Wanderer's Escape (25 page)

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Authors: Simon Goodson

BOOK: Wanderer's Escape
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I'm curious,” said Sal.  “How did you get the Queen Elizabeth?  Did you inherit her?”

Elizabeth smiled at them, sat back in her chair and took a deep drink of her beer.

“Well now, that's a story.  No – I didn't inherit her.  I used to wait tables in a star port dive.  Years ago, when I was young.  I wasn't stunning but I could turn a head or two, especially as I mostly wore short skirts and tight tops.  That got me a lot more tips, though a lot more hassle too.

Then one day there's this guy in there drinking.  Casual looking, cleaner than most in that place.  Had a man mountain sitting next to him
– could only be a bodyguard.  I get him his drinks a few times then he asks me when I finish.  If I'd like to join him for a drink.  I'm a little uncertain but he seems OK, kinda good looking.  I figure why not.  My shift ended half hour before anyway so I join him straight away.

Pretty soon he's got me drinking the hard stuff.  Cocktails with Vodka, Gin, Whisky and god knows what else.  Glasses of champagne too.  He says he's heading off to the casino, would I like to go?  His shout he says, and I can keep what I win.

I'm young, carefree, and this is the most excitement I'd had in months.  I say yes.  We get in his car – a limo no less – and head to the casino.  Now this is where I expect him to get frisky, hands everywhere and pushing his luck.  He doesn't.  He keeps charming me, telling me how beautiful I am, but behaves like a gentlemen.  I'm almost disappointed when we reach the casino.  I'd have quite liked a bit of fun in the back of a limo.

So the casino.  More drinks, lots of games of chance.  Then we end up in a private room at the back and he makes his proposal.  He really likes me he says.  Really, really.  Wants me so bad he's fit to burst.  I'm expecting him to say he wants me on the poker table right there, and I'm pretty sure I'll say yes.  What he actually says totally throws me.  He wants to gamble.  Best of eleven games of Cartash
– a form of poker, one we'd been playing earlier and I'd done pretty well at.  If I win I get money.  A huge amount of money.  I'm talking several billion here, enough to buy a ship – and that's a dream I've had for years without any hope of achieving it.  Then there's the catch.  If I lose I get to walk out with twenty thousand, still twice what I earn in a year.  I get to walk out in the morning.  If he wins then he gets to have me all night.  Nothing kinky, nothing painful, just normal sex.  I wonder if he's joking – about the stakes if I win and the stakes if he does – till a lawyer walks in with a contract to sign.  Casino manager is there too, and he swears on a secure recording to make good if Mr Rich doesn't.

I kinda get it then.  Mr Rich could have me quite easily, I'd taken a liking to him and
screwing him in the limo or a plush hotel suite would have been fun.  He knows that too.  He wants the control, the feeling of having won me.  Of having owned me for the night.  Twenty thousand if I lose is good money, but I know I'll hate myself for it.  Sleeping with him now would feel shitty.

But if I won... the money was crazy.  I could live my dream, buy a ship.  I'm pretty damn drunk too which clouds my judgement.  I say yes, sign the contract, and we sit down to start playing.  This variation of poker is for two people.  You take turns to be the dealer.  I start.

It's still pretty early in the evening but we've been knocking back drinks since lunchtime.  Thinking about it I've been knocking back a lot more than him.  I start to realise he's done this before, probably loads of times.  Gets the girl drunk so she's gonna make mistakes.  I lose the first three games and realise it's more than that.  His money is never at risk cos he cheats.  A lot.  He must be running inserts calculating all the odds, telling him the ideal move, tracking the cards.  He can't lose the bet.

Let me rephrase that.  He can't lose the bet in an honest game.  Bad news for him is that I can cheat better than him.  While he's running his numbers I start slipping cards off the deck while I shuffle them.  I'd spent months working a casino as a dealer.  Not cheating the punters.  The casino taught us how to cheat though
– so we can spot every trick that might be used on us.

