vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas (9 page)

BOOK: vampires of san francisco 08 - merry sucking christmas
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Helena smiles the biggest smile I think she has ever smiled. “Yes, Julian. I will marry you.” He slides a beautiful Celtic ring on her finger that has rubies shining on it. Helena gasps. “It is so beautiful.” Julian kisses her ring finger.

“I’ll wait until the wedding to wear mine. I believe that’s the tradition.” He cups Helena’s face and kisses her lips chastely.

Everyone surrounds them and gives them their congratulations. Hugs and champagne flow freely as we celebrate. Everyone but Celine. She is off on the side alternating from giving glares to pouting. She looks truly miserable.

“I wish you had a license. You could get married tomorrow with us,” Andrew says as he holds both their hands.

“If it’s a matter of a license, I can provide one,” Aidan offers.

“What do think, ‘lena? Do you want to get hitched tomorrow?”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind, Andrew? Liam?” Helena asks.

“It would be an honor to share our day with you,” Liam says and kisses her cheek.

“Then yes,” Helena says. She kisses Liam and Andrew and throws her arms around Julian. A very un-Helena move. “I would love to tie myself to you tomorrow. All the family would be here. I will call my goddess daughter and see if she can come too.” Helena is over the moon. Who would have thought?

“It’s getting late. I have a gift for Dad and then we should probably wrap it up tonight,” Diel says.

“I have something for Doxie and Celine too,” Sebastian says.

“Dad, you’re a hard man to buy for. Hannah and I got you a seafood of the month gift. It’s run by a Demon so he can deliver the fresh seafood to your kitchen. You’ll get all kinds of stuff to try.”

“Son. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. I will enjoy every last bite of it. Won’t we, Ce-Ce?”

“Of course,” Celine looks beyond irritated. Suck it up, Demon bimbo.

“Doxie, our gift will go well with Diel’s and Hannah’s. We’re giving you a case of Tuscan white wine. It should pair nicely with your seafood. We got it on our honeymoon so it has extra good luck.” Sebastian winks at Doxie and he chuckles.

“Thank you all. For your hospitality and your gifts. With that I think I’m going to head to bed. It’s late for an old Demon like me. Ce-Ce…?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”

Everyone else but Diel and Hannah leave shortly after Doxie goes to bed with promises of being here in the afternoon for Santa. We settle the twins and Mattie in her room for their sleepover. The kids are soon dreaming in that special place where children dream. I take a minute to watch their peaceful faces.

“We better go get some sleep. Call me with anything, Lily. It’s so hard to leave them for their first sleepover. We’ll be back when I wake up. Thank goodness they all sleep late. When is Andrew’s wedding?” Hannah asks.

“It’s at five. We should have plenty of time between the two. Helena already has the manse decorated. We just need to show up.”

“Sounds good. Goodnight, you two,” Diel says as he drags Hannah away. I give her a reassuring smile and shut the door to the sound of two bikes revving their engines, and laugh.

“What’s funny?” Bast asks.

“Those two with their motorcycles. They know each other so well. It’s cute.”

“It is nice. I think we did fairly well this Christmas, don’t you?”

“I couldn’t have asked for a better gift than your words and photos of our sweet girl. Thank you, again.”

“I’m pleased that you’re pleased. I’m still in shock over my gift. Lily, that was truly amazing.”

“Hmm… why don’t show me how amazing it was.”

“It would be my greatest pleasure.”

Sebastian picks me up and kisses me deeply as he strides to our bedroom for what I’m sure is going to elicit gratitude from both of us. I can’t wait.

14. Sebastian


I leave Lily sleeping and take a shower before dressing to go and clean up last night’s mess. I want to give Annie a break. Soon, she’ll be managing Sin. 

When I get to the open space between the kitchen and living room I find Annie using a soft dry mop on the floors. Everything is spotless.

“I was going to clean this morning and give you a break. I don’t want you to think we’re taking advantage of you.”

“It was no problem at all and now it’s done. I was just going to make some tea, would you like some?”

“Please. It will give us a chance to talk about the club, expectations and salary.”

“Now you have my full attention.”

I laugh and follow her into the kitchen. We spend a couple of hours going over plans for the club and I feel good with the results. I am cleaning up the tea service when I hear a loud boom and go running toward Mattie’s room with Annie on my heels. When I round the corner, I can’t believe my eyes. Celine is standing outside Mattie’s door with a metal nail file and her hair is standing straight up. She has a distinct sooty appearance and smells of sulphur. Aidan pops into the hall with an inhuman glare.

