Waiting for Us (12 page)

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Authors: Dawn Stanton

BOOK: Waiting for Us
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Chapter Eleven

June 2010 - Graduation Party


   My high school graduation party has been in full swing at our beach house for hours and many of my friends from Lexham are here for it. I’m on my way back outside after using the bathroom, when my phone beeps with a new text alert from Marcus.

Sorry, I can’t be there 2day

No worries xo

Can’t wait 2cu

Me 2

Cu in 2 days xo

Yay! Luv x

I miss Marcus, but I'm glad I will see him soon. My friends are all going to sleep over because my parents don’t want anyone driving the long distance home. My brother Jake, his girlfriend Cindy and a few of his friends are also here.  He’s never one to miss an opportunity to party so I’m not surprised he’s here this weekend. Jake has matured a lot, his relationship with Cindy is proof of that, but part of him will always be a teenage boy at heart. 

Shelby is here with her boyfriend Austin and one of his friends came along with them. His name is Kevin and he seems like a nice guy, but I’m not interested in starting a relationship with anyone. I wasted two years on Erik and all I got out of it was a broken heart. No more relationships for me... been there... done that. Speaking of Erik, he called me today to say congratulations on graduating. I thought that was nice, but I don’t want to have anything to do with him. I’ve ignored all the letters he’s sent me and all the texts and voicemails too. I’m not sure why I answered his call today. I guess I just wanted some closure. He apologized again and asked me to take him back. Of course, I refused and then he told me there hasn’t been anyone else since he slept with that cheerleader, which was definitely the wrong thing to say.  What an idiot for reminding me that he slept with her in the first place. I tried to be nice and extremely blunt when I told him we were done. Done, done. Forever done.




Jake started a bonfire on the beach for us and we are sitting around roasting marshmallows and making s'mores. I’m sitting next to Cory and our thighs keep rubbing against each other every time either one of us moves. His close proximity has my body keyed up and the fact that I haven’t had sex in almost a year isn’t helping any. I notice him watching me in my periphery and I feel a little smug about it because he’s the reason I chose this shirt today. It’s a halter style tank that ties behind my neck. It has a built-in bra and a low cut back, leaving a lot of my skin bare. I paired it with a low rise, very short cut-off jean skirt that makes my ass look hot or at least that’s what E always said when I wore it. I don’t want to think about him, though, so I turn my thoughts to Cory and how sexy he looks. He’s wearing black low-slung board shorts and a white wife beater. His hair’s longer than he’s been wearing it and his natural curl is starting to come out. It’s tempting me, making me want to run my fingers through it and tug on it…
while his head is buried between my legs

I glance over at Cory and watch him make a s’more.  Everything he does looks effortless and sexy.
I really need to get laid!
He squeezes the two graham crackers together making all the marshmallow and chocolate ooze out the sides, before taking a big bite.

“Mmm,” he moans. “This is so good. Here, try this.” He says as he holds the remaining bite up to my mouth. I open my mouth and let him place it inside before I clasp onto the tip of his index finger with my lips and tongue and lick them clean.

“Yummy,” I say and look up at him from under my eyelashes. He’s looking at me like he wants to eat me alive and I’m perfectly okay with that. He grabs my hand and starts to walk down the beach in the opposite direction from my beach house. I don’t say a word because I’m hoping he wants the same thing I do and if I speak it might snap him out of whatever spell he’s fallen under.  We walk in silence for about ten minutes before we reach the public part of the beach. There’s a small, lifeguard station here. It almost looks like a snack shack with the wooden flaps that lift up over the windows. They’re currently closed because it’s late at night and no one’s around. The beach appears deserted for as far as I can see. Cory walks me over toward the shack, still clasping my hand with his. He spins me around, before firmly pushing my back against it. If his goal was to take me by surprise, he succeeded. My mouth is hanging open in shock and he takes advantage of it, swooping in for a heated kiss. He isn’t gentle and he’s not trying to woo me or finesse me. He’s hungrily kissing me, almost angrily and it’s driving me crazy. I want him so bad it feels as though I could die if he’s not inside me soon. I pull hard on his hair and bite his lip.

