Viper's Run (11 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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“That would be wise.” She said, watching a woman she had never seen before give Cash a blowjob.

“I’m really, really ready to go back upstairs.”

“Sit down and relax. Remember Conner will be here.”

“Connor can’t come in here and see this. He’ll think I...”

“I don’t think when he see’s you he will think that at all.” In fact he was counting on it.

“You’re sure?”


“I am going to get you a drink.  Do you want bottled water?”

“Yes.” Winter managed to get the word out. She was watching Jewell dance with Rider.  The woman was wearing a pair of leather shorts and a white corset left unlaced to show her breasts as she moved provocatively to the drumming music. Rider was playing with her nipple as they danced.

Viper returned with her water, setting it down in front of her before sitting down close to her on the couch. Winter tried not to be obvious about observing the members but it was hard. Shocked, she saw Evie sitting on Crash’s lap, his hand obviously under her short skirt.

Winter tore her eyes away determined to make Viper take her to her room. She saw a shocked Conner coming in the room with Natasha and a grinning red head she didn’t know.

“Winter, your friend is here.” Natasha said.

“Hi Conner.” Winter tried not to be self-conscious of her appearance. She was dressed unattractively compared to the scantily clad women in the room.

He sat down in the chair next to the couch, which was as close as Viper intended to allow him to be near Winter.

“I wasn’t expecting this, I should go.” He said trying to keep his eyes on Winter.

“This is a little more than I was expecting also, Conner.  I understand.”  Winter was embarrassed.

“No, you have to stay. The girls have wanted a piece of you since we laid eyes on you. Winter doesn’t mind sharing, she’s had you to herself long enough.” Natasha broke in sitting down on the arm of his chair, which placed his eyes level with her breasts.

Natasha was wearing a leather skirt and a black lace corset, obviously wearing no bra, as her nipples teased the lace. The other woman didn’t even bother with clothes.  She was wearing a red bra and she just had on a tiny skirt that barely covered her ass, certainly not the thong she was wearing.  Ember set down a beer in front of Conner, sitting down between his legs.

Winter was about to call a halt and get Conner to pack her upstairs when she saw it in his eyes. She had lost again.  Natasha’s hand had gone to Conner’s jeans and her tongue touched her lips. All it took was a promise and he lost whatever attraction he felt for her.

Viper took mercy on Winter, not wanting to torture her longer than necessary. He had accomplished his goal of getting Conner out of the picture.

  “Natasha, I believe the second bedroom is open.” Eagerly the women jumped up taking Conner’s hands but his eyes glazed over when the women surrounded him in mass.

“Winter…” He turned towards Winter.

Viper stiffened beside Winter when Conner held out his hands to Winter.  “I’m sorry Conner, I don’t share.”

She pasted an artificial smile on her face. “Go have fun, I’ll see you later.” There was no way she could compete with the young healthy women. Her body wasn’t up to the vigorous sex that she could see he had planned for the waiting women. Dropping his hands he frowned for a second, he turned to Natasha taking her hand in his.

“I noticed you the first day, I heard how wild biker women are….” Winter watched as the women lead him up the stairway.

“Well, that was fun.” Winter said gloomily. “Can I go back upstairs now?”

“Come on, Winter, don’t let him spoil your fun.”

Winter was about to scream in frustration when she saw Natasha and Ember come back into the room going to sit next to Knox on the other couch.

“I don’t understand I thought…”

Viper shrugged.  “I guess they changed their mind.”

“You set him up.”

“Of course, he was your physical therapist.  I paid him to get you stronger, not fuck you.”

“You pay him? I have insurance.”

“Your insurance only pays for a limited amount of therapy a week, then only a limited amount overall. You would never return to normal with those limitations.”

“This is ridiculous. I can pay.  I have money saved up. I can pay for my own therapy.”

“Yes, you can but you’re going to be out of a job for a while. You’re certainly not going to be recovered enough to go back this school term, if ever.”

“I can go back, my back is healing. You’re right, probably not this school term, but next.”

“We both know the damage to your back. You’re not going to be able to stand on your feet for long hours. What about when the kids get physical. If a fight broke out, you wouldn’t even be able to step between them for fear of damaging your back again.”

“That’s what security is for.”

Viper lifted a brow, knowing they both knew the score of her physical limitations.

“It’s nothing that we have to worry about tonight.  We are going to relax and maybe have a little fun.”

“I am not in a ‘having fun’ kind of mood. You made sure the first man I have been interested in months is in bed with another woman, then tell me I am no longer fit to do a job I love. You’re making it hard for me to have fun.” Winter looked down at her hands.

“I’ll just have to do better, won’t I? Everyone else seems to be having a good time, don’t they?”

Winter kept her eyes away from the various members. Some were having a very good time.

“Let’s dance and see if we can’t put you in a better mood.”

“This is ridiculous, I can’t dance.”  Rider and Jewell walked off the dance floor, her mouth opened to ask him to help her upstairs but thought better of it, remembering Beth’s warning.

“Chicken?” Viper taunted when he saw her change her mind about asking Rider.

“Kiss my ass.” She said looking frantically around the room, about to interrupt Evie’s orgasm when she saw two women that Winter assumed had been invited to the party approach the seating area where Viper and her were sitting.  If she wasn’t feeling frustrated with her body before, these two just made it worse, dressed skimpily with curvy bodies that Winter couldn’t compete with in the best of health.  Next to them her body was a bag of bones.