So I win four of the next five games.  He pretty soon realises
what I'm doing, but he can't catch me at it and he can't say anything without giving away his own cheating.  That's the only way he can know I'm not being incredibly lucky. So now it's four each, three games to play.  I win the next and consider letting him win one more, drawing it out to the final game.  Giving him some hope. Then I think screw it and nail him into the floor with the next hand.

He looks like he's going to have a heart attack as I win.  For a moment I can see him considering refusing to pay up, then he realises he's stuck.  Caught by his own contract.  We both stand and he nods to me, congratulates me.  I move close to him, smiling, press my body against his then whisper in his ear. 
Next time pay for a whore you arsehole
I say. 
We slutty waitresses are too damn good for you

He moves to hit me, damn lucky for him his bodyguard stopped him.  He's outta there almost straight away leaving his lawyer, and a bank manager turns up from somewhere.  Suddenly I'm absolutely loaded.  Next day I started the search for a ship.  Late the next day.  One of the waiters in the casino was damn sexy.  We hired a limo and spent the night screwing in the back, it turned out to be every bit as good as I expected.

She settled back with a satisfied smile.  Jess knew his cheeks were red, Sal was laughing delightedly and Ali was grinning too, though she had a slight flush at the explicit ending.  Jess tried hard not to meet her eyes.

“Did you ever see him again?” asked Sal.

No, though I heard he tried his tricks a couple more times that month.  I'd put the word round though – I could certainly afford to.  Everyone working in a bar or restaurant or anywhere else he'd be likely to hit on knew his game.  One girl he picked up had a great time at his expense, then laughed in his face when he suggested the bet.  The other turned round and told him she knew she'd lose, she thought he was really cute so they might as well go straight to bed.  Completely ruined it for him apparently, he was out the club and into his limo in under a minute.  Leaving her with all the chips he and she had left.  She quickly cashed them in. Went on a year-long cruise with the proceeds, apparently.  Never heard of him after that, he most probably tried his luck in a different area or on a different planet.  Or we shook him up enough he saw a shrink and got himself straightened out.  Somehow I doubt it though.

So you know my history.  Some of it at least.  And you know what I want.  Question is, do you want my help?  Do you trust me
– and I'll completely understand if you don't after what you've been through.”

Do you want to stay?” asked Sal.  “At least till you can get a ship?”

Yes.  Yes I do.  I like you, I like what you're planning.  I've never been that happy about slaves but couldn't do anything about it, at least that's what I told myself.  Spending some time wearing one of those collars made me think a lot.  I want my own ship and when I get that I want to go back to my old life – flying, trading, enjoying life.  I'll look at things differently though, watch for chances to help reduce slavery – even if it's just dropping a word into the right ear.  Until then I'd love the chance to help you out and teach you to look after yourselves.”

That's good enough for me,” said Sal.  “You tried to warn us when the robots were being delivered, just about got yourself killed for doing it too.  I trust you.”

I agree,” said Jess.  “Without your warning those robots would have been even closer to the ship when they attacked.  We might easily have been overwhelmed, lost the ship.”

Me too,” added Ali.  “You helped us survive the tar pit too, even though it meant destroying your own ship.”

Looks like I'm part of the team.”  Elizabeth smiled at them all, then took a deep breath and became serious again.  “I appreciate that and I hate to do this to you but... you need a reality check.

First off, getting any prisoners out from Iona will be tough, no matter how good those robots are when the ship rebuilds them.  You ask for a select few prisoners and you give away a huge advantage.  Those prisoners immediately become hostages, giving the station power over you.  And when you're busting them out other prisoners will try to get free too
– maybe shoving those you want to save out the way to do it.

