Wanting You (11 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: Wanting You
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“Katie! Please open the door. I need to borrow your...”


The door opens before I can finish.


“Jay?” I say surprised.


“Shhh.” He says walking out of Katie's room in just his boxers. “She's sleeping. What do you want Tamia?” He whispers.


“I need to borrow Katie's car.” I respond.


“Shit Tamia! Do you know how late it is?”


“I know. I'm sorry, but I have to see Kellen.”


“Shit! Wait right here.” He disappears back into her room then returns.


“Here take mine.” He says handing over his keys. ”Be careful.”


“Thank you!” I say hugging him, then I quickly remember he's half naked.


“You're welcome. Now go.”


I leave Jay standing at Katie's door and I walk into the kitchen and open the drawer containing Katie's spare keys to Kellen's apartment. I grab them and head out the front door.


~ ~ ~





After I left Tamia, I went straight home and did everything possible to get her off my mind from watching TV, cleaning, and now studying. Maybe I should have waited on her to contact me, because now that I saw her all I wanted to do was touch her, hold her, kiss her, and love her. Since I have an early class in the morning, I close my laptop and decide to call it a night. I strip down to my boxers, cut my lamp off and get into bed, and I grab my phone deciding to send Tamia a quick text:


You're probably asleep, but I wanted to say I love you and good night.


I put my phone away and close my eyes and attempt to fall asleep. As soon as I do, I hear my front door to my apartment close. I quickly get out of bed and pull on a pair of sweat pants and I cautiously walk to the front. As soon as I turn the corner leading me into the kitchen. I see her.


“What the fuck are you doing in my apartment Ashley?”


“Well hello to you too Kellen.” She says with a smile. “Remember, the next time when you ever allow someone to live with you and things don't work out, make sure you ask for the keys back or change the locks.”


“Fuck!” I say to myself running my hands down my face. “You didn't answer my question Ashley.” I say through gritted teeth. “What are you doing here?”


“We need to talk.” She responds.


“Is it that important that you couldn't wait until tomorrow? It's late Ashley!”


She just stands there with her arms folded across her chest looking at me.


“Look Ashley, if you have nothing to say, I'm going to have to ask you to...”


“I'm pregnant Kellen.”


“You're what!”


“I'm pregnant.” She says in a calm voice.


“How is that possible when we used condoms every time?”


“Well Kellen condoms can break.”


“What about the guy you cheated on me with?” I question.


“We used condoms also, and it's a possibility. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow to find out how far along I am, and that will help me determine if it's yours or his.”


I sit down at the table in my kitchen trying to process all this information. After everything Tamia and I have been through, it's a possibility I may be a father.


“Kellen I know we're not together, but if it's yours...”


“If what's yours?”


I turn my head in the direction of the voice and find Tamia standing in the doorway of my kitchen.


“What is she doing here Kellen?”


“Tamia baby, I can explain.” I say standing to my feet.


“Hey Tamia.” Ashley interrupts. “I guess it's only fair that you know what's going on since you are his girlfriend.”


I reach my hand out to touch Tamia, but she pulls away from me. “What is she talking about Kellen?”


“Tamia, come here.” I say in a pleading voice. “It's not important right now. Ashley was just leaving.” I say walking to her.


“Kellen are you kidding me? So you don't think it's important that she knows that you're going to be a father!”


~ ~ ~





A father?


This can't be happening. I start to feel dizzy, and in the back of my mind I'm hoping that everything that was going on was a dream.


“Tamia.” I hear Kellen say my name.
I guess I'm not dreaming.


I turn my attention from Ashley to him and I'm looking at his face to see if I can see any signs that would tell me that what Ashley revealed was a lie, but all I see is hurt in his eyes.


“You're pregnant?” I finally get out, looking in Ashley's direction again.


“Yes I am, and Kellen is the father.”


Before I knew it Kellen is standing in front of me and blocking my view from Ashley.


“Baby. Listen to me...”


Without a second thought I slap Kellen so hard across the face. I shake my hand trying to relieve the sting I feel from hitting him.  He's staring at me now, while holding the side of his face not expecting what I just did.


“We're done!” I say through gritted teeth.


I storm out the kitchen and out the front door. I can hear Kellen yelling my name, but I ignore him and start to run until I reach Jay's Range Rover. I get in and start it up and I put it in reverse. I look in my rear view mirror and see Kellen coming in my direction. I put the car in drive, then press on the gas pedal hard. My vision is blurring due to my tears, and I'm so distraught that I don't notice the stop sign ahead of me, until it's too late. I feel the impact before I can register what's going on. The Range Rover spins several times before it comes to a complete stop.


“TAMIA!” I hear Kellen yelling my name, and that's the last thing I hear before I see nothing but darkness.

