Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1) (2 page)

Read Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1) Online

Authors: Mindy Wilde

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #vampire romance, #vampire erotica, #vampire adult fantasy, #paranormal short story, #erotica short stories, #vampire anthology, #vampire adult erotica, #vampire and human erotica

BOOK: Virgin Blood (Erotic Vampire Tales Vol. 1)
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Aqua was one of the top three bars
in the area for the beautiful people. These were generally men and
women that had high incomes with little net worth. They desperately
wanted to look like the glittering rich and be treated as such.
Bar’s like Aqua had been designed to cater to these ego-centric
high earners. The bar would role out the red carpet for you and
would happily escort your entourage to the supposed VIP area while
their hands reached into your pocket to relieve you from your hard
earned cash. The thing about people like this is that they were
some of the most physically stunning people you would ever

The truly rich high net worth
people of the world don’t really care about the external approval
of others and therefore usually look quite modest in their
appearance. The wannabe rich cared deeply about others opinions and
spent their time making sure their bodies, clothing, and
possessions were the best that they could be. I liked hunting here
because the men inside were the same kind I would have drooled over
before my change. Once their mouth opened though it generally did
not take too long for them to earn my disgust. These guys were full
of it and that made it so much easier for me to use their body as I

Scanning the bar tonight I looked
around for the telltale signs of a single jerk. I tried to stay
away from taken men whenever possible. Even when looking at the
hunt from an evolutionary perspective I still felt bad taking
someone if they would be leaving another behind. It sounded weird
in my head as I considered this but the truth was that hunting for
humans was very similar to hunting for any other animal. A good
hunter respects his prey and only takes what he needs to survive.
Human’s, although they didn’t know it, were not at the top of the
food chain. They had a predator who lurked in the shadows deciding
their fate with a cold cruel calculation.


My attention was quickly drawn to
the end of the bar. Sitting alone and drinking a martini with his
laptop open was a sandy brown haired hottie. Quickly assessing him
as I had been taught it was obvious that he was a traveling
business man, probably sales. No ring or tan line on his finger
allowed me to approach with a clear conscience.

Hey sexy, is this seat taken” I
said in my most suggestion voice.

Yes, no, sorry I mean no this seat
is not taken and yes you may sit here.”

Already flustered I could tell
that I had selected my target well. The man was quite attractive
but I had the feeling his confidence didn’t live up to the image he
was trying to project.

So what’s your name?”

Steve. What’s your

My name is Annabelle and it’s a
pleasure to meet you Steve” I said offering my hand lightly to

As he reached in for the handshake
I made sure to rake my fingertips again his wrist and palm

Steve, I don’t normally do this
but my boyfriend just left me and I am really looking to forget
him. Would you be willing to close that laptop, come with me, and
help me forget?”

Steve sat dumbstruck. It was every
man’s fantasy and generally worked really well at drawing them in.
Usually this approach was so stunning that the mark would forget to
tell anyone where he was going and could just vanish into the night
with me. Shaking his head Steve finally spoke.

Yes. Holy shit yes. Let me just
pay my bill.”

I pulled a one hundred dollar bill
from my bra and slapped it down on the bar.

Sorry Steve I don’t think I can
wait that long. Now are you coming or not?”

Steve jumped up from the bar
almost spilling his half full martini. As he scrambled to grab his
computer I took hold of his other hand and led him to the front
door with purpose. As we exited the bar Steve pulled me to a

I valeted my car. Let me just find
my ticket”

I looked at him

Steve I told you that I can’t wait
that long. Now let’s go get in my car. We can come back for yours

I pulled at his hand again leading
him across the street. We hopped in the front seat and with a push
of a button the engine roared to life. I pulled out of the alley
and turned left heading away from city. As lights surrounding us
faded into a country darkness I felt a sudden pang strike me in my

The hunger had come. I winced at
the discomfort as the pain grew. I looked over at Steve who was
trying to readjust his pants to make room for the obvious erection
now tenting his zipper. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last
before the hunger would take over completely.

Looking out the window I
calculated that it was at least twenty minutes until I reached my
normal area solitude where I took all of my victims. The muscles in
my stomach continued to tighten and my breathing quickened. I now
knew that there was no way I was going to make it. I would need to
take my chances in the car. I can’t believe that my first night on
my own I had made such a rookie mistake. I hoped that Ulric would
forgive me for breaking the rule.

I assessed the road for a good
place to initiate the feeding. Up ahead there was small gravel
drive leading from the road to a pump station about twenty feet off
the shoulder. The location was less then ideal but I would have to
make due. Luckily this stretch of road was pretty isolated and the
few cars that did travel it on a Friday night were unlikely to stop
in the dark to investigate a parked or abandoned

I pulled a hard right on the
gravel drive and pushed the brakes hard as the car slid on the
gravel to a quick stop. Steve looked at me with wide panicked

Alright Steve I am absolutely
crawling out of my skin and cannot wait a second longer. I need you
inside of me.”

Unbuckling my seatbelt I licked my
lips and leaned in pressing my soft mouth against his. My hand
which was circling his chest quickly descended to the poorly hidden
bulge in his lap. I pulled away from the kiss smiling at him. With
two hands I reached down and unbuttoned his khakis. With a pull of
the zipper his engorged cock sprung into the my hands stretching
into the now unrestricted space. Picking up his hips Steve helped
me work his chinos down to the floor and I slowly started massaging
the shaft of his man-scaped member. I could feel the excitement
build inside me as I watched Steve climb towards orgasm.

Although as a vampire I no longer
felt a lot of the same sensations as humans like I was left with
the wonderful ability to feel pleasure. Well, a specific kind of
pleasure. In the programming of our immortal DNA someone had been
nice enough to leave our sexual desire firmly intact.

