Warped Passages (78 page)

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Authors: Lisa Randall

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flavor-changing interactions 273–4, 276, 340, 348
flavor-symmetric actions 348
, 176, 177–8, 349
Flynn, Jonathan 227–8
force lines 371, 395, 424
force-carrying gauge bosons 79–80,
distance and energy dependence 221, 222, 227, 228, 246
and string theory 69
symmetry and 197–201, 202
trapped by branes 55, 57, 59, 62
unification of 270,
, 404, 406, 413
see also
electromagnetism; gravity; strong force; weak force
four dimensions
the Standard Model 71
three dimensions of space and one of time 107
four spatial dimensions 16
Kaluza’s proposal 34
see also
five dimensions
free fall 97–9,
, 108–9
Freedman, Dan 262
Friedman, Jerry 174
Friedman-Kendall-Taylor deep inelastic scattering experiment 173–4, 287


Gabrielse, Gerry 161
galaxies 113, 279
Galileo Galilei 86, 97, 339
Galison, Peter 90
gamma rays 101
Gamow, George 10, 77
Garcia-Bellido, Juan 432n
Gardner, Martin:
Annotated Alice
gauge bosons
, 156, 177, 198, 404
brane-bound 323, 327, 365, 389, 405
in the bulk 405
and supersymmetry 346, 347
interactions 201, 208, 231, 323
intrinsic spin 281, 323
and mass 208–9, 210, 213–20, 241–2, 245, 247, 249, 251, 254, 324–5,
, 394
polarizations 197, 209, 217;
see also
and symmetry 197, 200–201
weak gauge bosons
gaugino mediation 347–8
gauginos 263, 345–6, 350
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 104–5, 106
Geiger, Hans 126–7
Gell-Mann, Murray 171, 172, 176, 228n
general relativity 58, 85–6, 95–114,
and black holes 67, 112
and brane-worlds 83
and curvature of spacetime 103
fails when applied to tiny length scales 278
and a fourth dimension 34
and GPS 84–5, 113
and quantum mechanics 278–83, 301
and special relativity 94
and string theory 68, 95
tests of 100–102
generations 175–6, 177
geodesics 108–9, 111
differential 106, 108
Euclid’s five fundamental postulates 104
five-dimensional 388,
, 390
higher-dimensional 343–4, 387
non-Euclidean 104–7
spacetime 110, 111, 112, 309, 478n32
warped geometry, RS1, RS2
Georgi, Howard 68, 233–8, 270, 296
Georgi-Glashow Grand Unification symmetry group 476n22
Giudice, Gian 346
Glashow, Sheldon 68, 163, 168–9, 217, 233–8, 270, 296
Gliozzi, Ferdinando 262
Global Positioning System (GPS) 84–5, 111
gluinos 263, 269, 478n30
gluons 156, 171, 173, 174, 182, 200–201, 232, 378–9,
, 404
Goldberger, Walter 402, 403, 404
Golden, Mitch 187, 188
Gol’fand, Y.A. 259n, 261
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 222, 233–8, 239, 241, 246
Georgi-Glashow paper (1974) 235–6
the hierarchy problem in 243–6
and the Hoøava-Witten brane-world 332
proton decay prediction 236–7
and RS1 404–7
scale mass 247, 248
and string theory 293, 301
gravitational constant 145, 187, 398
gravitational field lines 424–5,
gravitational fields 153
and general relativity 109, 278
localized near a brane
and the spacetime fabric 107, 109, 111, 114
see also
ADD; locally localized gravity; RS1; RS2
gravitational force law 42–6, 86–8, 145, 251, 279, 281, 367, 370, 373, 374, 376, 429, 430, 439, 443
with extra dimensions 42–8
gravitational lensing 102
gravitational mass 96
gravitational redshift 100, 101
gravitino 262
graviton 148, 281, 302, 327, 366, 377, 398, 416, 442
and supersymmetry 262
higher-dimensional 378, 387, 392–3,
, 398
and high-energy interactions 281, 282, 288
and anomaly-mediation 344–5
intrinsic spin 281
KK partners 377–80, 387, 413, 428–32
localized 421–8, 445
mass 442–3
massless 170, 442, 443
probability function 391, 392,
, 393, 395, 400, 407, 410, 416n, 423–4,
, 425, 427, 431, 438, 442, 479n35
and acceleration 86, 87, 96–7, 100, 101, 102–3, 109
and brane-worlds 327–8
and branes 51, 58, 59, 61, 327, 333
and curved space 6, 17
Earth and 86, 87, 98–9
five-dimensional 411, 412, 443
four-dimensional 34, 370, 371, 398, 422, 423, 429, 431, 434, 439, 440, 441–2, 443
higher-dimensional 251–2, 369, 372, 374, 379, 380, 381, 384
inverse square law 43, 45, 46, 145, 279
localized (RS2) 427–8, 432, 436–7, 438, 443
locally localized 437–44
and mass 96, 279
Newtonian (classical) 86–8, 109, 112, 145, 380, 473n8
and Planck scale energy
, 145, 149, 280, 479n34
and Planck scale length 35, 279–80
and Planck scale mass 249, 371–2
and quantum mechanics 80, 279–81, 293, 294, 295
quantum theory of 145, 282, 301, 316
relating higher-and lower-dimensional gravity 369, 370–71, 374
and spacetime 111
spreads through all dimensions 327, 333
and the Standard Model 78, 249, 291
strength dependent on position along the fifth dimension 61, 393
and string theory 5, 33, 69
and supersymmetry breaking 345
and unification 237
and volume 479n34
weakness of 6, 8, 80, 86, 87, 168, 174, 250, 251, 254–5, 279, 280, 328, 363, 366–9, 371–4, 383, 386, 387, 393, 395, 396, 397, 416n, 417n
see also
general relativity
, 393–401,
, 412–13, 414n, 415n, 417n, 418n, 420, 422–4, 427, 429, 430, 431, 437, 438, 443, 449, 450
Green, Michael 289–92
Greene, Brian:
Elegant Universe
Gregory, Ruth 323, 328, 432n
Grojean, Christophe 409
Gross, David 232, 291, 296–7, 330, 454
Grossmann, Marcel 107, 108
Grand Unified Theory


