V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story (14 page)

BOOK: V.S.O.P.: A Very Special Love Story
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“Yea, it’s about that time everybody got to meet each other. We all about to be family. Yo’ daughter trying to make me buy her a ring.” G teased, I was feeling him though because Renee had me thinking about marriage and starting a family. I wanted a seed so bad, even if it was just one.

I hadn’t really brought it up to Renee that much, but now that I thought about it, I was going to have to talk to her about popping me out a kid or two. I wasn’t getting any younger and neither was she.

“I didn’t ask you to do anything. If you go out and get a ring it’s cause I done put it on you so good you had no other option than to put a ring on it.” Diamond came back slickly.

“I know that’s right D. You went and got my ring yet, baby?” Renee smiled, we made it deeper into the backyard.

“Yea, I got you.” I responded. Renee and I were holding hands as we walked, but, she sort of pulled away out of nowhere. I looked at her and the smile completely faded from my face. She looked as if she’d seen a ghost. All the color had left her and by now we all was looking at her crazy.

“What’s wrong ma? You not paying us no attention.” Diamond finally asked. I was about to ask her too.

Silence loomed for a second. Renee’s eyes were fastened on a couple standing a few feet away. Aww shit, I hope I didn’t have to set it off in this motherfucka because I would.

“That’s him.” Renee finally responded, confusing everyone. “That’s your father.” she added, never breaking her stare.

Rage filled my chest as I put two and two together. I said that I would do a million things when I came face to face with the man who had violated my women. I said I was going to kill him, then I decided to just have his dick cut off, and I finally went back to killing him. This shit was crazy.


Oh I was about to tear this damned backyard up, believe that. I thought that my eyes were deceiving me when I looked at that sick, delusional, sorry excuse for a man. Then we caught eyes and he gave me this sneaky grin that sent me over the edge! I wasn’t that helpless 17 year old that he decided to rape, and he was going to find that out quick.

I reached into my purse and I swear that I was about to stab the shit out of his ass. I was so roused up that I didn’t have time to feel hurt, murder was on my mind. After fumbling with my purse for a second, I finally located my pocketknife.

Everything went black. All I saw was him, and before I knew it I had charged towards him full speed with my knife pointed at his throat. This motherfucka stole 23 years of my life and he had the nerve to smile at me? Hell no!

I was so close to getting my revenge that I could taste it. I’m going straight for the jugular, sending him straight to hell.

Well, I’ll be damned. A strong set of arms gripped me up, carrying me out of the backyard. I was pitching a bitch. The whole backyard was in an uproar and I didn’t care.

“Let me go! Put me down!” I shrieked, looking back just a little to see that it was Diesel. I was sick of his ass pulling me away every time I was about to pop off.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Chill out Renee!” His voice was stern, loud, and demanding. It was enough to snap me out of my trance just a little. But, I still was giving his ass a fight.

“Look, just chill!” He tried to gain control again. He was winded and  I could tell by how he was breathing so heavily. We were now in front of the house alone and he sat me down, but his ass made sure that he kept his hand firm on the arm with the blade, though.

“Do you know how long that man fucked with my head?” I asked him, biting down on my bottom lip. “He smiled at me Diesel, he knew who I was and he smiled like he don’t even care!” I was now rocking as the hurt finally began to settle in. I never expected to have to be face to face with his again. I had forgotten the pain, but seeing him today brought it crashing back down.

“Who baby?” Diesel had wrapped his strong arms around me and began to caress my back. I swear the feel of his arms almost made everything better.

Before I had the chance to respond, G and that bastard came stalking from the backyard with Diamond hot on their heels along with some woman. A crowd had formed behind them and G furiously turned and barked for them to return to the backyard.

Hell no. I didn’t want him nowhere near me. My anger began to build again. A few tears had escaped my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. He didn’t deserve to see me cry.

“Get him away from me, now!” I yelled, my voice trembling. I would have never expected to run into him, and what was even crazier, I was now finding out that he was G’s mother’s boyfriend!


A week later…

A darkness swept across the sky as I sat in a rented beat down Ford Focus adorned in all black. My seat was reclined so that I was out of site of the unsuspecting. My eyes stayed fixated on the ragged three bedroom brick home where that rapist lived. I was waiting for him to come out of the house.

I felt like a punk ass nigga for allowing that motherfucka’ to walk away breathing the other day. Every time I looked into my baby’s face it only made me feel worse. I had to be the one to hold her as she cried, I had to be the one to tell her that everything was all good. It was my job to protect her. That’s why I had made the decision to body that nigga.

An hour had passed with no luck and I was growing impatient. Hell, I didn’t even know if the man was inside of that house.
What the fuck am I doing?
I wondered sitting up and starting the car to pull off. Why was I sitting outside a motherfucka’s house mimicking the gangster movies I watched without the least bit of a game plan?
This ain’t the movies nigga!
I told myself letting out a hearty laugh as I rode up the street.

I decided to hit my man Gotti up and sentence him to a painful death. Gotti got paid to kill so I knew that he would handle the shit the right way.

G did whoop his ass pretty bad that day of the picnic, and I fucks with him for the way that he handled things, but that wasn’t enough. That punk had to go!

I had stalled out a bit because at the end of the day he was Diamond’s daddy. But, fuck that. I’ll be damned if I allowed him around to cause my baby anymore pain.

I knew that it wouldn’t be long before ol’ boy’s death made the channel four news. I thought about Diamond, then about Renee as I sat in my recliner smoking a blunt.

I wasn’t big on smoking weed, but whenever I had too much on my mind I would take a few puffs to mellow me out. I had the Mel situation messing with me, then this bullshit. I wondered how they were going to take his death. I couldn’t dwell on it too long though because it was already a done deal. I just hope that I was forgiven for my sins and that’s all that I could do.


