Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)

BOOK: Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)
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Vivid Temptation


1 – Children At Christmas


Gliding over the ice, Natalie admired the dazzling city skyline blazing against the dark evening sky. Wollman Rink at Rockefeller Center was filled with skaters enjoying the magic of winter in New York. Even with her wool coat, gloves, ear muffs, and knit cap, the air felt brisk. The temperature hadn’t risen above thirty degrees that day.

Tanner whipped around the rink and swooshed back by, smiling. Being in New York, Natalie had learned to skate—something not available in sunny California, where she grew up. There was no way it was possible to keep up with her husband, but it didn’t matter.

The iconic rink had been featured in many movies Natalie had seen, and now she was experiencing it firsthand. Admiring New York City’s sparkling skyscrapers, and Central Park’s lush landscape adorned with glittering lights gleaming like a galaxy of tiny stars, she skated at her own pace, soaking in the seasonal beauty.

Right in the middle of the rink, two couples got engaged, and such an ideal romantic setting it was. Natalie felt like she was in the middle of a movie. The famous Rockefeller Christmas Tree was up. It was so tall it looked like a living skyscraper, but Natalie didn’t dare look up lest she fall. The tree was adorned with a myriad of colorful lights, its branches reaching high and wide.

The holidays were a special time in the city: festive, cheerful, and bustling. There wasn’t anywhere else Natalie wanted to be that time of year, especially since her family was with her. And looking at Tanner, skating like a pro, she smiled. Even his wool cardigan couldn’t hide his fit body. As he skated by, his lean thighs, under the dark blue tight jeans, caught her eye.

Watching him skate, Natalie admired his athletic performance, and drank in his handsome profile. Each time he leaned forward, and pushed against the ice to propel faster, his
round ass was visible under the snug pants. Knowing from experience that it was rock hard and amazing to touch, heat seeped into her at the vision, the only warmth against the biting cold.

Hardly noticing their bodyguards, one on the ice with them and another outside the rink, Natalie smoothly glided, feeling the thrill of what little speed she could manage. With smiling and laughing people all around, lights glinting everywhere, and the excitement of the season, Natalie felt cozy.

She wiggled her fingers inside her wool gloves and watched her breath freezing in the air. The magical atmosphere brought out childlike feelings inside her. Drifting past small children clinging to the rail, just learning the skill of skating, and other children sweeping over the ice, grinning with accomplishment, Natalie imagined children of her own.

The first months of marriage had been wonderful. There had been some bumps along the way, but nothing they couldn’t handle. In fact, Natalie felt closer to Tanner than she’d ever thought possible. The knowledge it was comfortable to share her emotions, and tell him anything, bolstered her confidence that nothing would tear them apart.

As much as Natalie wanted a baby, she wasn’t quite ready to share her husband. Greedily soaking up every minute with each other, it was a miracle they tolerated being separated to go to work every day. Just the thought of being with Tanner, alone, stoked the fire in her heart. Marriage for her was a sensual bond that magnified everything good in their relationship.

Natalie screamed and then laughed when Tanner came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her with him. “Not too fast,” she gasped. “You’ll make me fall.”

“I won’t let you fall.” Tanner grinned. His cheeks were red from the cold, and a few patches of his dark hair peaked out from his cap. He wore the bright woolen cap and muffler, a gift from her the year before. Rarely had she seen Tanner so carefree. Sliding over the ice, he took Natalie’s hand in his, looking like an exuberant young man in his twenties—which he still was—instead of the pillar of strength she knew him to be.

After a couple of laps around the rink, he said, “Let’s go get a hot drink. It’s cold out here. I know if I’m cold, you must be frozen.” Tanner guided her off the chilly rink.

They changed out of skates, handing them off to one of the bodyguards, and went to the Rock Center Café. At a seat by the window, they had a stunning view of the rink and were able to catch a glimpse of the Christmas tree, but were glad to be indoors thawing out. Natalie kept her plaid wool scarf around her neck until she warmed up.

