Vivid Temptation (Touched By You) (2 page)

BOOK: Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)
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He pushed her thighs apart, making her feel so exposed. With the angle of the bench such as it was, Natalie knew her sex was in open view, which served to heighten her arousal. The cool air in the room assaulted her wet slit, and there was no way she could deny how good it felt.

Tanner stepped in front of her and showed her a paddle. It was a rectangular shape and covered with felt. “You will feel this…deeply,” he said, his voice stern. “If you can’t stand it, you will tell me.”

Natalie just stared at the paddle, her bottom already tingling.

“Say yes if you agree. You will say so if it’s too much.”

Natalie wasn’t sure she could find her voice. As it was, her words came out in a high pitch, giving away her trepidation.

Tanner gave a tiny smile, but no humor showed in his eyes. He vanished from view; Natalie could feel the heat of his body behind her. She closed her eyes. Prepared for the impact,
she was surprised to feel Tanner’s hot kiss on her ass. The feel of his lips, and the brush of his tongue, was intimate and loving. Yet when he moved away, she braced for the spanking.

Holding the edge of the leather bench and pressing her nipples against it, Natalie waited. A faint swish of air was heard before the surface of the paddle whacked her bottom. Air escaped from her lungs, and she involuntarily emitted a little cry. The second swat of the paddle came quickly.

Tanner spanked her, striking in a different spot each time. He hit on the fleshy part, which softened the blow. Yet with each stroke the impact sent a forceful vibration through her sex. Over and over he struck. And the more he struck, the more stimulated she was. Rapidly, her nipples turned to tiny stones under her and her clit ached.

The sound of the paddle and knowing Tanner was spanking her—combined with the sharp sting burning her ass—sent Natalie to the verge of orgasm. As before, a fleeting thought raced through her mind that he would stop before she could find satisfaction. But he did not.

Maybe the strength of the blows lessened and the speed increased; Natalie wasn’t sure. The spanking made her entire vagina flood with heat and her clit tense beyond tolerance. When Tanner didn’t stop, she fell into the grips of another orgasm, this one stronger than the last.

Natalie gripped the bench, her fingernails digging into the leather. Her body went into exquisite convulsions and her weight was thankfully supported by the sturdy bench. Echoing in the room were her gasps of release as she gave up all resistance to the pleasure racking her body. Her voice and her rapid panting seemed to come from far off, such was her out-of-body feeling.

When she relaxed, Natalie felt Tanner lean over her with his arms over hers. His cock seared against the stinging skin of her ass, now red from the punishment delivered. He kissed her temple and her ear, making her sigh with warm satisfaction. He brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed her there. Then he kissed her shoulder, leaving his lips there as if to taste her skin and smell her post-orgasmic scent.

Lifting her from the bench, Tanner took her to the bed and sat on the satin sheets with her on his lap, facing him. Softly, he kissed her jaw and tugged at her lower lip. The lust she saw in
his beautiful blue eyes stirred her body anew. The need for her husband had not been extinguished by his loving of her. The orgasms had filled her with pleasure, and equally fanned the flames of her desire for Tanner into a roaring blaze.

4 – Consumed With Love


Tanner looked at the flush in Natalie’s cheeks, knowing he was the cause of it. Giving her pleasure had become a greater satisfaction than having his own, though now his cock was swollen painfully and the urge to be inside pressed urgently. He looked at her dark hair, wildly flowing over her shoulders with one lock across her cheek.

He reached out and brushed her hair away, feeling the softness of her skin. Running the tip of his finger across her lower lip, Tanner marveled at his wife, how wonderful she was in every way. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, “so beautiful.”

Natalie didn’t say a word, but the gleam in her dark brown eyes told him his message was heard. She reached out and wrapped both hands around his erection, looking at him with love. Tanner partly closed his eyes and licked his lower lip.

With her tender touch, Natalie stroked his cock, squeezing at the head to watch his reaction. Tanner clenched his jaw, having difficulty holding back. With her palm on his shaft, Natalie pressed it against her flat belly. That was more than he could take.

