Vindication (77 page)

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Authors: Lyndall Gordon

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——versus George James. Court case heard by Lord Loughborough in Leicester (10 and 27 Feb. 1798). PRO, London: C12/2188/14

Index to Revolutionary War Service Records
, transcribed by Virgil D. White (WaynesboroTenn.: National Historical Publishing Co. 1995)

——Casualty book of Forman's Regiment, NJ State Archives: Monmouth county war records, MS 4126

——Records of speculations in Kentucky. The Filson Historical Society, especially the May Papers. Louisville, Ky, has deeds and correspondence; Four entries for Kentucky land with helpful dates listed in Willard Rouse Jillson,
Old Kentucky Entries and Deeds: A Complete Index to All of the Earliest Land Entries, Military Warrants, Deeds and Wills of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
(Filson Club Publications, no. 34; first publ. Louisville, Ky, 1926; repr. 1969)

——Letter to Henry Lee (21 Apr. 1784). Beinecke Library's General MSS Miscellany, Group 2444, item 5-1

——Two secret plans for the French capture of Spanish Louisiana.
Archives des Affaires Étrangères, Louisiane et Florides
, 1792–1803, vii, doc. 1. ‘Observations du Cap. Imlay' trans. in Documents section of
Annual Report of the American Historical Association
, i(1896), 953–4. Second and much longer ‘Mémoire sur la Louisiane' trans. amongst associated ‘Documents on the Relations of France to Louisiana, 1792–1795' in
American Historical Review
, iii (Apr. 1898), 491–4. See also 490–503, 508, 651, 660. Includes details of Barlow's involvement and separate proposal

——Power of attorney for Mary Wollstonecraft and her instructions for the Scandinavian journey. Pforzheimer Collection: microfilm of Abinger Papers: reel 9

Johnson, I. B. Recollections of MW in Paris during 1793, in letter to Godwin. Abinger: Dep. b. 214/3. Clemit et al.,
Lives of the Great Romantics
, III, ii, ed. Jump, 13–16

Johnson, Joseph. Letterbook (1795–1810). Copies of c. 240 outgoing letters to various recipients, including many of the writers he published–Darwin, Priestley, MariaEdgeworth–and also significant letters to Charles Wollstonecraft in America. Pforzheimer Collection

——Letter to William Godwin. Abinger: Dep. b. 210/3

——‘A few facts'. Posthumous reminiscences of MW. Abinger: Dep. b. 210/3. KP, i, 193–4, and Clemit et al,
Lives of the Great Romantics
, III, ii, ed. Jump, 9–12

——Note on Mary Wollstonecraft's death to Henry Fuseli. Abinger: Dep. b. 210(3)

Jones, Vivien (ed.),
Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of Femininity
(London: Routledge, 1990). Sets MW in the contemporary context of conduct books, educational treatises and women's rights

Juvenile Library
. Magazine for boys and girls, 3 vols (1800–1). Berg Collection, New York Public Library

Kames, Henry Home,
Elements of Criticism
(1762; repr. New York: Twayne, 1970)

Loose Hints upon Education
(repr. Routledge, 1993)

King-Harmon Papers, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland: D/4168

Knapp, Samuel, ‘Female Biography: Containing Notices of Distinguished Women', in
Dictionary of Christian Biography
(Philadelphia: Leary & Getz, 1834). Portrait of MW's American sister-in-law of the same name

Knowles, John,
The Life of Henry Fuseli
, 2 vols (Henry Colburn, 1831)

Lawes Resolutions of Women's Rights, or the Lawes Provision for Women

The Laws Respecting Women
as they regard their natural rights…in which their interests and duties as daughters, wards, heiresses, spinsters, sisters, wives, widows, mothers, legatees, executrixes, etc, are ascertained and enumerated
(Joseph Johnson, 1777; repr. Oceana Press, 1973)

Levy, Darlene Gay, Harriet Branson Applewhite and Mary Durham Johnson, eds,
Women in Revolutionary Paris 1789–1795: Selected Documents
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1979)

Macaulay (Graham), Catharine,
Letters on Education
(London, 1790)

Marie and Margrethe
(the silver ship). Shipping records for 1794–5 in the Landsarkivet, Gothenburg. In the Riksarkivet, Stockholm see Kommerskollegium: Huvadarkivet C II c Fribrevsdiarier (1758–1831), xxxvi (1795), No. 669, and Fribrevshandlingar(1775–1831) Huvudarkivet F II b: vol. 143.

