Vincent: Her Warlock Protector Book 5 (12 page)

BOOK: Vincent: Her Warlock Protector Book 5
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AMANDA WAS THE first to recover. Crusty eyes cracked open with a groan. Her body felt like a wet noodle and her mouth was full of fuzz.
Totally worth it.
She may have felt like she had been hit by a dump truck, but would be more than happy to try it again after a shower, and a burger, with fries and a shake. And a cookie. She was definitely going to need a cookie.

Vincent managed to get one eye open and groaned. When he saw she was awake he propped himself up on his elbow, a beatific smile on his face.

"So how does it feel to be immortal?"

It was a phrase Amanda had never used before, and she rolled it around in her head until satisfied it got the heart of what she wanted to say.

"That was fucking awesome!"

When Vincent stopped laughing, he said, “We have forever, you know.”

She sat straight up with a gasp.

“Do you know what this means?” She hopped out of bed and ran into the bathroom still talking to Vincent from the shower. “I’m going to try every spell in my grimoire. Then we are going to find some place that has hamburgers, fries, the works. Then there will be cookies.”

She shut the shower off, then wrapped herself in a towel, and stood in the doorway.

Vincent smiled from where he still lay in the middle of the bed.

“Twice,” she said, grinning crazily, unable to stop from blathering. “We are going to need to do that twice. Everything twice.”

He got out of bed, stood in front of her, and wrapped her up in his arms.

“Maybe more than twice,” she said, as he leaned in.

“Forever won’t be enough,” he said, gently covering her mouth with his.

Though she didn’t know if he’d really meant to stop her babbling, it didn’t matter. She let go of the towel, and wrapped her arms around his waist. He was right. Forever wouldn’t be enough.

• • • • •


• • • • •

Another Magus Corps officer is waiting for you in
JACKSON: Her Warlock Protector Book 6
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EXCERPT FROM JACKSON: Her Warlock Protector Book 6

She slapped him, hard. The contact sent blue and amber sparks flying between them, and then the tiny lights swirled and danced like tiny fairies between their faces. As her eyes widened Jackson swore under his breath and dragged her into his arms.

“You see?” He cradled her face between his big hands and looked all over her face. “Your power is connected between your heart and your mind. When you use it in kindness, you can heal, but used in anger, it will wound.”

She stared at the rapidly-fading red mark on his cheek.

“I don’t want to wound you. I’d like to
you, somewhere very personal.”

“I think not.” Jackson deliberately placed his hand over the same spot where he had touched her at the fire. “Show me what is in your heart, Audrey Mather.”

As he spoke his breath mingled with hers, and without thinking she pressed against him, her hands slipping up to rest on his shoulders. Something more intimate and shocking than his touch welled up inside her, burning through the doubts and fears.

“I want you,” she heard herself say. “I have since the first time I saw you.” She pressed her lips to his chest, unable to stop herself now. “I want to know if you feel the same. I want to know it so much I brought you here, so I could seduce you. I know you want me. I can feel it.”

Jackson muttered something and ducked his head, pressing his brow to hers.

It began so softly at first Audrey didn’t realize Jackson was kissing her. The touch of his mouth felt at first like his breath, and then like the delicious heat radiating from his skin, warming and caressing her without a touch. Then she parted her lips to speak to him and instead tasted him.

His tongue stroked hers as he gathered her closer. The slow, sexy caress sent streaks of hot delight into her chest to furl tightly in the peaks of her breasts. She gasped as she felt her nipples bead, and a wanton ache spread down into her belly to collect between her thighs.

Jackson lifted her off her feet and carried her back into her bedroom, dropping her onto her bed and propping himself over her as he covered her mouth with his again. The warmth and weight of him on top of her felt so good that Audrey moaned out loud. He drank the sound from her lips as he deepened the kiss, his big hand gliding up under her blouse to tug down her bra. The feel of his fingers on her soft breast made Audrey arch and rub her nipple against his palm. He brushed his thumb over it as he used his knee to spread her legs and settle between them.

Feeling the long, thick bulge of his erection pressing against her crotch made Audrey curl one leg around his and tilt her hips so she could rub herself gently against him.

Jackson wrenched his mouth from hers. “I want you naked, Audrey.”

She swallowed hard and nodded, shivering a little as he began stripping off her clothes. As efficient as he was, she could feel his hands shaking, and once she was completely bare to his touch he stopped and looked from her swollen, hard-tipped breasts to the satiny dark curls veiling her sex.

“You are like a dream,” he murmured as he trailed his fingertips from the dip in her collarbones to the dent of her navel. “One from which a man never wants to awake.”

• • • • •

JACKSON: Her Warlock Protector Book 6



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Novice witch Hailey Devereaux had resolved to live life as an outsider. Possessed of a unique Wiccan ability, her own people shun her. But that all ends when two very different men enter her life: the brooding Major Kieran McCallen and Coven Master Piers Dayton. But their training and tests are only the beginning. As she struggles to fulfill her destiny and find her place in the world, Hailey also discovers love.

Found (Castle Coven Book One)

Abandoned (Castle Coven Book Two)

Healed (Castle Coven Book Three)

Claimed (Castle Coven Book Four)

Imprisoned (Castle Coven Book Five)

Sacrificed (Castle Coven Book Six)


Meet the warlocks of the Magus Corps, sworn to protect Wiccans at all costs. As they find and track fledgling witches, it’s a race against an ancient enemy that would rather see all Wiccans dead. But where danger and intimacy come together, passion is never far behind.

Dominic (Her Warlock Protector Book 1)

Sebastian (Her Warlock Protector Book 2)

Logan (Her Warlock Protector Book 3)

Colin (Her Warlock Protector Book 4)

Vincent (Her Warlock Protector Book 5)

Jackson (Her Warlock Protector Book 6)

Trent (Her Warlock Protector Book 7)


Join psychic Isabelle de Grey and FBI profiler Mac MacMillan as they hunt a serial killer in the streets of Los Angeles. Even as their search closes in on the kidnapper, they discover not only clues but a fiery passion that quickly consumes them.

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Torn (Second Sight Book 2)

Taken (Second Sight Book 3)

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Travel the world in these breathless tales of erotic romance. Each features a different couple in fast-paced tales of fiery passion. But reader beware of cliffhangers and high-strung suspense.

Arctic Exposure
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Desert Thirst
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Part 2
Part 3

Jungle Fever
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Part 2
Part 3

Mountain Wilds
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Part 2
Part 3

Island Magic
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Part 2
Part 3


Explore the ancient world and the new in these standalone novels of erotic romance. Each features a hero and heroine who come together against all odds, in exotic and remote settings where danger and love are found in equal measure.

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Stars of Love

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Copyright © 2015 Hazel Hunter

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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