With my other hand I reached down
to cup the source of his seed. With both hands I increased my
intensity and watched Steve’s expressions waiting patiently for the
time to strike. As I felt his throbbing push against my grip Steve
reached down and grabbed my wrist.

Annabelle that feels so good. I
really want to cum inside you. Is that ok?”

I paused. I had never had my prey
ask me this before. Usually with the offer of a handjob or blowjob
the men were happy to dismiss my needs and revel in the attention.
The hunger was starting to become unbearable but I thought that I
could hold out and take advantage of this opportunity. Besides, my
position would probably allow for easier access to the nectar I so
badly craved.

Go for it Steve. Fuck me. I want
to you give me everything you’ve got.”



I slid though the gap in the seats
into the back of the car and scrambled out of my clothing. Steve
followed quickly behind me. Without any foreplay Steve plunged his
twitching cock inside me. Luckily the prospect of a good fuck had
already lubricated my mound in anticipation.

Steve pumped away and I felt my
intimate folds of skin start to tingle. This was a sensation that
had been sorely lacking in my life as of late and I
enthusiastically moaned showing him my appreciation. Now increasing
his pace I was impressed with Steve’s stamina. I had thought that
he was ready to burst when we were in the front seat. To my
pleasant surprise Steve had more staying power then I

Feeling his tip push against the
sensitive bundle of nerves inside me I knew it was only a matter of
seconds before I would reach my point of no return.

Oh Steve don’t stop. I’m going to

Steve responded by increasing his
force pushing deep inside my sensitive passage. With the
involuntary flexing of all the muscles in my body I ached in
anticipation. Grunting in testosterone fueled passion he gave one
final deep penetrating thrust and exploded inside me. I clenched
around him in a deep orgasmic release and waves of warmth like the
ones felt during feeding washed over my body. I felt dizzy as he
collapsed on top of me spent from his efforts.

We lay in each others arms for a
few minutes until the hunger pains returned and I was reminded of
my mission. Slowly opening my mouth I extended my fangs. Puncturing
the carotid artery leads to a very rapid weakening and death.
However, for a few moments after the penetration the prey can be
dangerous and you needed to be prepared. I wrapped my arms and legs
around him preparing for the inevitable struggle. Then with quick
precision I launched my mouth towards his neck.

Steve let out a blood curdling
scream and bucked wildly. Through my fangs I could sense his heart
rate racing. Digging in my nails I held on with all my might.
Quickly his strength faded and I could feel the heart rate slowing.
Knowing not to let go too early I began licking at the ambrosia
while holding my prey firmly in place. Once the fighting ceased
completely I repositioned myself for the well earned feast. Closing
my eyes I drank greedily as the warmth filled me. The hunger pains
were gone and a sense of calm and well-being washed over me. It was
because of this blood induced stupor that I missed the headlights
of another car who had now come to check on our apparently stranded
vehicle to make sure everything was ok.

Oh God, I’m sorry” said the
stranger in a shocked and clearly embarrassed tone.

From his point of view it
obviously looked to be two horny lovers locked in an impetuous
embrace in the back of their sedan. I froze as my mind raced for
the right thing to say. Then I noticed a change of expression on
the strangers face. He squinted as he looked inside the car. His
eyes suddenly went wide and a look of panic filled his

The blood! He saw the blood! I
quickly assessed the situation. I knew that I could leave no
witnesses but with the naked corpse pinning me down in the backseat
of a car I was in no position to give chase.

Help” I called out in the best
damsel-in-distress voice I could manage.

Help me please.”

The man paused for a moment and
then leaped into action pulling the back door open.

Please get him off me.”

Grabbing Steve’s ankles the
stranger dragged his bloody lifeless body onto the

As I scrambled out of the car I
called to the stranger.

Please help me. This man attacked
me. I tried to stop him.”

I proceeded towards the stranger
as I devised my plan of attack.

As he ran back towards me through
the darkness and I caught a glimpse of my next victim. The horror
of recognition took hold and my best laid plans were forgotten. My
rescuer was not a stranger. This was a man that I knew well from
another life. This man who now wrapped his powerful arms around me
was a man that had filled my fantasies before my transformation.
Ryan was a friend and the most amazing man that I had ever

Annabelle is that you” he said as
he continued to hold me in a tight protective embrace.

Where on earth have you been?
We’ve all been looking for you. Are you ok?”

I started to cry at the
prospective of what I was about to do. What I had to do. There were
rules for a reason and I risked the entire species if our existence
was ever to be known.

I tried to steady myself through
the sobbing.

Annabelle, it’s ok. I’m here now.
I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

I couldn’t wait any longer. The
more he spoke the less resolve I could muster. I extended my fangs
and wrapped my arms around him.

I had to do this. There was no
choice. I knew the rules and I knew what had to be done. If I don’t
do this Ulric will punish me severely. He might even decide to end
my life in a fiery blaze. I started to count down in my

Five, four, three, two,

With a quick plunge I sunk my
fangs deep within his neck. Ryan screamed and tried to pull away.
With all the concentration and focus I could muster I did the only
thing that I could think to do.

As the venom poured from my fangs
I knew I had broken a cardinal rule. We were not to inject anyone
without the approval of Ulric. Collapsing in my arms Ryan and I
fell to the ground. The venom was working. Ryan appeared catatonic
as his body responded to the serum. The next three days would be a
painful trial for Ryan. Not everyone injected made it through the
transformation but what choice did I have. I couldn’t kill the man
that I loved. I sat watching Ryan’s body twitch involuntarily. I
thought of the consequences of my actions.

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