lot.  “You’re so naive, you shouldn’t be
allowed to roam free in the world.”  She jabbed a finger at him.  “For whatever
reason, I seem to be stuck with you, so just do what I say, alright?  We’re

crossed his arms over his chest.  “You’re being unduly suspicious.  The Satyr
Brothers are our first link to the rebels.  If we abandon them, how will we
begin our quest?”

won’t be much of a quest if you’re dead.”

shook his head.  “I cannot allow pessimism and fear to influence my choices.  This
is my

Slade?”  One of the Satyr brothers called from the cave’s entrance.  It might
have been Val.  “Where are you?  Why don’t you come back inside and buckle your
saddle belt?  It’s going to be a bumpy night.”

turned to answer him, but Jane slapped a hand over his mouth.  “Don’t you
dare.”  She warned.  “At least it’s not Brando this time, but
All About Eve
should still sue them for screwing up that quote so badly.  It just sounds
ominous and sleazy.”

couldn’t think of a single response to that.  The feel of Jane’s fingers over
his lips sent a fire flickering through his system that shorted out his brain. 
He blinked at her, stunned by the passion that ignited when their skin met.  The
instant heat was like nothing he’d ever experienced.  He had to shift his hips
to hide the intensity of his reaction.  If she was a Witch, he’d swear that
she’d cast a spell on him.  The lust he felt for her was spiraling out of
control and all she’d done was touch him.

yanked her hand back and gave her head a clearing shake.  “Okay.”  She
swallowed hard.  “Right.  Look… The brothers are tricking you.”  She dropped
her gaze like she was uncomfortable with the way Slade was staring at her.  “Can’t
you see that?”

tried to concentrate on her words, but it was nearly impossible.  Did she feel
the heat between them, too?  How could she miss it?  He had to clear his throat
before he could talk.  “Success can only come through risk, Jane.”

know what else come through risk? 
.  Taking risks is almost always
a bad idea.”

slowly shook his head.  “You’re wrong.”  He said simply.  “Unless you take
risks, you’ll never have anything that matters.”

looked at him again, studying his grave face.  “Okay, we’ll try this another
way.”  She gave him a tight smile.  “You think I’m your loyal sidekick, right?”

are my most trusted friend.”  He agreed.  His Dark Instincts had more faith in
Jane Squire than he’d ever had in anyone.  He had no idea why, but he didn’t
question it.

listen to me.”  She leaned closer to him.  “We’re trapped in some cheap
knock-off of
.  And
kind of a
knock-off.  If we’re going to survive this crappy movie, we need to be smart. 
Now, I don’t have your experience at potentate- ing, but I doubt the current
ruler is looking for any kingly competition.  Fang isn’t going to welcome you
with open arms.”

was hard to dispute that logic.  “Werewolves are so selfish.”

point is, stealing his crown won’t be easy.”  She shook her head.  “And don’t
you think this all seems
too easy?
You just walk in a bar
some random hooved guys are instantly setting you up on a date with
the super-secret underground?  Even for a movie, that’s too big a coincidence.”

pondered that.  He hated to admit it, but Jane Squire made a small bit of
sense.  Obviously, the people of this land would be thrilled to have him as
their majestic leader.  But, Fang’s henchmen would be everywhere, trying to
stop Slade’s ascension with all sorts of chicanery.  It never paid to
underestimate the duplicity and avarice of his enemies.  Perhaps, he should…

suddenly grabbed his arm, again.  “Get down.”  She tugged him lower, ducking
behind a strange shrub with bright orange berries shaped like dominos.

woman enjoyed manhandling him, but Slade didn’t mind.  In fact, it just made
him think of
ways she could touch his body.  Wicked, hot,
wonderful ways…  Jane inspired very un-gentlemanly thoughts about kings and
pretty little servant girls.  He’d never had those kinds of fantasies before,
but with Jane his mind was filled with all sorts of startling new ideas.

see?”  She hissed at him, oblivious to the fact he was picturing her fingers
stroking every inch of his skin.  “I
it was a set-up.”

Slade dragged his attention away from her and blinked over at the clearing.

soldiers began arriving, carrying massive swords and obsidian shields.  Riding
beasts that looked like a cross between a rhinoceros and a dinosaur, they
thundered closer.  With wart-covered skin and hideous, oversized bodies, the
men could only be Goblins.  The species was amoral and dangerous, often hiring
on as mercenaries.  Moving down the wide path, they surrounded the hill.

eyes narrowed when he saw the howling wolf painted on their armor.  These were
no rebels.  These men fought for Fang.  Slade recognized the dreaded insignia,
which had struck fear into the hearts of beings throughout his former homeland.

was right.  This was a set-up.

we don’t live through this, I told you so.”  She muttered.  “Remember that.”

ignored her complaints, quickly running through battle scenarios.  His first
instinct was to attack the Goblins.  Even greatly outnumbered, he could sweep
the field.  He’d done it before.  If something went wrong, though, he’d leave
Jane all alone at the mercy of their enemies.  He might have lectured Jane on
the importance of taking risks, but even a one percent chance of endangering
her was too big a gamble.

feeling of purpose returned, so different that his uncomplicated desire to rule
Infinia.  Keeping the small human beside him safe trumped his need for a quick
victory.  Slade put a hand on her shoulder, easing her behind him.

looked up at him in surprise, like she wasn’t used to being protected.

the clearing, one rider pulled away from the others.  From the golden regalia
on his uniform and the enchanted creature he was riding, he was clearly the leader
of the group.  He removed his helmet, glossy black hair falling to his wide
shoulders.  “Where is the Vampire?”  He demanded in a deep voice.

