Voices from the Grave: Two Men's War in Ireland (59 page)

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The sixteen or so months between the April 1993 disclosure that John Hume and Gerry Adams had ‘resumed’ their meetings and the IRA ceasefire of August 1994, have to be among the most turbulent in recent Irish history. Again, some of the events were played out in public but much happened in secret; extraordinary acts of violence at times seemed to doom the peace process to failure but each time the process was dragged back from the edge.

As if to reassure its grassroots that there would be no sell-out, the IRA launched a bombing blitz in the spring of 1993 within days of the Hume–Adams meeting in Derry. A huge truck bomb in Bishopsgate in the City of London devastated the financial district while many of the targets in Northern Ireland seemed designed to provoke Loyalist anger; the Glengall Street headquarters of the Official Unionist Party was blitzed by a 1000-pound lorry bomb and the centres of the predominantly Protestant towns of Portadown, Newtownards and Magherafelt were badly shattered. As the British and Irish governments wrestled with the Hume–Adams dialogue, important gestures were made by Dublin to the Provos. Irish Taoiseach Albert Reynolds made a secret offer to lift the ban on Sinn Fein appearing on the Irish electronic media while the Irish
president, Mary Robinson, travelled to West Belfast to shake hands with Gerry Adams, albeit well out of the view of the TV cameras. In September, the IRA called an unofficial seven-day ceasefire to mark the presence of a delegation of influential Irish-Americans who were in Ireland on a peace-process fact-finding mission. The move was intended to impress the Americans and through them to recruit the Clinton White House to the Nationalist side of the peace debate. The Sinn Fein leadership had expanded the notion of pan-Nationalism to incorporate Irish America in the hope that the combined pressure would persuade the British to move positively.

Also in September, John Hume and Gerry Adams suspended their talks, saying that they had reached sufficient agreement to create the basis for progress and were forwarding a report on their deliberations to Dublin. In fact no such report existed; the ploy seemed calculated to add pressure on the governments to move in their direction. Their statement was the trigger for an upsurge in Loyalist violence. Over the next month or so attacks by the UVF, the UDA or the Red Hand Commando averaged one a day. Under pressure from their grassroots to retaliate, the IRA decided to strike at the leadership of the UDA. A bomb was placed inside a fish shop in the floor below the UDA’s headquarters, timed to explode as the Loyalist leadership was holding its weekly meeting. The IRA’s intelligence was faulty and so was the plan. The bomb exploded prematurely, killing one of the IRA team and nine Protestant shoppers, four of them women and two schoolgirls. The UDA leadership had not been meeting at the time. The Loyalists struck back and within a week had killed twelve Catholic civilians. The worst single incident was in Greysteel, County Derry, on Hallowe’en weekend, where the UDA machine-gunned customers in the Rising Sun Bar, killing six Catholics and one Protestant. As if to reinforce the impression that events were spiralling out of control, a consignment of weapons bound from Poland for the UVF was intercepted on a cargo ship in Teesport, England. Its cargo included nearly two tonnes of high explosives.

This was the background to the unveiling of the Downing Street Declaration (DSD) in mid-December, 1993. Stripped of a date for British withdrawal at the insistence of both British premier John Major and his Irish counterpart Albert Reynolds, the DSD was not what the IRA Army Council had been hoping for. Instead the document restated the principle of consent in terms that could have come straight out of Father Reid’s playbook and offered Sinn Fein a place at the conference table if the IRA ended its violence. Meanwhile the Irish government broadly hinted that it would alter its constitutional claim to Northern Ireland to reflect the need for consent, a significant concession to Unionists. The British were staying and Northern Ireland, that is the Unionist majority in effect, would be a separate unit in the exercise of Irish self-determination, just as Father Reid had envisaged and the UVF/PUP had demanded.
Not surprisingly the IRA Army Council rejected the document but Adams persuaded his military colleagues to keep the judgement secret and to ask for ‘clarification’ of the document instead, a move that helped tie the IRA into a process that would lead eventually to the Good Friday Agreement and the fulfilment of the Reid–Adams blueprint. With the exception of Paisley’s DUP, mainstream Unionists reacted with equanimity to the Downing Street Declaration while the UVF said it did not feel threatened and would not support any ‘publicity stunt’ organised by Paisley.

