Read Vamps And The City Online

Authors: Kerrelyn Sparks

Tags: #Humor, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Adult, #Vampire, #Urban Fantasy

Vamps And The City (12 page)

BOOK: Vamps And The City
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“I think we should film in here tomorrow night.” Darcy stood and picked up her shoes.

Maggie walked alongside her. “You want to test the men’s good manners here?”

“Yes, I thought—aagh!” Darcy slipped in a puddle of water.

“Are you all right?” Maggie reached out to steady her. “You shouldn’t walk in your hose. It’s too slippery.”

“Yeah, and I’ll tear them up, too. Just a minute.” Darcy wiggled out of her pantyhose, then stuck them into her shoes. “You know, this is exactly what we need. We’ll make a big, muddy puddle in the middle of a path tomorrow night and see how the guys manage to keep the women from muddying their shoes.”

“Oh, I like that! It’s like that story about Sir Francis Drake putting down a cloak so the queen could walk over it.”

“Exactly.” Darcy carried her shoes as she walked barefoot. “We can do a whole obstacle course here in the greenhouse. And I think we’ll have Lady Pamela conduct the tests. She seems to be the expert on propriety.”

Maggie snorted. “That’s true.”

They exited the greenhouse and stopped by the stairwell. Maggie opened the door. “I’m going to the servants’ floor. You want to join us in the parlor?”

“No, I’m tired. Good luck with your audition tomorrow.”

“Thanks.” Maggie slipped into the stairwell. The heavy door banged shut. Darcy closed her eyes and felt the cool breeze against her face. The first night was over. Time to relax. With a sigh, she headed across the roof to the pool house.

A splash of water drew her attention. There was a man in the pool doing laps, his long, lean body zooming neatly through the water. He exuded the perfect combination of strength and grace. She stepped closer. His back was bare and tanned, his shoulders broad. The muscles in his back and shoulders rippled with each stroke. His legs were long and powerful.

He had to be mortal.. Vampires were never that tanned. And nothing this beautiful could last an eternity. Even the most spectacular of sunsets could only last a few moments. For this mortal, this was his moment, the culmination of youth, strength, and grace—all the more beautiful because his zenith was short-lived, and this moment in time was rare.

Darcy’s eyes filled with tears. The vampires had it all wrong. They thought they were the beautiful ones because they managed to stay young forever. They didn’t realize that an eternity of youth and beauty became cheap when it was stolen, and meaningless when it was the norm.

The man reached the end of the pool and shoved his thick, wet hair back from his face. Darcy caught her breath. Oh God, she should have known it was him. Her shoes slipped from her hand and clattered onto the cement.

He turned toward the noise and smiled at her.

Her knees turned rubbery. He pushed off the edge and swam toward her. She glanced toward the pool house. It would look cowardly if she ran away. But darn it, she’d been so determined to stay away from him.

He stopped and rested a tanned forearm on the tiled edge of the pool. “Hi, Darcy.”

Just the sound of Adam saying her name made her feel warm and light, like she could fly to the sun and never be cold again. “Hi.”

“The water’s great. Want to join me?”

She scoffed. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m wearing a dress.”

“Oh, I noticed. I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

Her face grew warm. “Actually, I need to talk to you about that. You shouldn’t look at me, because I’m usually very close to the camera.”

He tilted his head, still watching her. “There’s no camera now. Just you and me.”

“And I have some work to do. Good night.” She leaned over to pick up her shoes.

“How does that dress come off? Is there a zipper in the back?”

She jerked straight, forgetting the shoes. “Excuse me?”

“You need to take off the dress to swim.”

“I’m not swimming with you. The water’s far too cold.”

“Oh. In that case…” He planted his palms on the tiled edge. The muscles in his arms and shoulders bunched as he hauled himself out of the water.

Darcy stepped back. Her mouth fell open.

