Vampire World (8 page)

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Authors: Rich Douglas

Tags: #vampires

BOOK: Vampire World
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didn’t take me long to find his keys, which he'd left on the counter top. I
went to the garage, knowing that I could be in big trouble if Mr. FreeCut
returned before me and found his car gone. But right at that moment, I didn’t
care. All I could think of was my date.

came naturally to me, almost like I’d been doing it for a few years, even
though I didn’t remember any of it and this thing handled like a box on four
wheels. I followed the same road we'd taken earlier, encountering very few
other vehicles along the way until after clearing the rough neighborhood of DeathHouse.

after crossing Slice Canyon did the traffic really start to increase. I eyed
the iconic buildings of downtown, all the time thinking of what Mr. FreeCut
might do if he got home before me and discovered that I'd
car without telling him.

exactly the location of the parking garage, I parked the car and walked out
onto the shopping street. It was a far more bustling place at night. Struggling
along through the sea of physically flawless, finely dressed vampires, many more
of whom were lined up outside different clubs and restaurants, it took me about
a degree to reach DeathNail Club and Spirits.

waited directly beneath the club's bright neon sign, wondering how I would ever
be able to find Rob in such a crowd. Again, uninviting stares were thrown my
way by well-groomed vamps standing in line. But maybe it was a good thing I
stood out.

waited for what seemed like forever, staring at the beautiful haircuts of
several girls.
Then I heard
somebody call out my name.

around, I gazed into the scarlet eyes of Rob.


hugged. His muscular arms sent a pleasurable chill down my spine.

you showed up,” he said. “We’re really gonna have a fun time tonight.”

dazed by his long red hair, perfect face, and slick outfit of maroon jeans
black collared shirt with a
glow-in-the-dark snake on the front, I found it hard to speak.

charm seems to stun you,” he laughed.
it most certainly did.
“Well, it’s time to eat. Follow me.”

appeared he knew the restaurant and club host, which meant we were able to walk
right past the line. The guys on the door let us in without a wait.

were seated immediately in a luxurious booth. The airy restaurant reeked of
tempting blood, and a live band was playing soft distorted guitar music on an
elaborate stage in the center.

told you this place was nice,” Rob said. “Get whatever you like. I’m loaded.”

you,” I replied. I couldn't help but smile.

gorgeous looking waitress handed me a menu, together with a syringe shaped cup
full of blood with a green piece of fruit at the top.
I scanned the menu carefully. Large
mallet of blood: 70 Carns. Fresh Molluka and potenna bread: 90 Carns. Bloody
Pork and Sonta Beans: 60 Carns. Fresh Blood Pizza with Molluka: 50 Carns.

decided to go with the pizza.

choice,” Rob said. “As for me, I’m craving some Molluka and potenna bread, not
to mention some of their delicious bloodcheese sticks.”

gave the waitress our order after I finished my cup of blood. She handed us
some hot and spicy bloodcheese sticks, also two mega mallets of blood. My eyes
wanted to pop out of my head. This was the most blood I’d ever seen in one

thanks,” I said deliriously.

wasting any time, I clasped the mallet and started drinking. It tasted like a
sweet fruit drink.

too cute not to spend money on,” he said.

blushed while secretly drooling over his topaz earrings, multiple rings, and
several posh glow-in-the dark tattoos.

know,” he said as we waited for our food. “Not only are you beautiful, you're
also different. I’ve never been out with a girl who wears her hair down, or one
who didn’t have any earrings or tattoos. And as for your outfit – well,
what can I say?”

explained to him about the accident, and how I'd recently been adopted by a guy
who couldn't afford to give me lots of pocket money or posh clothes.

going to be alright,” he said. “I really like you. After we eat, you must come
with me into the club.”

more he talked, the more I was captivated by his incredible bad boy eyes.

food arrived. My pizza was smothered in blood and topped with pepperoni and
miniature Molluka, which were some sort of fish-like creatures with three eyes.
Rob received a monster sized Molluka smothered in blood. All the food was so
yummy. And so was Rob.

our stomachs full and bodies flowing with blood, we left the restaurant section
and headed into the club.