So you need to plan for getting all the prisoners.  That's going to be a nightmare to organise, there will probably be thousands.  There's no way this ship can take that many.  You've told me it will change as it takes on resources, that it can grow larger.  Can it grow enough to take thousands of passengers though?  Even if only for a short while.  And if it can, how do you get them off.  They'll be spread out across the station.  Airlock corridors are limited in size.  The flow through one is slow.  You really need shuttles, lots of them.  Send them to multiple locations and bring the prisoners out in small groups.

Next... you aren't going to save everyone.  And you aren't going to do this without blood on your hands, some of it from the prisoners you're trying to save.  Bastards in charge overall will be ruined if you pull out all the prisoners, they'll fight to the last.  They'll even send prisoners at you using some cock and bull story to convince them to fight.  You need to get your message to the prisoners and the lower grades of employees.  Make them realise that the only thing you want is to free the slaves and get clear.  Then they'll be less likely to fight, or fight so hard.

More bad news
– you ain't gonna fix anything.  Yeah you'll free these slaves, but the station will just get more.  They may start by making the current managers slaves for their failure, but the rest of the replacements will be ordinary folk, just more slaves.  If you destroy the station then it's markets will still be there.  Another complex will set up, complete with new slaves, or existing ones will step up their production, which again means more slaves.

Lastly you'll be making some damn powerful enemies.  If they find out where the slaves are returned to they'll follow and enslave everyone, destroy everything.  All to make a point.  There'll be a price on your heads so large you'll consider turning yourselves in.

Sorry, but like I said – I spent a lot of time thinking about this while I was a prisoner.  You want to stop slavery?  Topple the Empire, put something in its place that is just and will outlaw slavery.”

Jess and the others sat stony faced.  Jess's stomach felt like it had sunk through the floor.  Sal looked shocked and Ali was close to tears.

“Hey, it's not all bad,” said Elizabeth.  “OK it's tough, but we can crack it.  And we might not stop slavery as a whole but you'll be making an amazing difference to those you do rescue.  Best thing is to tackle it in small steps.  First off get this ship patched up then see how much space it can create.  Then we can work on the next part of the plan.



Chapter Twenty Two

To Jess's relief the ship held together till they reached their destination and identified a suitable asteroid.  He'd managed to coax the ship into getting one laser working.  Settling the ship only twenty metres from the asteroid he set to work vaporising small sections of the asteroid which the ship could use its fields to retrieve.  It was painfully slow going to begin with, and he had to balance shoring up the structure of the ship with trying to speed up the mining operation.  Having the ship sat so close meant using the laser sparingly, a lesson he learnt the hard way when superheated vapour crashed into the shields, nearly overwhelming them.

Elizabeth's idea of creating independent shuttles for the prisoner rescue had stuck with him.  Now he found himself thinking in new ways about the problems they faced.  The ship needed significant repairs and rebuilding before he could mine from farther away, but a small drone craft was another matter.  While the critical hull repairs were completed he linked to the ship and refined the idea.  He soon realised that one drone wasn't going to work and shifted to the idea of using three.  Each drone was essentially just an engine and a shield projector.  Soon he moved the ship several hundred metres out from the asteroid and deployed the three drones.

“What's wrong?” asked Sal.  “Do we need to stop mining?”

Watch this!” Jess replied, grinning.

Bringing up a display showing the asteroid and the drones he fired the mining laser, letting it run far longer than had been possible while close in to the asteroid.  Vaporised rock jetted out and he used the three drones to create a triangular tunnel, each drone projecting one side.  The vapour rushed down the tunnel towards the ship.  His grin faded to embarrassment as almost all the vapour escaped through the sides of the tunnel, through small gaps where the shields overlapped.  Sal and Ali fell about laughing, pointed at his face then laughed even harder.  He scowled at them.

“Ignore them!” Elizabeth said, standing behind him and putting a hand on his shoulder.  “You didn't get it quite right but that's a great idea.  You just need to tighten them up a bit.  You should actually be able to embed the shields in each other slightly – that'll prevent any losses.”

Thanks.  Let me try that...”

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