Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Wendy's Wild Wolves [Shy River Pack 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Donovan lay on his back, pulling Wendy down over him, his fear of hurting her fragile human body very obvious in his and Donovan’s telepathic link. Donovan continued to kiss her, his hands roaming over every inch of her body, the scent of their combined arousal permeating Sogarn’s head and his heart. He loved them both with everything that he was, and he wasn’t going to let anyone dictate who he could or couldn’t have in his life.


* * * *


Wendy moaned as Sogarn lifted her hips slightly, his warm hands joining Donovan’s as they raised her arousal to fever pitch. Never in her life had she felt such desperate need to join with a man the way she needed Donovan and Sogarn.

She heard Donovan groan as Sogarn’s hand wrapped around his cock, his other hand lifting her effortlessly as he fit the two of them together. He held her suspended, obviously far stronger than he looked, teasing them both as he let her take just the head of Donovan’s cock into her pussy. She gasped softly as he finally lowered her onto Donovan’s thick, hard cock. Donovan lifted up, capturing her mouth with his own, kissing her passionately even as he reached for Sogarn.

Sogarn came to them willingly, lying down beside them, caressing them both as Wendy started to move. Donovan groaned, lifting up higher, driving his cock deeper as she reached a hand out to Sogarn, gripping his fingers hard as sensation started to overwhelm her.

“That’s it,” Sogarn said as they both started to move faster. “We’re going to claim you, Wendy. Mark you as ours for the entire shifter world to see.”

She nodded, not certain where her confidence came from, but somehow knowing that both men loved her dearly. She even knew what claiming her entailed. She turned to Sogarn, her movements stilling as she realized the source of her knowledge.

“How can I know that?” she asked, even as a part of her understood the answer.

“You share a telepathic link?” Donovan asked, wrapping his arms around them both. He stopped moving but stayed thrust to the hilt inside her.

“Not quite,” Sogarn said, making certain that they could see both see his face. “But I think it will grow stronger when we claim you, Wendy. I’m hoping that you will even share the link with Donovan.”

She glanced at the man underneath her, her eyes widening when she realized she could sense his thoughts and emotions, too.

“What does it mean?” she asked just a little nervously. The emotions she sensed weren’t a reflection of her own. They were stronger, deeper, perhaps even more intense, but they were aimed at her and Sogarn. Yet underneath the loving and protective layers was the fear that he could hurt them both.

“It means that we’re true-mates,” Sogarn said with a smile for both of them. It was clear in his tone that he’d only just realized, that the answers were only now flooding into his mind.

“I thought that was just a myth,” Donovan said, his entire frame shaking as he absorbed what Sogarn meant. Somehow Wendy could sense that, too. She didn’t even need to ask her next question out loud. Before the thought was fully formed in her head, Sogarn leaned over to answer it.

“Yes, you’ll be stronger as a wolf, and there would be much less chance of Donovan and me accidentally hurting you.”

She went to ask several of the questions vying for attention in her brain, but the answers were there before she could voice them. A very small part of her wondered if she was being foolhardy to believe that she was actually linked to both men telepathically, but Sogarn’s warm smile and whispered, “Now?” made it seem so very natural.

She nodded, smiling wider when she heard both his and Donovan’s reassurances that even though the change would take a few days the bite wouldn’t hurt for more than a moment.

Wendy gasped breathlessly as Sogarn’s sharp teeth sank into her shoulder, the wound tingling as something strange started to happen. Again without words, she heard Donovan’s reassurance that what she was feeling was normal. Her heart pounded harder as something traveled through her system, her blood thumping in her veins, the adrenaline-type rush surprisingly unexpected.

“Wow,” she whispered, her voice sounding different to her own ears.

“Feels amazing, doesn’t it?” Donovan asked as he started to lift his cock into her pussy once more. It didn’t take but two strokes to bring him back to full hardness, his erection suddenly seeming to touch parts of her she’d never noticed before. She moved as well. Sogarn’s teeth were still embedded in her neck, but she was unable to hold still as her arousal grew out of control.

