Vampire World (13 page)

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Authors: Rich Douglas

Tags: #vampires

BOOK: Vampire World
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gonna love the observatory,” Brett said, starry-eyed. “You’ll be able to see
the ten thousand foot canyons and craters of Garlic Moon up close. And there
are some really cool planets to check out.”

passing through downtown, we took a sharp left and climbed a ridge. Then I saw
it. A dark granite dome shaped like a skull rising magnificently out of the

it is,” said Brett. “Bloodmore Observatory.”



clutched Brett’s hand as we approached the remarkable dome.

seemed apprehensive. I asked him what was the matter, but he was a bit evasive.

I said at the cemetery, I need to tell you something. But let’s go check out
some planets first.”

entered the dome. It was gloomy inside and not very crowded, though there was a
small line of vamps standing behind an imposing red telescope.

voice spoke over a loudspeaker. “Step right up and see the beautiful landscape
of Garlic Moon.”

put my arms around Brett’s waist while we waited in line. Then it was my turn
to look. I climbed the spiral staircase that led to the telescope and gazed
into the lens. Garlic Moon was breathtaking up close. Though the light bothered
me at first, my eyes adjusted. I could make out mountains, canyons, and
fascinating mile high craters.

was hard to stop looking, but I pulled back and headed down the steps. When
Brett climbed up to take a look, I realized that this might be my chance to
search for the secret.

spotted the bookshelf against the wall and stealthily moved over to the left
side of it to see if a hidden doorway existed. I couldn't find one. Then I
remembered the note telling me that I had to press against the wall. But there
wasn't time to find the right spot. Brett was already heading back down from
the telescope.

was really cool, huh?” he said.

I told him. “I felt like I was actually there, floating above it.”

telescope operator made an announcement.

we will be viewing three planets called the vampire trio. They get this name
from their vampire-like colors. One is blood-red, another is green, and the
largest one is black.”

could tell Brett was just as excited as I was when the roof rotated and the
telescope adjusted.

it was my turn to take another look. The view was fang dropping. I discovered
that these planets, just like Garlic Moon, were circular in shape. The red one
really did resemble a huge rock covered in blood, which was quite fitting.
I climbed back down feeling awestruck.

this feeling quickly passed. The secret was what I'd really come here for, and
it was time to make my move. As soon as Brett climbed up to take another peek,
I headed back to where the bookcase was.

pushed hard against the circular wall in several places, using all of my body
weight. Suddenly, a door swung open and I tumbled through. It slammed shut
behind me.

found myself in a rectangular room with a low ceiling. There were no windows or
other doors, just a podium in the center. I already wanted to get the hell out
of it. For some reason I imagined that the walls were slowly moving inward,
intent on crushing me.

on the podium was a sealed letter. I opened it and saw the third clue to my
first major secret. It was another transparent circle, this time bearing
patches of brown and green, though I had no idea what they were meant to
represent. Instead of wasting time trying to work this out, I read the message

'Very nice Janice. You’re extremely close
to discovering your first major secret. Put all three transparencies together
and you will see a new message appear.'

did as instructed, but despite my efforts, it was still hard to figure out what
exactly the round thing was meant to be. After the first two clues had been put
together it was mostly blue with patches of white mixed in. Now, after adding
this third clue, there were also some green and brown parts making up a small
section. But it still didn't tell me anything.

least the promised new message had appeared. I read this, hoping it would make
things clearer.
'Excellent job. Take a careful look at the image and use
your mind. What do you see? If you’re confused, press the button on the back of
this podium.'

found the button and pressed it.

response, the wall in front of me lit up to display the round image I held in
my hand. But this time it was on a much bigger and brighter scale, especially
the patches of green. In fact, I could now make out mountains and canyons, just
like I'd seen when viewing Garlic Moon. Wow! This must also be a moon or some
kind of planet. But what did it have to do with me?

figured I’d better get going because Brett would be wondering where I was. My
excuse was ready – I'd got lost trying to find the bathroom. Simple. He
would believe me.

