vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas (11 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas
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I look up and see everyone watching me. I have to laugh. Helena is smiling at me as well as Hannah and Manda. The guys are in awe. It’s a beautiful sight. 

“Mon Dieu, ma cherie. Where did you learn those moves?” Sebastian asks as he walks up to me and pulls me into his arms.

“Online. I’ve been studying parkour.” I back up to show some more moves but as I go to run across the wall I fall on my butt instead. I quickly jump up. “I guess I have some more to learn.” I give Bast a sheepish smile. He grins and kisses me. Mmm, so worth it.

“I’ll teach you parkour, Lily,” Julian says.

“Why doesn’t it surprise me that you know parkour?” Hannah says. She shakes her head then she lifts her chin towards Doxie.

He’s sitting on a broken chair with his hands in his hair.

“Why do I always pick the psycho ones? Why don’t I see it?” Doxie says to himself.

“Doxie, I don’t know why you pick the crazies but just know I would love you to visit again. But don’t bring any lady friends,” Hannah says and pats him on the back. Diel looks shocked.

“Hannah,” Doxie says as he grasps her hand. “Thank you, daughter. I want to be a part of my grandchildren’s lives. They are so amazing. I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve ever caused you. Please forgive me.”

“I do, Doxie. I realized you’ve been corrupted by the women in your life. I hope you make better choices moving forward.”

“I’ll run them by you first. Does that sound acceptable?” Doxie asks with lost eyes.

“I think that would be great. Diel and I promise to bring the twins down to see you more often too. We have that lovely house and need to teach the twins their heritage.”

“I think that would be lovely, dear.”

“Dad, what do you want to do with her?” Diel ask as he points to Celine, who is showing some signs of life. 

Hannah leaps across the room and grabs Celine in a headlock. 

“Please tell me you want to be a widower?” Hannah says through gritted teeth.

“No, dear. I’m going to divorce her. It will be a fate worse than death when I file charges against her for fraud. If you two would consider filing too, we could have her locked up for a long time. She’ll have to wear those prison outfits and do hard labor. I think that’s fitting.”

“You wouldn’t! You bastard! Just kill me. I won’t go. I won’t!”

“Dad, let me help you take her to Hell. Hannah, would you check on the twins? Tell Fiona I am really proud of her powers and how she saved herself and her brother.”

“Of course, honey.”

“After talking to Andrew, we are going to postpone our weddings until New Year’s Eve. We don’t want all this to shed negative energy on our nuptials,” Helena announces.

“Oh, dear. I am truly sorry about all this,” Doxie says.

“It’s not your fault, Doxie. It just makes sense to do this. It’s no trouble. Andrew already called the judge and he’s happy to change the date. The decorating has already been done. No worries,” Helena says patting Doxie on the arm.

I think it is a smart choice. Our clothes are all a mess and my home is going to take some major detoxing to get the smell of burned ifrit out. Besides the renovation. I know Aidan will help, but still.

“Dad, let’s go. I want to get this trash taken out and then spend the rest of the day with my wife and kids and you, if you will come and stay at our house.”

“Son, nothing will make me happier. Is that okay, Hannah?”

“Yes, Doxie. I’ll see you two soon. I’m going to gather the twins and take them home. I’ll see you both there.”

Diel opens a portal to Hell in my living room. The smell is terrible. I don’t remember that from before.

“Sorry about the smell, but we are going straight to the jail,” Diel says and then they pop through with Celine in tow.

Hannah runs to Mattie’s bedroom and comes out with the twins and Sacha. 

“I hate to thrash your house and run…” Hannah says. I laugh. “…but I want to get the kids home and clean up. I need to put in a food order if Doxie is going to stay because the man can eat.”

“I understand, Han. Don’t worry about us. We’ll get things straightened here. Go and take a hot bath before Diel and Doxie get back,” I tell her. “Take the oysters and rib roast too.”

“That sounds great. I think I will. Ciao, everyone!” Aidan snaps and the food disappears.

Everyone swarms her and the kids to give them hugs and kisses. Lots of “Merry Christmas”’s float through the room.

After Hannah shuts the door I turn and survey my house. With a deep sigh I start to pick up pillows and put them back in place.

“What are you doing, Lilith?”

“Aidan, it’s not fair to ask you to always clean up after us.”

