Wags To Riches (28 page)

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Authors: Jane Vernon

BOOK: Wags To Riches
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   “Not really,” I say hastily, “Adam has taken me out in the Bentley and I’m going to book some lessons with an instructor”.

   “Well I think you’re very brave learning to drive now” Gina says and there’s a general murmur of agreement, “I don’t think I would pass my test if I took it now”.

certainly wouldn’t!” Sharon says looking at Tony, “You drive like a bloody maniac!”

   “Excuse me my beloved - but who clipped the post at the end of the driveway yesterday when she was reversing out?” Tony says, his eyes twinkling at Sharon and everyone laughs.

   “Well, Gail is already looking for a car for me to buy her” Adam says grinning and I turned to stare at him reproachfully.

   “I never said anything of the sort!” I say defensively, “I merely said that the Audi R8 was a nice car that’s all!”

   “It is – it is a very nice car,” Tim says.

   “What colour would you have Gail?” Gina asks.

   “Oh black definitely” I reply without hesitation as Sally comes over to join our group and Michael goes to get another drink.

   “I must just say - thank you to Gail and Adam again for a brilliant night last night” she says.

   “Yeah thanks Gail.  We had a great time didn’t we?” Sharon says, turning to Tony who nods and smiles.

   “I don’t know whose idea was it to play
on the lawn at half past midnight, but it was a good one!” he says and we all laugh.  It was a good idea actually.  I think it was mine.

* * * *

Later that evening as we drive home from the barbeque, my thoughts turn to Adam’s birthday which is in July. I really enjoyed being the hostess last night and I would really like to throw a party for him.  He’s been so good to me and he deserves a really special night.  We could do a circus theme – that would be fantastic!

“Adam - what do you say to me throwing a party for you for your birthday?” I ask him. 

   “Ooh – what sort of thing did you have in mind?” Adam asks.

  “Well – I was thinking quite a big party - about 60 people or so, with a kind of circus theme?” I say tentatively and Adam looks pleasantly surprised.

   “A circus theme?  That sounds different” he says, sounding interested.  “How would that work?”

   “Well” I say excitedly, “We could have it in the garden so we haven’t got to cover the carpets in the living room - we could hire a marquee and have magicians, acrobats and jugglers to walk round and entertain people and stuff and we’ll have a huge BBQ and a
DJ - it will be great!” I say, hoping for a positive reaction.  “What do you think?” I ask anxiously.

   “That sounds great!” he says enthusiastically.  “That sounds really good!  What’s made you want to do this?” he asks.

   “Well several reasons really” I say as we arrive home, “I really enjoyed being the hostess last night – once I’d stopped being nervous and worrying about if people were enjoying themselves or not - and it would be great to organise something like this.  I’d do it all Adam, you wouldn’t need to do anything – it would be fun!”

   Adam stops the car and switches off the engine.  “You’d really do that for me?” he says.  “Go to all that trouble for my birthday?”

   “Yes I would.  You do so much for me” I say, putting my arms round his neck, “And it would be my way of doing something for you”.

   “Well, I think it would be lovely – I think you’re lovely” Adam says smiling and kisses me.

   “Oh thank you!” I say, kissing him back, “I will need a fantastic new dress and new shoes obviously” I add, grinning at him.

   “Oh – I thought there’d be an ulterior motive!” Adam says laughing. 

   “Hey – the hostess has got to look good!” I say smiling as I get out of the car. Well I have.  While Adam puts the car away in the garage, I go inside and make us both a cup of tea.  I’m really looking forward to planning the party.  I will give Sharon a ring tomorrow and run a few ideas past her – I bet she knows some people who can help.

Adam comes back into the kitchen.  “Oh thanks Gail” he says as I pass him his tea.  “So - what have you got planned for tomorrow?” he asks.

   Oh – I’m looking forward to tomorrow.  “Well – I’m going to have a really girly morning” I say beaming, “I’m going to the hairdressers first thing and then I’m having a manicure and afterwards I’m going to have a little wonder round the shops, before starting to plan your party!”