tried to remember where it was I'd come in, but couldn’t see any tell-tale
cracks in the wall. I pressed hard against section after section, but nothing
gave. With a rush, I realized that I was trapped in this miniature room with no
one knowing where I was.

knew Brett must be worried about me - I was now worried about me too!
My hands frantically kept pressing at
parts of the wall where I thought the door might be.

anybody there? Can anyone hear me?” I hollered out while hammering on the wall
with my fists.


really panicking, I went behind the podium and literally threw my body against
the wall. This time a section immediately opened. All of a sudden I could feel
the outside air on my face. I had fallen through into a field of prickly,
lifeless grass outside the observatory. Glancing up, I saw that the parking lot
was now teeming with cars.

there was no time to waste time with sightseeing. I instantly recognized one of
the parked cars: a very sporty one with fire down its side. I had been inside
that vehicle.

in front of me was the biggest loser in the world - Rob. Behind him loomed
three of his friends.

how are you Janice?” he said. “I see you’re with another guy. Is he your

frowned at the ass. His devilish hair and eyes did not scare me at all. “Why
are you spying on me?” I snapped.

grinned. “Because I still think we’d make a good couple. Besides, I bet your
little vampire boyfriend can’t give you the things I can. Looking at him, I
doubt he could afford a coffin to rot in.”

clutched at the grains wrapped around my neck.

you gonna throw that at me?” Rob snarled.

turned around and ran, not because I was scared, but because I was wasting
time. I wanted to see Brett. Rob and his friends laughed, but I didn’t care.

moved rapidly into the observatory, searching for Brett. But I couldn't see him
anywhere. Maybe he'd already gone to the police or something, I thought. But
then something worse popped into my head. Maybe he thought I'd ditched him?

I went back outside, looking frantically for a vampire who meant so much to me.

as I was getting really desperate, I ran right into him – literally. So
hard in fact, we both fell over from the impact. But after quickly recovering
from the shock, we stood up and threw our arms around each other.

were you?” he asked. “I was worried sick!”

so sorry…the blood from lunch didn’t go down well so I had to find a bathroom
fast. On the way back I got lost.”

okay. I’m just so glad to see you,” he said, letting out a sigh of relief.

kissed me on the lips. Hot. Then cold. Nice.

gently took my hand. “I know a really nice place not too far from here. It’s a
little hike up a hill. Wanna go?”

was the stupidest question he’d ever asked me. Of course he knew I wanted to

hiking up the steep ridge, we sat down on a bench at the top. The view of the
valley below was spectacular - a glistening lake of green surrounded by tall
trees with radiant leaves.

you like it?” he asked.

it’s so pretty.”

gave a contented sigh. “You know, it’s funny. I never thought I would make it
in this world. But now for the first time, I really feel like I can.”

just have to believe in yourself,” he said. “I believe in you.”

if I'm honest, you’re a large part of why I feel so happy.”

converged for another juicy kiss. But just before our lips touched he stopped
and pulled back. “Look, I need to tell you something.”

I said, frustrated.

come from a very poor family. My parents mean a great deal to me and I do
everything I can to support them. I’m not going to give up on this. You need to
know that I won't be able to buy you expensive things like some other vampires
could. You’re beautiful. You’re amazing. But don’t expect a lot of fancy
presents and stuff, not if you still want to be with me. Sorry.”

he finished, I laughed. “Is that all you wanted to tell me?”

smiled uncomfortably. “Well, yeah. I mean, that wasn’t easy.”

