Vindication (78 page)

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Authors: Lyndall Gordon

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Cristina Dazzi above

——The Frankenstein Notebooks
(1816–17). Bodleian Shelley MSS series, ed. Charles E. Robinson, 2 vols (London: Garland, 1996).

-——(et al),
Lives of the Most Eminent French Writers
, i–ii (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840). MWS has the Johnsonian scholarly temperament with brevity–a swift and confident judgement

——A collected edn of MWS's biographies, including the above, is due from Pickering & Chatto

Mounseer Nongtongpaw
. Though the first edition is thought to be of 1808, a cheap earlier version is advertised at the back of William Godwin (under pseudonym Theophilus Marcliffe),
The Looking-Glass: A True History of the Early Years of an Artist
(1805). This was one of the earliest publications of his own Juvenile Library. (Margaret Mount Cashell's copy in the Cini–Dazzi collection, San Marcello.) On the title page, Godwin adds an aim: to stimulate attainment in children ‘of both Sexes'. A copy of the 1808 edn (16 pp.), illustrated probably by William Mulready, is in the Mortimer Rare Book Room, Smith College: 825 Sh 41mo. Copy also in the Opie Collection, Bodleian Library. Beautiful facsimile colour reprint in Iona and Peter Opie,
A Nursery Companion

——and Percy Bysshe Shelley,
Journal of a Six Weeks' Tour
(1817), repr. in Shelley,
Essays, Letters from Abroad
, ii, ed. Mrs Shelley (Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1840). Although MWS presents this work as by her husband, she was the primary author.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe,
The Letters
, ed. Frederick L. Jones, i–ii (London: Oxford University Press, 1964)

Shelley's Poetry and Prose,
ed. Donald H. Reiman and Neil Fraistat (New York: 2nd Norton Critical Edition, 2002)

Silsbee, Captain Edward Augustus. Papers. Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Mass.: MS 74, boxes 4, 7, 8. In 1991 Marion Kingston Stocking discovered Silsbee's notes on his conversations with Claire Clairmont, in his memorandum books.

Steven, Margaret (Queen Charlotte's midwife),
Domestic Midwife

Stiles, Ezra,
, iii (New York, 1901)

Swan, James. Letter to General Knox about Joel Barlow and Franco-American relations (21 Dec. 1793), microfilm of Knox Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society. Originals in the Pierpont Morgan Library

Taylor, Thomas (‘the Platonist'),
A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes
(1792; repr. and intro. by Louise Schutz Boas (Gainesville, Fla: Scholars' Facsimiles, 1966)

Thompson, William,
Appeal of One-Half of the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the other Half, Men, to retain them in political, and thence in civil and domestic Slavery

Trelawny, Edward John,
, ed. H. Buxton Forman (London: Oxford University Press, 1910)

Turner, Frederick Jackson, ‘The Policy of the French towards the Mississippi Valley in the period of Washington and Adams',
American Historical Review
, x (2 Jan. 1905), 249–79

Wagner, Stephen, and Doucet Devin Fischer,
Guide to the Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle
(New York Public Library, 1996)

——‘Visionary Daughters of Albion: A Bicentenary Exhibition Celebrating Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley',
Biblion: The Bulletin of the New York Public Library
, vi/2 (Spring 1998). Exhibition based on MSS in the Pforzheimer Collection, with expert commentary

Walpole, Horace,
, ed. W. S. Lewis (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983)

Washington, George. Letter of appointment of Elias Backman of Gothenburg as American Consul. Riksarkivet, Stockholm: Americana, 5 (1783–1805). A photograph of this document appears in
Sweden and the World
(Stockholm, 1960), 64.