The restaurant was on the lower level by the rink; the tree was above at street level. Craning her neck, Natalie could see part of it, the strings of lights bringing it into view above the rink. The skaters smiled and laughed, but like in a silent movie, since they sat behind a thick window looking out to the scene.

They shared New York cheesecake called blueberry compote, and drank steaming hot drinks. With her gloves off and her hands wrapped around the ceramic mug, Natalie regained feeling in her stiff fingers. The cold was all part of the fun. Maybe they’d even have a white Christmas—still a novelty for a girl from the west coast.

“You are getting better,” Tanner said, referring to her skating.

“Yes, I never even fell once.” With a view of the rink, Natalie could see unaccomplished skaters falling regularly, and took pride in being past the point of novice.

Tanner lifted her hand and kissed it. “Wow, you are cold, baby.”

“Only on the outside.” Natalie grinned, knowing he’d understand her meaning.

“That I know.” Tanner laughed, his gaiety endearing. He put his feet on either side of hers, under the table, and pressed against her. Even through the pants and legwarmers, she felt the electricity of his touch.

Natalie looked at his chiseled jaw, his perfect mouth, and his crystal-blue eyes. She wondered if their baby would look like him, and hoped so. “All those children out there make me want to have one of our own.”

The slight clenching of Tanner’s jaw was the only evidence of his reservations. “We will have a baby of our own…when we are ready.”

“When will that be?”

Tanner studied the steam coming out of his cup. “I hope we will know when the time is right.”

“That’s not an answer,” Natalie said, not meaning for it to sound accusatory. “I’m not sure I know either, but I think we should talk about it.”

“We’ve been married less than a year. There is still plenty of time.”

“Yes, Tanner, that’s true. But we need to talk about it at least, or it will never happen.”

Tanner looked at her, and Natalie saw sadness in his blue eyes. He leaned back and looked out at the wintry view outside before answering. “You are right. We need to talk.”

Natalie waited.

“It’s a funny thing. I want to have a family, and the idea of you having my baby thrills me. Yet…”

Natalie knew it was best to let him finish now that he’d opened up, and kept quiet.

“I don’t think about it, or talk about it, but having my mother die when I was so young was traumatic. It’s not that I’m still suffering because of it. After all, that was long ago. But deep inside I have an unreasonable fear of having children of my own.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“Once you bring a child into the world, they depend on you. What if something happened to us? What if the child were alone?”

“But that’s not going to happen. Our baby would have both of us. And our family too. There’s Jazzy, Ellis, Emma.”

“I know that…rationally. But when I think of you getting pregnant, I panic. Although I try to make the feeling go away, it doesn’t. Until we started talking about children for real, I didn’t realize that deep-seated fear was there.”

Natalie put her hand over his. “I understand. I really do. But you can’t let it stop us from having children.”

“No, baby…I won’t.” Tanner’s blue eyes filled with emotion. “I like practicing, though. What do you say I take you home and we practice right now?”

2 – Ravished By Tanner


The way Tanner said it sent molten heat through her. Even though Natalie didn’t intend to get pregnant then, the idea that they were thinking about it and that it could happen, added another layer of sexiness to their intimacy.

All Natalie wanted was to feel Tanner inside her, but her sexy husband had other ideas. In the warmth of the playroom, they stripped all their clothes off; Natalie’s clit was stiff long before they ever got home.

With his hands on her lower spine, Tanner pressed her against him and kissed her tenderly. The soft kiss was deceptive, as his intentions were anything but innocent. Pulling away from the kiss, he looked into Natalie’s eyes with a piercing gaze that made her swoon.

Sucking gently on her lower lip, Tanner slid one hand over her buttocks, caressing her bare skin. The heat of his fingertips shot a thrill through her body and she folded into him, pressing closer. With his thick erection burning against her belly, Natalie melted.