the place was jumping with wickedly fun dance music. Smoke filled the room, its
hazy clouds glistening with swirling fairy dust. The floor shimmered with

place is amazing,” I told Rob as we began to dance. A waitress handed us blood
shot glasses. Rob told me they came free with the admission price. We both
downed ours right away.

continued bumping and grinding, our sweaty bodies close together. Rob smelled
like a dead fish. Not that I minded. By now, almost anything dead seemed to
smell like roses. But why had he chosen a badly dressed and fashionably
clueless me over the countless other girl vampires who looked so much better? I
hadn’t a freakin clue. I wanted to kiss him.

wanted him to kiss me.

exited the club, smiling and holding hands. His hot body brushed up against
mine, making me want to scream.

you got to see my ride,” he said.

followed him into a nearby parking garage and up a few flights of stairs.

it is,” he said, smiling.

pointed to a sleek, all-black sports car with blood-red tires and shiny golden
rims. A golden skull with diamonds in its eyes sat on the hood. It was much
larger than the skull on Mr. FreeCut’s car.

clutched my hand. “You know, I reckon you’re gorgeous. Don’t take this the
wrong way, but just think. If you had enough money to buy some nice clothes and
fix up your hair, you would be a complete knock out.”


take you shopping tomorrow,” he continued. “I’ll buy you some hot clothes,
rings, necklaces, shoes - anything you want, baby.”

suddenly, he kissed me on the lips. My heart raced.

and check out the inside,” he said, pointing to his car again.

opened the door and we both climbed into the back, which was much bigger than
it appeared from the outside. The rock-hard seats shimmered with gold.

kissed me passionately, his cold tongue touching mine as our fangs gently
locked together. Before I knew it, Rob had taken off his shirt and we were
kissing real heavy. I marveled at his sexy chest, amazed by how good it looked,
and how pretty his glow-in-the-dark tats were.

I felt like I’d been in this situation before - I just couldn’t remember the
details. But I did sense a warning coming through. All of a sudden, something
didn’t feel right.

think we better slow down,” I told him, pulling back.

gazed at me, discouraged. “Why? Come on. Don’t be boring.”

closed in on me again, but I gently pushed him away. Then I climbed over the
front seat and got out of the car. He did the same.

really like you, Rob,” I said. “But I’m just not ready for that yet….”

face hardened a touch. “I treated you to dinner,” he growled. “I was going to
take you shopping. Is this all I get?”

said nothing as I saw the blood rush into his face. I didn’t feel good. I was
actually scared.

don’t know what you’re passing up,” he continued. “I’ve been with so many
girls. And you’re turning me down? I can’t believe that.”

quickly went from scared to pissed off.

you’re saying I’m ugly?” I stormed back. “Goodbye!”

walked rapidly away. He didn’t follow, but did shout after me that I was a
vampire bitch just as I was leaving the parking area. Anger turned to hurt on
realizing that I’d been used by someone I thought was Mr. Right. Once again, it
seemed, everyone in this world was a blood-sucking demon. Well, everyone except
for Mr. FreeCut and a few others.

up the pace, I found the parking garage I'd used and made my way to Mr.
FreeCut’s car. But someone was standing there. Someone I most definitely did
not want to see. My stalker in the mall. He was on the other side of the car,
his nasty eyes staring at me.

well! How are you, beautiful?”

the rat, I jumped into the car and started the engine. But through the rear
view mirror I could see him getting into a vehicle of his own.

my foot on the gas, I zoomed down the winding parking garage and into the
street. The traffic was heavy, making me growl with frustration as I tried to
get away from the shopping district. I had to get home before Mr. FreeCut found
out I stole his car.

at a red light forever, I peered in my mirror and saw a car right behind me. My
stalker was inside. The light at last turned green. I immediately floored it.

dangerously in and out of traffic, I headed for home with Garlic Moon shining
on the horizon.
But this was
quickly swallowed up by a chilling wall of green clouds moving in. The wind
started to blow real hard, making it difficult to drive as I sped past the
swaying trees and rusty buildings that surrounded downtown.

monstrous olive clouds, mixed with crimson lightning bolts, overtook me,
drenching the car with radiant rain that shimmered like slime. Soon, I could
barely see a thing in front of me. The deluge stuck to the windshield faster
than the wipers could swish it off. It poured down
ferociously, backed by a screaming

knew I should slow right down. But I kept going, determined to make it home.

caught in a particularly ferocious gust of wind, I lost control of the car. I
skidded for a few yards and then BAM! The car rammed into a tree with an
almighty thud.