Wickham, William,
The Correspondence of the Right Honourable William Wickham from the year 1794
, ed. William Wickham (grandson), i (London: Bentley, 1870). Masterminded a secret service

Wilkinson, James. Spy letters (1788–93) of Imlay's Kentucky associate to Esteban Miró (Spanish Governor of West Florida and Louisiana). Beinecke Library: WA MSS S-1985

——Letter about Imlay to Matthew Irvine (28 Sept. 1784), Emmet Collection, MSS Division, New York Public Library

Williams, Helen Maria,
Four New Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft and Helen Maria Williams
, ed. Benjamin P. Kurtz and Carrie C. Autrey (Berkeley: University of California, 1937)

Memoirs of the Reign of Robespierre
(London, 1929)

Williams, Jane. Wheedling, manipulative letters to Claire Clairmont. Pforzheimer Collection

Wilmot, Catherine,
An Irish Peer on the Continent 1801–3: Being a Narrative of the Tour of Stephen, 2nd Earl Mount Cashell, through France, Italy etc.
, ed. Thomas U. Sadleir (London, 1920). Eyewitness of Lady Mount Cashell in Paris

Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth (Mrs Bishop), fifty letters (1786–95) to Everina Wollstonecraft. Abinger: Dep. b. 210

Wollstonecraft, Mary,
The Posthumous Works of the Author of ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman'
(1798; repr. as facs. ed. (Clifton, NJ: Augustus M. Kelley, 1972), 4 vols, ed. William Godwin (London: Joseph Johnson, 1798)

The Works of Mary Wollstonecraft
, ed. Janet Todd and Marilyn Butler, 7 vols (London: Pickering & Chatto, 1989)

—————Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin: A Bibliography of First & Early Editions with Briefer Notes on Later Editions & Translations
, by John Windle. 2nd edn enlarged by Karma Pippin (New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press, 2000)

Collected Letters,
ed. Ralph M. Wardle (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1979). Pioneering, sound, but out of print. Still available in libraries

Collected Letters
, ed. Janet Todd (London: Allen Lane, 2003)

——Unpublished letter to Bernstorff, Prime Minister of Denmark, discovered by Gunnar Molden. State Archives, Copenhagen. Foreign Office archives: Departementet for uterrigske anliggender/Lpnr.893 (Bokstav 1, Diverse)/Madame Imlay's sag 1795–96

Mary, A Fiction
and The Wrongs of Woman
, ed. and intro. Gary Kelly (Oxford University Press: World's Classics, 1980, repr. 1987)

Political Writings
, ed. Janet Todd (Oxford World's Classics, 1994)

Letters Written during a short Residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark,
ed. and intro. Richard Holmes (Penguin Books, 1987)

Wollstonecraft, Mary (MW's American sister-in-law), ‘The Natural Rights of Woman',
Boston Monthly Magazine
, i/3 (Aug. 1825), 126–35. Signed ‘D'Anville'

Wordsworth, William,
The Prelude
(text of 1805), ed. Ernest de Selincourt, rev. Helen Darbishire (London: Oxford University Press, 1960)

Wright, Thomas,
The Female Vertuosos
, Restoration-style comedy

Wulfsberg, Jacob. Report of 18 Aug. 1795 about Imlay and Wollstonecraft to the Stiftamtmann of Akershus. Statsarkivet (Regional Archives), Oslo:
Akershus stiftamt, Brev fra forskjellige avsendere
, 44 (1795–6). Wollstonecraft enclosed a copy with other letters of recommendation in her letter to the Danish Prime Minister, A. P. Bernstorff

Young, Arthur,
Tour of Ireland
, i–ii (1780; repr. London: George Bell, 1892)

, ed. M. Bentham-Edwards (repr. London: Smith Elder, 1898)


Addison, Sir William,
The Old Roads of England
(London: Batsford, 1980)

Akers, Charles W.,
Abigail Adams: An American Woman
(Canada: Little, Brown, 1980)

Alexander, Meena,
Women in Romanticism
(London: Macmillan, 1989). Links MW's writings through the theme of maternity to the Romantic writings of Dorothy Wordsworth and MWS

Allen, Brooke, ‘John Adams: Realist of the Revolution',
Hudson Review
(spring 2002), 45–54

Andersson, Gunnar, ‘Mary Wollstonecraft i Strömstad 1795'. Gez,
Litteraturhistoria Engelsk
Geografi Bohuslän Reseskildringar Historia
, Strömstadbygden, viii (1995), 7–15
Copy in the Swedish National Library, Stockholm

Andrew, Christopher,
For the President's Eyes Only: Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush
(London: HarperCollins, 1995; repr. 1996)

Avery, Gillian, ‘The Puritans and Their Heirs', in
Children and Their Books
, eds Gillian Avery and Julia Briggs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989). An authoritative collection of essays that should be republished