   “Oh nice!” Adam says.

   “I’m going to book some driving lessons as well” I say firmly.  God - I’ll have to psyche myself up first.

   “Oh good!” Adam says approvingly.  “You’ll be racing me up and down the lane before you know!”

   “I doubt it” I say dryly, “What are you up to tomorrow?”

   “After training - I’ve got a meeting with my agent and accountant and then I’m at the dentist” Adam replies.  “Hopefully I should be back for lunch, but I’ll ring and let you know”.

   “Okay” I say.  Oh – must remember to ask Sharon about the guest list for Adam’s party as well tomorrow I think and laugh to myself.  God – if someone had told me this time last year this is what I’d be spending my time doing I would never have believed it!  Spending my day having my hair done, shopping and planning parties!  It’s

   “What are you laughing at?” Adam asks.

   “Me - planning parties - having my nails done” I say, shaking my head.  “It’s just so different to my old life at
.  Soon I’ll be moaning I haven’t got enough diamonds and then I really will have lost it!”

   “Do you have enough diamonds Gail?” Adam asked in a mock serious voice, “I think that’s quite important”.

   “Oh give over!” Gail said grinning, “I will not have ridiculous conversations about the amount of diamonds I have or need.  My bracelet is just fine thank you!”

Adam smiles as the phone starts ringing.  “I’ll get it” he says, going into the hall.   “Hello?” he says.  I can hear him talking and then he walks back into the kitchen.  “I’ll just put her on.  I think Wednesday next week should be fine.  We’ll see you soon Mrs Auden” Adam says and holds out the phone to me.  “It’s your Mum” he says, “She wants to know when we are going to go round.  I’ve suggested next Wednesday”.

I take the receiver from him.  “Now remember – no ridiculous conversations Gail” he says quietly and then pinches my bum!  Shocked, I manage to smack him gently on the arm as he walks away laughing.

  “Hi Mum!” I say brightly into the phone, how are you?” 


I’m going to
Adam when I get off this phone.

Chapter 20


The next day I leave the hairdressers feeling absolutely bloody
.  My hair is shimmering with light golden highlights and it falls gently round my face.  I’ve been to the
expensive salons in town – a place I’ve often walked past, but have never been in until now.  The fact that I have spent on one haircut what I used to spend on food in a month is frankly terrifying though and I feel really guilty, even though my hair looks fab.  I am going to try and start saving some money – I am.  But after today.  I’m just going to have a look in my favourite shoe shop before I have my nails done.

   I peer through the window and see a really funky pair of purple suede high heels.  They’re
As I stand and admire them, I catch sight of my reflection in one of the mirrored panels at the back of the display and gape at it.  It doesn’t look like me – that girl looks quite elegant and polished with a fabbo haircut!  I look at the cut of my jacket, the slim leopard skin scarf knotted round my neck and my new overdyed indigo designer jeans.  Gosh – when did I become this stylish?  Is that me?  What time is it?  Christ – I’d better get a move on.  I’ll come back and try those purple heels on later.

   As I walk up to the salon, I walk past my favourite record shop.  I’ve spent many happy hours in there browsing through records and discovering lots of new bands.  I think I’ll just nip in and get that Itchy Skin and the Weevils album – I’d meant to order it yesterday and I forgot.

   I push open the door and step inside.  Immediately my ears are assaulted by a thrash metal song blasting out at high volume with drums, guitar and synthesiser all seemingly playing different songs at the same time and accompanied by a singer who keeps screaming so loud it sounds like he’s got something trapped in a door.  Me – I’ve never liked thrash metal, but there are a couple of students browsing the metal section and nodding their heads along enthusiastically to the music so they must like it.  Wincing slightly at one particular high pitched scream, I walk over to the new releases section, past the wall haphazardly covered in leaflets advertising everything from the latest album release to handwritten adverts on lined A4 paper for a drummer/bass guitarist/singer to join a band and look along the shelves for the album.  I see one by a band called Cheesy Drum – what a fantastic name!  I’m tempted to buy it purely because of that and then I see the album I’m looking for.  The cover is just plain black with the name of the band in pale grey letters across the top.

