Viper's Run (5 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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“Humph….” The clearing throat had her tearing out of Viper’s arms.

Before she could make explanations the Sheriff spoke. “I had a report of an intruder entering your home.”

“He was getting ready to enter something,” the deputy at his side said crudely.

“That was uncalled for,” Winter snapped, angry enough at herself without some jackass of a deputy making her feel worse.

The Sheriff frowned at his deputy. “Yes it was Deputy Moore.  Apologize and wait in the car.”  The Sheriff’s commanding tone left the deputy no choice but to do what he was told.

The deputy apologized, leaving without another word when Viper glared at the smug bastard.

“Sorry Winter, Viper.  Mayor’s nephew, I am stuck with him until I can get enough write ups to fire his ass; this incident will go into my file. Now back to why I was called, what’s going on?”

“I told Viper not to come in and he forced his way in.”

The Sheriff’s brow rose. “That true, Viper?”

He shrugged. “Yes.”

“You want to press charges?”  He turned back to Winter.

“Yes,” Winter answered.

“All right.”  He pulled his notebook out of his pocket beginning to write. “Of course, it will make the newspaper. You’ll have to go to court and testify. I will have to testify that I walked in and found you two being intimate.”

Winter’s mouth dropped open. “Is this the good ole boy system at work?”  

The Sheriff eyes grew cold. “Actually, I was trying to save you some embarrassment.”

“How exactly was that Sheriff?  Your deputy comes in here, insults me to my face, gives a half-ass apology that he didn’t mean and didn’t care that I knew. To add insult to injury, you tell me that even though Viper admitted to coming in without my permission, I will be the one made a fool of, which was probably why he grabbed and kissed me. Why don’t you both just leave? Can you at least accomplish that for me?” Winter demanded.

“Yes I can.  Let’s go Viper.”

Viper stared intently at Winter, but went out the door with the waiting Sheriff without an argument. Winter locked the door behind them before going into the kitchen to make a drink for herself. Pulling a soda out of the refrigerator, she went to the table and sat
down, burying her face in her hands.  Her mind kept replaying the kiss with Viper.   After several minutes, she straightened her shoulders and dragged her mind back to the present, opening her computer to bury herself in work.  Keeping busy was the only way she had learned to drive Viper out of her mind.




Viper slammed the door to the clubhouse; the members were sitting around the living room relaxing. Some were talking and a few were sitting back drinking a cold beer after being out in the hot sun of the picnic.  He went to the bar, selected a glass, and poured himself a glass of whiskey before taking the bottle and sitting on one of the stools.  

“What’s got you so mad?” A seductive voice asked at his side.  Viper lifted his glass, taking a long swallow.  Bliss was on him constantly since she needed his vote to become a full member and so far, she had been patient. She wanted to fuck him and he didn’t think it was about the vote. The woman was the picture of nubile sex on two gorgeous legs. The nickname of Bliss had been earned when several members had remarked her pussy was that good. The problem was he couldn’t get a hard on for her. He kept remembering the way Winter described her before slamming that damn door in his face.

The weird thing was, before then, he had been anxious to sink his cock into that nubile body, but that one little look had taken the life right out of it. He had fucked around on Winter for two years, guilt free, until she had found out the truth, then the guilt had kicked in with a vengeance. He took another drink, smothering the conscious that was trying to rise once again.

“Nothing Bliss, I just need a drink.” The pretty blond moved away to sit next to Knox on one of the large couches in the room. He managed to throw back the rest of his drink before pouring himself another while studying the women in the room. Each had their own particular way of satisfying men. Natasha if you wanted a quick fun time, Dawn if you needed a good workout, Ember if you wanted to go slow and play the seductive games she liked to play, Stori if you didn’t mind the chatter. Jewell and Evie were the ones up for anything.  Not seeing Evie, he caught Jewell’s eye.  She wandered over to him, sliding her arm around his neck, her breasts in the white tank visibly showing her rose tipped breasts. Jewell liked sex and lots of it. She made no apologies for it and the Last Riders gave her what she wanted on a regular basis.

“What do you need tonight Viper?”

His hand went between her thighs and slid under her short skirt. His fingers found her already wet and ready.  Jewell’s hand went to his zipper, pulling out his long thick cock.  Jewell licked her lips and went down on him.  Viper’s hand left her pussy to slid under her gaping top, playing with her breasts as she sucked hungrily at his cock. The thing with Jewell was she loved to give blowjobs; they made her hotter than hell. That made the men even hotter because they knew when she would stare at their cocks, they knew exactly what she was thinking.

Finally, Viper felt his balls tighten in the beginning of his release. The fire that had started when his tongue had entered Winter’s mouth was about to be put out.  As he came, Jewell moaned as his hand grabbed her hair, forcing more of his length inside her mouth. When she let his cock go, a shudder shook his body.

“You done for the night?” Jewell asked, her body in desperate need of relief.

“What do you think?” Viper moved his glass and bottle to the side, lifting Jewell onto the bar until her pussy was right where he wanted it. He jerked her skirt up around her waist, aware the whole room was watching.  His cock was already hardening again and his conscious was easing. This was what he had spared Winter from.  The uptight woman would never have been able to give him what he needed sexually and if he had fucked her while he was trying to find his brother’s killer, then he would have felt like an even bigger fraud.  He had kept his distance from plenty of women waiting to keep him satisfied the way he needed.

Pulling her nether lips apart, he found her namesake and went down. His mouth repaid her in kind as she lay back on the bar, giving everyone a clear view.  Viper drove her into one peak after another.  Finally, after another hard orgasm, he let her down from the bar. Her legs were too weak to hold her up, so Viper’s hand slid around her waist and lifted her into his arms.