He slowly straightened. Water glistened on his tanned skin. Rivulets sluiced down his body, seeking the easiest path around well-defined pectoral and abdominal muscles. His chest hair lay flat and wet against his chest. It appeared dark brown like the hair on his head. Moisture and darkness had combined to hide the blond highlights that normally made him appear golden as a sun god. Tonight, he looked darker and even more dangerous to her peace of mind.

“We’ll find something warmer.” He padded to the hot tub.

Speechless, Darcy watched him walk by. His cotton boxer-style swimsuit would never be classified as sexy, but the wet material had glued itself to his body. As he passed by, she became very aware of how low the swimsuit rested on his narrow hips. The material clung to his rump, clearly outlining each buttock and the muscles that flexed with each step he took.

The waistband was so low, she could see two dimples on his lower back. Oh God, that brought his total dimple count up to four. And made her want to examine every inch of him for more.

He stepped into the hot tub and punched a button on the control panel. With a whirring sound, the water began to swirl about. He smiled at her as he settled on a seat. “Feels great.”

Steam rose from the water, promising her warmth and comfort, an end to the chill that had tormented her for four long years.

“Come on, Darcy,” he spoke quietly.

Oh, God, he was the devil. He knew just how to tempt her and torture her at the same time. She walked slowly toward him. “If I was judging the contest, you would definitely be the winner. But I’m not, so you’re wasting your time.”

“I don’t give a damn about the contest. And time with you is never wasted. Come in, and I’ll show you.”

She snorted. “Oh, you’re good. But there’s no purpose for this.” Only heartache for wanting something she couldn’t have.

“No purpose?” He frowned at her. “What about friendship?”

She laughed. “You just want to be friends? I’ve heard that one before.”

He grinned. “So have I. But I mean it, Darcy. Don’t you need someone to talk to?”

How could she confide in a mortal that she lived among vampires? “I’m sorry.” She turned to go.

“Wait.” He lunged across the spa, causing a wave of hot water to spill over the edge and warm her bare feet. “I need to tell you something. It’s about the anklet I’m supposed to wear.”

She turned back to him. “What about it?”

“I—I lost it, somehow. Is it important?”

She swallowed. More than important. It was essential for keeping him safe. “I’ll make sure you get another one.”

“What exactly is it?” His eyes looked wide with innocence.

“Didn’t Laszlo tell you?”

Adam shrugged. “Something about pheromones and how we’re attracted to each other by our nose.”

“That’s true.” And Adam always smelled wonderful— warm, healthy, and sexy.

“Come and sit a while.” He patted the tile edge of the hot tub. “Soak your feet and relax. It’s been a long night.”

She found herself smiling. “You don’t give up, do you?”

“Not with you.” He smiled back. “Look, I’ll keep my distance.” He floated back to the far side of the tub.

Darcy removed her sparkly jacket and dropped it on a patio chair. “Just for a little while.” She sat carefully on the edge making sure she didn’t snag the silk sheath on the rough cement. She dangled her feet over the side, but the hot, bubbly water felt so wonderful, she immersed her legs to just below the knees. Her narrow dress rode up to the middle of her thighs.

“Feels good?” he asked softly.


“Did everything go well tonight for the show?”


“Are you sleeping in the pool house?”

What a rascal. “Yes.”



He grinned. “You’re very agreeable tonight.”

She suppressed a laugh. “Yes.” And now, he’d ask to spend the night with her, thinking she would continue to say yes.

“Have you ever been in love?”

She blinked. That had surprised her. “Yes. I suppose.” She sighed. “I’m not sure. Maybe I just wanted to be in love.”

“Did he love you?”

“He said he did. We were together about a year in college. I thought we were engaged, but—” She shrugged. “Obviously, we disagreed on that.”

“He was stupid to let you go.”

“I think he was a little too young to commit himself.”

Adam snorted. “The guy was stupid.”

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?”

“No. Any man who would let you go has got to be stupid.”

“He was just immature.”

“That’s a nice word for stupid.”