In the wake of the DSD, Sinn Fein became the target for a stream of government-supplied ‘goodies’ designed to make retreat from the process by the IRA costly enough to give it pause for thought. The media ban on Sinn Fein in the South was lifted by Albert Reynolds in January 1994 and the next month Gerry Adams was granted a forty-eight-hour visa to visit New York, during which he was fêted as a media star cum statesman by Irish America. The British government’s anger at the move served only to strengthen Adams’s hand in his dealings with the Army Council. The violence continued apace in the background, with both Republicans and Loyalists killing freely. The former INLA leader Dominic McGlinchey was shot dead by unknown assailants; Loyalist attacks
on the SDLP intensified, as did the killing of Catholics and people associated with Republicanism, and in April members of the UVF’s sister organisation, the Red Hand Commando, brutally beat and shot dead a Protestant woman, Margaret Wright, who had wandered into an illegal drinking club where she was mistaken for a Catholic.

According to David Ervine, a Loyalist ceasefire was tentatively planned by the CLMC for July and the intention was twofold: first to pre-empt the IRA ceasefire if possible and second to ensure that the Loyalist groups were not left behind when the IRA cessation came. But then the Republican violence ramped up, followed closely by that of the Loyalists. In mid-June, an INLA gunman sprayed shots into a group of men standing near the PUP’s offices on the Shankill Road, killing the UVF’s Shankill Commander, Trevor King, and two other UVF men. The next day the UVF struck out wildly, killing one Catholic and two Protestants mistaken for Catholics. But worse was to follow twenty-four hours later when UVF gunmen sprayed customers in the Heights Bar in Loughinisland, County Down, as they were watching a World Cup football game between Ireland and Italy, killing six Catholics and wounding five more. On 10 July 1994, two days before the 12th, the IRA fired forty shots at the home in Magherafelt, County Derry, of DUP MP the Reverend William McCrea, two of whose relatives, Leslie Dallas and Derek Ferguson, had been shot dead by the IRA, which claimed both had been active in the Mid-Ulster UVF. The following day, 11 July, the IRA killed Ray Smallwood, a key UDA member of the CLMC’s peace team, and at the end of the month two South Belfast UDA men were also shot dead. Ervine was close by when Smallwood was shot and tried to help him, but to no effect. These killings, and that of Dublin gangster Martin Cahill, long suspected of colluding with Northern Loyalists against the IRA, were regarded by some as score settling by the IRA prior to their ceasefire. Smallwood had tried to kill Bernadette McAliskey and her husband Michael back in 1981, while the two UDA men had killed the wife of a South Belfast Sinn Fein councillor. But the UVF and the PUP
took a darker view, suspecting that the aim was to ensure that when the IRA called its ceasefire, Republicans would have sole possession of the mantle of peace.

Well, I think there were moments of horror for all of us, because you
thought you had understood what was going on and then all of a
sudden something would happen and you’re devastated by it and
[you’re] trying to make sense of it. But it was clear that when the
dust settled [that] the game was still on, and it was about touch-
stoning all the time to see what state the game was in, or the preparations
for the game, and that therefore anger and emotion was
something that you knew you didn’t have the luxury for. We were all
very angry and very emotional; the Shankill bombing was devastating,
an unbelievably devastating set of circumstances which had its
knock-on effects … as well which were horrific. In that respect you
were derailed … but you had to come back to the reality of what
was going on, and the game was still on, and you either played it or
you rebelled and tried to destroy the game, [but] the game looked
very powerful to us