“Do you like it rough Hailey? I don’t think I can be gentle with you babe, I've wanted you for too long."

“I want rough, fuck me hard...please.” I moan out. He bites the chord on the side of my neck hard enough to make me cry out from both pain and pleasure. I reach my hands up under the hem of his shirt and lift it up over his head.  He undoes the tie holding my halter top up and pulls it down, freeing my breasts. He cups them in both his hands, rubbing my nipples with his palms, before rolling them between his index fingers and thumbs. 

“Your body is fucking perfection...I knew it would be. I can’t wait any longer Hailey.” He says as he lifts my skirt and rips my thong clear off me. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a condom before I push his board shorts down his hips, finally freeing him for my touch. I grasp him in my hand and I’m in awe at how thick and hard he is. He slides the condom on smoothing it out along his length before picking me up and pressing me against the wooden exterior of the shack. I wrap both my legs around his lean hips and squeeze my inner thighs.

“Take me, Cory,” I whisper in his ear before biting his lobe. He growls as he enters me in one hard thrust. I gasp from the shock of him firmly inside me. He pauses as if to make sure I’m ready.

“Don’t stop,” I say as I tug on his hair and squeeze my inner muscles around him.  He groans as he begins to move slowly inside me.

“You are so tight babe. I knew you would be…fucking perfect.” He’s now moving faster, slamming my back into the rough wood of the shack and I don’t even feel it. I notice how strong he is, sliding me up and down on his cock, with his hands on each side of my ass. I’ve never felt anything like this before. It’s so animalistic and raw like he can’t get enough of me. I’m gasping and moaning as my pleasure climbs and his breathing is coarse and labored in my ear. Seeing him unhinged like this is so sexy. My release comes quicker than I expected, making me tremble around him.

“Yeah babe, come around my cock.” He groans as he pumps his hips through his orgasm. He holds me there with his head on my shoulder as I savor the feeling of him still inside me. He softly kisses my neck, before releasing me to the ground. He removes the condom, tying it off and putting it in the pocket of his board shorts as he pulls them up his narrow hips. I fix my clothing to the best of my ability considering I’m not wearing underwear any longer and run my fingers through the tangles in my hair. He puts his shirt back on, takes my hand and we start back towards the bonfires. I’m not sure what to make of his silence, but I don’t know what to say either.
Thank you? When can we do this again?
I’m not sure what the right thing to say in this situation is, so I say nothing. As we come within sight of the bonfire, he stops walking and turns toward me.

“Hailey, as great as that was, we never should have done that. It shouldn't have happened.” He shakes his head as he says this.

“Cory, what are you talking about?” I ask as if he’s crazy.

“That never should have happened. Your brother will kill me if he ever finds out and you’re so much younger than me, I never should have touched you. I’m sorry, I’m not sure what got into me.”

“Cory, don’t be ridiculous. I wanted it just as much as you did. It’s sex, not a lifelong commitment. We’re both single so what’s the big deal? It. Was. Great. Sex. Why can’t we do this again?”

“Hailey, you deserve so much more than that. I’m not going to use you to scratch an itch. This was a huge mistake that we can never repeat.” And with those words, he walks off, leaving me standing there in shock. It takes me a few minutes to even grasp what just transpired, before I make my way back to the bonfire. Thankfully, Cory isn’t anywhere nearby. I’m not sure if I could control myself if I had to be close to him now. I want to kick his ass, knock some sense into him and fuck him, all at the same time. Instead, I act as though nothing is wrong and I’m having the time of my life. I think of that saying - Fake it till you make it and that’s exactly what I do.




I wake the next morning to find Kevin sleeping next to me in my bed.
What the hell?
I'm fully clothed and Shelby and Austin are on the floor so I guess it was perfectly innocent. I went to sleep before they did and knowing Shelby she probably told him to get in my bed with me. I feel awkward, even though he stayed on his own side so I jump up and head into the bathroom as quickly as possible to avoid any uncomfortable moments between us.