Tanner backed her against a wall and, grasping her hands, lifted her arms over her head. His soft lips never left hers, and his tongue plunged deeply, taking her mouth for his own. Natalie ran her tongue along his and delved into his mouth, matching his fervor.

As his hands drifted down her arms, touching every inch of her sensitive skin, Tanner sucked at her needy nipples. The feel of his lips on her breasts made her close her eyes in delicious pleasure. Alternating his licking and kisses with nips at the distended tips made her clit pulse.

The more he fondled her breasts, the more her clit burned, as if a string tied it directly to her nipples. The feel of Tanner’s mouth on her, and his shaft grazing her belly, was driving her crazy. Cupping her breasts in his hands, he dropped to his knees.

Pressing on the inside of her thighs, Tanner spread her legs to give him access. He took her hands in his and kissed her palms. Then he placed her hands over her own firm breasts,
indicating that she should take over where he left off and stimulate herself. The idea turned her on, especially since he seemed to want it.

With her legs apart, Natalie felt vulnerable, and she was, more than she knew. Tanner kissed her sex and ran his tongue between her legs, making her whimper. Holding her outer lips open with his fingers, he blew across her tender tissues.

“Ah, ah.” Natalie began to pant. How did he always know how to make her feel so incredible?

Swirling his tongue around her clit, Tanner stimulated her more. But, in contrast to his usual method of making her wait to come, he seemed determined to avoid delay. She felt his fingertips touch her wet opening, and knew what he intended.

Plunging in three fingers slowly inside her, Tanner gently stroked. The in-and-out motion made her rock her hips as she welcomed the stimulation. With his fingers doing their magic, he flicked his tongue across her clit, taunting her. Natalie panted faster, unsure if he’d allow her to come so soon.

It seemed that was exactly his plan. Natalie anticipated a change in his motion, but it never came. His fingers slid deeper, covered with the cream pouring out of her. All the while, his mouth was over her sex, doing delicious things. Tanner sucked gently then tapped the tip of his tongue right on the tip of her clit.

Natalie screamed in a shrill voice before she even knew she was doing so. Every muscle in her body went stiff, her abdomen like steel. No longer able to move, she just squeezed with her hands over her breasts. Tanner kept his fingers inside her and, with the other hand, held securely at her waist to provide support.

With her feet spread apart and her butt pressed against the wall, Natalie let go. All feeling centered at the sensation of Tanner’s mouth on her, his tongue tapping her. The spasms continued for longer than she expected, and Natalie turned her head to the side, pressing against the wall behind. Only the wall and Tanner’s hand kept her supported as her muscles relaxed, turning to jelly.

Tanner stood, and she collapsed into his arms. No longer able to stand, she let him take her weight; he held her so tight she was lifted off her feet. He had given her so much pleasure; all she wanted to do was satisfy him. But Tanner had other plans.

Carrying her over to the spanking bench, he let her slide down his rock hard body until her feet found the floor. She gazed at the intimidating bench for a moment, and then looked at Tanner. Natalie should have felt exhausted. But the promise of the bench, and what was intended, shot new arousal through her.

3 – Sexy Spanking


Tanner touched her jaw and leaned in to kiss her, this time with a virile intensity; the sweet, tender kiss a thing of the past. “Lean over the bench,” he said simply.

Natalie swallowed hard. She hadn’t expected this. Yet the look in her lover’s eyes was commanding. It
was impossible to refuse, nor did she want to. Sexual punishment was something she craved, especially because Tanner was in charge.

She leaned over the bench, designed for the optimum position for spanking. As she bent her body over it, her ass lifted high, like an offering to Tanner. Her nipples touched the cool leather on the other side, sending a chill of excitement through her.

The feel of Tanner’s hand on her back was soothing, as she knew the punishment would not be. Running his hands over her round ass, he stopped to squeeze it. “This is for you, baby,” he said in a deep voice. “Submit to me.”

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