Read Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker Online

Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #romance

Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker (12 page)

BOOK: Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker
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baby, I tried to pleasure myself a few times, but I wasn’t any good at it. And then when he got older, it was too risky that he would walk in and find me.”

Tiraz kissed her jaw then kissed his way down her neck. “Well, we’ll have to correct that tonight. Simon isn’t here and we have all the time in the world.”

Her hands trembled as she placed them on his chest. “Do you…do you think we

could maybe not drag things out so long this first time? I’m kind of nervous and I think if we just got the first time out of the way, I’d feel better.”

Tiraz traced her nose with his before settling his mouth over hers. His tongue traced her lips and she opened to him. It was their first true kiss and it made her knees weak and her heart race. His hands lightly caressed her and slowly unfastened her bra, letting it fall to the floor.

The cool air made her nipples pucker and she shivered. With infinite tenderness, he cupped her breasts, his thumbs stroking the hardened peaks. No one had ever touched her with such care before and it almost made her cry. Tiraz made love to her body, touching, stroking, and kissing every inch that was exposed to him. When he slid her panties down her thighs, she sucked in a breath to steady her nerves.

Tiraz stroked her damp curls. “I want to taste you, Violet, but I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

“If…if it feels weird, you’ll stop, right?” she asked uncertainly.

“All you have to do is tell me to stop, or say no, and I’ll back off. If you decide you aren’t ready to go any further tonight, I’ll respect your wishes. You’re in complete control of everything we do, even if it might not seem like it.”

“All…all right.”

She sat down on the edge of the bed and then laid back. She didn’t know what to do with her hands so she placed them by her head. Tiraz knelt beside the bed, his hands gently spreading her thighs. Violet had never felt so exposed in her life and her cheeks burned with embarrassment. His hands slid up her thighs and his touch was light as he brushed the curls at the juncture of her thighs. Violet felt tense as she waited to see what would happen. She hadn’t lied when she’d said Simon’s father had barely touched her.

He would jerk up her skirt and shove himself inside of her; there hadn’t been sweet caresses and tender kisses.

The first lap of Tiraz’s tongue was something of a shock to her, but as his lips and tongue explored her tender flesh, she slowly began to relax and enjoy it. His tongue circled and stroked her clit until she felt like her body was on fire. Her legs trembled as she strained for a release she’d never felt before. Violet fisted the bedding as her hips shifted. She couldn’t sit still when every instinct was telling her to move.

“That’s it,” Tiraz murmured. “Let go, Violet. Don’t hold back.”

His talented tongue did things she’d only ever read about, drawing whimpers

and murmurs from her as sweat beaded her brow. Violet’s back arched as she reached for that ever elusive climax. Just when she thought she’d cry from frustration, something wonderful happened. Her body tensed and she sat up from nearly too much pleasure. A loud keening cry escaped her as ecstasy unlike anything she’d ever felt before washed over her.

Tremors racked her body as she collapsed onto the bed once more.

Tiraz kissed the inside of her thigh, placed another kiss on her belly, and then leaned over her, bracing himself on his arms. “I can stop now, if you want me to.”

She shook her head emphatically and reached for him. There was a ghost of a

smile on his lips as he settled over her, hip to hip. His cock brushed against her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting to feel him inside of her. Violet wanted to be closer to Tiraz than she’d ever been with anyone. As far as she was concerned, her time with Simon’s father had never happened and this was her first time. It was exactly how her first time should have been. Magical.

He pressed inside of her, entering her slowly, stretching her and filling her until she thought she couldn’t take another inch. His skin was slicked with sweat as her hands grasped his biceps. She saw the strain in his face, as if he were holding back, afraid of hurting her.

“I want you, Tiraz. All of you.”

Those seemed to be the words he needed to hear. With a slow, steady pace, he thrust into her welcoming body again and again. Violet felt so many emotions she wasn’t sure she could define them all. As his powerful body claimed hers, she let herself go once more, coming apart in his arms. She panted for breath, dizzy from the force of her release, as he came inside of her.

“Protection,” she murmured. “We didn’t use protection.”

“I should have asked how soon you wanted to start a family. Or maybe I didn’t on purpose.”