Darcy laughed. “Okay, he was stupid.” Surprisingly enough, the declaration made her feel great. “So, I guess the big question now is how intelligent are you?”

He smiled slowly, his dimples deepening. “I’m smart enough.”

And living in a different world than her, too. She really shouldn’t flirt with the poor guy. Unfortunately, he was damned near irresistible. Somehow, she would have to resist.

He moved toward her. His hand curled around the instep of her left foot. “Can I give you a foot massage?”

“N—” The word died in her throat as his strong fingers pressed into the sole of her foot. Oh, boy, was he good. “Yes.”

He massaged slow circles down her foot. “Feels good?”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “Yes.”

He tugged gently on her toes. “You’re doing a great job with the show.”

His compliment spread through her like a ray of sunshine. “Thank you.”

He switched to her right foot. “Can I tell you a secret?”

She opened her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re an axe murderer.”

He smiled as he continued to massage her foot. “No, I’m not. Believe it or not, I’m kinda… sensitive for a guy.”

She snorted. “You can’t be gay. Not the way you kiss.”

His eyes twinkled. “Are you sure? You might need another sample for verification.”

She laughed. “You are definitely a lady’s man.”

“That’s true. About my secret…” His hands skimmed up the back of her legs to her calves. He massaged the muscles there.

She lifted her eyebrows. “If you’re making a move on me, that’s hardly a secret.”

He rested a cheek against her knee. “The secret is I can sorta tune in on whatever people are feeling.”

“You mean you’re good at reading body language?”

“No.” He gave her a worried look. “I can just sense it.”

She leaned back. “You mean you’re empathic?”

“Yeah.” He scooted closer ’til his chest was pressed against her legs. “Do you know what I sense from you?”

“Could it be doubt?” She gave him a skeptical look. “Or let me guess. You have this sudden sensation that I want to sleep with you.”

He grinned. “You think this is part of a pickup routine?”

She nodded. “But you get points for originality.” He kissed her left knee. “Thanks. But seriously, I get the impression that you’re trapped somewhere you don’t want to be.”

She stiffened. Good God, maybe he was empathic. He watched her carefully. “Is that true, Darcy? Do you need some help?” She swallowed hard. “I—no. I’m fine.”

“There’s nothing you want to tell me?” Her eyes filled with tears. Now, the knight in shining armor comes along? What a damned cruel world. Why couldn’t she have met him four years ago? He was everything she wanted. Everything she needed.

He stood in front of her. Hot water dripped off him onto her thighs. She wanted to melt with him. He touched her shoulders. “Let me help you.” She stood. She was a foot or so taller since she was standing on the ledge for sitting. She looked down at him and ran her fingers into his hair. “Adam, you’re everything I ever wanted, but it’s too late.”

“No.” He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her off the ledge. “It’s never too late.” He sank into the hot, bubbly water, taking her with him.

And the last of her resistance melted away.

Chapter 12

Austin pulled Darcy onto his lap and covered her face with kisses. He aimed his kisses closer and closer to her mouth. She turned her head to meet him, and the heat flared between them. Their tongues entwined. Their arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace.

And still, they weren’t close enough. He lifted her slightly and pushed up her dress so she could straddle his lap. They held each other tight, her breasts pressed against his chest. He could feel her erratic breathing as she trembled in his arms.

“Sweetheart.” He nuzzled her neck. He’d wanted so badly for her to trust him, but somehow, along the way, that desire had grown into something more powerful. He needed her to love him. He needed to protect her. He needed to keep her forever.

She skimmed her hands across his shoulders, then down his back. “You’re so beautiful.”

Smiling, he rubbed his chin against her soft hair. “Shame on you. That was my line.”

She leaned back on his lap. “Shame on you for dragging me in here while I’m wearing my best dress.”

“We can take care of that.” He sought the zipper in the back. As his hand ran down her spine, her back arched.

She gave him a teasing smile. “You realize this dress is not supposed to be in hot water.”

