Venice Vampyr - The Beginning (29 page)

Read Venice Vampyr - The Beginning Online

Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #historical romance, #venice, #regency romance, #paranormal romance, #vampire, #vampire romance, #romance, #vampire fiction, #erotic romance, #venice vampyr, #vampire paranormal

BOOK: Venice Vampyr - The Beginning
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“More!” Bianca cried out.

He succumbed to her order and sucked the little bundle of sensitive flesh between his lips and tugged. A spear of energy bolted through her core, robbing her of her breath. Panting, she praised him, “Yes, yes, that’s good.”

And as if he understood what she wanted, he tugged harder. At the same time, he drove a thick finger into her channel. She jolted at the intensity—no, two fingers. He’d driven two fingers into her, stretching her tight channel.

Her heart beat frantically as he sucked at her pearl then lapped his tongue over it in a rapid rhythm. His fingers took on the same rhythm, pumping into her, and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

She felt the waves before they hit her, felt her orgasm approach with a deep rumble and let herself fall. Like a massive ocean current, the sensations drowned her and swept her away until all she felt was the gentle soothing warmth of her lover’s tongue as it continued to tease aftershocks from her exhausted body.

It seemed to take ages until he finally lifted his head from her sex and allowed the air to cool her skin.

“You taste delicious.”

The deep voice was close and didn’t sound like it was part of her dream. Bianca’s body tensed as her eyes flew open. It took several seconds for her vision to adjust to the dark of the room. She was still in her mother’s old bedroom, but she was not alone.

A man—a naked man—rose from between her legs. His dark hair was disheveled as if somebody had run their hands through it one too many times. His lips glistened with moisture, and his eyes gleamed with arousal.

Her dream lover was real. She had allowed a complete stranger—a man who’d broken into her house—to make love to her!

Bianca looked down at herself and noticed that the little purple robe she’d worn to bed because she’d neglected to pack a nightgown in her haste, was open in the front and her entire body was exposed to the stranger, who still looked at her. His dark eyes were hypnotizing.

“Good, you’re awake now. Let’s fuck.”

His blunt words pulled her out of her momentary trance. She jerked away from him, her back meeting the bed’s headboard while she snatched a pillow and pressed it against her front, covering her breasts and her exposed sex, unable to press her thighs together since his hands were still gripping them.

“Who are you?” Bianca cried, her eyes darting to each side of the bed, trying to see if there was anything she could use as a weapon against him.

The stranger sat up, revealing more of his naked body—more than she really wanted to see. Her eyes strayed to his midsection, then dipped lower to where his erection made an unmistakable statement. He’d come to rape her!

“Lorenzo, of course. Who else?” There was a hint of confusion in his tone.

Should she know somebody of the name of Lorenzo? For a second, she searched her memory, but nothing transpired.

“I’m sorry I made you wait,” he continued.

“Wait?” Now confusion spread in her mind. What had happened? Had she blacked out? Had she made an appointment with somebody she’d met on her travels? No. She was sure that all she’d done was speak to the solicitor, then come to the house to find the treasure. She hadn’t met anybody. And surely, if she’d met this utterly handsome man before, she would remember.

Bianca shivered slightly. Yes, this stranger was handsome. Devastatingly so. Not only were his dark eyes mesmerizing, his lips which were still wet with her juices, were utterly kissable. His dark mane of thick hair had felt soft like silk, and when she looked at his chiseled body, she could only shudder.

“Yes, I’m afraid I got delayed. Had I known that Dante and Nico had hired you for me, I would have been here earlier.” His fingers stroked higher on her thigh, and Bianca pulled back, trying to shake off his hand. “But I’m here now, and I’m going to make it up to you.”

“Hired me?” A dreadful suspicion crept up her belly. “You think I’m a whore?” Was that what everybody thought of her? Was it written in her face what she’d done all these years? Could everybody tell?

“If you would like to call it something else, by all means,” he mumbled apologetically. “Maybe you’re one of Dante’s and Nico’s

“Who are Dante and Nico?”