“Hey Viper.”  One cuddled up next to him on the arm of the couch while the other slid seductively to her knees in front of him, her hands going to his thighs.

Winter stiffened as she watched the women’s familiarity with him.

“Tara, Stacy, you two having fun tonight?” Both women nodded their heads, gazing at him, leaving no doubt as to what was on their minds.

“Have you thought any more about letting us join the Last Riders?”

“I have told you no several times. My answer hasn’t changed.”

“Come on Viper, why not?”

 “We only take on one or two new recruits a year, both slots are filled.

They pouted in unison. “Where are they?”

“One is in Ohio the other is right here.” Viper pulled Winter closer to his side.

Winter was going to deny it until their expressions made her angry. Her mouth tightened into a grim line.

“Her, you’re joking right?” Stacy asked.

“No.”  Viper said, trying not to laugh.  Winter was about to explode.

Winter sat with her mouth closed. If he was going to use her to get the twin bimbos off his back, she wasn’t going to interfere after the derogatory looks they were giving out.

“Whatever Viper, I bet she can’t do what we did for you the last time we were here.”

“That was back in the summer, months ago, but it did give a lasting impression.  I think you girls should go find Knox.”

Disappointment filled both their faces. “Can we do something for you first?” The one on her knees covered his jean-covered cock with her hand, rubbing him. Viper’s hand caught hers.

“You’re going to need all your energy for Knox.” Viper said in a tone not to be ignored. They left reluctantly giving Viper wistful glances.

“Knox already has...” Winter said watching them approach Knox.

“The more the merrier with Knox. He can handle them.”

Winter turned her head not even wanting to talk anymore. Viper rose, picking her up into his arms.

“What are you doing?’

“I feel like dancing.”

“I can’t dance.” Winter protested.

“Yes, you can.”

Viper stood on the edge of the floor letting her feet slip to the floor.  Turning her to face him, he slid his arms around her slowly, swaying back and forth. Winter hadn’t danced in years; when they had dated, he never took her.  She used to love to dance when she was in college.  She would go out with her friends on the weekends just to dance. She allowed herself to soften against him, swaying to the music. The beat was too fast for how they were moving but it felt so good to be on her own two legs and doing something normal again. Winter began enjoying herself for the first time in a long time.

The next song was slower and someone turned the overhead lights off, just leaving the lights on at the side tables, giving the room a soft glow. After another slow dance, Viper lifted her and carried her to an ottoman that was placed at the back of the room. Winter was surprised no one was sitting on it even though the room was crowded.

“Do you want a drink?”

“No, thank you.”

Viper sat down next to her. Winter noticed that Cash was standing and talking to Stori. Bliss and Dawn were sitting on each side of Train.

“Thank you Viper, I enjoyed that.” Winter’s cheeks were flushed.

“Does your back hurt?”

“Just a little, no more than usual,” she admitted.

“Let me make you more comfortable.” Viper offered, his voice lowering.

“That’s not necessary.” Ignoring her, Viper’s hands slid around her waist sliding her sideways one hand maneuvering her legs until ,within seconds, she was lying flat on the large ottoman.

“That better?’

“Viper, I don’t need to lay down, I’m fine. Everybody is looking. I am not a total invalid.”

“No one can see anything. The crowd and couch are blocking off most of the room. Relax. Cash and Train have been in bike wrecks and know how hard it is to heal. It can’t bother you that Dawn and Bliss see you laying down either. Does it?

Winter shook her head.

“I don’t want you to put any strain on your back.” He leaned down taking her mouth in a way she used to dream of him doing for so long. The slight taste of whiskey on his tongue was heady, making her want more.  Her soft lips parted wider, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

The ottoman, while in the middle of the floor was blocked off from view, but she still didn’t want to kiss Viper in front of the others. Her hands went to his chest to push him away.

Viper’s hand went to her skirt unbuttoning it to her thighs. Winter started to protest.

“I am just making you more comfortable.” He reassured her.

“By undressing me?  She asked. “That’s not making me more comfortable, it’s  creeping me out.”

Viper leaned over her, kissing her neck. “I don’t think so, I think it’s making you wet. Let me see.” His hand slid higher under her skirt, going unerring to her pussy. The upper part of the skirt hid from the others in the room what he was doing to her.  A smile was on his lips as his fingers teased her wetness and a tiny whimper escaped as his finger found her clit. His mouth moved caressingly across her flesh coming to stop at the top button of her blouse. His knuckles grazing her tender flesh as he released several buttons sliding the material until it fell to the sides of her breasts.  Her lacy white bra covered her quivering breasts.

His tongue found the swell of her breast as his finger entered her pussy. Winter’s hips arched as his thumb rubbed her clit. When his hand tugged her bra aside to expose her breast, a gasp escaped her as his mouth took the nipple in his warm mouth.

“For two years, I wanted to taste these little morsels, to know if they were pink like bubble gum or red like strawberries. I’m good with strawberries.” He bared her other breast, unsnapping the front clasp of her bra. Winter gasped, catching the cups of the bra holding them in place. The dark blue top slid silkily down, providing a dark background for her creamy skin.

 Reality intruded into the seduction.  He was carefully weaving around her when he had unsnapped her bra. She blinked up at him trying to turn her head away from the mesmerizing gaze of a predator studying a meal it was determined to have. It was the same look he had given Bliss months ago. Winter remembered she had wished he would look at her that way, now her stomach clenched in fright at being the focus of such sexual intent.  She was unable to turn away from the spell he was using to lure her into losing control.

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