Oh No! No! No! No!

a while the world spun madly around me. Eventually it slowed down and I came to
my senses. I realized that I wasn't hurt, but the car most certainly was. I
attempted to start it, but the engine only puttered. With the rain now
slackening, I got out to check the damage. The front was bashed in pretty good
thanks to the tree's large trunk.

car pulled up alongside, its headlights blinding me. I hoped it might be a cop
offering to help. But no. It was my stalker. He stood in front of me, grinning

looks like you’re in some trouble,” he said, his fangs glistening. “You can
come in my car and everything will be alright, baby.”

instincts took over. I set off as swiftly as my vampire feet could take me
toward a grove of glistening trees. Through the trees I ran with no idea of
where I was heading for. Then, in my blind haste, I tripped and fell forward
into a hole that was obscured by the darkness and foliage. A very, very deep
hole – the Slice Canyon. I tumbled down and down before crashing into the
bottom so hard I could hear every bone in my body shatter.

that I blacked out.



woke up in horrifying pain and with several tubes attached to me. Fresh blood
was being squirted into my arms, chest, legs and head. The hospital room
twirled as I saw Mr. FreeCut; he was calling out my name. Then I passed out

waking a second time, I could finally see straight, though the pain was still
gut-wrenching. New blood was still being pumped into me. I focused on Mr.
FreeCut clearly now.

can you hear me?”

tried to speak, but was unable. Then I saw a vampire dressed in a bloody smock.
He must have been a doctor.

going to make it,” he said. “In twenty degrees her bones and organs should all
be healed. In thirty, her cuts and bruises will be gone too.”

FreeCut was ecstatic. “Thank goodness!”

was very lucky. That fall almost killed her.”

the grueling degrees ticked by, gradually the pain lessened and my memory
returned. I was able to talk a little too. I remembered the terrifying fall. I
must have gone down like two hundred feet. How could I possibly be alive?

FreeCut tried to communicate with me again. I could tell by looking into the
old man’s eyes how desperately he was yearning for me to respond.

okay,” I managed to say.

pale face turned lava-like. Mine did as well, but not for the same reason.
After all the sneaky things I’d done that he now knew about, I was ready for
him to kill me. But he didn’t look mad. In fact, his face was suddenly split by
a wide smile.

I do have a lot of questions to ask you,” he said. “But those will come later.
Right now, I’m just so happy that you’re alive.”

the degrees passed and more blood flowed into me, the pain eased further. It
felt like someone was inside of me, taking my broken bones and putting them
perfectly back together. What a miracle.

doctor came in and removed the tubes from my body. “You can go home now,” he
said. “Just take it easy for the rest of the day. Your interior wounds have all
healed thanks to the additional blood. But your exterior wounds may take a few
more degrees to mend.”

stood up, wobbly at first but okay. I glanced in a mirror. Wow I looked
trashed; there were cuts and bruises all over my face.

Mr. FreeCut down the lengthy central hall of the hospital, we exited back into
the refreshing outside air and walked to his car. Shockingly, there wasn’t a
scratch on it. He remained silent as he started the engine. Guess he got it
fixed. God, I was in trouble.

was dead silent most of the drive home, and for good reason. So was Mr.
FreeCut. But despite my fear of him exploding at me, I asked the first
question. My curiosity was too great.

did I survive the fall?”

were very lucky,” he said. “You broke half the bones in your body, yet you
still survived. And you were also lucky that somebody found you before you'd
lost too much blood.”

thought about who that might have been. Could my stalker actually have felt bad
over what he'd done and called for help?

this thought to one side, I asked: “How did I heal so quickly?”

blood can do wonders for a wounded vampire, Janice. It can heal the brain,
bones, heart - you name it.”

Thank goodness for blood.

came to the house. Once inside, he hit me with the obvious question. “What
happened to you, Janice? Why did you lie to me?”