Lorenzo let out a breath, almost as if he was tired of having to explain something to her for the hundredth time. “My friends. The ones who gave you to me as a housewarming present.”

Shock coursed through her. “Housewarming present?” Her voice sounded shrill in her own head. “I’m no housewarming present!”

Tears threatened to come to the surface. Somebody was playing a cruel joke on her. “Get out of my house, Signore! Now, before I call the carabinieri!”

“Your house? Signora, this is my house. So, if anybody is leaving, it will be you.”

For a second, Biana only stared at him. But the wheels in her brain were churning. It struck her out of nowhere: this was the man who’d bought her father’s house! He was the new owner, and he’d arrived earlier than anticipated.

Now she was truly in trouble. If he was already moving in, how would she be able to continue her search for the treasure? She felt her blood drain from her face as nausea threatened to overwhelm her. She had to think fast. The only thing she could do was to try and bluff her way through this. But she wouldn’t leave this house before she had found what she’d come for. No matter the cost.

“Signore, this is my house. I inherited it from my dear father. You’re trespassing. Leave!” Bianca lifted her chin in the same way she’d done to dismiss suitors she’d had no interest in. When she caught Lorenzo’s gaze on her, she was surprised to see a hint of delight in them as well as a little smile playing around his kissable lips.

Chapter Five

Lorenzo’s heart skipped a beat. The beautiful woman in his bed wasn’t a whore. And for some strange reason, this delighted him. However, this newfound knowledge did nothing to bring down his raging hard-on. Having feasted on her sweet cunt and brought her to an earth shattering orgasm had gotten him even hornier than he’d been when he’d first seen her in his bed.

“Signorina Greco?”

She nodded. “Bianca Greco.”

“Lorenzo Conti, at your service.” He bowed his head slightly, but did nothing to cover his naked body. He’d seen the way she’d glanced at his cock, and frankly, he’d liked it. And he wasn’t going to deprive her of the sight, decorum be damned.

“May I assume you haven’t spoken to your father’s solicitor, Signore Mancini, yet?”

“I only arrived today after receiving the terrible news of my dear father’s death.” She sniffed.

“My condolences, Signorina. However, I have to inform you that this is not your house anymore.”

“But—” she interrupted.

Lorenzo held up his hand, suddenly realizing that his other hand was still clutching her thigh. But as long as she wasn’t noticing it, he wasn’t going to remove it. “Signorina Greco, I purchased the home from your father’s estate. In fact, the estate only consisted of debts. Debts that far exceeded the value of this house.”

Her eyes went wide with surprise.

“Let me assure you, Signorina, that I’ve satisfied those debts, but I have taken the house in exchange for those sums of money. It is mine.”

“I don’t believe you!” She huffed and crossed her arms tighter around the pillow covering her naked body. “You broke in here, and now you’re trying to lie your way out of it.”

Lorenzo jumped up, outraged. Nobody called him a liar. Jumping off the bed, he marched toward where he’d left his cloak. “I’ll prove it to you, Signorina.”

He ruffled through his clothes and found the piece of paper he’d received earlier. As he walked back to the bed, he noticed her drop her lids, avoiding looking at him. But he’d already caught her. She’d not only stared at his backside when he’d walked away, but also admired his front for longer than any decent woman would admit. And her eyes were shining with desire.

He handed her the paper. “Here’s the deed.”

Her eyes flew over it before she handed it back to him. Then she met his eyes. Tears brimmed at their rim. “I will not leave. This is my house! The solicitor had no right to sell it.”

Lorenzo stemmed his fists at his hips, fully aware that his erection was pointing at her almost accusingly. And why shouldn’t it? She was the reason why he still had a raging hard-on that hadn’t been satisfied yet. And by the looks of it wouldn’t get any satisfaction tonight.

“The document is legal, and you know it! This is my house, and I say who can stay and who can’t.”