“Aren’t you done?”

“We’re just getting started,” Viper replied.

  Jewell moaned as he carried her upstairs to his bed, leaving the door open.





Chapter 2


The School bus rolled to a stop in front of the Treepoint High School. Winter and her assistant principal, Jeff Morgan, rolled their eyes as the boisterous teens stormed off the bus.

“Another year begins,” Jeff groaned.

“Oh come on, it’s not that bad.” Winter’s cheerful voice could barely be heard among the loud voices.

“Yes it is,” he said watching two football players pick on one of the band students.

Winter laughed at his glum attitude, her smile dying when she saw Carmen’s mother walking towards her from the parking lot.

“Why is Mrs. Jones here?”

“She has an appointment to see you first thing this morning,” Jeff spoke looking at the schedule in his hand.

“I’ll talk to her then call the students to the gym for the ‘Welcome to the New Year’ speech.” Winter mentally reorganized the start to her day.

“Better you than me.” He hated dealing with parents, and Winter was more adept at dealing with the problems the students and parents would unload on the school.

“Ms. Simmons.”

“Mrs. Jones, I understand we have an appointment this morning. My office is this way.” The two women walked through the busy hallways to reach Winter’s office.  Informing Emily to hold her calls, she escorted the woman inside.

“How are you today?” Winter asked concerned because the woman looked so tired.

“Fine,”  she said abruptly. “I will cut to the chase and tell you that Carman will be leaving Treepoint High.  Her father and I have decided that it is better that she live with my sister for her senior year.  When we find a buyer for the house we’ll be moving also.”

Winter had not seen Carman since the picnic a month ago and was hoping things had improved.

“Has she ended her relationship with Jake?”

“Unfortunately not. They feel that we are trying to keep them apart, which truthfully we are. Carmen snuck out of the house last week and did not return until the next day. She had a black eye, yet refuses to admit he is responsible. He frightens her father and me.  After we told Carmen she was no longer allowed to see him, our tires were slashed and someone set our shed on fire. We called the Sheriff but there is little he can do until he can find proof or Carmen admits he hit her. My sister lives in New Jersey and doesn’t work so she can keep a eye on her until we can join her.”

“Usually I would hate to lose a student of Carmen’s caliber but in this case, I wholeheartedly agree with your decision.” She wasn’t about to talk her parents out of taking their daughter to another school when her safety was in question. Winter pushed the button for the intercom requesting copies of Carmen’s records.

“I think it’s best if I just give you notarized copies of her records, that way there will be no trail for Jake to follow unless Carmen tells him.”

“We haven’t told her yet, we’re going to pack her things when I get home. We aren’t going to let her have a phone so she won’t have the opportunity to call him.”

Emily entered carrying the requested records.  Taking the papers, Winter looked through them making sure all the correct forms for entering a new school system were there, and then stamped them with her notary stamp. Placing the paperwork in a large envelope, she handed it to Mrs. Jones.

“I wish you all the best. Please keep me informed on how Carmen does in her new school,” Winter requested, truly concerned for Carmen’s safety.

“I will, and thank you, Ms. Simmons. If you hadn’t brought Carmen home after the picnic it might have been too late for my daughter.”

Winter smiled, escorting the woman outside to her car.  She was walking back towards the school when she saw Jake sitting in his black mustang on the lot watching her. The hatred on his face was plain to see even from a distance. She pulled the phone from her pocket and called school security.

“Tom, this is Ms. Simmons. There is a black mustang on the south lot. The young man inside is no longer a student.  Will you see that he leaves the school property?”

“Yes, Ms. Simmons. I will be right there.”

“Make sure you bring someone with you.  I don’t want you confronting him on your own. Notify the Sheriff’s office also that you will be asking a trespasser to leave the property.

“Yes Ma’am.”

She entered the school standing there until Tom and another male security guard approached the car. When they were within a few feet he spun out of the lot. Relieved he had left without a confrontation, Winter went to her office to call for the assembly to greet the new students and give encouragement for the year ahead.




The parking lot was dark as she locked the doors to the front of the school. Winter was angry with herself for staying so late. She knew better but the paperwork had been piled up with it being the end of the first week.  She had wanted to sort what needed to be done and take the rest home to work on leisurely over the weekend.  Thankfully her car was parked nearby.   Placing her briefcase on the hood of the car, she bent to unlock the door.

A rough hand grabbed her hair pulling her backwards, almost off her feet before slinging her forward, smashing her face into the driver’s side window. Winter didn’t know how she didn’t lose consciousness.  The pain was that horrendous; she crumbled to the asphalt by her car, crying softly.  She knew there was no one around to hear if she screamed since the school property was isolated on the edge of town. Pain and fear filled her body as a boot kicked her in the ribs as she lay helpless on the ground.  Winter had never known real terror in her lifetime but she felt it when she realized he was not done with her.

Forcing herself to move, she tried to get to her feet.  The agonizing pain in her ribs stopped her upward movement.  A fist to her jaw flung her backwards; blood from the cuts on her forehead ran into her eyes, blurring her vision. The parking lot light above her head obscured any vision she had left. Winter rolled onto her belly trying to crawl away from the person attacking her.  Her nails that she had polished and buffed just that morning, broke as she used them to claw herself from the source of her agony. She knew whoever was hurting her was intent on killing her but she had to try.  The final agony came when the booted foot slammed down on her spine releasing her from consciousness.

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