“Then we’ll move it to the cold water cycle.” He tugged the dress over her head and tossed it into the swimming pool.

Darcy laughed. “Great. Chlorine. That’s a big help.”

He studied the wet bra that clung to her skin. “I’m happy with the results.” He brushed a thumb over a nipple, and it puckered. He circled the pebbled skin ’til the tip hardened into a tight nub. With a moan, Darcy closed her eyes.

He nibbled up her neck to her ear, then whispered, “I want to taste you.”

She answered by feathering kisses along his cheek and jaw. That had to be a yes. He kissed her deeply. His heart pounded in his ears. His groin swelled, demanding attention. He unhooked her bra, slid it off, and tossed it onto the cement. A sudden breeze swirled the mist from the hot tub around her, making her look almost unreal. A magical vision of beauty, too perfect for any man to hold on to.

Her eyes flickered open. “Is something wrong?”

For a second, he thought there was a red glint to her eyes, but it had to be some kind of weird reflection.

His own photos were always coming out with red eyes.

“You’re perfect.” He cupped her breasts, then leaned forward to press a kiss onto the upper swell of her left breast. He could feel the pounding of her heart. His own heart was thundering in his ears. It seemed to grow louder and louder.

He grabbed her waist and lifted her ’til her breasts were even with his mouth. He drew a nipple into his mouth and suckled. Groaning, she arched her back. His hands moved lower, pressing her hips against his stomach. He slid his hands into her underwear and cupped her derriere. She reacted by rocking against him, rubbing herself against his stomach.

His erection nearly exploded. With gritted teeth, he rested his cheek against her breasts and fought for control. That was when he realized that the night was much lighter than it had been before. And the roar in his ears wasn’t coming from him. He looked up and winced. That whirring sound was unmistakable. Suddenly, a beam of light shot down and illuminated the hot tub.

“What?” Darcy stiffened. She looked up, but Austin blocked her with his hand.

“Don’t.” He squinted up through the light. “It’s a chopper.”

“What?” She gave him a frantic look. “A helicopter?”

“Yes.” Austin cursed. “I should have heard it coming.”

“Oh my gosh!” Darcy covered her mouth with a trembling hand. “I told Bernie to rent a helicopter, but I didn’t think he could do it tonight. This is terrible!”

More terrible than she realized. As far as Austin could tell, he and Darcy were being filmed. He lowered them both into the water up to their chins. “I’ll take care of this. Whatever you do, don’t look up.”

She moaned. “I’ll be ruined. I’ll never work again.”

“Trust me. I’ll get you out of here.”

“How? I’m practically naked.”

“I brought a big towel with me from my room. Wait here. Stay low, and don’t look up.”

“Okay.” She hugged herself and kept her chin down.

Austin climbed from the hot tub and strode toward the patio chair where he’d left a towel. He kept his face turned away from the helicopter and hurried back to the hot tub. He stretched out the towel to conceal Darcy. She climbed from the tub, and he wrapped the towel around her. The helicopter was close enough now to cause a strong wind that whipped at the towel and made her shiver. She hunched her shoulders and ducked her head down.

“Hold on.” He grabbed her jacket off the patio chair and draped it over her head. He located her bra and shoes and handed them to her. Then, he fished her dress out of the swimming pool.

And still the helicopter hovered overhead. A beam of light followed Austin’s every movement. He handed Darcy her soggy dress and saw the panic on her face.

“Don’t let it get to you,” he yelled over the roar of the whirring blades. “They don’t know who you are. Where are the other ladies staying?”

“On the servants’ floor, three flights down.”

He glanced toward the east stairwell. “Fine. We’ll go there. Everyone will think you’re one of the judges. You can return to the pool house later.”


Austin led her toward the stairs. The spotlight from the helicopter picked them up. Austin glanced down. With the light behind him, his body cast a long shadow on the cement.

He halted with a jerk.