“It’s like breathing, love. Please let me do it. Think of it as a Christmas gift.”

“Okay. Just looking at this mess makes me tired,” I say.

“Dear heart, why don’t you go and take a bath like you told Hannah to. We’ve got this. I’ll bring Mattie in to join you,” Sebastian suggests.

“That sounds so nice. Everyone, it’s been a memorable Christmas. I doubt we know how to have an average day. Never a dull moment. I love you all, but I think I am going to go check out my huge bathtub.”

“There, I just put something in your bathroom for you. I think you all will enjoy it,” Aidan says with a wink. Then he spins around in a circle and holds his hand out. As he passes, he puts the room and decorations to right. I can’t help but gasp. It’s always a privilege to watch him do magick.

“Thank you, Aidan,” Sebastian says.

“Thanks, honey,” Manda says and hugs him. “Let’s get Sammy and go home. I think there is a bath there with my name on it.”

“I need to give Annie hazard pay,” Bast says as he goes to get the children.

I lead everyone to the door as they get their coats and make their way home. Soon it’s just Manda, Aidan, and Sammy that are left. I kiss each of them on the cheek and wish them goodnight.

When I go take my bath I notice Aidan has put in Jacuzzi jets. Gotta love a djinn.







It’s New Year’s Eve and we are just arriving at Helena and Julian’s. The sky is clear and the sun is setting. It is another beautiful sunset. Burnished reds and purples. I take a moment to point it out to Mattie and to bask in the amazing show from nature. Bast comes up behind us and wraps us in his arms. This family moment will forever be imprinted in my mind.

The path to the manse from our house is filled in with moss Helena had planted. The stone path was slick from an earlier rain so we walk carefully. Well, Bast and I walk carefully. Mattie skips ahead of us.

Julian answers us when we call out our hellos from the foyer. 

“We’re in the library,” he says.

We walk into the library and I gasp. The room has been turned into a winter fairy wonderland. Aidan has magicked it to make snow perpetually fall. It disappears on the ground and it is like a warm feather when it touches the skin. The tree has been decorated with berries and little birds and nests. Simple white lights hang throughout. There is a roaring fire in the mammoth stone fireplace. The curtains cover the windows and little glass orbs filled with light hang through the room giving off a tender light. The room is enormous but has been transformed into something cozy and natural.

I see the judge talking to Liam. He’s probably been altered somewhat so he won’t remember anything magickal. Helena and Andrew are nowhere to be seen. The brides are being traditional in not being seen by their grooms until the ceremony. Mattie jumps up and down and Diel snatches her up and kisses her on the cheek before setting her down. She’s giggling and runs for Sammy and the twins. They share kisses on the cheek. Sebastian is watching Sammy closely. It makes me laugh. His overprotectiveness is cute.

Julian gives me a hug. His eyes are shining and he is wearing a beautiful suit. I give him a kiss.

“Jules, never thought I’d see the day,” Bast says as he shakes Julian’s hand and gives him a one-armed hug.

“Me either. Helena swore she would never do this. I can’t wait to see her. She kicked me out of the bedroom this morning and said I couldn’t see until the wedding.”

“Have you the rings, old man? I need to get things set up with the kids. Thank you again for making me your best man,” Sebastian says.

“I wouldn’t have anyone else, my good friend. Lily, you’d better get up there. I can hear Helena pacing.”

I laugh and race up the stairs to their room, quietly knocking on the door. The door swings open wide and Helena pulls me in before I can say anything.

“I don’t know why I am so nervous,” she says. “I’ve known Julian for five hundred years and loved him just as long. He is my life. By the goddess, I can’t explain the butterflies in my stomach. Is this what you felt like?”

“Yes. I was so excited to start a life joined as one with Sebastian. I didn’t doubt his love for me. I doubted my ability to hold so much love in myself. That all disappeared when I saw him standing at the end of the aisle. I knew I was finally home.”

“Oh, Lily, child. That is the perfect description to how I’m feeling.”

“Let’s get you ready,” I say and squeeze her hands. “Your dress is beautiful, Givenchy?”

“Yes. It’s made of silk and has pearls sewn in the bodice. I didn’t want to put it on until the last moment,” Helena says in garters and lingerie. Julian will be a happy vampire later.