In breaking news, the body of a 46 year old Detroit man, who police identified as Roshawn Campbell, has been found gruesomely murdered inside an abandoned house on the thirty five hundred block of Petoskey. The police say that his body is nearly unrecognizable and his genitals were cut off and placed in his mouth. We are told that there are no leads at this time and if anyone has any information on who committed this heinous crime please call 1-800-speakup.

I sat frozen in time as my eyes stayed fixated on a picture of Ro. He was dead and I didn’t know how to feel about it. He had died a hard death just like my life had been. Thinking of the pain he caused created a devious grin to creep onto my face. Karma was a bitch and he had finally gotten the chance to meet her.

I shoved Diesel’s comatose body laying next to me. I needed to talk to someone. “Diesel , baby, wake up!” I demanded as he groggily rolled over and cracked his eyes open.

“Damn Renee what’s up?”

“Somebody killed him. He’s dead. It’s on the news!” I blurted out speaking almost too fast.

Diesel’s eyes shot to the TV screen. He studied  it, hanging on to every word that the newscaster said. “Damn, that’s crazy. Did they know who did it?” He asked finally spoke.

“No, they don’t have any leads. It was probably his past coming back to haunt him. It ain’t no telling what he done did.” I shook my head.

“You okay baby?” He finally spoke again. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I smiled at him. “I’m as fine as can be. That chapter of my life is finally all the way closed. What goes around comes around and I’m just happy that it’s over.”

Was I so wrong for finding joy in his death? Should I have just an inkling of sadness? I think not!


I went ahead and had the locksmith change the locks at my new crib. Mel was definitely on some fuck shit, but that wasn’t stopping anything. Me and Renee decided to move into the new crib together.  She didn’t like being by herself at night anymore and neither did I.

I gave her my black card and allowed her to decorate the place and I must say that she has it looking nice as hell! It fell good to finally be in my own shit again, and to share it with my queen.

Since ol’ boy’s death, me and Renee has become extremely close. It drew us together. I think she knows that I had something to do with it, but she hasn’t said anything and I wasn’t going to either.

We were pushing all of our past behind us and allowing it to stay there. I was on my building my family kick and I had baby fever. I’m pushing forty now, it past time to have me a jr.

I looked to Renee and we laid up in my California King sized bed. “You gone have my baby?” I asked. “I want to have a kid before I’m too old.

She laughed. “You’re serious about having a kid huh?” Her forehead creased. “I don’t know Diesel.”

“What don’t you know? You know I’m not going nowhere. We’re financially stable. You better stop playing and let me put one up inside you.” I cracked a smile, but I was so serious.

I know how she felt about mothering Diamond. It was obvious that she was afraid of failing at being a mother again. But, I knew that Renee would be a great mother.

“Put one in me, huh?” She smirked. “You’re so silly.

“But I’m so serious.” I told her, rolling on top of her. I pressed my forehead against hers. “You gone be my baby momma?”

“No, I’ll be your wife. Put a ring on my finger then we can talk about having babies, and baby mommas.”

“You said that like that’s a problem. I’ll have a rock on your finger tomorrow if that’s what you want.”

She held up her hand with the ring finger and pointed at it. “Well, I’m waiting.”

“I got you.” I assured her, kissing her lips as I undressed her at the same time. “You don’t have to worry about shit, but, which whip you’re going to drive when you and my seed step out.”

She started to protest but I pressed  my lips firm against hers entering her. Her words were caught up in a soft moan as I slid in and out of her wet cave.

I don’t think I could ever prepare myself for the way that her tightness gripped me up. I had to flip her ass on her stomach and hit it from the back to avoid climaxing prematurely. I needed her to bust at least twice before I got off. If she didn’t then that meant that I wasn’t hitting it right. And I was a beast in the sheets, Mr. Make Her Cum Again. Cocky, I know. But it is what it is fucking with a nigga like me.


I stayed away from the city for as long as I could stomach it. Four months was a long time and I was glad to be back. I thought that taking Diesel’s money and running off with it would settle the score. But, it didn’t make me feel any better. Hell, he didn’t even know that I had gotten over on him with his money because he was surely living it up in that house like it was his.

I got one for his ass though. I was going to send the cops over to arrest him and his bitch for trespassing. He didn’t have any type of paperwork on the house and it was still in my friend’s name. I let out a laugh at just the thought of the way that he was going to go off.

I must admit, I almost missed him. That was odd to me, because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I hate him. I hate the sound of his deep ass voice, I hate the way he glides around like he’s the shit, and I hate that smile with those perfect teeth.

I began to wonder if I hated him or the fact that I was attracted to him more. I still didn’t want to admit it to myself though. I couldn’t admit it. Nah, you’re not falling for him. I told myself walking into the Farmington Hills Police Station.

I had my folder with all the legal documentation in there and I had my friend Talia meet me there to file the report. The house was in her name and the check had cleared her account. I’d given her $25,000 for helping, and she gave me the rest in a cashier’s check.

I allowed all the paper trail to fall on her. So if this plan backfired, my hands would be clean. I hated to play her like that, but hey, that’s just how the cookie crumbled.

I spotted Talia sitting in a set of chairs across from the front desk and waived for her to come to me. I had to coach her on what she was going to say in the report. I knew that she was smart enough not to incriminate us, but, I still had to make sure.

I rocked with Talia because she was loyal to me even though I wasn’t so loyal to her. She was an obedient friend and I liked a woman that listened.

I ran everything down to her and handed her the paperwork for the house. Then, I slipped out of the precinct before being detected and road to Diesel’s house. I parked a couple of houses down and killed the engine. I couldn’t wait to see his face when they knocked on his door.

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