——Testimony of the crew, Dec. 1794, Kristiansand, Norway

——Records and hearsay in archives of Oslo and Arendal, Norway

——A magnificent collection of Schleswig-Holstein silver in the North German Museum in Altona, the final destination of MW's journey in 1795, testifies to a significant trade in silver at that time

——Charges for the ship in Strömstad (June–Sept. 1795, the precise period of Wollstonecraft's journey to Scandinavia and Hamburg). Strömstads Rådhusrätt och Magistrat, vol. A IV a: 9, pp. 255–6, 291–312, in Landsarkivet, Gothenburg

Mathias, T. J., ‘The Shade of Alexander Pope', repr. Clemit et al,
Lives of the Great Romantics
, III, ii:

Milton, John,
Paradise Lost
(a favourite source of quotation for MW)

Monthly Magazine and American Review for 1799
: ‘Reflections on the character of MaryWollstonecraft Godwin' by ‘L. M.' (New York, 1800), 330–5. Shows the adverse impact of W. G's
on an admirer of MW.

More, Hannah,
Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education
(London, 1799)

Morris, Gouverneur, Papers (of the American Minister in Paris during the Terror). Huge, largely untapped trove. Columbia University, New York

Diary and Letters
, 2 vols, ed. Anne Cary Morris (London: Kegan Paul, 1889)

A Diary of the French Revolution
, 2 vols, ed. Beatrix C. Davenport (repr. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries, 1971)

Mount Cashell, Margaret (King Moore). Private library of Andrea and Cristina Dazzi, San Marcello Pistoiese, Italy. In 1958, Mount Cashell's biographer, McAleer, reports that a search of the hundred-room house at San Marcello failed to discover missing papers, especially her letters from Mary Wollstencraft

——Cini Papers, Pforzheimer Library, New York Public Library

——Three anonymous political pamphlets against Union. Copies in the National Library of Ireland, Dublin: ‘A few words in favour of Ireland' (1799); ‘Reply to a ministerial pamphlet entitled “Considerations upon the state of public affairs in the year 1799: Ireland” (1799); and ‘A hint to the inhabitants of Ireland. By a native'(1800)

——A few letters in 1805 to her Irish lawyer, Scully, in Brian MacDermot, ed.,
The Catholic Question in Ireland and England 1798–1822: The Papers of Denys Scully
(Irish Academic Press, 1988)

——Revelations about her background and history for her unknowing youngest daughters, Laurette and Nerina Tighe (1819). Pforzheimer Collection.
Shelley and his Circle
, viii, 909–11

*——Undated, untitled fictional monologue/travelogue of a Frenchman in the German states, in French, discovered and transcribed by Cristina Dazzi. Private Dazzi library, San Marcello Pistoiese

Stories for Little Boys and Girls, in Words of One Syllable
(London: M. J. Godwin, 1810). Mortimer Rare Book Room, Smith College: 371.342/C426e/1810mos. Extremely rare and not in the great Opie Collection. Puzzling dedication to ‘N- and her little friends'. We might assume this was her child Nerina, but this first edn was publ. in 1810 and Nerina was not born until 1815

Stories of Old Daniel
(London: M. J. Godwin, 1807) and
Continuation of the Stories of Old Daniel
There were fourteen editions by 1868. An Italian translation,
Racconti del vecchio Daniele per dilettare ed isruire la gioventu; continuazione dei racconti del vecchio Daniele
(Pisa: Nistri, 1829) was reprinted a number of times. The author's anonymity remained unbroken. The Bodleian catalogue, before it went on-line in 2000, listed these stories under Charles Lamb, with a note to say that they had previously been catalogued under the fictitious name of ‘Daniel'

The Sisters of Nansfield: A Tale for Two Young Women
, 2 vols (London: Longman, 1824). A novel published anonymously

——‘Memorandums'. Medical care of children. Pforzheimer Collection: Cini Papers, folder 17

Advice to Young Mothers on the Physical Education of Children
(London: Longman, 1823). A revolutionary medical book, as some doctors recognised, published anonymously as mere advice ‘by a grandmother'

——Medical correspondence with enlightened Dr George Parkman of Boston. Pforzheimer Collection: Cini Papers, folder 21.