Darcy stopped. “What’s wrong?”

He stood there, unable to answer. All the air had been sucked out of his lungs. All the blood leached from his head. The ground swayed, and he stumbled to the side.

“Are you all right?” She reached out to touch his arm.

He lurched back. No, this couldn’t be true. He glanced down at the ground once more. His shadow was there, alone, mocking him for being so blind. Such a stupid fool.

“Adam?” She looked so worried. Hell, why was she worried about him? She was the one with the problem. Darcy Newhart had no shadow. She was fucking dead.

“Are you all right?” she yelled over the noise.

He swallowed hard. “Go on without me. I—I’ll make sure we didn’t leave any clues behind.” Or proof that he’d been there, consorting with the enemy.

“Okay.” She ran to the stairwell and went inside.

The door banged shut and he stood there, staring at it while the damned helicopter whirred overhead. His stomach churned. Holy necrophilia. He’d made out with a dead woman.

Slowly, he realized the helicopter was moving away. He scanned the pool area and noticed his flip-flops by a patio chair. He grabbed them and paced across the roof. The half-moon shone down on him, taunting him with the evil truth. Darcy was a creature of the night.

“No!” He hurled a flip-flop at the moon. It flew over the wall and disappeared. He ran toward the wall, throwing the other flip-flop. “Dammit, no!”

He ran down the stairs, then realized he couldn’t bear to spend the night in the penthouse. Not with all those vampires. Not when his own Darcy—

He took the elevator to the ground floor, then ran outside onto the sidewalk. He ignored the grit of cement against his bare feet. He kept running ’til he reached Central Park. And still he ran. He ran until he was sweating and gasping for air.

He slowed and collapsed onto a bench. Dammit to hell. There was no running from the awful truth.

Darcy was a vampire.

“I think I made a terrible mistake.” Darcy stood in Vanda’s bedroom, shivering in wet underwear and a towel.

“Here.” Vanda tossed her another towel. “Dry off while I find you something to wear.” She rummaged through a dresser drawer. “These should suit you.” She picked out a pair of white cotton panties. “What kind of mistake?”

“I got overly friendly with Adam in the hot tub.”

Vanda’s eyes widened. “Oh. In that case—” She dropped the white panties and picked up a red silken thong. “This is more like it.”

With a snort, Darcy grabbed the white panties and pulled them on. “I shouldn’t have done it. I had to be out of my mind.”

“It’s called lust, dear.” Vanda tossed her a T-shirt and some pajama bottoms. “Nothing wrong with it.”

“It’s very wrong!” Darcy pulled on the T-shirt.

“He’s a mortal. It could never work.” She slumped on Vanda’s bed.

Vanda sat beside her. “You have feelings for him?”

Darcy’s eyes filled with tears. “I tried to fight it. I know any kind of lasting relationship with him is impossible.”

“With love, anything’s possible.”

Darcy shook her head. “Not this.”

Vanda stood and paced across the room. “Did I ever tell you what happened to me?”

“No.” Darcy wiped her face. Vanda was always supportive, but she rarely confided anything personal.

“I came from a small village just south of Krakow. We were a large family. Very poor. When my mother died in 1935, I became a mother to my younger brothers and sisters.”

“That must have been difficult,” Darcy murmured.

Vanda shrugged. “The worst was yet to come. When the German tanks moved toward our village, the men prepared a resistance. My father begged me to escape with my two younger sisters. I packed some food, and we fled south to the Carpathian Mountains. I… never saw my father or brothers again.”

Darcy blinked to keep from crying. “I’m so sorry.”

“The trip was very hard on my thirteen-year-old sister,” Vanda continued. “By the time I found a shallow cave, Frieda could barely walk. I gave her the last of our food and water. My fifteen-year-old sister, Marta, left to get water and didn’t return. I wanted to search for her, but I was afraid if I left Frieda, she would die. Finally, though, I had to go. I found a stream and filled our water bags. I was headed back to our cave when night fell. When Marta stepped from the shadows, I was so happy to see her. But she just stood there, so pale, with an odd look on her face.