hadrons 171, 172, 174, 233, 285–8
Halley, Edmund 87
handedness 164–5,
, 167–8,
, 175
Harvard University 68, 231, 235, 296, 309, 337, 363, 435
Jefferson Laboratory 101, 161
Harvey, Jeffrey 291, 330, 336
Harvey, William 76
Hawking, Stephen 6, 432n, 435
Hawking radiation 380
heavy elements 162
Heckel, Blayne 374, 375
Heisenberg, Werner 118–19, 137–8
uncertainty principle
uncertainty principle
helium 162
heterotic string 291–2, 296–7, 330, 331
hierarchy problem 196, 240–55,
, 301, 386
in a GUT 243–6,
and large extra dimensions (ADD) 368–9, 384, 394, 402
and new length scales 332
and supersymmetry 258, 264–6, 270, 275, 276, 336
and RS1 394, 395, 338, 406, 410–14, 428, 458
Higgs, Peter 204
Higgs fields 211–18
Higgs mechanism 196, 211–20, 248
and electromagnetism 205, 217
and particle masses 170, 204, 211, 212, 214, 219, 241, 254, 348
and spontaneous symmetry breaking 191, 201, 204, 208, 212, 214–17, 220, 241
Higgs particles (Higgs bosons) 211, 212, 219, 409, 476n20
breaking electroweak symmetry 388
confined to the Weakbrane 413
and a GUT 244
and the hierarchy problem 410
light 219, 244–5, 248, 253, 254, 264, 266, 268, 275–6, 276
mass 245, 247,
, 248, 249, 251, 252,
, 253, 258, 264, 266, 268, 269, 368, 372, 394, 406; quantum contributions to 246–9,
, 265,
, 340, 343
Higgsino 263
high-energy experiments 72–3
holography 21, 28
Holton, Gerald 114
Hooke, Robert 87, 88
Hoøava, Petr 306, 330–31, 332, 369
Hoøava-Witten model
Horowitz, Gary 293, 298, 432n
Hubble, Edwin 298
Hull, Chris 316
Hupfeld, Herman 64
HW 237, 330–33
hydrogen 162
hypercubes 19–20,
, 27,
hyperspheres 19, 46


indirect interactions 228, 229
inertial mass 96
inertial reference frames 91, 95, 99, 473n8
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 449
Institute for Nuclear Theory, Seattle 274
internal symmetry
International Supersymmetry Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1994) 274
intrinsic spin 146–7, 148, 164, 258
inverse square law 43, 46, 48, 87–8, 222, 279, 438
Irvine/Michigan/Brookhaven (IMB) experiment, Homestake Mine, South Dakota 237


Jackiw, Roman 290
jets 174, 233, 378,
Johns Hopkins University 437
Jonsson, Claus 133
Joyce, James:
Finnegans Wake


Kakushadze, Zurab 329
Kaloper, Nemanja 432n
Kaluza, Theodor 34, 64, 419
Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes 352n
Kaluza-Klein (KK) particles 8, 148, 351–61
and ADD 377–380, 384, 457–8
and RS1 387, 407–11, 457–8
and RS2 428–32
and KR 443
spin value 409
and T-duality 451
Kaluza-Klein universe 34–5, 38–9
Kamiokande experiment, Kamioka, Japan 237

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