Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1)

Read Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1) Online

Authors: Mindy Wilde

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #vampire romance, #vampire erotica, #vampire adult fantasy, #paranormal short story, #erotica short stories, #vampire anthology, #vampire adult erotica, #vampire and human erotica

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Vampire Tales Vol. 1

Virgin Blood


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This is a work of fiction. All
characters and events portrayed in this work are either fictitious
or are used fictitiously. Any similarity is purely

This book contains mature content
and is solely for adults.


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Cover Photo provided by Big Stock

Copyright © 2013 Mindy

All rights reserved.







Thank you for purchasing this
ebook. Hopefully you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed
writing it! Please continue to check in with me each week as I will
be adding new and backlist erotic short stories, series, and
novelettes to the collection.



Mindy Wilde


Other Romance/Erotica


Billionaire Submission

Training (Billionaire Submission
Part 1)

Promotion (Billionaire Submission
Part 2)

Merger (Billionaire Submission
Part 3)

Omnibus (Complete Billionaire
Submission Trilogy)


Other Erotica Titles


Daddy’s Sexy Secrets

Deflowered (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets
Vol. 1)

My Best Friends Daddy (Daddy’s
Sexy Secrets Vol. 2)

The Babysitter (Daddy’s Sexy
Secrets Vol. 3)

The Neighbor (Daddy’s Sexy Secrets
Vol. 4)

Omnibus (Daddy Sexy Secrets
Collection Vol. 1-4)

As the
blood combined with the taste of his climax in my mouth I felt a
warmth grow inside me. Sitting next to the pale lifeless corpse I
closed my eyes and enjoyed the fleeting sensation. Since being
turned I found myself obsessing over and craving these short
intimate moments. Just moments before I had given this man a rush
of endorphins that bathed him in ecstasy. This of course was
followed seconds later by the sensation of my extended fangs
plunging deep into his carotid artery.

The life of a vampire was not
easy. Other then the brief and powerful response that occurred
after a feeding our lives were relatively lacking in sensation. I
was now immortal but spent my days longing for some pain or other
stimulus to confirm my existence.

Come on Annabelle, it’s time to
go” Sebastian prodded me awake from blood induced

Sebastian had been my guide during
the past month as I learned the way of the vampire. Tonight was my
final test to see if I was prepared to survive on my own. At night
we walked among the living and you would be hard pressed to tell
any difference. Unlike the tales of fantasy we are told in our
youth vampires are not horrible monsters with pale skin and long
fangs. Well ok, we did have fangs but they retracted when not in
use making us as normal looking as anyone else.

During the day we did take refuge
as the sun provided an intolerable burn to the skin. It’s not that
we would burst into flames or anything but with the pain it caused
we may as well have. With no need to sleep we spent our days
filling the void as best we could until night fall. It was actually
all a lot more boring then I would have imagined. Some younger
covens that were still building their wealth put the members to
work during the day in the darkened confines of their estate.
Generally a coven would do this until the funds collected were
sufficiently producing dividends to support the needs of the house.
Being immortal, time was on our side and it took a relatively short
period to become financially independent from the world.

The coven which had taken me in
after my transformation was an old one. The group had long ago lost
the need for income generation and now sat on investments worth
billions of dollars. Every member of the coven had their needs
provided for and in return were expected to submit to the leader
and oldest vampire of the group Ulric. We weren’t quite sure just
what period of antiquity he hailed from but Ulric’s wisdom seemed
to know no bounds. Generally he did not socialize with the rest of
us. On the rare occasion that we did see him and not his right hand
man Merek it was because he came down to issue an edict or punish a

Ulric’s coven took great care of
new vampires and I was made to feel very welcome after going
through the painful and scary metamorphosis. From what I understood
it had been quite some time since a new vampire was found and
everyone seemed very excited by the novelty of it. It was still
unknown who the vampire was that had released him venom inside me.
Turning someone into a vampire required a conscious choice by the
attacker to release this mystical fluid from their fangs. A normal
encounter with a vampire concluded with the victim bleeding out
from two puncture wounds to the artery in their neck. My attacker
had not taken a single drop but instead infused me with the serum
of immortality. I had obsessed over this detail for the first
couple of weeks. However, with no prospect of satisfying my
curiosity I let go of my quest and delved into learning the ways of
the vampire.


Finding me curled into a ball on
their driveway soaked to the bone as the rain washed over me, the
coven had taken me into their home. A vampire can easily sense
their own and there was no doubt as to what ailed me. As my body
fought to survive the attack of the venom in my system a boy named
Sebastian had watched over me. As I healed and grew in strength
Sebastian had became my advisor and took me through the training
which would help me survive this new world I was

Tonight had been my final test I
was left to go out into the night and seduce my prey. Luring him
into a safe place I would disarm him in the most sensual of ways.
Post orgasm was when a man was most vulnerable and this was the
preferred method that female vampires used to collect their food.
When I had initially been introduced to the process my previously
mortal brain rejected the idea in futile modesty. It wasn’t until
the hunger grew to an all consuming compulsion that I relented and
was helped to my first kill.