Mears, Martha,
The Pupil of Nature
(1797), on midwifery

More, Hannah,
Essays on Various Subjects, Principally designed for Young Ladies
(London: J. Wilkie & T. Cadell, 1777)

Ogle, Sir Henry,
Ogle and Bothal
(privately printed, Newcastle: Andrew Reid & Co., 1902)

Opie, Amelia Alderson. Letter to Mrs Taylor about MW's fainting when acquaintances were guillotined in Paris. In Cecilia Lucy Brightwell,
Memorials of the Life of Amelia Opie
(London: Longman, 1854), 49

Paine, Thomas. Dossier (1793–4). His arrest and imprisonment during the Terror. Archives Nationales, Paris: F/7/4774/6

Rights of Man
, ed. Henry Collins (Penguin Books, 1969)

Paley, William,
The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy
(London, 1785). Bodleian Library

Paul, C. Kegan,
William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries
, 2 vols (London: Henry S. King, 1876)

——Prefatory memoir to his edn of Wollstonecraft,
Letters to Imlay
(1879; repr. New York: Haskell House, 1971)

——Letter to Robert Browning (1883) about MW's vanished letters to Fuseli. (Kegan Paul was one of the last to see them.) Beinecke Library

——Another letter to Browning (1883), about MW and Fuseli. Margaret Clapp Library, Wellesley College

Percy, Bishop, Two letters to his wife from Frederick Street, Dublin (14 and 18 May 1798), at the time he is reading WG's
of MW. Relays Dublin gossip, linking MW with the scandal of her pupil Lady Mary King, and describes the murder trial of MW's one-time employer the Earl of Kingston in the Irish House of Lords. British Library: Add. MS 32, 335

Pinckney, Charles, US Minister to the Court of St James, 1793–4. Letters to the British Foreign Secretary Lord Grenville. PRO, London: FO5/3 and 7

Polwhele, Revd Richard,
The Unsex'd Females; A Poem
(republ. New York: Wm Corbett, 1800). Rare Books, New York Public Library. Clemit et al.,
Lives of the Great Romantics
, III, ii:
, 157–68. Pope, Alexander, ‘Episode to Dr. Arbuthnot', U223, 232–3 (for ‘witlings' and ‘Bufo')

Price, Richard,
ii–iii, ed. D. O. Thomas and W. Bernard Peach (Durham, NC: Duke University Press; Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1991; repr. 1994). Includes vital replies from the Founding Fathers of America: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Jay, etc

Political Writings
, ed. D. O. Thomas (Cambridge University Press, 1991). Includes
Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty
(1776) and
Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution

——Letter to Mary Wollstonecraft. Abinger: Dep. C. 514

Priestley, Joseph, ‘A Discourse on the Death of Dr Price' (1791)

Procès-Verbaux de la Convention (1792–3), Archives Nationales, Paris

Richardson, Samuel,

Robinson, Mary,
Perdita: The Memoirs of Mary Robinson,
ed. M. J. Levy (London: Peter Owen, 1994)

Roland, Manon Jeanne,
, trans. possibly by MW (London: Joseph Johnson, 1795)

Roscoe, William. Roscoe Papers, Liverpool Record Office: 920 ROS 5328-2333

William Roscoe of Liverpool
, ed. George Chandler (London: Batsford, 1953)

Rowan, Archibald Hamilton,
, ed. William Hamilton Drummond (Dublin: Thomas Tegg, 1840), 248–57. Reminiscences of MW

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
Émile; or On Education
, trans. Allan Bloom (1762; repr. Basic Books, 1979)

Salzmann, C. G.,
Elements of Morality
, trans. and additions by MW. The second edn (with Blake illustrations) in Pf. The 1821 edn (minus MW's sullied name) in the Bodleian Library.

Schreiner, Olive, on MW. Unfinished introduction (1886–9) to projected centenary edn of
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
, first publ. in the ‘Document' section of
History Workshop Journal
, xxxvii (1994), 177–93. The document is preceded by Carolyn Burdet's article, ‘A Difficult Vindication: Olive Schreiner's Wollstonecraft'.

Scioto Land Company Papers. MS Division, New York Public Library: Ohio box, Scioto Land Co. folder, Personal (Misc.)

Shakespeare, William,
King Lear
(the plays to which MW alludes)

Sharp, Jane,
The Midwives Book

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft,
The Novels and Selected Works
, i–viii, ed. Nora Krook with Pamela Clemit; intro. by Betty T. Bennett (London: Pickering & Chatto, 1996)

——‘Life of William Godwin', including notes on MW (a collection of preliminary fragments, Abinger, 1836–40), in Clemit et al,
Lives of the Great Romantics
, III, i:
, 95–115; ii:
, 247–50

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