I want is you,” I told him. “Ever since I met you, I’ve never felt so good.”

you’re all I want,” he said. “You’re the sweetest vampire I've ever known.”

a record playing the greatest love song in the world, our fangs locked and our
tongues spun. We gently bit each other; not so hard as to draw blood, but just
enough to feel it. And oh, it felt incredible!

laid my head on his shoulder, peering up at the starry sky and enjoying his
alternating warmth and coldness.

sky is so awesome,” he said. “There’s so much stuff out there we don’t know

you ever seen a blue planet?” I asked. “Or heard anything about one?”


said I was curious, but no more than that. I couldn’t let him know what I'd
discovered in the observatory. That was my secret, and I couldn't share with

our romantic night continued, Brett went quiet again.

wrong?” I asked.

sighed. “I totally believe what you said about me meaning the world to you. And
that’s great. But don’t you want stuff? I wish I could buy a lot of things. I
wish I could buy you and my parents everything you all wanted. And get me
everything as well.”

admitted to him that I really wanted new clothes, a haircut that made me look
like a vampire, a tattoo of any kind, and an expensive three-dimensional lava

laughed. “Well, we do have a lot in common.”

I returned.

was quiet for a moment, then said: “Would you like to meet my parents this

and honored, I said that I'd be delighted to.

remember, don't expect a mansion,” he told me while we walked hand in hand back
down the hill. “Or the best bloodfeast you ever had.”

reached his car. But just as he was opening the door, a group of unwanted
idiots approached.

look who it is! Janice’s hobo boyfriend.”

scowled at Rob. His beefy, tattoo-covered friends surrounded Brett’s car.

a shame,” Rob taunted. “Just look how pathetic you both are. No tattoos. No
piercings. And cheap clothes that would make even a vampire bum laugh.”

was actually interested to see how Brett would react. Surprisingly, he remained

Rob told me. “Leave now, Janice, before you become homeless and pregnant
have to feed your babies to
bloodsucking Hela Rats.”

last Brett said something. “Leave my girlfriend alone,” he growled.

got in his face and bared his fangs. “You’re no good for her,” he snarled.
“She’s much better off with me.”

glared at each other. Brett popped out his fangs too. I feared they were about
to rip each other apart.

Rob broke the short silence. “Let’s
settle this the way real vampires are supposed to. That is, if you’re even a
vampire to begin with, freak. I challenge you to a blood spar. First vamp to
draw blood wins. If you draw first, then I’ll leave you and your stupid
girlfriend alone. But if I win, she’s getting another date with me.”

pushed his way into Brett’s face again.

wanted to jump in between them, but something stopped me.



what’s it gonna be?” Rob yelled.

stepped back and opened the car door. “Come on, Janice,” he said. “Let’s get
the hell out of here.”

we climbed inside I heard more laughter and insults coming from Rob and his
punk friends. But I was proud of Brett for staying out of trouble. He'd done
the right thing.

probably think I’m a wimp,” he said as we drove away from the goons.

told him exactly how I felt. He smiled. Now all I could think about was that
he'd called me his girlfriend. But how could we be boyfriend and girlfriend? We
hadn't kissed on the grave. Not that this changed my feelings. Whatever we
were, I loved him regardless.

on to my folk’s house,” he said.

Enthusiasm rose as we passed through a
dense neighborhood of little homes. This was shattered by a sudden popping
noise. Brett swerved and came close to smashing into a streetlight.

the hell?” he shouted.

stepped out of the car.
I followed

back tires both had multiple holes in them and were completely destroyed.

did this happen?” Brett muttered.

he investigated further, something flew out of one of the holes and went right
into my face. The ghastly flying insect had four eyes, tiny but vicious looking
teeth, and a needle-like nose. Then it landed on my arm. Before I had a chance
to knock it away, it jammed its nose deep into my skin. I felt shrilling pain.

quickly swatted the burrowing insect and killed it. Part of its guts were still
sticking to my arm.

okay?” he said, sweating some blood.

What the hell was that?”

a Grinder. They come from Bloodwood Forest. They can grind their way through
anything, including our skin. And they love our blood.”

scanned his destroyed tires. “Stay back and get down,” he warned.

tapped sharply on both wheels. Almost immediately a swarm of grinders flew out,
whizzing around and passing dangerously close to Brett while he swatted at
them. After circling around a few times, they eventually flew away.

all safe now,” he said.

surveying his tires one more time, Brett banged his fists against the car.
“Dammit! Those creeps must have done this.”

