Warrior (Twisted Sister #2) (16 page)

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“What’s going on?” I moan asking Dragon.

Sweet mother of mercy, I hope I didn’t just say that aloud. I can’t think straight. It’s getting hard to sit still. The touch runs up between my legs, just stopping at my apex, then back down to the inside of my knees.

“Hmmm… Philli wants to play, little one,” he purrs.

“I-I don’t understand,” I pant.

The phantom touch gently brushes up against my most sensitive place, I jump and clench my thighs together.

“Don’t move, ma petite. Not a sound or you’ll be punished. Your pleasure is mine. No one is to know what we’re doing. Understand?” Philli groans in my mind.

“How… how is this possible?” I send back to him.

The touch presses down a little harder on my aching pussy, and I moan aloud. I flush bright red when one of the men at the table raises his eyebrow at me, he shakes his head and chuckles.

“That’s five, ma petite,” Philli whispers in my mind. His face is serious as he tells the room, “So you think that someone let them in?”

I almost start panting when my nipple is pinched hard. I have to look down at my breast just to make sure that Philli isn’t making a show of me in public. As if reading me, Philli purrs in my mind. “I can make you feel anything I want, ma petite. I can touch you here…” I feel the pressure of him rubbing my nipple between his fingers, as he continues, “…without even touching you. It’s a Dragon thing. Keep still, let me touch.”

A hot stream blows over my breast, and a soft, gentle touch runs down my stomach and stops right above where I want him to touch me the most. I’m breathing heavily and fidgeting.

I’m so torn between wanting more and begging for him to stop. I can’t focus on the conversation at the table.

“If someone did allow them entry, this is dangerous. We now have two more mated females that we need to guard,” the blond across from me pipes up.

“That is true, Laron, but what makes us think the girls are the targets? We need to find out what the real target is? Is it the council, the girls, or us in general?” McKinley asks.

“I want to taste you right here,” Philli groans telepathically.

I feel the phantom touch run up the length of my pussy and flick across my clit. Oh my God, this feels so good. I hold my breath and wait for the feeling to pass.

“Breathe, my sweet, Maddie,” Dragon moans. “I can smell her sex, Philli, so wet, so sweet, we need to have her,

“I agree,” Philli tells him.

“Okay enough, we’re getting nowhere,” Philli tells the room. “I will ask Romie to get the scouts out on the job. I need to get Madison settled, and then take her to see, Lucy.” Philli turns to face Jay. “Jay, we need to follow our laws right now.”

“Don’t tell me what I need to do, Philli. My sisters, my way. You know how I am with family,” Jay growls at Philli. He turns his head and glares at McKinley. “You and I aren’t finished.”

“I understand, Jay, but don’t take this from me. Can’t we come to some sort of agreement? I don’t want to fight you on this,” McKinley tells Jay.

McKinley quickly glances to the end of the table at the quiet, sullen blond. Jay follows McKinley’s gaze and huffs. “I feel like I’m missing something extremely important here, not only with my sisters but with this bombing stuff as well.” Jay closes his eyes briefly and lowers his head. “McKinley, clear the room but keep who you need here,” his voice rings out hollow and unfeeling.

“Are you sure?” McKinley asks, his eyes wide with shock and wonder. McKinley’s eyes flash to Alison, his hands shake uncontrollably as they rest on the table.

I feel sorry for him, he looks at Jay and shakes his head in disbelief. All eyes bounce from Jay to McKinley trying to piece the puzzle together.

“You really can’t be that stupid. Clear the room, before I change my mind,” Jay growls, startling Alison. Jay softens his tone, taking Alison’s hand. “I’m sorry, little sister. I need to learn to be gentler.”

Chapter Twelve


The distance between Madison and I is driving me insane. Even though she’s sitting beside me, I need her closer to me, so I reach out and pull her onto my lap.

“Ma petite, you’re shaking, are you all right?” I ask pulling her closer to my chest.

“I’m… I’m fine,” she stutters, snuggling deeper.

I want to give her more comfort, but I need my focus on the situation of keeping everyone calm and at peace. Every few seconds Dragon and I send calming energy waves out across the room. I’m tired and all I want to do is get my beautiful mate home and finish what I started with the mind play.

Home, Mon Dieu, I never thought I’d be able to take a mate to my home. I start to panic about whether or not she’ll like my cave. Will it be too much for her? God, will I need to move into one of the assigned chambers? I don’t want to live so close to the others. But if that’s what she wants, I will put up with it.
Anything to make her happy.

“Philli, get this over with,” Dragon growls angrily. He pushes his scales forward, ruffling them under my skin, and I start scratching my arms in discomfort.

“You okay?” Madison whispers over her shoulder. Her soft voice brushes over my skin like a lover’s caress. I instantly harden, rubbing my face over the back of her neck and kiss the base of her neck softly.

“Do not worry for me, ma petite. We need to help with this now, then you can guarantee that I will finish what I started,” I whisper.