“She swooshed toward me so fast, I didn’t realize what was happening. She knocked me down and sank her fangs into my neck. I was barely conscious when she carried me—she was suddenly very strong—to a deep cave and introduced me to the vampire who had transformed her. Sigismund. He transformed me that night.”

Darcy shuddered. “I’m so sorry.”

Vanda sat on the bed. “The next evening, I rushed back to my little sister to see how she was. She had died. All alone.”

“Oh, no. How awful.” Darcy touched Vanda’s shoulder.

Vanda’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears. “I found a good purpose for the hunger that plagued me every night. I fed off Nazis and left many of them to die in southern Poland.”

Darcy swallowed. “I’m sorry you’ve suffered so much.”

Vanda snorted. “You think I told you all that for pity? What I want to say is I would go through all the pain and horror a million times over if it could only bring my sister back. If you love this Adam, you should embrace the feeling, no matter what. There is nothing more sacred than love.”

At noon the next day, Austin wandered into the penthouse kitchen and found Emma heating up some Chinese food. He passed her the anklet. “We need to get this analyzed.”

“No problem.” She dropped it into her tote bag and looked him over. “You look like shit.”

“I feel like shit.” He sat at the table.

She spooned some sweet and sour shrimp and fried rice onto a plate and set it before him. “Feel like talking?”

“No.” He motioned to a black and green bruise along her forearm. “What happened to you?”

“A bit of a tussle. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You went hunting again, didn’t you?”

“Eat your food before it gets cold.”

“I told you not to go hunting alone.”

She rested a hand on her hip. “And who would go with me when you and Garrett are on assignment here? Alyssa isn’t up to it.”

“Wait until we’re done here. It’ll only be a week or two.”

Her mouth thinned. “I don’t like to wait. Besides, I managed just fine on my own.”

“You killed one?”

“Killed what?” George wandered into the kitchen.

Emma smiled. “I killed a roach in the laundry room. But don’t worry. When I come back, I’ll bring some insecticide.”

“Good.” George heaped his plate full. “I hate roaches.”

“I cannot abide any sort of pest.” Emma gave Austin a pointed look.

Pest. She would add Darcy to her list of pests. Holy shit. What was he going to do? How could he add Darcy to his list of vampires? It would make her a target for termination. Wasn’t getting murdered once in her life enough? He recalled all the tapes he’d enjoyed watching. She’d been so clever, so happy, so full of life.

“You’re not eating,” Emma reminded him.

“I lost my appetite.” I’ve lost my heart. Holy shit. Reality had become a nightmare. Did it feel this awful for Darcy, too?

With help from her cameramen, Darcy set up the obstacle course in the greenhouse.

Bernie added some potting soil to the puddle to make it muddier. “Guess what, Miss Newhart? I got that aerial footage you wanted.” He exchanged a grin with the other cameraman.

Bart snickered as he moved potted plants away from the puddle.

Darcy watched them both carefully. They didn’t glance her way at all. “You managed to get a helicopter that fast?”

Bernie snorted. “The guy told me he was booked solid for three months. But after a little mind control, he was much more helpful.”

Bart laughed. “Yeah, he even forgot to charge us.”

Darcy winced. She hated the way vampires invaded people’s minds. “So, everything went well?”

“Oh, yeah. Just great.” Bernie shot Bart a knowing look.

“Okay.” Darcy exhaled in relief. They weren’t smirking at her. They must not realize she was the woman in the hot tub.

“Hello?” Lady Pamela called from the greenhouse entrance. “I was told to come here.”

“Yes.” Darcy took Lady Pamela through the greenhouse, explaining how the obstacle course worked. “Don’t worry. I’ll be close by with the cameramen.”

She twisted her silk reticule in her hands. “Where will the other ladies be?”

BOOK: Vamps And The City
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