I said, spotting a letter taped to the bumper.

snatched it up and read what was written aloud. “Hope your casket on wheels
enjoyed getting grinded. Next time, it’s gonna be you.”

crumpled the letter and threw it hard to the ground. “I knew I should have
bloodied him up when I had the chance.”

tried my best to calm Brett down. But it didn’t work.

tires are going to cost me a fortune.”

you can take the train to see me then,” I said.

know,” he responded.
“But I hate
the damn train. A vampire loves his car, you know.”

a weird way, it was kind of nice to see him mad. It brought out the macho vamp
in him. Meanwhile, he said we were pretty far from the nearest train station.

try to beg a tow truck driver for a ride,” he said.

made a call on his cell. Then he cracked a smile.

got a ride.”

we waited, I told him everything I knew about Rob.

really likes me,” I said. “I don’t know why.”

wants you because he knows you are more beautiful than any vampire he’s ever
been with,” Brett said. “But he better not lay a nail on you. If he does, he'll
drink his own blood.”

laughed with Mr. Tough Guy. Then we kissed again.

tow truck driver arrived, a lean vampire with a ring of tattoos around his

the way to his parent’s house, Brett offered to treat me to a haircut. I
blushed. Then, knowing that he didn’t have many Carns, I gratefully declined.

come on,” he begged. “I really want to treat you. I mean, it won’t be the most
expensive haircut in the world. Please don’t make me feel cheap.”

gave in. “Okay, fine. You can treat me.”

tow truck driver drove us through the same seedy neighborhood I'd seen before
when approaching the Gothic spires of downtown. The tiny, drab houses were
smaller than those in my neighborhood, and we passed several loner vampires
walking about in the street, isolated and probably cold.

down another street, Brett told the driver to stop at a diminutive black house.

it is, Janice. I told you it wasn’t much.”

house appeared something like mine, though much smaller. Waiting for us at the
door were his parents. They gaped at me like I was wonder vampire.

how are you, young lady?” said a middle-aged woman.

introduced me to his mother, Pam. She was wearing a scarlet shirt together with
a fancy necklace made up of skulls. I also noticed her pretty eyes and the
crimson highlighted tips of her dark hair.

cooked us a wonderful dinner,” she said. “You’ll love my bloodbeans and

male vampire approached. “I’m Naz BloodCut, Brett’s father.”

he shook my hand, I noticed that each one of his fingers was sporting a large
black ring. He was tall and burly, though some of his skin was dry and flaky.
And in spite of his size, there was something a bit frail about him. I wondered
how old he was. Perhaps not so young?

the interior of the cramped house was less than impressive, there were some
nice surprises, like a television that was bigger than Mr. FreeCut’s, and a
sizable lava lamp that glowed an emerald color.

squeezed around the teeny round table. I was on top of everyone and could
barely move my arms without touching another plate or arm. However, I didn’t
mind being on top of Brett. All the same, I was tempted to ask how they could
afford lots of rings and a nice TV but not a decent dining table.

passed around the pot of blood beans and serpentine. My mouth watered a
greenish liquid as I gazed at the beans and meaty sausage smothered in a sweet
smelling gravy of blood.

what do you think of my cooking?” she asked.

great,” I replied, and really meant it.

a few degrees of eating, I was bombarded with questions, questions, questions.

how do you make your Carns?” Naz asked me, which I guessed was another way of
asking what kind of job I had.

a sales clerk at Vampire Supermarket.”

Are you a student at university as well?”

My father is kind of poor and I have to support him.”

I was telling another lie; but a lie that could potentially come true because I
wanted to help Mr. FreeCut in the same way Brett did with his father.