I grind my hard cock into her ass and moan in her ear. Madison shivers in my lap. God help me, but I like that she doesn’t try to hide the effect I have on her. Her nipples harden in her bra, and the smell of her sweet, wet pussy beckons for my cock like a Siren singing for a sailor.

“McKinley, I am losing my patience here,” Jay growls next to me.

Mon Dieu, but I forgot he was there. Madison makes me forget everything, but her. Shit, her brother really doesn’t need to see me dry humping into her like a horny teenager. I turn my head and look at him. I mouth, “Sorry Brother.”

He winks and looks back to McKinley and the others. Oh great, talk about embarrassing, now the sex beast himself is helping get this done fast so I can mate his sister. Talk about weird.

McKinley sighs and slowly glances around the room. “You know the minute I clear this room, everyone will know. Right?”

“I don’t care, fucker. You should have thought about that,” Jay shrugs.

He squeezes Alison’s hand and leans down to whisper something to her. She shakes her head violently from side to side. He whispers again with more force this time.

“Jay, he… they won’t want me,” she whimpers painfully.

“May I?” I ask Jay.

He nods and looks around the table once more. I lean over and take hold of Alison’s small hand in my much larger one.

“Listen to me, Ally. I’m sorry, may I call you, Ally?” She quickly nods, avoiding eye contact. “Okay listen. We’re all special in the room, little sister, and we’re different for our own reasons. Some of us can shift, others can fly and heal. But I need you to understand something. We are a council who have had our powers blocked in some ways. It means we don’t feel desire unless we are drawn to that person for a reason. Are you following what I’m trying to tell you?”

“Not really?” she whispers honestly.

“Philli, let me,” Madison says.

Madison reaches down and unlinks my hold on her waist and I growl. She wiggles off my lap slapping my thighs at my protest. “Down boy.” She chuckles and kneels down in front of Alison taking both of her hands in hers. “I think what Philli is telling you, is that the men here…” she gestures around the room, “…they don’t feel the need to have sex, or be with anyone unless there is something about that person they need.”

“Unless they are me,” Jordi gloats, leaning back in his chair arms outstretched.

“Not helping, man,” Owen growls.

“Shit, sorry, dude. What I meant Alison is that I’m a wolf. That doesn’t affect me. I’m the only species on this Island that isn’t affected in the same light.” Jordi’s face drops as his words sink in. He sighs lost in thought and look down at the table.

“Madison, I’m me, plain old me,” she mumbles barely above a whisper.

Madison rolls her eyes and lets go of Alison’s hands. She takes her shocked face in her hands and stares her in the eyes. “You need to listen to me. You’re beautiful, smart, stubborn, and as I found out today, you my dear are my little sister. So that gives me a right to kick your ass if you say that sort of rubbish again. Now, whatever Jay told you to do can’t be that bad, right? He has been all roar, roar, roar. Don’t touch, get away. My kin, my rules.” The men around the table start laughing at Madison’s mimicking. “So, he wouldn’t make you do something he thought was going to hurt you. You should be able to feel that just as much as I can. Right?”

Alison closes her eyes and gets lost deep in thought. She takes a deep breath and slowly rises from her seat. Her feet move painfully slow as she walks over toward McKinley. His eyes widen, his mouth falls open. He glances from Jay to Alison and back again, almost like he can’t believe what he’s seeing.

If the situation weren't so serious, it would be comical. Alison slows to a stop when she gets directly in front of McKinley, as if unsure of her next move. With his mouth still agape, he rises from his seat and places a hand on Alison’s shoulder, gently pushing her down onto the seat he just vacated.

“I won’t touch you anymore, not unless you give me permission,” he tells her softly.

“So you don’t want—” Alison starts before McKinley cuts her off. He kneels down in front of the seat she now sits in and gently places his hands on her knees. “Alison, make no mistake, I do want you. I wanted you from the minute I saw you walk into that bar. But now is not the time for us to talk of such things. I’m trying my best to show your brother respect. And that’s hard when all I want to do is pull you into my arms and take you to my room. I will respect Jay, for allowing you to come to me just now.” He stands up and looks down the end of the table toward Owen and waits.

All eyes fall on Owen as he finally looks up and notices what’s going on?

“Are you sure?” he timidly asks McKinley looking everywhere but at Jay.

“Oh God, no way,” Jay mumbles next to me.

“I told you there was more,” Jordi laughs.

“I won’t force it, Owen,” McKinley mumbles walking around to stand behind Alison. He places his hand on her left shoulder and smiles reassuringly at Owen. He watches the movement and with a small smile, he gets up from the end of the table and walks over to stand behind Alison and places a hand on her right shoulder. He then reaches over with his spare hand, grabs Owen around the back of the neck and pulls him close for a quick kiss. Then he breaks the kiss and smiles triumphantly at the gasp that surrounds the room. “Right, the only ones I want left in here are Jay, Philli, Owen, the girls and myself. All the rest… clear out and do rounds. I want reports back to me in thirty minutes.”