It became clear to Loyalists that around April of 1994 something
was really on the go and … the IRA were going to move, we thought,
to a ceasefire. The indicators were that the IRA was going to cause a
lot of mayhem in the Loyalist community, [settling] old scores, that
type of stuff, a big bang, and then a ceasefire, so to everyone who
would listen, people like me and others were dispatched to say, ‘This
is a bad idea, a bad, bad, bad idea’, and Loyalism would react very
badly. You need to do a chronology of it almost because my memory
isn’t great, but I can remember things began to happen that hadn’t
… really happened in a long time, like a bomb in the Berlin Arms,
I think it was, and a bomb in the Grove Tavern, things the IRA
hadn’t done in a very long time … We had then the murder of Ray
Smallwood and the murders of Joe Bratty and [Raymond] Elder
and there were many who perceived that they were expressly about
making sure that Loyalism was agitated. Where one gets a little
confused is the shooting of Trevor King, Colin Craig and Davy
Hamilton, because it was suggested that was INLA rather than the
IRA who was responsible. Could they be working in cahoots? I don’t
know, I don’t think any of us knew for sure, but certainly around
that time there was clear tension, and why wouldn’t there be, within
the Loyalist community, great anger within the Loyalist community,
notwithstanding the fact that we’d had the aftermath of the Shankill
bomb, Greysteel. All of that, I suppose, culminated for many in
Loughinisland … it just seemed to us that somebody wanted to
keep the Loyalist pot boiling. Our history had always been that one
action will beget another action, there’s no question about that …
but where I started this conversation was about Loyalists calling a
ceasefire first, and that was destroyed by the murderous campaigns
of Republicanism, and I have to say to you that there are those who
believe it was nothing short of a miracle that six weeks after the IRA
ceasefire, a Loyalist ceasefire was called. The IRA were on their way
to a ceasefire and were clearly doing things that were expressly about
derailing Loyalism, and it brought me to the conclusion … that
Gerry Adams was meant to swan the world stage as a peacemaker,
as Loyalists rumbled on in violence. What a horror that would have
been and what a tragedy that would have been, but again I emphasise
a point that I made … before. Loyalists forced their way into
the frame as far as a ceasefire was concerned by analysing and by
getting out and finding out what was happening. That consultation
process prior to the IRA ceasefire [meant] we’d a fair idea things
were on their way and we had expressly believed that they were
likely to come around April, but many things happened between
April and the IRA’s declaration in August, that were really awful
and very, very hard to deal with

[After the killing of Trevor King, there was] nervousness piled on
top of more nervousness. Had we got it right, were we right about
our assessments about where this was going? We were very nervous
about that. The mood of our own community massively enhanced
the degree of nervousness, because our community were dismayed
[by the IRA cessation]. I think James Molyneaux described it as
more or less the worst thing that ever happened, and I’m saying to
myself, ‘People alive, that’s good news!’ but I understood the complexities
in the minds of the people in the Unionist community. Was
there a secret, surreptitious deal done by Republicans? But we had
done our homework as far as we could, but the Unionist politicians
had not done their homework. I think many of them were oblivious,
absolutely oblivious to what was coming. Not all of them, [but]
many of them


When you say not all


I think elements of the Ulster Unionist Party were relatively well
tuned in to what was coming up


On an individual basis?


Yeah, I think Ken Maginnis was relatively well tuned in, I think
that [Reg] Empey, [Michael and Chris] McGimpsey were a little
nucleus around [James] Molyneaux, they seemed to have an idea.
One just saw the DUP cower, cowed if you like, fearful of what was
happening. I remember meetings with Ulster Unionists and, shortly
after the IRA ceasefire, they were keen that Loyalism should respond,
unlike elements of the Democratic Unionist Party who were keen
that Loyalism should not respond

I think there were those who believed it was pretty damn close to
being in the bag, that the Loyalist ceasefire could be achieved, but
you couldn’t achieve that just moments after the IRA ceasefire. We
hadn’t been involved in the game between the government and the
IRA. Why should we rush? The IRA took eight months to respond to
the Downing Street Declaration, and meanwhile back at the ranch
Loyalism was getting chided for not responding within days of the
IRA. I remember Bruce Morrison,
the American, saying: ‘The
government will now have to move to crush the Loyalists.’ That’s the
way it was all meant to be. Of course the Loyalists were ahead of the
game, the Loyalists had analysed, assessed and knew that it had to
come but you could not do it with undue haste. It would have been 
madness and it would have been detrimental in our own community
and detrimental to the organisations. They needed the time
and space to watch and see how the IRA ceasefire was likely to
develop, what the political atmosphere around it was like, the mood
music in the community. There were attempts by us to try and build
up a bit of confidence in the Unionist community around that time
and again that was all about our capacity to respond, and eventually
we did respond six weeks later

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