Wanting You (9 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: Wanting You
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Something's Wrong







I hear someone yelling. Was it coming from inside the bedroom? No it was more from a distance.
I try turning over, but I can't because someone is on top of me.
I think smiling to myself. 


“Tamia! Young lady I'm trying to prevent from coming up these stairs! Answer me when I'm calling you!” I hear Tamia's mom yelling.




I'm wide awake now. “Tamia, baby wake up.” I say trying to nudge her awake.


“Hmmm?” She says squirming awake. She lifts her head from my chest and smiles down at me.


“Good morning.” She says seductively, then leans forward to kiss me.


“Tamia! That's it! I'm trying to leave to get your dad from the hospital, but you have me yelling in my own house trying to get your attention! I don't have time for this!” Mrs. Smith yells, now stomping up the stairs.


“Shit!” Tamia says bolting off of me. She quickly grabs her clothes that she left by the door and quickly dresses, then she's out the door before her mom can make it all the way up.


I lay there with my hands over my face, thinking about how we almost just got caught.


“Good morning mom!” I hear Tamia in the hallway.  “I was in the bathroom, sorry.” She lied.


“Well it's about time. I've been calling your name for a while now. Anyways I'm about to head out and get your dad from the hospital. Breakfast is downstairs and please wash all the dishes in the sink for me before your father and I get back. That would be a great help.”


“No problem mom, we'll take care of it. Do you need me to help you with anything else?”


“No I think that's about it. Once I get back, I may need you to go to the grocery store for me. I'm sure your dad will have a list of things he can and cannot eat.”


“Okay just let me know mom.”


“Okay honey, I'm gone. I'll see you and Kellen when I get back.” I hear Mrs. Smith's footsteps go down the stairs, then I hear the front door close. Then a second later, Tamia reappears closing the door behind her and leans against it with a huge smile on her face.


“That was so close.” She says.


“Yeah I know.” I say with a light laugh.


“Well I guess I'll go back to my room and shower and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast.” She says turning to leave.


“Wait a minute Tamia.” I say halting her steps. “Aren't you forgetting something?” I say getting out of bed still completely naked. I watch as Tamia's eyes roam slowly over my body, and her eyes widen when she sees my morning erection. “See something you want?” I ask causing her eyes to meet mine.


“Um.” She says shaking her head. “What did I forget?” She asks breathless.


“This.” I say capturing her lips in a hungry kiss. I grab her hand and place it on my erection. “Are you going to leave me like this?” I say now kissing her neck. “How about we finish this in the shower.” I say pulling her away from the door.


“Kellen, you are trouble with the capital 'T'.”


“Well Tamia, let's see how many other names you can come up with after I have you screaming my name.”


~ ~ ~




Several screams later. Kellen and I finally make it downstairs and enjoy the breakfast my mom cooked. We wash all dishes and cleaned up all other needed areas in the house. I'm putting away the vacuum when I hear the front door close.


“Tamia! We're home!” My mom yells.


I close the closet and make my way toward the front of the house and can't help but to smile when I see my dad standing there as if he was coming home from a vacation and not the hospital. He looked that good.


“Are you going to just stand there? Where's my hug baby girl?” My dad asks.


“Hey dad.” I say embracing him and kissing him on the cheek. “Welcome home.”


“Well it's good to be home, sweetheart.” He says staring behind me. “You must be Kellen.” My dad says walking around me to greet Kellen.


“Mr. Smith.” Kellen says extending his hand, and my dad accepts it. ”It's nice to meet you sir.”


“Well it's nice to finally meet the guy that's been putting a smile on my daughter's face.” He says squeezing Kellen's hand a little tighter. “Let's keep it that way young man.” My dad says staring directly in Kellen's eye.


“Of course sir.” Kellen says withdrawing his hand. “


“Daddy, be nice.” I say coming to stand beside Kellen. “How about you go into the den and watch TV. I think there's a football game on.”


“Yeah, Yeah.” My dad responds heading to the den. ”Kellen you want to join me?”


Kellen turns and looks in my direction.


“Go ahead.” I whisper to him.


“Come on young man, she isn't going anywhere. Come and take a load off.” My dad calls from the den.


“Wish me luck.” He says, then he walks off to the den.


I head into the kitchen and catch my mom looking through the cabinets.              


“Need any help?”


“No I'm almost done. I'm just trying to see what all I need to get from the grocery store.” My mom responds.


“Well, when you're ready let me know. I think it will be you and me going, since Kellen and dad are watching a football game.”


“Okay, give me just a minute.” She says from behind the refrigerator door.