The men start to file out of the room grunting and groaning. I snatch Rafe’s hand as he walks past stopping him midstride. “Madison and I will come by medical in a minute.”

“Thanks man, see you then,” Rafe nods and walks out of the room.

As the last Watcher steps outside and shuts the door, McKinley drags two seats over and places them on either side of Alison. He takes one of the seats as Owen claims the other. A double mating like this has never been done, I never thought in a million years that he could possibly be bi-sexual. It still surprises me. The two men stare down at Alison in awe.

“So, it’s true then?” Madison asks.

She takes me by surprise as she crawls back onto my lap, and caresses me behind the ear.

“What’s true?” Jay grumbles.

“Oh, um… when I took hold of Alison’s hand at the hospital, I had a vision of her with two men. I didn’t get a chance to see their faces, but I could feel the bond between them. Stupid, I know, but I’m just telling you what I saw.”

“Hang on, ma petite, you saw Alison in a vision?” I ask curiously.

“No, I didn’t see her, I was her.”

“She’s a Seer,” Jay calls out in awe.

“No, more than that… Seers see the vision and are still themselves. From the sound of it, Madison was Alison, she had her emotions, her body, and she was Alison for as long as that vision lasted.”

“Philli, has this…” Jay calmly points over to where McKinley and Owen sit with Alison, “… has something like this happened before?”

“Why are you asking him, don’t you know the answer to that?” Madison growls.

Her attitude spikes in frustration and she growls low in her throat. She pushes her lips close to my neck and nibbles at the crook while I purr.

“I’m not as old as he is… little sister, are you all right?” Jay reaches over and grabs hold of her shoulder, making me growl.

I don’t like anyone touching what’s mine. And if I didn’t know that he was her brother, and in a messed up way, mine as well, I would be reaching over the table and ripping his fucking throat out. Madison spins around facing him, her eyes glowing bright orange.

“Philli…” Jay grits out slowly. “What’s wrong with my sister?”

I reach out and take hold of Madison’s chin, turning her around to face me. “Ma petite?”

Madison’s pupils dilate as she focuses on the soft flesh of my neck.

“What the fuck is wrong with my sister?” Jay demands more forcefully.

“I-I um… I don’t know,” I mumble.

“What do you mean, you don’t know?” he yells.

Madison spins and looks over her shoulder, growling, “Back off.” Her voice coming out more feral than normal.

“Philli, she’s hungry,” Dragon croons impressed with himself.

“What do you mean, Dragon?” I say aloud unable to speak in my mind.

“Philli, is everything okay? What’s going on?” Owen asks rising from his seat and standing slightly in front of Alison. I can’t blame him for wanting to protect her. Madison is scaring even me right now. And the way that Dragon is crooning and purring over the situation is making me uneasy. I’ve never known Dragon to act this way before. So self-confident, so assured of himself, but above all so calm.

“She needs to feed. She needs to drink our blood,” Dragon purrs, rubbing his scales along my skin.

Madison’s head turns slightly, her eyes zone onto the heartbeat pulsing under my skin. “What are you talking about, Dragon?”

“Philli, I’m going to forgive you for being so fucking stupid right now. Madison is our true mate. True
mate,” he tells me, arrogance coating his voice.

“Okay, normally I would sit here and allow you to disappear into your own mind, and not worry about it. But when my sister starts staring at you like you’re her dinner. Well, then I worry. I swear man, it doesn’t run in the family,” Jay chuckles nervously.

“Shit, the thing is…” I swallow audibly and continue, “…Dragon, is telling me that Madison is my true full mate.”

“I think you went stupid the minute you were mated. We already knew that!” McKinley chuckles.

I roll my eyes groaning, and try to explain it as best as I can. “Okay, so the thing is, yes she’s my mate. But from what dragon is telling me, she is my true full mate. There’s a huge difference, and it’s very rare for it to happen. We all have mates and that’s fine, but a very rare few of us end up with true full mates.”

“I don’t understand,” Owen says shaking his head. I watch as he reaches out and takes Alison’s hand in his. She smiles sweetly up at him.

“She needs to feed Philli, and now,” Dragon growls impatiently.

“I can see that Dragon, but what the fuck do I do?” I growl aloud.

“Damn Philli you cursed, are you sure you haven’t been affected in a weird way from the mating?” Owen chuckles, earning a slap in the back of the head from McKinley.

Madison’s eyes grow wider when I tilt my head to the side to look at Jay. “You might want to move out of the way, okay. I have no idea what I’m doing, and… I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but Madison needs to feed.”

“What the fuck do you mean… feed?” he growls, jumping up onto the table. He leaps across the other side and takes a seat looking lost, confused, and frustrated all at the same time. “Brother, you know I trust you with my own life, and now in that extent I trust you with my sister’s so I will do as you say. But this is some freaky shit, and I have no fucking idea what’s going on, already.”

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