Chapter 13

Please Be Okay





“Somebody call an ambulance!” I yell as loud as I can. “Tamia, can you hear me?” I scream while banging on the driver side door. I try opening the door but its jammed shut from the impact caused from the other vehicle. I peer through the cracked window and see Tamia knocked out. “Tamia!” I yell again.


“Kellen! What’s going on?” I hear someone yell.


I turn around and see Tyson running in my direction. “Call an ambulance!” I shout at him.


Without a word, Tyson turns around and starts jogging back to his apartment.


I turn my attention to the other vehicle and see the driver being tended to by others standing around. The driver seemed fine, but a little shaken up. I jog around to the passenger side and try opening the door, but it’s locked. “Shit!” I scream in frustration.


“Kellen an ambulance is on the way. Here let me help you. I grabbed my bat on the way out.”


I stepped away and watched Tyson take several swings at the passenger window until he breaks it. As soon as he steps away, I rush over and reach inside to unlock the door. I swing it open and quickly get in to check on Tamia.


“Whatever you do Kellen, don’t move her. We don’t know if she has any broken bones.” I hear Tyson say behind me.


I gently touch Tamia’s face and whisper her name. I lean forward and gently kiss her lips. “I’m so sorry baby. Please wake up.” I examine her face and see a small cut above her left eyebrow, and a bump on her forehead. I hear sirens in the background getting closer. The inside of the car turns red, caused by the flashing red lights, signaling to me that help was finally here.


“Sir, I have to ask you to get out so we can check on her.”


I turn around and see a firefighter. I get out and begin pacing back and forth while watching the EMTs, and firefighters tend to Tamia.


“Man I’m sure she will be alright.” I hear Tyson say next to me.


“She has to be.” I stop pacing. “This shit is all my fault.”


We both stand there watching the police, EMTs, and firefighters around us.




I turn around and see Ashley standing several steps away. The sight of her brought back all anger that I was feeling from when she showed up at my apartment unannounced tonight. I take several steps towards her, but I’m held back by Tyson.


“Get the fuck out of here Ashley! Haven’t you done enough tonight?”


“Kellen, calm down man.” I hear Tyson behind me.


I’m staring Ashley down, and she’s showing no signs of emotion. With one final look at me, she turns around and walks away. Tyson releases his hold on me and we both turn our attention back to where Tamia is. Two EMTs are rolling over a stretcher, while three others gently remove Tamia from the front seat. I attempted to run over and see her, but I’m stopped by a cop.


“That’s my girlfriend!”


“I understand sir, but please allow them to get her secured on the stretcher and into the ambulance. You’re more than welcome to follow behind them. I’m sorry but its policy.”


I nod my head letting him know I understood, and I watch as they strap Tamia to the stretcher.


“Miss can you hear me?” I hear the EMT ask her. “If you can, squeeze my hand. Okay that’s good. Now what’s your name?”


I’m listening to all that’s going on
. She’s awake
, I think to myself.


“Okay Tamia.” The EMT continues. “We’re taking you to the hospital to make sure you’re alright.”


I push my way pass the cop making my way to Tamia, but I’m halted when he grabs my arm. “Sir I told you that you can follow.” I snatch my arm out his grasp.


“Kellen come on. I’ll take you.” Tyson says.


I stand there watching them load Tamia into the ambulance. As soon as they close the doors, Tyson and I make our way to his BMW. We hop in and follow the ambulance.


~ ~ ~


When we get to the hospital, we’re asked to wait in the waiting room. I take that time and text my sister, Tasha and Jay. I knew I should call her parents, but at this moment, I didn’t have a clue to what I would say. I close my eyes and lean forward in my chair. Resting my elbows on my knees, I put my face in my hands and wait. Several minutes later I feel someone brushing their fingers through my hair. I look up and see Katie.


“Kellen I’m so sorry.” She says kneeling down in front of me and embraces me in a hug. I return the hug, holding her tight. “Do you want to talk about it?” She asks.


“I’ve really fucked up this time Katie.”


Katie pulls away and looks me in the eyes. “What happened?”


“Fuck.” I whisper coming to my feet.


“Kellen you’re scaring me. Tell me what’s going on!”


“Ashley is pregnant!”


“Are you sure?”


“I guess! She came by the apartment tonight saying she needs to talk to me, then she tells me that she’s pregnant. Tamia shows up and.” I pause for a few moments. “Ashley tells her that she’s pregnant and that I’m the father.”


“Kellen please tell me that you’re kidding.”


“I wish I could.” I say staring at my sister. “Tamia didn’t allow me to explain myself. Instead she ran out on me. I tried to stop her but it was too late.”


“The car accident.” Katie says taking a seat.


I watch as the color drains from my sister’s face.


“Kellen do you realize that Tamia could have been seriously hurt?”