“What the hell were you doing, Celine? Get the fuck away from the children!” I’ve never heard Aidan talk like that. And then it dawns on me what is going on. 

I grab the bitch by the neck and hold her up against the wall with a growl. My fangs come down and suddenly I am dying for a taste of Demon blood. The noise wakes Doxie up.

“What’s going on here, Sebastian? Aidan? Release my wife!”

“Why don’t you ask her why she was trying to break into my daughter’s room?” I snarl.

“Let her down, Sebastian, so she can speak. Then we can take care of her,” Aidan growls out.

“Nobody will be taking care of her. Ce-Ce, darling, are you all right?” Doxie asks.

I lower her to ground and release my hand from her throat. I make sure to keep my fangs extended just in case. Truth be told I don’t think I could make them disappear if my life depended on it.

Celine coughs and sputters as she tries to catch her breath. Doxie runs to her and pats her on the back.

“Back off, Doxie. I’m fine. Don’t you ever touch me again, vampire. I’m a duchess. You will show me respect.”

I snarl at her and she jumps back. 

“Um, huh. I hate to bring this up now, Ce-Ce, but you’re not a duchess. Hannah and Fiona are. Fin and Diel are Dukes. I gave up my title to my son years ago.”

“What the fuck? You mean our children won’t carry a title?”

“Not unless Diel dies. I don’t see that happening.”

“I don’t either,” Aidan says in a menacing voice. I know he is thinking what I am. He’s afraid that Celine’s greed will prompt her to hurt Diel and his family.

“Whatever. I’m hungry.” She goes to leave but Aidan puts his hand up.

“You still need to explain why you were trying to break into Mathilda’s room.” Aidan says. He stares her down and I can tell she is intimidated. As she should be.

“I got turned around. I thought it was our door and I couldn’t open it so I used my file. I had been filing my nails and about to head to the kitchen when I remembered something and turned around. See, just a misunderstanding.”

“That seems terribly convenient. I don’t believe in coincidences, Celine. Just know I will be watching you, very carefully,” Aidan growls.

Doxie let’s out a nervous laugh.

“Why don’t we get something to eat? We’ll all feel better afterwards,” Doxie says.

Aidan backs up and allows Celine pass him. I can’t help the small snarl that leaves me as she passes by me. Once they are out of the hallway, Annie rushes over to Mattie’s door and uses her thumbprint to get in.

Mattie is standing next to the panic button. The twins are wide with fear. Annie gathers them all up in her arms and hugs them fiercely. She gazes up at Aidan and me, begging for our help.

“Uncle Aidan, I did just what you told me to do. I pushed the button. We heard a scary noise at the door. A scraping noise. It scared us.”

“Mathilda, you were so brave. Any time you are scared you need to press the button. Finn and Fiona. Whenever you stay at Mathilda’s house you should press the button too if you are scared. Okay?”

“Yes, Uncle Aidan.”


Once Aidan gets their acknowledgements, he picks them up and gives each one a kiss and hug. I am seething and grab Mattie and hold her close to me. I finally let a bit of my panic go with her in my arms. I muss up the top of Finn’s hair and give Fiona a kiss on the cheek. My fangs finally tuck away. I give Aidan a knowing look over the heads of the children. He nods and asks Annie if she can help get the children ready for Santa while we talk. We go back into the hall and shut the door behind us.

“I don’t trust her, Aidan. She was up to no good. I know she made up that story about being lost. Clever too. I really don’t like the way she reacted when Doxie told her about their titles. We have to talk to Diel and Hannah.”

“We do. I’ll pop over there and talk to them and then get Manda and Samuel for Santa. Ugh, I can’t believe she talked me into dressing up. It’s her big thing, though. Make sure Annie puts the kids in their outfits from Lilith. She drilled me last night to make sure we put Samuel in his. She wants pictures.”

“I’ll talk with Annie and make sure she understands that the children are never to be left alone with Celine around.” Aidan looks down at a watch that materialized on his wrist.

“Lilith will be up in a half an hour and Hannah a bit after that. I’ll talk to Diel first. He can tell Hannah when she wakes up. I have a feeling he’s going to want to have his children near. I can take them home when I go.”