“But Signore, I’m still in mourning. I’ve only just lost my dear father. I’m beside myself with grief.” Her eyes looked pleadingly at him.

Mourning? If Bianca was grieving, she sure hadn’t shown any of it only minutes earlier when she’d writhed underneath him in obvious ecstasy. If all grieving daughters reacted like this to the death of their beloved father, Lorenzo would be stalking every funeral in the city to find his next willing bedmates. Because if that was how grieving daughters mourned, he wanted a piece of it. A very large piece.

But what he didn’t need was a woman in the house. Mourning or not, she had to leave. Not only could he not deal with a woman who seemed to be on the verge of tears, he wouldn’t be able to hide his own nature for long. Already now he had to fight his own body to prevent his fangs from lengthening. Her enticing scent and the taste he still carried on his tongue played havoc with his control.

The longer she stayed in his presence the more she would be at risk of him biting her, sinking his fangs into her graceful, long neck and taking her essence into him. And who knew if he could stop? If her blood tasted anything like her sweet cunt, then his control would snap like a little twig under the weight of an elephant. She would have no way of escaping him.

Of course, he could always use his suggestive powers to make her forget the bite, but would
be able to forget it, or would he want to come back for more? And he wasn’t a long-term kind of man. All he was interested in was a quick fuck and a quick bite, no repeats, no relationships. No emotional commitments. Emotional commitments could get you killed.

They’d almost gotten him killed once already. He wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. It was better to shove this woman out of his life right now and not look back. By tomorrow night she’d be a distant memory. By tomorrow night he’d be in bed with some other doxy before moving onto the next without even being tempted to have the same woman two nights in a row.

Lorenzo stared at her. She hadn’t moved from her position, still clutching the pillow to her chest as if it was a life raft on a sinking ship. The upward tilt of her chin indicated her determination not to let him win. Her eyes gleamed with defiance. She wanted to stay, and she would do anything to keep her home. But he couldn’t allow it.

There was only one way to make her leave: he had to make her run from him in panic or disgust. While he could certainly achieve that by flashing his fangs, he couldn’t afford the exposure this action resulted in. After the recent attacks by the Guardians, Dante had advised everybody to be more cautious than usual. Lorenzo wouldn’t go against that edict.

But there was one other way of making her run away from him. He would show her what kind of rogue he was. And being the well-bred woman he assumed Bianca to be, she would run to save not her life, but her reputation.

“Signorina, the only way you’re staying in this house is as my mistress.” He looked past her, not keen on seeing the contempt in her face that she must feel for him now. “So, I suggest you get dressed and leave.”

He turned away from the bed and reached for his clothes, giving her one last view of his backside before he stepped into his trousers and pulled them up.

Lorenzo congratulated himself. He’d scared her speechless. To do that to a woman, was a feat in itself. To accomplish this with a woman who’d given his cock appreciative glances when she thought he hadn’t watched, was a magnificent achievement. He almost felt like patting himself on the back. Nico and Dante would howl with roaring laughter once they heard the story. At least it would make for good entertainment.

It did nothing for his aching cock though.

“What do you expect your mistress to do?”

Lorenzo almost choked on his own saliva. Was she asking him because she was considering his offer? Hell, it hadn’t even been an offer. He had no intention of acquiring a mistress. “Signorina—”

“Just tell me what you expect from your mistress.”

What would he want from a mistress if he really were in the market for one? “Everything. She has to be uninhibited, open to experimentation, and she has to want it. I don’t want a woman who’s merely lying on her back. I don’t want to fuck a stiff board.”

“I understand.”

The finality in her words told him that he’d finally managed to dissuade her. He reached for his shirt and put it on. “Fine, then once you’re dressed I’ll escort you to a hotel or a boarding house.”

“You expect your mistress to live in a hotel or boarding house? I had expected so stay here.”

Lorenzo swiveled on his heels, dropping his hands from the buttons he’d been trying to close. He simply stared at her. After all he’d told her, she wanted to be his mistress? This couldn’t be happening.

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