I couldn’t say anything at first because
I felt so guilty. Gradually though, I got up enough nerve to tell him how I
couldn’t stand being cooped up in the house for so long. I told him about the
job, and my horrible date, though I didn’t make any mention of my stalker.
Instead, I said that the storm was to blame for the crash, and for me
accidentally stumbling into the canyon.

he was not happy, though he did not raise his voice too much. “You stole my car
and you lied to me. You could have died. How stupid of you.”

should have been my cue to start apologizing, but I couldn’t stop thinking
about all the crap I’d been through. Those horrible scumbags like my stalker
and the horny date from hell. The rude girl at work too. And all the people who
looked at me and simply decided that I wasn’t good enough. I hit boiling point.

hate this place!” I screamed.

tears in my eyes, I ran off to my room and locked the door, deciding there and
then not to come out for the rest of the evening. I spent what felt like a long
time gazing into my mirror, focusing on the tears running down my bruised face.

degree later, Mr. FreeCut knocked on my door and called out.

that’s the way you want to be, Janice, that's fine. But if you’re gonna live
under my roof, you have to show me some respect.”

maybe I don’t want to live here!” I shouted back.

was a long silence before he spoke again. “I’ve left some blood by your door.
You’re gonna need it if you want to heal up, so I suggest you come out and get
it. And by the way, you’re not in a prison. You don't have to stay in there all
the time.”

I did drink the blood Mr. FreeCut left outside, I remained in my room for the
rest of the night, angry and pissed off.

morning came, I somehow found the energy to walk around my room, even though I
was still emotionally a wreck. I checked my face in the mirror. The new blood
had taken away all of the bruising. I now appeared as pale and beautiful as
ever. At least, I thought I did.

pondered over my job for a while. I didn’t feel like going in, but eventually
decided to give it a try anyway and see how I did. Besides, I'd see Kate. She
was nice.

FreeCut had already gone to work and kindly left me fresh blood-eggs and a new
cup of blood. He'd left a note next to the meal, which read:
'Sorry if I
acted a little harsh, especially since you’re new to me. Let’s have a better
night tonight. I’m proud that you found yourself a job. Have a good day at
work, and remember that you really are a gift to me.'

was glad to read his letter and immediately felt better.

good mood did not last long though. When on the train I grew angry again as I
thought about all the abuse I’d taken.

making it to work, Kate told me hello and asked how my weekend had been. I
tried to be friendly and play it off, giving her no signs that I had almost
been killed. I went to the restroom and slipped on my uniform.

outside, I met Mr. Slicer.

hard today, Janice,” he said. “The tables are filling up fast.”

certainly appeared more crowded than a few days ago. But I was ready.

blistering cups of blood were waiting on the counter. I went to grab them, but
the crafty Hannah beat me to it. She smirked while stacking them in her right

looks like I got here first, Ms. Creep. You probably won’t be doing much
anyway, seeing as how you move so slow.”

frowned at her, but she just giggled. I so wanted to pound her, though that
wouldn’t be too smart considering this was my first real day on the job.
Instead, I got my hands on some very hot blood and stacked two cups like the
last time, not daring to do three.

delivering these to a couple of customers I heard whispers drifting across from
some other tables about the way I walked, how my hair was done, and the fact
that I wasn't wearing any heavy makeup. I ground my fangs and couldn’t wait to
get away from them. It just seemed like the abuse was never going to end. I
couldn’t take much more if it.

got to move quicker,” the manager told me forcefully. “Stack more cups.”

returned to the counter.
More cups
were ready - three to be exact. I thought I’d try to stack these. However,
Hannah jumped in front of me.

creeping along, huh? I bet I can menstruate more blood than you can get to the
tables,” she giggled.

was it. I’d had

I said. “If you’re gonna do that, you’re gonna have to lick it off the floor,

swatted at her cups. All three fell to the floor, splattering boiling blood
everywhere, including a little bit on her hand. She’d live.

bloody BITCH!” she shouted.

a voice sounded from right behind me. “What are you doing?”

turned and gazed straight into Mr. Slicer’s eyes, showing no emotion.

change your clothes and then get the hell out of here,” he ordered. “You’re

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