Donovan fucked her harder, his grip on her hips controlling her movements, taking her to the edge before pulling away once more. She tried to move, wriggling in his embrace, desperate to claim the orgasm Donovan held just out of reach.

She sensed their intentions before Sogarn moved, his teeth gently easing from her flesh and his warm hand touching her face a moment in reassurance. Sogarn eased her forward, his hand caressing her spine as he leaned over and grabbed the lube from beside the bed.

His fingers were cold, the slippery liquid making her shiver with both nervousness and anticipation. The first touch was strange, the sensation of his finger pushing into her ass neither painful nor particularly pleasurable.

“Relax,” Sogarn said as he slid a second finger in beside the first. “I promise you’re going to love this.” She could sense Donovan’s concern that even though Sogarn had started the process it would take time for her to gain the strength of her wolf, but she could also feel Sogarn’s reassurance to them both. In some ways it was like she was inside both of their minds.

“It gets better,” Donovan assured her as she felt him telepathically touch her mind. “Soon the connection will be so strong we’ll be able to have entire conversations over quite a distance.”

“Not that we plan to leave you alone anytime soon,” Sogarn said as he slid a third finger into her ass, the muscles pulsing slightly as the sting grew a little uncomfortable.

She felt Sogarn’s determination to keep the three of them together for a lifetime—a very long, werewolf lifetime. Wendy was still grinning at Donovan when he moved his hands to her ass, separated the cheeks, and held her open as Sogarn smoothed lube onto his erection.

The first touch of his cock had her squirming between them, but it was the incredible feelings that she somehow shared with them both that had her groaning in ecstasy. She wriggled, impaled on both cocks simultaneously, her arousal growing higher as her mates started to move. Donovan groaned, holding her close as Sogarn’s cock caressed them both.

“We love you, Wendy,”
Sogarn whispered into her mind. Unable to control the connection, her concerns leaked through.

“Sweetheart,” Donovan said as he placed his big hand at the back of her head and urged her forward. “It will all work out. I promise you.”

“So do I,” Sogarn said, leaning his weight against her for a moment, his loving possession of both her and Donovan very clear in his mind. Sogarn bit into Donovan’s shoulder, claiming him as he started fucking her in earnest, his movements more forceful, his thrusting much deeper.

He licked over the tiny wound as Wendy sensed the link he’d created between himself and Donovan. “I love you both,” he said as held her suspended just enough for Donovan to slide a hand between them. His fingers found her clit, touching her swollen nub gently, making her shake all over.

“Come for us, sweetheart,” Donovan said. Unable to deny the beauty of the moment, Wendy did exactly as he demanded, her orgasm flowing through her body even as their enjoyment of her orgasm and the beginnings of their own flowed into her mind. Somehow, she felt it all—her emotions and theirs. She shuddered as they both sank their teeth into her, this time the sensations different, more intense, a sense of their souls melding together permeating every part of her body and mind.

They held her then, breathing hard as the incredible emotions swirled between them all. The urge to bite them both, to claim them, too, was overwhelming. She felt Sogarn’s happiness, sensed his smile, even though she couldn’t see him. He placed a hand at the back of her head, guiding her mouth to Donovan’s throat.

“Go ahead, sweetheart. We’re your wolves.”

She nodded, her mouth opening over Donovan’s flesh. She marveled briefly at the sharp canine teeth that were somehow there when she wanted them, but it didn’t interfere at all with the incredible moment of claiming a man she loved. Donovan groaned, holding her close, his cock twitching inside her despite having come just moments ago. Sogarn pulled free from her body, moving closer, offering his throat as she claimed him as well.

“I love you,” she whispered, knowing that they already knew, but needing to say the words out loud. She even knew what came next. She could sense it with every cell in her body. Wendy lifted away from Donovan’s growing cock, giving him the chance to claim the man he loved as well.