Gripping the base of his cock, Tanner angled the tip toward her, touching her wet sex. The feminine moan told him that his wife wanted him, and he dipped inside. Feeling her hot pussy wrap around him, Tanner slid deeper.

Natalie wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck. His thick cock filled her and, with her sitting on his lap as she was, he was in all the way. The feel of her tightening over him pushed him too close to release. She felt too good and he wanted it to last.

Holding her still with his hands on her waist, Tanner kissed her breasts repeatedly, savoring her taste. Rolling his tongue around her nipples, coaxing her toward another release, he loved listening to her whimper with delight. His cock pulsed, warning the precipice was near.

Keeping motionless, Tanner held Natalie quiet, his cock locked in her warmth. The sound of her soft panting and the feel of her breath grazing his skin was all he could focus on. “I love you,” he whispered, and he felt so much love that it poured out of him. “I love you. I love you.” He repeated his words over and over, his only way to express the depth of emotion that swamped him.

Natalie’s strong vaginal muscles closed over him like an iron fist. Then she gasped and began pulsing hard. Before he could think, Tanner was coming, and coming forcefully. He yelled without meaning to, and every muscle in his body turned to rock. Panting and gasping for air, still he kept chanting, “I love you. I love you.” He couldn’t say it enough.
Couldn’t feel it enough. There was no way to express the fury boiling inside.

All Tan
ner could do, was hold her tight and feel her intense pleasure—and his own. His eyes were closed from the sheer intensity of the experience. When he felt Natalie relax in his arms, he opened his eyes. She looked at him, her creamy skin stained pink, her lovely eyes glistening. “I love you,” she mouthed, and he felt her words deep in his soul. Unable to move, react, or speak, Tanner held her, just held her in his arms. It was all he could do.

After a few minutes, when his muscles worked again, Tanner took her to the shower. Lovingly, he washed her, letting the warm water flow over them. Toweling her off, he kissed her flawless skin. When she was dry, he dried off too. Guiding her onto the bed on her stomach, he eased soothing cream into the aggravated skin where he’d spanked her.

He’d taken care to use the paddle covered with suede, and measured the strength of his strokes. His purpose was to give her pleasure, and in that he had succeeded. Noting that her skin was slightly pink but not injured, he was relieved. Knowing she might not tell him if it was too much, even though he’d instructed her to, made him cautious in his ministrations.

Natalie turned onto her back and opened her arms to him. “I like practicing with you. In fact, that was amazingly good. I’m not sure you need more practice,” she teased.

“Oh, you’d be surprised,” Tanner said, loving the sparkle in her eyes. “We need a lot more practice. A lot more.”

She wrapped her arms around him, his cheek on her chest. He could hear the beat of her heart and feel the warmth of her skin. And the overpowering feeling of love for her consumed
him. Nothing could ever happen to her. Nothing. Natalie meant everything to him, and one day she would have his baby. When they were ready. He was sure the right time would come.

5 – Reuniting


Maybe Natalie should have let Tanner in on her plans, but she didn’t. She knew he might try to dissuade her, wanting to protect her from emotional upset. Her conviction that it was the right thing to do was weak at best, so she didn’t let her husband know what she intended. It wouldn’t have been difficult for him to talk her out of it.

The holidays reminded her of the value of family more than ever. And it wasn’t so easy to get Nicolas out of her mind. He was her father, and though care for his family had been his failing, she still felt a connection.

Natalie wanted to push it aside and be as coldhearted as she’d tried to be. It was easier for Jazzy; she hadn’t even been born when Nicolas had left. True, Natalie didn’t remember him. But the prospect of having no further contact, now that she’d met her father, bothered her.

It was a couple of weeks before Christmas when she made the call. Her father was surprised to hear from her. Natalie wondered if she was making a mistake, but the need to understand overpowered her doubts. Thinking it best to meet for some activity, she arranged to meet at Rockefeller Center and take the tour of the Top of the Rock.