Unfortunately human blood was
required for our existence and the lack of it would cause a painful
and grotesque death. In a pinch animal blood could get me through a
day or two but after that I needed a human host. I had tried to be
selective in my hunting rationalizing the pros and cons of a
particular target. In the end it was a lot easier to just select
the most attractive targets as that made the rest of my night more

As we returned to the estate my
coven brothers and sisters were waiting for me. Sebastian nodded to
the group and I was overwhelmed with congratulatory hugs and
kisses. This was a big moment in the life of a vampire. Although I
had much to learn and centuries in which to learn it, I was now
self sufficient and could choose whether to stay in the safety of
the estate or head out on my own to chart my own path. Members had
left before to try and start their own covens. This had not
happened in some time and more then once they had crawled back to
the safety and security Ulrich provided. I held no illusion about
the extent of my abilities. I felt safe among my new family and had
made a great friend in Sebastian. There was no way that I would be
leaving the comforts of my new home anytime soon.


The coven had thrown quite the
celebration for me after arriving home. Once the rituals had been
performed and the festivities were over the house returned to it’s
normal quiet contemplation. Walking around the vast mansion I
always wondered what was going through the minds of the other
vampires. Very few of them were less then one hundred years old and
many of them hand been on earth for closer to one thousand years.
What kind of memories did they reflect upon? What had they been in
life before they were taken?

The storied history that filled
our walls fascinated me and I began to think about what future
worlds I would witness come into existence. These thoughts that
bounced around my head were interrupted as I felt the hunger begin
to squeeze at my insides.

The hunger is a difficult thing to
describe. It consumes you and dominates your every thought. You can
feel it physically through your entire being. As the sun fell and
night approached the hunger would grow and the tension at the
estate thickened. You quickly learned that this was a sensitive
time and you needed to be careful not to accidentally anger a
hungry vampire. As a general rule a hungry vampire was a dangerous
vampire and you could quickly find yourself in a battle for your
life. Although immortal we still possessed some

The sunlight was painful on our
skin but not fatal. A stake through the heart was probably going to
sting like hell but would not end our lives. There were two ways in
which we were truly vulnerable. Fire was something to be avoided at
all costs and would end our lives in a very slow and painful way.
Decapitation would also put a quick end to our immortal run.
Vampires mad with hunger had been known in the past to attack one
another slicing right through their necks with a blade or

Due to this loss of inhibition it
was customary for the coven to disperse at sundown and hunt alone.
Once the prey had been slaughtered and the thirst was quenched the
lone hunters would return to the safety of the communal coven.
During the course of the last month Sebastian had fed early and
accompanied me on my kills, always staying a safe distance away.
Tonight would be the first night that I would be leaving the house

As I looked at the clock I
visualized the image of a receding sun behind the blacked out
windows. Soon it would be time to leave. I was nervous but felt
ready. Sebastian had trained me well and I was confident that I
could track my prey. I would soon feel the warmth inside me. This
was my favorite time. I craved the warmth and was ready to pursue


As the rest of the coven gathered
in the foyer reading for the evening ahead I went to check in with


So, your first night alone. Do you
feel ready?”

Yes, thanks Merek. Sebastian has
been a great teacher and last night went really well. I am

Ok then. So where are you headed

I am going to head over to Aqua
Blue” I said with forced confidence.

Fancy” Merek smiled giving me a

Well good luck. Just remember to
not leave any evidence” he said in a more serious tone.

Of course. I promise I will be

Each coven had their own way of
covering their tracks. With people disappearing randomly around the
world each day it wasn’t too hard for us to blend into the
statistics. The most important thing was to make sure and not leave
any evidence or witnesses. Our coven had their own incinerator
which we used do dispose of the left over corpses each morning. It
was a surprisingly effective system that had allowed the coven to
live undetected for centuries.

Sliding into the front seat of my
nondescript black sedan I pulled down the long drive and onto the
road leading into town. Everything about the hunt was designed to
leave no lasting impressions. We used common cars and dressed to
blend into crowds. Some of the more normally distinctive looking
vampires even employed wigs and other elaborate disguises meant to
cloak them from the memories of the humans and we moved among

I pulled into an empty alley
across the street from Aqua. Parking lots often had attendants or
cameras so I tried to position myself out of recorded view whenever
possible. Crossing the street I approached the front door as an
attendant quickly opened it with a warm greeting.

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