“Let’s see how Annie is faring. We can help her if necessary.” I open the door and we walk into pandemonium. Annie chasing Finn around. He’s naked and carrying Mattie’s play sword screaming “revenge” as he runs. Fiona keeps making him float through the air and he seems to be loving it. 

Aidan waves his hand and the twins freeze. Mattie laughs when she realizes what happened.

“Freeze me too, Uncle Aidan!” she says as she jumps up and down. Aidan chuckles and freezes her mid jump so she is hanging in the air.

“That’s not hurting them, is it?” I ask.

“No. Not at all. Annie, we’ll help you get them ready. I’ll tackle Finn,” Aidan says. He grabs Finn’s clothes and pops them on him. Then he does the same to Fiona while he laughs. Mattie is already wearing her outfit and looking gorgeous.

Aidan waves his hand again and they unfreeze.

“Uncle Aidan! That was fun. Did you see me Papa? I was floating!”

I laugh at my daughter’s exuberance and scoop her up into my arms, twirling her around.

“You were amazing, ma belle fille. Aidan is going to take the twins home for breakfast. They’ll come back with Uncle Diel and Aunt Hannah when she gets up.”

“I would like them to stay, Papa. Finn was having fun and Fiona made him fly,” she says with huge eyes. “I wish I could fly.” I squeeze her close to me. 

“Mathilda, I can make you fly if it’s all right with your father.”

Mattie tries to jump from my arms to Aidan’s and I tell her it’s okay. Aidan catches her and whispers something into her ear that starts her infectious giggles. Then Aidan throws her into the air and she starts to soar around the room. Mattie laughs and squeals as Aidan makes her buzz the twins. They start yelling and trying to catch her. Then they plead their case to Aidan to let them fly too. He’s a big softie and takes them into the air at the same time as Mattie.

It’s good that I know what he is capable of or I would be very anxious. I wouldn’t let just anyone play with Mattie, or the twins, like this. But I trust him implicitly. It has been a long road to this moment.

“Okay, mes enfants, it’s time to get on with our day. Who is hungry?” I get a chorus of “me’s.”

“Then, Finn and Fiona, come here and we’ll go see your father. Come here little ones.” Aidan takes them into his arms and has them wave goodbye then they pop out.

“Mattie, let’s get you some blood. Annie, thanks for trying to wrangle the twins. They’re a handful, aren’t they?” I laugh remembering the state of the children when we walked in.

“Yes, I hear a lot of stories from Sacha. But they are adorable and sweet so it makes it easy to let them get away with murder.”

“That it does. Let’s get Mattie some food. Aidan, Diel, or I will be around the children at all times. We are going to try to keep them all together so no one gets surprised.”

I pick up Mattie and we walk into the kitchen and to a firestorm from Celine.

15. Aidan


I am not looking forward to telling Hannah about Celine. I know Diel will handle it with his ages old self-control, but Hannah will come unhinged and rightly so. I just don’t want to be the one to deliver the bad news. I ring their doorbell since they aren’t expecting me.

“Hey, Aidan, come on in. Hey guys. What are you doing with the twins? Did Sebastian get tired of them?” Diel laughs.

“Thanks, Diel. Sorry to interrupt your alone time.”

“No need to be sorry, man. You’re always welcome here. Let’s get the kids out of the cold.” He takes Fiona and I carry Finn.

We walk through the house to Diel’s home office. He motions me to sit in one of the chairs in front of the fire and we put the kids down to play while he takes the other chair.

“What did you have on your mind, Aidan? I can tell it’s something.” He grins at me like he’s expecting some good gossip. Men gossip as much as women, don’t doubt it.

“I just came from Lilith’s. There was an incident with Celine and the children.” Diel jumps up and growls.

“It’s been taken care of but Sebastian and I thought it would be a good idea to bring the children home until you and Hannah bring them for Santa.”

“Aidan, what happened?” He picks up first one twin then the other, checking them for injuries. “Aidan, tell me now. My imagination is going crazy.”

“We installed fingerprint security on Mathilda’s door when Celine and your father came to stay. I put invisible cameras in the hall and a panic button for Mathilda in her room. It brings me to her instantly if she uses it.”
“I knew it was a bigger hardship to Sebastian and Lily than they were letting on.” Diel shakes his head and then puts it in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. “What did she do, Aidan?”

“She took a nail file to the door when she couldn’t open it. Shocked her really well too. She denied doing anything wrong. Said she got confused on which door it was. Mattie and the twins heard a scraping noise and pushed the panic button.”

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