She ran her fingers through his hair. “I’m sure it will take more than once to make a baby.”

He shook his head. “There was a reason I didn’t want to ask your permission, and if you hate me for it, I’ll understand. My particular species has a rare gift. We’re able to sense when our mates can conceive. I knew if we didn’t use protection tonight that I would get you pregnant.”

She shoved him back and sat up. “You got me pregnant on purpose?”

Tiraz held up his hands to placate her. “I’m sorry, Violet. It was wrong of me, and I know that, but you agreed to be my wife tonight, and part of that is starting a family together. It’s why I tried so hard to convince you to sleep in your own bed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to help myself if you came to my bed.”

“So this is my fault?”

Tiraz visibly swallowed. “I’m sorry. Violet, please…I don’t want to lose you.”

“You’re positive I’m pregnant?”

“Unless it’s difficult for you to conceive, then yes. Because you’re carrying a half-Liptu baby, your hormones would be strong enough for one of those over the counter pregnancy tests in about three days.”

“You should have asked me, Tiraz. I want a family with you, but we should have decided together when would be the right time to start one. How is Simon going to feel if we have a baby right away? I don’t want him to think he’s being replaced. He needs time with you, to feel like he’s truly your son in every way, and to know that you’ll love him even if we have more children. He’s never had a father and already you’re asking him to share you with someone else.”

“I didn’t think about it like that. I’m sorry, Violet. Truly. I just…I thought about you swollen with my child and it just felt right.”

Her shoulders slumped and she reached for him. “If I’m pregnant, I’ll love this baby just as much as I love Simon. I just think it would have been better to wait, at least a few months. We’re not even married yet.”

“We can apply for a license tomorrow. Because you aren’t marrying a human,

they’ll process the request much faster and we can get married as soon as Monday.”

“The office will be closed tomorrow,” she pointed out.

Tiraz grinned. “There’s a special online portal where we can apply.”

He seemed to have an answer for everything, and Violet found that she didn’t want to fight him. It was wrong of him to try to get her pregnant without asking, and she was still upset with him for it, but she did love him, and she did want to start a life with him. She just hoped they’d communicate better in the future.

Chapter Eight

Tiraz had convinced Violet to sleep in his bed last night and he’d been able to hold her as she slept. He hadn’t closed his eyes once though, watching her sleep and then admiring her beauty as the rays of the morning sun caressed her face. He knew he’d screwed up; he could admit that much, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.

There was no guarantee she was pregnant, and if she wasn’t, he would wait until she was ready to try again. It’s what he should have done to begin with. No, knowing that her body was ready to conceive, he should have done the smart thing and gotten a condom. It wasn’t like he didn’t own a box of the damn things, but he’d hoped he wouldn’t have to use them when he got married.

Violet had brought up some good points though. And just thinking about Simon, and how devastated he might be over a new baby, made Tiraz feel even worse. He wouldn’t hurt Simon for anything, and with his careless actions, he may have alienated his son before he truly got to claim him. He wasn’t even sure how Simon would take the news of the engagement, though he suspected the boy would be excited.

Tiraz got out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans before heading to the kitchen for some coffee. He checked his phone and noticed a missed call from Gryf. Checking the time, his stomach clenched when he realized it was barely seven in the morning. For Gryf to call so early, something must have happened. He quickly dialed his brother.

“Where the hell have you been?” Gryf asked.

“I didn’t take my phone to the bedroom last night. Is something wrong?”

“We’ve been at the ER for the last two hours. We’re finally in the back, but I swear these doctors are incompetent.”

“What’s wrong with Simon?” Tiraz asked, hurrying to the bedroom to wake


“He started complaining about his stomach hurting around three this morning, and then an hour later, he started throwing up. By five, he was burning up with fever so I rushed him here, thinking they would help him. So far they haven’t done a damn thing.”

“I’m getting Violet and we’ll head out in a few minutes. Tell Simon we’ll see him soon.”

“Hopefully, we’ll know what’s going on by then. If not, I may start killing the medical staff until someone decides to do their job.”

