Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales) (10 page)

Read Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales) Online

Authors: Karilyn Bentley

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Warrior Lover (Draconia Tales)
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So much for talking.

“Sorry. I should have known. I’m so glad you’re back. I was worried about you.” Lily squeezed Keara’s hand and wished she had the mind-speaking ability like everyone else. Then she could talk with her friend.

Then she could know what Enar really had planned for her.

Maybe it was a good thing she couldn’t mind-speak.

A small squeeze pressed against her hand. Lily grinned. Soon Keara would be back to normal. She hoped. Jamie plopped beside her, out of breath, bouncing up and down. At least one of them was no worse for the adventure.

Or not. Was that a bruise and cut on the side of his head? Before she could ask what happened, all his excitement poured out in a rush of words.

“Guess what, guess what, guess what?” A bounce punctuated each question.

“What?” Where did he get all that energy? She was tired just watching him.

“They’re going to let us ride Fafnir! It’s apparently not done and a big deal, but Fafnir insisted and we get to ride! Isn’t that grand?”

“Ride? On that, that, creature?” Could she sound anymore scared?
Calm down, Lily.

“He’s a dragon. Same as me. One day I can turn like that. That’s grand, huh?”

Lily swallowed.
It’ll be fine.
“Sure. Great. How are we supposed to stay on a...dragon?

“Duh. Hold on, silly. How’re you doing Keara?”

Keara stared into Jamie’s face, hers the expressionless mask of the drug, his a parade of emotions.

Lily crossed her arms, trying hard not to let the jealousy seep out through her voice. “Are you two talking again? That’s rude to do that in front of me, you know.”

“You’re right. I think I’m needed over there.” Jamie leapt to his feet and ran to where Enar and Thoren stood.

What did Keara say to him? Her best guess was Keara scolded him for running off last night. For the first time since Keara had placed her hands over Lily’s eyes, banishing the black veil from her sight, allowing her to see, she felt a distance between them. Unlike the rest of their group, she couldn’t mind-speak and remained oblivious to the other conversations. Excluded despite being in the company of friends.

And that dragon.
That huge, scaly, clawed dragon
. They wanted her to crawl on that thing and let it take her for a ride?

“I’m a little scared about riding on the dragon.”

Wasn’t that an understatement?

Keara’s lips cranked upward. This time her tongue worked. “Good.”

“Good? It’s good I’m scared?”

“No.” Keara took a breath, words sighing over her lips. “S’all...good.”

“You mean it’ll be all right?”


“You’re speaking. That’s good, right?”

Keara smiled, the expressionless mask of her face cracking.

“Well, if you’re not scared of the dragon, then neither am I.” Lily pasted a grin on her lips and hoped to Goddess Keara didn’t notice the lie written there. She might be more terrified of the dragon than a vengeful mob, but she’d crawl up his back and act normal if it was the last thing she did.

Which it might very well be.


So much for fooling Keara. Even drugged her friend could see right through her.

“What can I say? It’s a bloody dragon!”

Keara’s eyes twinkled. “S’all good.”

“I know. It’s just...” Lily’s gaze followed Enar as he strode across the campsite, carrying her bag.



Keara’s gaze tracked Enar and flitted back to Lily.

“Oh. Like.” Lily tried to keep the blush off her face, to no avail. “It’s complicated. So, how are you feeling?”


“That’s good.” Lily watched as Enar piled bags by Fafnir.

Did she like him?

She definitely liked his kisses and his touch. She felt her cheeks grow warm at the thought of his hands on her body, how he had turned her fear into longing. He didn’t mind her odd appearance and he threatened a priest, make that two priests, on her behalf.

Maybe he was only being protective of what he saw as his, but the little part bricked in behind a wall wanted to believe he had some feelings for her.

Stupid part. It could get over those feelings now. She was not falling for him. She was not walking the path of her parents, miserable and longing for something more. She would remain aloof, untouched.

Lying to herself.