She’d been there before with Tanner, but the views were worth seeing again—especially in late afternoon when the sunlight was fading and lights were coming on. It allowed one to see the city in natural light as well as all lit up at night. The last time she was there, Natalie had gotten some really nice photogra
phs of the skyline.

On that particular day, Tanner had a late meeting so he wouldn’t expect her at home. Going Christmas shopping was her excuse. There were still a few gifts she wanted to purchase, and she did so. Rockefeller Center was known as New York City’s ultimate shopping destination for a reason. Natalie bought more than she planned, and her bodyguard loaded everything into the car for her.

After the shopping, she met her father at a coffee shop in the center. Nicolas wore ill-fitted slacks and a polo shirt under a well-worn jacket. With his unkempt hair, sallow complexion, and lackluster green eyes, the sight of him elicited pity.

Seeing him again, Natalie felt no threat. Her father looked weak, beaten by life, and the idea that he would be aggressive seemed remote. Unable to call him “father,” she greeted him with his given name.

“Nicolas.” Holding up her hand, Natalie flagged him over to her table.

“Natalie,” he said, and sat in the table across from her. “You are looking well.”

She wished she could say the same for her father, but he just didn’t look healthy. The waitress came by right away and took their orders. Natalie was glad the tour had been planned to give them something to do, to have somewhere else to focus besides on each other.

“How have you been?” It seemed the kind thing to say.

“Oh, I’m hanging in there, I guess.” Nicolas said it without conviction.

“I guess you never expected me to call.”

“No. I was surprised.”

“Well, you are my father. I just…well…wanted to meet again.”

The waitress served their hot drinks, saving Nicolas from having to respond right away.

“So, you want to see the Top of the Rock, then?” Her father didn’t sound excited. It was more his way of making conversation.

Natalie realized how little she knew about him. “Yes, well, I’ve seen it before but it’s worth going again. Have you been?”

“No, I never have.”

“Well then, it will be a treat for you, I guarantee it.” Natalie felt awkward sitting with a man with whom she should feel the closeness of a daughter to her father. Yet he felt like a stranger.

Natalie and her father left the coffee shop. Standing in line for the tour at the Top of the Rock, they were mostly quiet. Wanting to say so much, but feeling ill at ease, Natalie was tongue-tied at first.

Her bodyguard hovered, and Nicolas said, “Yours?”

Natalie laughed. “Yes, I’m so used to it, I hardly notice. Tanner and I go everywhere with bodyguards.”

“Oh.” Whether he understood why or didn’t care to ask, Natalie wasn’t sure. But she was relieved when they made it to the head of the line and, after paying the fee, walked to the outdoor terraces. There was a protected viewing area on the sixty-seventh floor, and on the top floor, the view was an unobstructed, open-air, 360-degree view. There was no limit on the time one could stay, so it was possible to watch the changing panorama of New York City unfold.

They could see Central Park, Empire State, and Times Square. Natalie wished she had brought her camera, as she could have snapped an unbelievable photo of the Empire State Building. Perched seventy stories above midtown Manhattan, they had incomparable views.

Nicolas stood and gazed out over the city, but seemed unaffected by the beauty and spectacle. It made Natalie wonder why he’d agreed to come with her. Did he still hope for handouts?

“Can I ask you something?” she said, and Nicolas turned to look at her. “Why did you agree to meet me today?”

“Why did you invite me?” Nicolas shrugged. “I’m alone. I was interested to see why you wanted to see me.”

“Can you understand that I’d want to know my own father better?”

Nicolas didn’t show any reaction. “Why, after all this time?”

“Because…what daughter wouldn’t want to know her father?”

“I don’t know, really. I’m not very good with family things. And the way I’ve acted, I don’t blame you for how you feel about me.” Nicolas looked out at the expanse of the city. “And I apologize for…you know…asking for money.”

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