“I know.” I say looking away.


“Parking is ridiculous.” Jay says coming into the waiting room. “Here are your keys Katie. How’s Tamia doing?”


“We’re still waiting to hear from the doctor.” Katie responds “Have you talked to Tasha?”


“No, I sent her a text before coming in. So what happened?”


“I’ll tell you about it later.” Katie says coming to her feet and gives Jay a hug.


“Excuse me. I’m looking for the party here for Miss Smith?”


“That would be us.” I say walking in the doctor’s direction. “How is she?”


“Tamia is fine, but we’re going to keep her overnight. She hit her head pretty hard so we’ll monitor her and make sure she’s not suffering from a concussion. She has a few scratches but other than that she will be fine.


“Can we see her?” Katie asks beside me.


“Well that would depend. May I ask which one of you is Kellen?”


“That would be me.” I speak up.


“Well Kellen, Tamia has requested not to see you.”


“She just needs to let me explain what happened. What room is she in?”


“Kellen I’m sorry but my patients are my top priority. She says she doesn’t want to see you.”


I’m looking at the doctor feeling like I’m about to lose control. I ball my fists up, wanting to hit something.


“I know this is tough.” The doctor continues. “Go home and get some rest. She’ll be fine. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to check on other patients.”


I close my eyes trying to calm myself.


“Come on Kellen. There’s nothing else you can do. Is Tyson still here or do you need a ride?” Katie asks.


“He dropped me off. I told him I would find a way home.”


“Okay, well Jay and I can take you home. Come on.” Katie says tugging on my arm. “I’ll come by first thing in the morning to check on her.”


That night I left the hospital feeling useless and empty inside. Useless because I couldn’t’ do anything about the situation I put Tamia in, and empty because the one that I loved was laying in a hospital bed, not wanting anything to do with me.


~ ~ ~


The next day I wake up to the sound of Katie’s voice.


“Kellen wake up! She’s leaving!”


I sit up, trying to comprehend what she was saying. After Jay dropped me off last night, I found myself taking shots of tequila until I passed out. Squinting my eyes I look at my sister. “Who’s leaving?” I mumble.




“What do you mean?” I look at her confused.


“Her parents came by our apartment this morning and packed up some of her things. Kellen I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t think she’s coming back!”


“Okay Katie slow down. Tell me what happened.”


“Well they came by early this morning to get some of her things. They said they flew in late last night, and they were taking Tamia back to Georgia, so she could recuperate from the accident. They are flying out first thing tomorrow morning, and they’re staying at the Sullivan Hotel tonight, just in case we want to come by to check on her before they fly out.


“Shit!” I say getting out of bed. “What time is it?”




“And you’re just now telling me this?” I shout.


“I tried calling you several times today. Don’t get pissed with me! I didn’t have to come all the way over here to tell you this. Remember you’re the one who fucked up! Not me!”


“You’re right, and I’m sorry.” I say looking at my sister. “Do you know what room she’s in at the hotel?”


“Yeah, but I’m not letting you leave here looking like this.” She says looking me up and down. “You look like shit!”


“I feel like it.” I say running my hands through my hair. “I’m going to shower and head over to the hotel.”


“What if she refuses to see you, like last night?”


“I don’t know. I’ll have to keep trying until she hears what I have to say. I’m not going to allow her to give up on us, especially when we don’t know if Ashley is really pregnant, or if it’s mine. I’m not giving up. I love her too damn much.”


~ ~ ~




“No mom I’m fine, you don’t have to check on me. I’m right next door to you guys. If I need you I’ll come knocking I promise.”


(Knock Knock)


“Hold on mom, someone’s knocking on my door. I think its room service bringing me my soup.” I walk over to the door and open it, not even looking to see who it was. I turn my back and walk further into my room, and I continue my conversation with my mom.


“What time are we meeting downstairs tomorrow morning?” I ask my mom. I hear the door to my hotel room shut and I finally turn around to give my attention to who I thought was the hotel’s room service attendant, to find Kellen standing there. “Mom. I have to go. No everything is fine. I’m going to eat and take my medicine and head to bed. Love you too mom. Goodnight.” Then I end the call with my mom, and bring my attention to Kellen. “How did you know I was staying here?”


“Your mom.” He responds. “She told Katie you were staying here this morning when she and your dad went to your apartment to grab a couple of your things.”


“I should have known she would tell Katie. I’m sorry you drove all this way to see me, but I want you to leave Kellen. I have nothing to say to you.”


I walk passed him and make my way to the door. I open it, waiting on him to get the clue that I didn’t want him here. He walks in my direction, but instead of going out the door, he closes the door while my hand is still on the knob. He moves closer to me until my back is pressed against the door. He lowers his head until I can feel his lips touch my ear.

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