She stayed close, touching them both as Sogarn lowered himself onto Donovan’s cock and leaned forward, letting their mate bite him on the opposite side of his neck to Wendy’s mark. Sogarn groaned loudly as the connection between all three of them settled into place. Donovan grinned and then started to move, holding Sogarn’s hips tightly as he lifting up into him again and again. Their joining was hard and fast, both of them sweating and breathing harshly as they raced toward fulfillment.

Wendy closed her eyes, savoring the moment that both men climaxed, before succumbing to the weariness that would not be denied.


* * * *


Donovan held them both close, his body exhausted, his mind a jumbled mess of half-formed thoughts. He sensed the moment Wendy fell asleep, her body slowly adjusting to her new life as a werewolf. It would take days, perhaps even weeks, before she would be strong enough to change into a wolf, but he had no intentions of ever leaving her or Sogarn now—no matter what the alpha might want—so he knew he’d be there to help her through it.

“Don’t worry about the alpha,” Sogarn said as he tried and failed to lift away from him. He rested his head against Donovan’s heart, a position they’d slept in often. But it was the sticky cum squished between them that finally had them moving apart.

“Shower time,” Donovan said as he helped Sogarn climb to his feet. He considered letting Wendy stay in the bed but knew she’d be more comfortable if she got cleaned up first. She snuggled into his arms, her pure trust in them both still clear in their mental link even though she remained fast asleep.

They rinsed off quickly, too exhausted to do anything more than get clean. He wrapped Wendy in a towel, holding her close as Sogarn stripped the bed and changed the sheets. Donovan slid into bed beside Wendy even as he sensed his lover’s intent.

“Not now,” he whispered, already knowing it was fruitless to argue.

“He can’t pull us apart now,” Sogarn said, leaning over to press a kiss to Wendy’s forehead and then to Donovan’s lips. “I won’t be long.”

“We’ll be there with you,” Donovan said, feeling the link between them strengthen even more.

“I know,” Sogarn said as he dragged on clothes and headed out of the room.

Chapter Eleven


Sogarn had every intention of confronting his father then and there, but as with most of life, things didn’t quite go as planned. Too caught up in what he intended to say, he nearly tripped over the large black-and-white python slithering across the veranda. He backed up quickly, heading toward Wendy’s newly purchased shotgun. He didn’t want to kill a being who was essentially doing the job he was paid for, but he wouldn’t let his family come to harm either.

They’d expected a nighttime raid, so the snake’s appearance during daylight was puzzling. A hurried glance through every window showed several more snake-shifters slithering around the house. Sogarn could already feel his mates reacting to his emotions. Donovan and Wendy were dressing quickly. He didn’t even warn them to be careful. He could hear and feel their every intention.

“I love you,”
he sent to them both with a smile in his telepathic voice. He didn’t even have to look up to know that they’d joined him in the living area. Wendy held the rifle she’d used on the last snake-shifters, and Donovan had chosen to dress only in his boxer shorts, his wolf just below the surface, ready to break free should it become necessary.

“I think this is the diversion,”
Donovan said telepathically as he also did a quick check on the windows.

“I think you’re right. The question is how they’ll react when the shifters going after the cockatoos are ambushed by a dozen or more wolves.”

“You’re thinking they might try to use us as hostages?”
Wendy asked calmly. He raised an eyebrow at her, but she just smiled and shrugged.
“It’s what I would do in my books.”

“So it is,”
Donovan said without taking his eyes off the three big snakes guarding the back porch.
“Any ideas on how your heroes would handle it?”

She giggled softly, her faith that they would protect her very solid in her mind.

“I don’t think we’ll need to do anything,” Sogarn said out loud as he watched several of the snake-shifters move away from the house. They were followed by several more coming from the direction of the makeshift aviary. None of them seemed to be in any hurry.

Sogarn’s jaw nearly hit the ground when his father stepped from the tree line and morphed back into human form the same time one of the snakes did. They shook hands like old friends. After a brief conversation that involved wide grins and victorious sounding laughter, the snake-shifter turned back into a snake and followed the rest. Sogarn’s father turned and headed toward the house.

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