Viper's Run (8 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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A knock sounded on the door.

 “Come in,” Viper answered, moving away from the bed.

Evie came in easily tuning into the tense vibe in the room and sought to lighten it.

“We need to get you dressed and downstairs for breakfast. Your therapist will be here in an hour.”

“Call me when you need me to help get her downstairs.” Viper left the room abruptly.

It was evident that Evie was a trained professional; she had Winter dressed and sitting in her wheelchair twenty minutes later. She took out her cell phone to call Viper, telling him they were ready. Winter was self-conscious, wearing a pair of small shorts with a t-shirt worn over her sports bra.

Viper came in, easily carrying her downstairs to a massive kitchen teaming with a group of people fighting for breakfast. He sat her down at the round table.

“I’ll fix you a plate.” Viper offered. Razer, Knox, and some tattoo guy that Viper had called Shade were also sitting at the table with large plates before them.

“Hello.” Winter muttered.

She got nods in return.

Viper sat a plate down in front of her before sitting down next to her. Evie sat down at the table with a plate. The smaller portions making her plate look as if it would feed six people.

“I need a plate like hers. I can’t eat all this.” Winter protested.

“Eat.” Viper told her then ignored her for the rest of the meal as he talked to the others at the table about deliveries and supplies. Winter was completely lost as to what they were discussing.

“They are talking about a big order going out tomorrow.  That’s why everyone is up today, working an extra shift at the factory next door.”  Winter remembered something about them running a survivalist company but had not paid attention.  It had been too painful to hear about Viper’s alter life.

She had barely managed to finish half her food when she slid the plate away. Viper didn’t take his attention away from the men but pulled the plate to him finishing what remained.

“You need to use the restroom?” Evie asked. Winter blushed bright red and shook her head when she saw everyone had stopped talking.

The doorbell rang, producing a huge smile from Evie. “That must be your therapist.”

She left the room to answer the door, returning within minutes with a mischievous look on her face.

“Winter this is Conner Stevens, your physical therapist.” Evie introduced.

Lord have mercy. Winter and every woman in the room could only stare in awe at the male specimen before them. Beth had promised to make it up to her and she had with the handsome blond standing before her.

She managed to tear her eyes away from Conner to see Razer and the other males were not happy.

“Tell Beth, she kept her promise. I forgive her.” She whispered to Evie.

Viper’s lips tightened and he gave her a look that she had no intention of interpreting.

“Are you ready to get started?”

“Yes.” Winter replied lifting her arms. Conner laughed, coming to her side and lifting her easily.

“I’ll show you the way.” Evie guided them through a doorway in the kitchen which led down a flight of steps.  The narrow stairs opened to a large room that had been turned into a gym. It had several of the machines that Winter had become familiar with during her therapy.

“The hot tub is through that door, and the sauna is through that one, she pointed at the wooden door. The restroom is next door to the hot tub room.  Evie indicated where each room was before going to a closet and pulling out two folded mats, laying them on the floor together.

“Beth purchased these mats you requested.” Conner sat Winter down on one.

“Today I am just going to see where you’re at in your recovery and show Evie some exercises for you to do in the morning and night. From now on, I will make my regular time around one.  Sound good?”

Both women nodded in agreement. An hour later, Winter wasn’t so sure.  She had ditched her t-shirt and was sitting on the matt after the session was over, covered in sweat.

“Ready for the hot tub?” Connor asked.

“Yes.” Winter groaned her reply.

“I have a swimsuit for you.” Going to the closet Evie took out a small package, following behind as Conner carried Winter into the downstairs restroom. It didn’t take long for her to get changed.

“Who picked out this suit?”

“I did. Don’t you like it?” Evie smiled.

“There is nothing to it, it’s a thong. I don’t wear thongs and the top is too small.” Winter protested.

“You look great, besides no one is going to see it besides me and Conner.

She had a point. Giving in gracefully because she didn’t want to keep Conner waiting, Evie opened the door to the bathroom.  Winter tried not to be embarrassed as he slowly lifted her into the hot tub. They sat relaxing for ten minutes before Conner called time. Evie helped her into a robe afterwards then guided Conner upstairs to Viper’s room.  Winter was already falling asleep when he laid her on the bed.

Conner left with a wave at Evie.  She waited until Conner left before untying Winter’s robe, not wanting her to get the bed damp.  Viper appeared in the doorway.

“I’ll take care of it.” Evie left as he was pulling the robe off and removing the damp bikini. He took a t-shirt from his drawer and pulled it over her head noticing her nipples had tightened in the cool room. Covering her with a blanket he turned the heat up slightly before lying down next to her on the bed.





Chapter 4


The next two days were physically hard for Winter but she did begin to feel stronger. She wouldn’t let Evie help her unless she needed it when using her wheelchair to get into the bathroom.  Thankfully the doorway and room were large enough. The evenings were spent upstairs in Viper’s room where either Evie or Beth would join her for dinner. Viper would only come in when she was asleep. Winter had learned to share the bed with Viper at night; it was hard to argue with someone when they waited for you to be in a medically induced sleep.

She had learned that he didn’t have a shy bone in his body.  He refused to wear anything to bed, and would flash his body as he got out of bed or after a shower. Winter would look away but somehow she had managed to ingrain his image in her mind and it would strike when she was quietly reading or relaxing on the couch watching television. Thankfully the attraction he held for her, she had managed to convince herself was gone.  She would never give him another opening to hurt her.