I take it to the till and an assistant comes over to serve me.  I don’t recognise him.  Must be new.  Mind you, I haven’t been in here for quite a while so he could have been here ages.  The assistant takes the CD from me, glances at it and then looks up at me slightly surprised.

“Is there a problem?” I ask puzzled.

   “No” the assistant says quickly, “Not at all”.  He scans the barcode and smiles.  “I wouldn’t have thought you’d have bought something like this.  I would have said more pop music”.

   “How do you mean?” I ask.

   “Well” he gives a little embarrassed cough, “Looking at you, I would have thought you’d have bought a Girls Aloud album or something like that.  That’s £12.99 please” he says and I give him my credit card, “Not cool indie stuff like this,” he adds sheepishly.

   “Oh right” I say taken aback.  What do I look like? I think shocked to myself.  Cheryl bloody Cole?  I don’t think so.  Three stone heavier for a start.  “Well – I do like a lot of different music” I say as I typed my pin number into the card terminal, “And I have actually seen these live” I add casually.  That’ll show him. 

   “Wow!  Where was that?” he asks, his eyes wide.

   “Oh it was at my old local pub a while ago” I say airily, “I was into these well before many people had heard of them”.  The mark of a true fan.  You liked the band before they’d even started learning to play the guitar.

   “I bet they were really good weren’t they?” he says.  “I hope they tour again soon”.

   Oh yes, they were great” I say as I take my card and receipts from him and put them back into my purse.

   “Well they are everywhere now.  I reckon this album will be number one at the weekend” the assistant says putting the CD in a bag and passing it to me.  “Enjoy!”

   “Thank you” I say and go out of the shop.  I feel slightly confused.  How does someone who listens to chart music look anyway? I wonder.  Just because I’m not dressed head to toe in black with dyed black hair doesn’t mean I only listen to the likes of Girls Aloud and Kylie Minogue.  Cheeky sod. 


In the taxi on the way home, I sit admiring my new nails while I think about what the assistant said in the record shop.  I do look a bit different now I concede, but I’m still me.  I haven’t changed really.
I take the Itchy Skin and the Weevils CD out of the bag, slide out the little accompanying booklet to flick through and think back to that night when I had been to see them.  I haven’t spoken to Alex for weeks.  This is someone I used to speak to nearly every day.  Working at
was hellish, but we did used to have a laugh sometimes.  I’m definitely going to ring her after lunch and invite her and Dave to Adam’s birthday party.  Geez - I don’t even know if she’s still with Dave, they could have split up for all I know I think, shaking my head.

   I look down at the booklet again.  It comprises mainly of arty, black and white photographs of the band, some a little blurred. I am a bit disappointed that there isn’t one decent one of the lead singer, but I don’t know why – he kind of pales into significance next to Adam. 

   I put the booklet back in the CD case before putting it back into the bag and glance down at the carrier bag containing the shoes I’d spotted earlier.  They’re fab – I’m really glad I bought them – even though I’m fast filling the dressing room with footwear.  Maybe I ought to talk Adam into converting one of the other bedrooms into a walk in shoe room for me.  That would be truly amazing.  I’d just put a chair in the centre of the floor and sit for hours in wonder looking at all the shoes and drinking in all their beauty.  Especially those silver five and a half inch heels with the slinky ankle straps and real diamond trim I’ve got for Adam’s party.  Haven’t a clue what to wear on the rest of me, but the shoes are sorted.  Trouble is they are so beautiful I’m frightened to wear them in case I damage them!  I’ve explained this to Adam who just rolled his eyes heavenward when I told him.  But then he’s a man and he simply doesn’t
I think as the taxi pulls up outside the house.

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