Brett’s mother said. “You’re just like our boy. How very sweet. You couldn’t
have met a nicer guy. Every week he returns the favor and helps us out. He
bought me my necklace. The TV set too. And the pretty lava lamp.”

also helps us get medicine,” Mr. Naz added. “I suffer from Skinthenogly, a
disease that causes me to age quickly. Because of that I can’t work. Brett buys
my pills for me every week. I couldn’t have a better son.”

blushed. I decided not to tell his parents about my accident and adoption. But
I did mention that if I was successful at my job, I could have a chance of
becoming a manager.

that’s good,” Mr. Naz said. “Anything less and you won’t survive. Everything is
just so damn expensive in this unfair world we live in. Good blood and good
medicine is only for the rich. It's a crying shame.”

became highly emotional, shooting out his fangs. “It's two thousand Carns for a
decent car! Two hundred for pills! Four hundred for a comfortable coffin! And
you can't get anything like a good tattoo for less than two hundred! Everything
is so unfair!”

pummeled his fists on the little table.

down, Dad!” Brett said. “You’re going to get sick!”

father took a few deep breaths and gradually relaxed. “I’m sorry. I meant what
I said, but I’m sorry for the way I said it.”

world is made up of more than possessions, Dad,” Brett told him.

right. And I should be grateful for having a son who cares so much about me.”
For a moment the hint of tears glistened in Mr. Naz's eyes.

quickly eased and we continued our conversation.

are so different, Janice,” Mrs. Pam said. “And that’s good.
In the past our boy would bring home
snobby, tattoo covered vampire whores. You’re a river of fresh blood.”

thanked her for her sweet compliment.

talked some more, and it was soon time for me to say goodbye.

walked me to the nearest train station, making sure I stayed safe crossing
through the neighborhood. Clutching my hand at the station, he didn’t seem to
want to let go.

told Rob that I was your girlfriend,” I said. “Is that true? I thought we had
to kiss on the grave. We haven’t done that yet.”

know we haven’t,” he replied. “So technically, we’re not boyfriend and
girlfriend. But I love you so much, it feels as if we are.”

asked him when the kiss on the grave was coming.

he said. “I promise. Well, goodnight, baby.”

kissed again, slow and sweet. Our fangs gently nipped at each other’s tongues,
once again sending shock waves of bliss through our cold veins. Hot.

arrived home feeling incredible.

how did your date go?” Mr. FreeCut inquired.

He’s so wonderful. You’re gonna have to meet him.”

be glad to, Janice.”

chatted for a while. I loved talking to him, and soon we got onto the subject
of fireball.

a blast,” he said. “When I was younger I used to play all the time at the
recreation center. I got so good that I entered the annual fireball contest.”

what exactly is that?”

happens every year at the ancient Dungeon Complex. The best players who make it
through the two underground layers are allowed to play in front of a giant
crowd of thousands.”

I said. “What are the underground layers?”

are two underground layers at the Rec Center that you have to pass through in
order to qualify. The second layer is more difficult than the first.”

didn’t know about that.”

one day I’ll go over there with you and show you. Come to that, I'd love to
play you in a game. That would really bring back some memories.”

don’t you come join me tomorrow night?”

hesitated. “Won’t your friends be there? I don’t want to intrude.”

okay. Besides, you can meet Brett.”

another life or world it would have felt funny to ask a parent or caretaker to
hang out with friends. But not Mr. FreeCut. And what the hell was I thinking
anyway? Another life or world? This was my life. My only life.

discussed Garlic Moon, the suns, and the mysterious heavens above. I asked him
if he knew of a blue planet.

don’t know of any specific ones,” he said. “But there could be millions of them
out there in the heavens. Some vampire scientists even believe there may be
life on other planets.”

I said, perplexed.

There are so many fantastic things to explore and discover. You've got that
chance now, Janice. Do it. Don’t wait until you’re old like me.”

the green skin on Mr. FreeCut’s face, I guessed that he was telling me the
truth. Don’t wait too long to seek out your dreams.

night, I laid my head down in my comfortable coffin, happy and content.
Tomorrow would be another challenging day at work, especially since I’d be on
my own.

as I was about to close my eyes, I saw a masked figure peeping at me through my
window. I rushed outside and saw a letter underneath a stone on the window
sill, just like before.

was no sign at all of the creep who'd delivered it.

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