Tiraz hung up and shook Violet awake. She blinked up at him sleepily, a soft smile on her face. If his heart weren’t about to pound out of his chest from fear, he would have taken her in his arms and kissed her good morning.

“We need to dress quickly,” he said. “Simon’s sick.”

Looking much more alert, she threw off the covers and practically leapt from the bed. Without even giving Tiraz another look, she rushed to her bedroom. Tiraz pulled on a sweater and then grabbed his favorite boots. By the time he’d finished dressing and had brushed his teeth, Violet was waiting by the front door, chewing on her nails.

“I should have never left him there last night,” she said. “If he’d been home with us…”

“He’d still be sick and at the ER.”

She nodded, but didn’t look any less worried.

Tiraz rushed to the hospital, arriving as soon as he could. He let Violet out at the door then went to park the car. When he got inside, he saw her waiting by the triage desk, a nurse studiously ignoring her.

“Where’s Simon?” he asked as he placed a hand at her waist.

“She hasn’t helped me yet so I don’t know.”

Tiraz growled and leaned across the desk, not only getting the nurse’s attention but getting in her face. “Our son is somewhere in this hospital, sick, scared, and wanting his parents. I’d suggest you quit playing with your phone and do your job, or I’ll make sure you don’t have one anymore.”

The nurse paled. “What’s the boy’s name?”

“Simon Wilcox,” Violet answered. “His uncle brought him in.”

The nurse tapped away on her keyboard then frowned. “It looks like he’s been admitted. The Pediatric ICU is on the second floor in the east wing. He’s in room 202.”

Tiraz thanked the woman and rushed with Violet to the elevators in the lobby.

When they reached the second floor, they had to study the map to see where the pediatric unit was located and then they followed the rat maze until they found Simon’s room. Gryf was outside, pacing.

“He’s asleep, but he’s been asking for the two of you. He wanted to know when Momma and Daddy would get here.” Gryf looked haggard. “Is it always this terrifying when you have kids?”

Violet smiled a little. “It’s usually pretty wonderful, but yes, there are scary moments. Have the doctors determined what’s wrong with him?”

“They’re running some tests, mostly blood work, and said we should know

something soon. They’ve hooked him up to an IV and are giving him fluids to make sure he doesn’t dehydrate. He threw up twice more in the ER, but hasn’t in the last hour, so I’m hoping it’s over.”

Violet nodded and went inside, leaving Tiraz and Gryf in the hall.

“Thanks for taking care of him,” Tiraz said.

“So, he calls you Daddy?”

Tiraz ran a hand through his hair. “Unless Violet never speaks to me again after this, I will legally be Simon’s father soon. She agreed to marry me last night, and then I screwed up.”

“She smells different.”

“I think she’s pregnant, but we won’t know for sure for a few days. I told her she could take one of those over the counter tests in three days, but I swear she was ready to kill me last night. And after I thought about what I’d done, I was miserable. What if Simon isn’t ready for a brother or sister?”

Gryf placed a hand on his shoulder. “I think he would welcome someone to play with. As long as he knows the two of you love him unconditionally, he’ll be fine. He’s really sweet and inquisitive. We had a blast last night.”

“Does this mean you’re more open to having kids?” Tiraz smiled. “Possibly even a mate who already has children?”

Gryf nodded. “If her kids were half as wonderful as Simon, then I would gladly claim them as my own. I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was when he started throwing up and wouldn’t stop. The kid was crying and I didn’t know what to do.”

“Thanks for taking care of him.”

Gryf nodded. “You’d better go in there in case he’s awake. I need a minute

before I go back in there. They have him hooked up to some machine that beeps every time his heart beats and an IV is stuck in his arm.”

Tiraz impulsively hugged Gryf then went inside the hospital room to see his son.

Simon was still asleep. Violet stood beside the bed, running her fingers through his hair, tears streaking her cheeks. He wasn’t sure his presence would be welcome, but he walked over toward her and placed his hand at the small of her back. She gave a little sob and threw herself into his arms.

Tiraz held her tightly as he watched Simon and the machine he was hooked to.

He did his best to soothe his future wife; at least, he hoped she was still his future wife.

BOOK: Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker
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