The Best Type of Girl
(London: André Deutsch, 1991)

Backman, Pierre, ‘Frenchmen in Tranenberg',
Västgöta bygden
, iv (1958). On Elias Backman's background and relatives

Banks, Olive,
The Biographical Dictionary of British Feminists
(Brighton: Harvester, 1985). This dictionary begins in 1800, which means that it excludes MW, although its definition of feminism accords in every detail with her principles

Barker-Benfield, G. J., ‘Mary Wollstonecraft: Eighteenth-Century Commonwealth Woman',
Journal of the History of Ideas
, i (1989), 95–115

The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain
(University of Chicago Press, 1992)

Baron-Cohen, Simon,
The Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain
(Penguin, Allen Lane, 2003)

Barry, J. M.,
Pitchcap and Triangle: The Cork Militia in the Wexford Rising
(Cork, 1998), 173–82.

Bennett, Betty T. and Stuart Curran,
Mary Shelley in Her Times
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000)

Blakemore, Steven,
Crisis in Representation: Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Helen Maria Williams and the Rewriting of the French Revolution
(London, N.J., Ontario: Associated University Presses, 1997). A fascinating analysis of MW haunted by
in her response to the bloodshed of the revolution

Botting, Eileen Hunt,
Family Feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke and Rousseau on the Transformation of the Family
(SUNY: 2006)

——‘Wollstonecraft's Philosophical Impact on Nineteenth-Century American Women's Rights Advocates',
American Journal of Political Science
(Oct 2004)

Brailsford, H. N.,
Shelley, Godwin, and Their Circle
(London: Thornton Butterworth, 1913, repr. 1936). This book is still alive with insight

Brewer, John,
The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century
(London: HarperCollins; New York: Farrar, Straus, 1997)

Briggs, Julia, ‘Women Writers: Sarah Fielding to E. Nesbit', in
Children and Their Books
, eds Briggs and Gillian Avery (Oxford University Press, 1989), 221–50

Brown, Ford K.
The Life of William Godwin
(London: J. M. Dent; New York: Dutton, 1926) Derivative; not on a par with C. Kegan Paul's massive reliance on primary sources for the biography of 1876

Burdet, Carolyn, ‘A Difficult Vindication: Olive Schreiner's Wollstonecraft Introduction',
History Workshop Journal
, xxxvii (1994), 177–93. Suggestive essay on the problems Schreiner faced in preparing her (unfinished) centenary introduction to

Burke, John Bernard,
Dictionary of the Peerage

Genealogical History of the Landed Gentry in Ireland

Butler, Marilyn,
Romantics, Rebels, and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background 1760–1830
(Oxford University Press, 1981)

Jane Austen and the War of Ideas
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975, repr. 1997)

——Introduction to
(Penguin Books, 1994)

Buus, Stephanie, ‘Bound for Scandinavia: Mary Wollstonecraft's Promethean Journey', in Anka Ryall and Catherine Sandbach-Dahlström (eds),
Mary Wollstonecraft's Journey to Scandinavia: Essays
, Stockholm Studies in English, xcix (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 2003)

Caine, Barbara,
English Feminism, 1780–1980
(Oxford University Press, 1997)

——‘Victorian Feminism and the Ghost of Mary Wollstonecraft',
Women's Writing
, iv: 2 (1997)

The Cambridge Companion to Mary Wollstonecraft
, ed. Claudia Johnson (Cambridge University Press, 2002)

Castle, Terry,
The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1995). An exploration of the subversive role of gothic fiction and sexual masquerade provides context for understanding MW's suspicion of erotic behaviour

Chard, Leslie F., ‘Joseph Johnson: Father of the Book Trade',
Bulletin of the New York Public Library
, lxxix (1975)

Chernaik, Judith,
Mab's Daughters: Shelley's Wives and Lovers
(London: Macmillan, 1991. Publ. in US as
Love's Children
). A fictional biography in the epistolary form of a lot of the source material. Recreates sixteen months in the lives of Fanny Imlay, Harriet Shelley, Mary Shelley and Claire Clairmont. Chernaik suggests that Fanny committed suicide when told by WG that she was not his daughter

Christiansen, Rupert,
Romantic Affinities: Portraits from an Age, 1780–1830
(1988; repr. London: Vintage, 1994)

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