No, no, no. Not lying. Protecting. And by his lack of response to her questions, she knew he hid something about what being claimed meant.

But what?

Whatever he hid, she would unearth it. Just not now. Running from Lord Simon was not the time to discuss future responsibilities, or discover why her heart refused to line up behind her decision.

“Lily! Come here.” Enar stood by the red-scaled beast, his fingers waggling at her.

Would coming at his bidding be her lot in life?

“Will you be all right?” Lily touched Keara’s shoulder. “I’m being summoned.”

Keara cracked a grin. “Uh-huh.”

Giving Keara’s hand one last pat, Lily drew her feet under her and stood. The red-scaled creature grew larger as she approached.

Dragons do not scare me. Dragons do not scare me.

Someone needed to give her a lesson on becoming a better liar.

Enar placed his palm against her mid-back and she did her best not to melt into his touch. Now was not the time for melting.

“You’re up first.” He pointed at the dragon. “We’ll tie Keara to you and then have Jamie sit behind her to make sure she stays on Fafnir’s back.”

Spots appeared at the edge of her vision and she swayed. So much for self-talk helping her get on the dragon. At least the creature held still, its only movement the ripple of scales as it breathed.

“What’s wrong, woman? Don’t tell me you’re scared of a dragon?”

Air hissed through her teeth as she straightened her shoulders. “Of course I’m not scared of the dragon.” See, she could lie. “I’ve just never flown before.”

Enar’s eyes lit up. “Flying is the best thing you’ll ever do upright. Riding the air currents, feeling the rush of wind in your face. Knowing you’re the biggest thing out there. Nothing, well, almost nothing, compares.”

“You really like it?”

“Didn’t I just say that? Now let me help you onto Fafnir.”

Large hands encircled her waist and lifted her, his touch warming the chill in her stomach. She reached for the spine of the dragon and scrambled up the slippery scales until she straddled its back. Throwing her arms around its neck, she leaned against the cool scales and drew in a breath.

This isn’t bad. I can do this. No problem.
As long as the beast stayed firmly on the ground.

A touch like the beat of butterflies’ wings brushed against her mind and she jumped, almost losing her grip.

Hello, Lily.

Was that the dragon?

A chuckle drifted through her mind.
My name is Fafnir.

How can I hear you?

I’m speaking to you.

Apparently smart-arses crossed all races.
But I can’t mind-speak.

True. But I can speak directly to you if I want.

And if that was true, why wasn’t anyone else speaking to her this way?

I’m a Draconi. And one would have to project their thoughts directly to you. If you’re conversing in a group and one doesn’t mind-speak, it makes things difficult.

So I’ve discovered. I feel rather left out.
She stroked a hand across his scales, feeling the cool hardness. Fafnir shifted. She jerked her hand back.
I’m sorry.

Whatever for?

I thought I made you uncomfortable.

Nonsense. A dragon likes to be petted now and then.

In that case. Lily stroked a little higher up Fafnir’s neck. A gentle sigh escaped the creature’s snout.

As she ran her palm over Fafnir’s scales, she glanced back to where Keara lay. Thoren picked Keara up and headed toward Fafnir, Enar in the lead. Long legs ate the distance between them. His gaze locked on hers, his blue eyes drawing her in, an invisible bond locking them together.

Fafnir turned his head, his feet stamping and the moment she shared with Enar cracked like dry ground in a drought. And here she thought she’d gotten used to the dragon, until he moved. What was he trying to do? Throw her off? She threw her arms around Fafnir’s neck, and squeezed.

Is that Watcher treating you well, Lily?

What did that have to do with her trying to stay on his back?
You mean Enar?

That giant Watcher.

Enar. And he’s treating me fine.
Why would Fafnir care how Enar treated her? What was she to the dragon? Although she had to admit, people, or in this case a creature, caring for her felt good.

Fafnir tossed his head, steam rising from his nostrils.
If he doesn’t, you let me know and I’ll take care of him for you.
The words growled through her mind, setting off a string of shivers cascading down her spine.