from the distance separating them, Slade could see the lupine yellow of his
eyes and the savage angles of his face.  There was no mistaking his old enemy. 
“Fang.”  He snarled.

here, your highness.”  Al or Val called from the mouth of the cave, his voice
shrill and nervous.  “He just stepped out for a moment.”

buckets.”  Jane breathed.  “
Fang?  Because…

flashed her a glare.

come on. 
at him.”  She pointed towards the false king.  “You know
he’s gorgeous.  I mean, it kind of makes sense, actually.  If this place is
supposed to be some lousy film, of
the human-ish characters are
going to be Hollywood beautiful.  Even Tegan the bartender looked like a

didn’t have a clear recollection of that woman and he had no idea what
was.  He also didn’t care.  He glowered down at Jane, angered at her disloyalty.

questioned his status as handsomest Vampire ever born, yet she drooled over
that mangy dog?  He wasn’t sure why that surprised him.  Wolves were
irresistible to women, as Melessa had so graphically proved in the royal
bathtub.  For some reason, Jane’s interest in Fang pissed him off even more
than his ex-wife’s affair.

find that animal attractive.”

have eyes, don’t I?”  Jane arched a brow.  “For real, are you sure your
prospective fiancée isn’t
being held prisoner?  There’s probably a
line of princesses waiting to be kidnapped by that guy.”

still drunk.”  Slade decided.  “Fang is as hideous outside as he is within.”

telling yourself that.”

stepped out
.”  Fang repeated in a dangerous tone.  “You mean you
him.”  The Werewolf dismounted from his irritatingly lovely mount
and swept forward, his black cape billowing.  “You let him escape.”

is Fang really riding a unicorn?”  Jane asked quietly.

made an annoyed face.  “It’s a pegasus.”  Not even Slade had ever owned such an
exquisite animal.  The beautiful creature was pure white, with glossimer wings
and the unmistakable look of a thoroughbred.  It made Slade miss his own mighty
steeds.  He really should have had a better lawyer in the divorce.

Vampire didn’t escape, King Fang.”  Val or Al stuttered out.  “A human woman came
and asked to speak with him.  He just went outside to talk to her.  He’ll be
back any moment.  He would have to be crazy to wander off into the Endless

furry fool.”  Fang spat.  “You let some bitch steal the Vampire right out from
under you?!”

eyes narrowed.  “Okay, you’re right.  I’m suddenly thinking this guy’s a dick.”

am Slade, King of the Vampires.  I’m always right.”  Still, he was delighted to
hear her come to her senses.  “And Werewolves are
dicks.  It’s
one of the reasons they hate Vampires.  We are popular and likable, while they
are the cruelest and most deceitful creatures in the supernatural world.”

that you’re biased or anything.”

stalked up the small hill, his boots crunching on the gravel.  “Fan out and
locate them.”  He ordered.  “Do what you want with the woman, but I want the
Vampire alive.  We need to discover if more of his kind are in hiding.  Fucking
Vampires won’t contaminate my land.”  He scowled out into the darkness, like he
was trying to see through the dense trees.  “And don’t underestimate him.  This
bloodsucker has already killed a dozen Wood Elves.”

was fifteen.”  Slade told Jane smugly.

but a couple of them were mine.”  She watched Fang with deepening concern.  “Can
he --like-- sniff us out or something?”

in his wolf form.  When he shape-shifts, he possesses heightened senses.”

looked up at the sky.  “Does he need a full moon?”

of course not.”  The woman clearly knew nothing of Werewolves.  “Just the
night.  He will not change in front of his men, though.  The transition leaves
him vulnerable for several moments.”

can find him, sire.”  One of the other Satyr Brothers interjected.  “King Slade
couldn’t have gone far off the path…”

cut him off.  “Slade?”  He echoed, his eyes narrowing into slits.  “The Vampire
is named

Slade.  He repeated it about fifty times.”  Cal or Hal muttered.  “We found
him in the Drunken Dragon Tavern, rambling about how he was going to take over
the kingdom.  The dude’s a weirdo.  If we just wait a few hours, it will be
sunrise and he’ll have to…”

”  Fang roared, whirling back to his men.  “I don’t care what it takes,
you find Slade and you bring him to me! 

think he remembers you.”  Jane muttered.  “Only people who’ve met you can get
that pissed.”  She tugged on his sleeve.  “We should go.”

hated retreat, but she had a point.  Without the Silver Sword, he could not yet
kill Fang and staying here longer would endanger Jane.  This was a war, not a
single battle.  “Head into the woods.”  He couldn’t stop himself from running a
hand over her amazing toffee-colored hair.  “I’m right behind you.”

can take the first hail of bullets as they chase after us.  Or
arrows or whatever the hell they use in this dump.”  She headed through the
forest, her ponytail bouncing.

one followed them.

Endless Woods were a vast place and they no longer had the path to guide them. 
It became a maze of trees.  Slade and Jane walked ceaselessly without seeing
anything but strange looking foliage.  Sometimes he thought they’d passed the
same area several times, but he couldn’t be sure.  Even his Vampiric senses
were affected by the woods.  He didn’t know which direction they were traveling

passed.  Slade watched the shadows move across the undergrowth, gauging the
time.  The unidentified Satyr Brother had been correct about the dawn.  It was
approaching far too quickly.  Vampires couldn’t be in the daylight for more
than a few moments without burning to cinders.  Slade was going to need to find
shelter soon.

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