She allowed herself a casual flirtation with Conner.  She could tell he was attracted to her and he made her feel something that she hadn’t felt in a long time. He helped her feel normal again. Despite the wheelchair, she was beginning to do things on her own.  Winter didn’t feel like an invalid anymore.

Every morning Viper would carry her downstairs before Connor arrived and would show up at the end of her therapy to pack her back upstairs. Conner and Viper didn’t talk, merely giving each other the bare minimum acknowledgement. It was Friday night and Winter was becoming stir crazy.  The book she was reading was unable to divert her attention.  Sighing, she closed the book. It was almost dinnertime and she would have Evie’s company for a few hours. When Evie brought her tray, she was dressed in booty shorts and a laced red leather top with nothing underneath. Winter looked at her in surprise.

Evie gave her a smile. “It’s Friday night. We always have a party downstairs to unwind.”

Winter tried to keep her expression neutral so that Evie wouldn’t know her feelings were hurt.

“Maybe next week, Winter, when you’re stronger,” Evie said, sensing Winter’s emotions.  Winter smiled hesitantly, picking up her fork. She could tell Evie was in a rush to leave so she chased her away, picking up her book to read after she left. She could hear the music, the laughter from the men and giggles from the women coming from downstairs.  Finally, unable to focus on her book, she got herself ready for bed. Sliding into the cool sheets, she turned the light off and went to sleep.

A hard bang against the wall startled her awake during the middle of the night. A small scream of fright escaped before she could prevent it. A warm hand circled her nape, bringing her back down to Viper’s chest.

“Shh... go back to sleep,” he murmured.

“What was that?’ she asked sleepily.

“Nothing, go back to sleep,” his hand rubbed her back until he felt her go back to sleep.

Saturday, Winter woke early and dressed before Viper. She was sitting in her chair by the window reading when he stretched lazily awake.

“How long have you been awake?”

“Not long. I thought I would read until you woke.”

“I won’t be a minute.” He was quick and Winter was downstairs eating breakfast before most of the others dragged themselves out of bed. Evie came in with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing sweats and a t-shirt.  Jewell and Ember also took a seat at the table, all with dark circles under their eyes.

“I take it you all had fun.” Winter said with a smile.

“You could say that.” Evie smiled. Beth and Razer entered the kitchen, which surprised Winter. They fixed their plates then joined Winter at the table.

“We were just telling Winter we had a good time last night.” Evie said while Beth took a bite of her eggs.

Beth blushed, refusing to take her eyes off the plate. Winter looked at her curiously.

“I told her she could come next week if she’s stronger.” Evie said watching for everyone’s reaction.

Beth and the others looked at Viper to see his reaction.

Hastily, Winter cut in. “That’s alright, I don’t want to intrude. I already have taken over so ..”

“I think it’s a good idea.” Viper inserted, taking the bacon she had left uneaten off her plate.

“Good, I have just the outfit you can borrow.”

“Oh, no you don’t.” Beth shook her head. “She can borrow one of mine, and I will have a discussion with her beforehand.  I will not allow a repeat of my first experience.”  Winter was getting the message this was no simple party. “Perhaps I may give it a pass. Thanks anyway.”

“I think you would enjoy it, it won’t be as crowded as it usually is.  Some of the members will be leaving Wednesday to go home for Thanksgiving. We always have a dinner here where everyone pitches in but some members always go home,” Jewell replied.  Her dark hair, loose around her face and combined with her green eyes gave Jewell a sultry appearance that Winter feel plain and washed-out.

“I will think about it,” Winter said while playing with her food.

“Let’s get to your morning exercises.”  Evie worked her hard that morning and Winter was happy with the results she was seeing. She had quit taking her pain meds, preferring to deal with the tolerable pain versus staying on the medication for longer than necessary.  They decided to forgo the hot tub, choosing to sit at the kitchen table and drink a cold beer instead. Razer had been working out so Evie had enlisted him to carry Winter upstairs to the kitchen.  Evie then ordered Train to carry her to the living room sofa, who politely did as he was told before returning to the kitchen for his meal.  She was still wearing her shorts and pink sports bra but as no one was in the room, Winter didn’t let the exposure bother her.

Rider came in with Natasha and they sat at the bar laughing and talking.  Beth and Razer joined Evie and Winter in the sofa area.  Evie left to get them another round of beers.  As she did, she noticed Rider and Natasha glance her way before getting up and going up the stairs. Winter lowered her eyes, hurt that they had left because she was in the room.

Viper came in the front door with an angry stride.  Seeing them seated, he sat down on the sofa next to Winter, throwing his arm over the back of the sofa.

“Want a beer or whiskey?” Razer asked.

“I just came from seeing Sam.” Viper’s snapped.

“Whiskey it is.”

Winter didn’t ask any questions before when she had thought they were friends. She would have quizzed him now but decided to stay out of the discussion. However, she didn’t close her ears to their conservation either.

Razer handed him his drink and sat back down next to Beth.

“She still insists that Gavin is the father of her baby.  I told her I would still help locate the kid but she won’t change her story. I know Gavin didn’t touch the little bitch, she was underage and that was a rule he wouldn’t break.

“I agree with you.  I don’t believe he did either.” Razer said, taking a drink of his beer.

Winter bit her lip, trying to stay out of the conservation, but she couldn’t help herself.

 “Perhaps he didn’t have time to tell you before he was murdered.”  Winter suggested.  Samantha was Vincent Bedford daughter, Winter’s cousin.  Evie had explained that Sam had told everyone that Viper’s brother had fathered her child before
his death, wanting Viper to help her find the child that Vincent had hidden from her. Winter hadn’t even been aware that the girl had been pregnant.

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