It's late morning by the time I make my way downstairs and most of my friends have already hit the road. I go into the kitchen to scrounge something up for breakfast and find bacon, eggs and pancakes already waiting on the counter, along with a note from my parents saying they've gone to a nearby flea market. I take a plate from the stack on the table and scoop some eggs and bacon on it, adding an already toasted bagel. I heat it up in the microwave while I make myself a cup of coffee. I’ve just sat down at the table to eat when Jake, Cindy, Cory and some girl I don’t know, walk in.

“Hey Munchkin,” Jake says leaning down to kiss me on top of my head.”

“Good morning Jakey. Hey Cindy, what are you still doing with him?” I laugh as I ask her.

“I’m using him for his hot body,” She replies with a wink. I laugh at Jake’s shocked expression.

“Somehow I think he’s okay with it,” I reply

“Oh yeah Munchkin, this is Lulu, Cory’s girlfriend.”
Excuse me? Cory? The same Cory that was balls deep in me last night?
My shocked expression must be saying everything I can’t right now because Jake steps in and smooths things over.

“Shocking...I know...right?” He laughs before continuing. “How long have you guys been together?” Cory stays silent as I mentally will him to look at me.

“We’ve been together since March,” Lulu,
What the fuck kind of name is Lulu? Does he actually call out LULU when he orgasms?
This whole situation would be
ridiculously funny if he hadn’t fucked me up against a wall last
night; not to mention, neglecting to tell me he has a girlfriend.

I can feel my heart rate starting to rise and my breathing is getting tight so I know that at any second I could go into full blown panic attack mode. I remind myself to breathe deeply and slowly as I push my chair back from the table. I grab my plate and coffee mug and place them on the counter before walking out of the kitchen. I’m sure everyone but Cory is wondering what the ever loving fuck my problem is, but I don’t really care. I focus on making it to my room without breaking down first.
Breathe in, breathe out…

        Once I’m in my room, I lock the door and throw myself on my bed. The soft white comforter is catching the tears as they run down my face and I hate that I’m crying over this bastard. He doesn’t deserve my tears and I wish that I could hold them in right now, but I feel so used after last night. I knew it was just sex, not the start of a relationship and I was fine with that. He never mentioned “Lulu” when we were walking to the lifeguard shack or before we had sex. He didn’t correct me when I mentioned that we were both single. The one thing that hurts more than anything is that he turned me into the other woman. He made me no different than that skanky cheerleader Erik had sex with. Maybe she didn’t know E had a girlfriend? There’s nothing like the shoe suddenly being on the other foot for a shot of new perspective. I always painted her as the bad guy, but I know he has culpability in this too. As this thought runs through my mind, there’s a knock on my door.

“Hailey, it’s me.”
Oh, thank fuck.
It’s just Shelby. I get up and walk over to let her in. I use my tank top to wipe my tear-stained cheeks, before opening the door. She takes one look at my face and pushes her way right in, closing the door behind her.

“What’s wrong?” She asks concerned. Shelby knows I’m not much of a crier. I save my tears for the moments that really need them.

“I just met Cory’s girlfriend Lulu,” Shelby’s jaw drops open in surprise before she quickly snaps it shut.

“That rat bastard. I’m going to kill him.” She grits her teeth and clenches her fists.

After Cory and I had sex last night, I filled Shelby in on what happened. She was of course pissed and thought he was an ass for how he acted afterward, but now she’s really fuming.

“Shelby, what am I supposed to do? I don’t want to be here watching them be all “couply” in front of me. I don’t even know how long they’ll be here for. I literally walked out of the room without saying a word to anyone. She mentioned they’ve been together since March and it was all I could do to hold it together and not implode. I felt my anxiety creeping in and I ran up here. I’m sure Jake is wondering what the hell was wrong with me, but I couldn’t stay in that room for one more second.”

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