“I'm going to grab my purse, be back.” I say leaving the kitchen, and I run up the stairs.


When I get to my room, I quickly grab my purse and cellphone. As I'm getting ready to head downstairs, I hear Kellen's phone going off in his room. Thinking nothing of it, I continue to make my way down, when it starts ringing again. I decide that whoever was calling, it must be important, so I turn around and walk up the few stairs until I get to his room. I open the door and see his phone laying on the bed. As soon as I step foot inside, it chirps, alerting that he has a missed text message. I walk over and pick it up and I see that he has 6 missed calls and 3 unread text messages. My heart drops when I see they're all from Ashley. I'm staring down at the phone in my shaking hand, and I swipe my thumb across the bottom of the screen to open and view the text messages, but it immediately prompts me to enter a passcode.


“Shit!” I whisper to myself. “Why is she contacting him?”


I lay the phone back down on the bed and stare at it trying to figure out what to do next.
I could ask Kellen about it, but then he'll know I was trying to go through his phone.
Taking a deep breath and releasing it, I decide that there wasn't anything I could do at this point, and hoping and praying that it was nothing to be concerned about.


I walk out his room and go downstairs to meet my mom. Before I can make it to the final steps, I'm halted by the sound of Kellen's phone going off again.


“Ready?” My mom asks coming out the kitchen.


“Um yeah.” I say. “Let me see if the guys need anything, and I'll meet you in the car.”


“Ok sweetie, I'll be in the car waiting.” My mom says walking out the door.


I make my way to the den and find my dad and Kellen engrossed in a conversation about the game that was currently playing.


“Mom and I are going to the store.” I interrupt. “Do you guys need anything?”


“I'm good baby girl. Kellen?” My dad responds.


“I'm good baby.” He smiles, then turns his attention back to the TV.


“I went upstairs to grab my purse a minute ago, and heard your phone going off several times Kellen. You may want to check it. To make sure it's not an emergency.”


“Okay.” He says not taking his eyes off the TV. “I'll go up in a minute and grab it when I call my dad to see what time our flight leaves out tomorrow.”


“Alright, we'll be right back.”


~ ~ ~




At halftime, I make my way upstairs to get my phone to call my dad. I pick my phone up and press the button to light my screen up.


“What the fuck!” I say to myself.


I look down at the screen and see that I had a total of 10 missed calls and 7 missed text messages, and most of them were from Ashley. I sit down on the bed and enter my passcode, and begin scrolling through my messages. There was a group text from Katie, then the rest were all from Ashley. I first click on the group text:


Hey guys! Guess who is turning 21 this weekend? Tamia!!!!  We so need to throw her a surprise party.


I so agree. Once we get back to campus tomorrow we need to plan ASAP.


I'll be the stripper. LMAO. Kellen I was kiddin' man if you're reading. But yeah let the planning begin.


Boy you are so crazy!




After reading the group text I close it, because at this moment my mind is trying to figure out why Ashley keeps calling and texting me. When we broke up we agreed we would try and remain friends. Friends text each other right?  But the shit she was texting me, told me she wanted to be more than that. I scroll through my phone again and pull up the texts sent by Ashley. The first text.


Kellen I miss you. I know we both fucked up, I've forgiven you since then, I hope you did the same for me.


Second text:

Can we start over?


Third Text:

I miss you.


Then the last several texts consisted of naked pictures of Ashley and others of me and her when we were together.


I close out the texts and delete every single one of them. “This shit is getting out of hand.” I say to myself. I scroll through my contact list and find my dad's number and I call to get flight information. After I end the call, I cut my phone off and toss it on the pillow. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. Then I close my eyes.


~ ~ ~




My mom and I walk into the house from our trip to the grocery store. I lay the bags that I have in my hands on the counter and go to the den to check on Kellen.


“Hey daddy. Where's Kellen?”


“Hey sweetie.” He says watching the game. “At half time, he went upstairs, and never returned.”


“Okay, thanks. I'll go upstairs and check on him.”


“Okay, let him know that the third quarter is about to end. Touchdown!” He yells. “Yes!” He continues to cheer.


I leave the den and head upstairs. When I get to his room I find Kellen laying on his bed fast asleep.


“Kellen.” I say walking closer to him. When I don't get a response, I gently nudge his knee, and he slowly opens his eyes and looks at me.


“Hey, are you feeling okay?” I ask concerned.


He stretches and sits up. “Yeah I'm fine, I had a slight headache, but I'm good now.”


I walk closer to him, and run my hands through his hair.


“My dad said the third quarter was about to end, if you wanted to head back downstairs to catch the rest of the game.”

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