“It’s the last moment now, ‘lena. Let me help you. Your hair looks fabulous, we don’t want to mess it up.”

I hold the cream confection that is Helena’s dress and help her step into it. I zip up the back and grab her heels. Beautiful Jimmy Choos. She is stunning.

Just as we are smoothing her hair down we hear Andrew at the door. I open it for him and he slips in. He’s wearing a beautiful tailored suit in navy blue with a purple shirt under it. His tie is a navy brocade. 

“You both look so beautiful. I’m so honored to be your matron of honor. Here, Andrew, let me help you with your corsage.” I gently pin it to his suit jacket. Then I find Helena’s bouquet. Just as I hand her the orchid arrangement and grab my own, I hear the music start downstairs, signaling our entrance. “Are you both ready? This time tomorrow you will be on your honeymoons.”

“I’m ready,” Helena says quietly.

“I’m excited,” Andrew whispers.

“Let’s get this show started then.” I grab my bouquet and hand Helena hers and then open the door. One look back and I see a determined gaze in Helena’s eyes so I turn back and make my way slowly down the stairs. I hear their footsteps behind me and I take a deep breath as I enter the library. 

All eyes are on me. I make my way to the fireplace. The couples will be married in front of it. The judge grins and Julian and Liam look nervous. Sebastian is focused on me. I’m sure he’s remembering our wedding day as am I.

After I make it to the front I hear gasps from everyone as Helena enters, followed by Andrew. They both have huge smiles on their faces and Julian’s and Liam’s eyes are glued on their partners.

The ceremony is long as each person has written their own vows. Each heartfelt word is ingrained in my memory. This is one of the most memorable moments of my life. 

After the judge proclaims them married there is a lot kissing going on. I laugh as Julian dips Helena and then Liam dips Andrew, not to be outdone. The family swarms upon them with good wishes and congratulations. Aidan opens the bottles of pink champagne and the drinks flow. Helena had appetizers catered for the twins, Diel and Doxie. Sippy cups with blood are in Mattie’s and Sammy’s hands.

I take my champagne and cozy up to Aidan. He wraps an arm around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder.

“Did you ever think life would bring us here when we were on that bridge where I first met you,” I ask.

He barks out a laugh and squeezes me.

“Never. We have certainly come a long way, haven’t we?”

“Miles and miles with many more to come.”

“I love you, Lilith,” he says quietly. “I always will.”

“I love you too, Aidan. I think someday we might even be in-laws with the way Sammy and Mattie are heading.” He laughs again as we watch our children.

“Lily, Aidan, come here,” Hannah calls. Aidan kisses my forehead. Our moment over. We make our way to Hannah. She sparkling in a red flapper dress, complete with headband and jewelry. She is stunning, to say the least.

“I want to invite you all over after the happy couples slip away. We’ve got a roast in the oven for the meat eaters and plenty of cider and wine. The kids have blood in the fridge. We wanted to listen to some music, dance, play board games. Ring in the New Year properly.”

“Sounds great. I’ll have to talk to Bast but I don’t think he has anything planned.”

“Same here with Manda. I’m sure we’ll be there. Thanks for the invite, Hannah.” Aidan bends low to kiss her cheek.

Hannah runs off to talk to Andrew and Liam. Aidan turns to me and winks.

“Some time I will take you flying the winds again. Just like old times.”

“As long as we don’t end up on Golden Gate Bridge in the middle of the night, I’m there.” He laughs loudly, drawing a lot of attention.

“I promise. We need to live our happily ever afters.”

“That we do, my dear friend, that we do.”



It was so much fun to write this novella. There was a certain freedom in playing with the characters since the series was officially over. I know there will be more novellas as the children grow. I just can’t help myself.

Much thanks goes to my writing partners Reina Williams and Marik Berghs. They critique, edit and egg me on. To my family that continues to be my steady anchor.

      A special, heartfelt thank you to all of you that have read the books. I love hearing from you. If you liked this one, please consider leaving a review. It’s what keeps us indie authors going.



Jessica McBrayer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She's been writing her whole life and is published through Mess of Geckos Publishing. Jessica has done everything from marketing, social work, public speaking and stay at home mom. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.
Contact her at: [email protected] * Follow her on twitter: @jessimcbrayer * visit her website
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