Warrior (Twisted Sister #2)

BOOK: Warrior (Twisted Sister #2)
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Lacy LeRoch



A Twisted Sister Novel


By Lacy LeRoch


Copyright 2016 Lacy LeRoch


This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




Book design and formatting by
Swish Design & Editing

Editing by
Swish Design & Editing

Cover design by
Soxsational Cover Art


Copyright 2016



Philli has been living in a state of emptiness for 1200 years. His life feels empty and incomplete, he’s ready for it all to end. With nothing holding him to the world anymore, he takes it upon himself to start pulling back from the work of a Guardian on the Judadic Council. 


The Buzzock had other plans by bombing the Council. The life of the first unborn Phoenix is at stake. All hope falls to Philli in finding the only woman, who can save the life of the new babe.


In one night his whole life changes. One night is all it took to bring this Dragon to his knees and beg for death to come and take him swiftly.


*Warning story contains light spanking, erotic sexual scenes, and violence.

**Not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.



Rae, this book is for you. Philli will always be a strong dragon because you helped build him up.



These things never get easier to write. I always worry that I will forget someone and upset them. So my family gets the first shout out, and in a good way not the bad kind. It can’t be easy listening to me talking and cursing to myself as I was trying to work out Philli and his story.

Tracey ‘Soxie’ deserves a huge thank you. The covers look amazing. No sooner do I tell her my idea, she sends it back better than I expected.

Kaylene Osborn is one extremely patient woman. It couldn’t have been easy to edit my work and make it something amazing. So a huge thank you.

It hasn’t been easy to get where I am now. There were times when I wanted to give up and quit writing Warrior, but my beta team kept push me for more.

The biggest thank you goes to the person with this in their hands. Without you, there would be no Devilice Island, so I hope you enjoy your stay.


Character Descriptions


Goddess to all

Grand High Lord on the Judadic Council – Angel

High Lord on the Judadic Council – Angel

High Lord on the Judadic Council – Angel

High Lord on the Judadic Council – Angel

Birth name Phyllis – Prince and Leader of the Warrior Dragons and Guardian Watcher on the Judadic Council – Dragon Shifter

Alpha Wolf and member of Judadic Council – Wolf Shifter

Leader of the Phoenix Lyians – Phoenix Shifter

Lucy’s Phoenix

Doctor and Phoenix Shifter and Goodunro

Madison’s Phoenix

Guardian Watcher on the Judadic Council – Angel

Guardian Watcher on the Judadic Council – Angel

Guardian Watcher on the Judadic Council – Angel

Lyian – Phoenix Shifter

Lacy’s Phoenix

Ex-Watcher / Buzzock

Phoenix Shifter

Dragon Shifter

Dragon Shifter and Seer

Lucas Callow:
Human Doctor

Dragon Shifter

Guardian on the Judadic Council

Trulane Forest:
Forest on Island Devilice

Judadic Council:
A Council that oversees all supernatural beings worldwide

Island of Devilice:
Also referred to as the Island of Blue

Bible of the Judadic Council

Brother bond from Watchers

Seer, Healer, Spell Caster, Mind Reader – extremely RARE

Rogue ex-Watchers / turned supernatural beings

Globe of Seeing:
Seers Globe of Seeing

Siren’s River:
Water that surrounds Devilice Island

Fog of Lost Memories:
Siren’s Protected Waters

Mountain of the Guardians:
Area of Island Devilice



French Translations


Mon Dieu:
My God


Ma Petite:
My Sweet

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