First Enar and now Fafnir. Being cared for felt good, but odd, like walking through a dreamland of honey treats.
I don’t think that will be necessary. He treats me well.

It might become necessary. Keep me in mind.

What did one say to that?
All right.

“Lily! Thoren’s going to tie Keara to you.” Enar’s big palm patted her foot.

“And how am I supposed to hold us both up? I can barely hold on myself!” And wouldn’t it be grand if they both took a nose dive off Fafnir’s back?

Enar’s brows slammed down. “How can you not hold on?”

Do not worry, Little One. I will wrap you in a spell.

“You can do that?”

“I can do what?” Enar squeezed her foot, a gentle tightening.

“What?” She looked at him for a second before realizing she had spoken out loud instead of in her mind. “Oh, sorry. I was talking to Fafnir.”

Enar opened his mouth, but Thoren interrupted him.

“Lily, don’t move.”

She froze, looking down at Thoren. His lips moved and then Keara lifted out of his arms and floated until she landed behind Lily. And why not? Yet another odd occurrence she now considered normal. Flying dragons, invisible walls, friends who floated through the air. What next? Priestesses asking her to join their rituals?

Jamie came running, carrying a long strand of rope. “Hey! I found it!”

“Great. Now get up there and tie Keara to Lily.” Thoren gestured to Lily and Keara and before she could blink, Jamie sat astride Fafnir.

How did the imp move so fast? Lily twisted around, staring at Jamie. Maybe he sprouted wings. No, no wings, just over-excited boy.

Despite constant input from Thoren and Enar, they managed to tie Keara to Lily, but her doubts remained about not falling off. If Fafnir could cast a spell to hold her in place, why did they have to tie Keara to her?

Because her mate feels safer that way.

Lily jumped as Fafnir’s voice echoed in her mind.
Didn’t anyone teach you it’s rude to read minds?

He chuckled.
You have loud thoughts.

Her words choked in her throat as movement to the side caught her eye. The air around Thoren shimmered, waving around his body like steam. He threw his head back, ripples coursing under his skin, moving in a rhythmic motion. His clothes disappeared, replaced by red scales glinting in the afternoon sun. Arms and legs lengthened, his face elongated. The air warped around him, obscuring his body, expanding outward. And as soon as the air covered him, it disappeared, leaving a huge dragon in its place.

Her mouth dropped open. Impossible. Thoren had disappeared into scales, claws and huge teeth. The dragon he became shook its head, glanced at Fafnir and puffed out its chest. Red scales rippled in the sunlight as he stamped his feet.

Now she’d seen everything. A man who turned into a dragon. What was this world coming to? Lily had a feeling she’d see more odd things before this journey to her new home ended.

She watched Enar tie their baggage onto Thoren’s back before climbing on, watched his muscles tense and release as he pulled himself into a sitting position. Heat washed through her as she remembered him the night before, moving above her, inside her.

She felt Fafnir’s spell as it wrapped around her, a solid cage anchoring her to his back.

With a stomach-lurching hop, Fafnir expanded his wings, his muscles bunching under her thighs as he leapt into the air. Oh Goddess, she was airborne. What if she fell off? What if they fell out of the sky? Her eyes ached from squeezing the lids so hard together.

A wave of heat passed through her, nausea threatened to overwhelm her.

“This is fun!” Jamie hollered. “Fly higher!”

Oh, please no.

Fafnir’s voice echoed inside her head.
Try to relax. You won’t fall off. I promise.

Are you sure?

A Draconi doesn’t give promises lightly. Now, take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. That’s good.

In through the nose, out through the mouth. Lily felt her nausea recede, the heat in her body dissipate in the cool wind brushing against her face. Her eyelids felt like stones, but she managed to raise them enough to see clouds like puffy balls floating beneath Fafnir’s flapping wings. The ground looked different from the air, fields and trees stood out in patterns, like a patchwork quilt.

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