Were She Belongs (7 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Were She Belongs
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“Good job. We’ll meet you downstairs,” Paul replied.

Paul lifted Lexi into his arms as Saber tucked her broken arm gently against Paul’s chest. Saber touched her cheek. “She is a little thing.”

“But all woman,” Paul added as his eyes roamed over her chest.

“She fought like a warrior, but you should have let me have my way with that piece of shit that did this.”

“Saber, one of us has to keep our head,” Paul replied.

Paul smirked at his brother’s description of Lexi and his instant protectiveness. She was rather petite, and they would more than likely appear as giants to her, but the bond was there. He could feel it growing between Lexi and his three brothers.

Saber looked serious at the moment, but he was not known to be affectionate or show signs of weakness. Watching him caress Lexi so gently made Paul’s heart soar. His brother was a feared wolf for many reasons.

“Jacob said there’s a doctor we can take Lexi to. He’s about twenty minutes from here. I say we take her, then head to a secure location until we can figure this whole thing out,” Andre said, then began heading out the door with the guards. Paul and Saber followed.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Chapter 5

Saber, Paul, and Andre refused to leave the examination room.

They would not leave their mate alone with another man, never mind a stranger.

The doctor gave an amused look toward the nurse assisting him with Lexi’s broken arm. Paul looked at his brothers. They were on edge just as he was. Saber remained in the darkest corner of the room, while Andre stood as close to the stretcher bed as the doctor would allow.

“My nurse has to go get a few more things.” The doctor motioned toward the older nurse assisting him. Paul nodded his head, giving permission for her to leave the room.

The doctor moved Lexi’s ripped dress farther away from her thigh, and all three of them growled.

Immediately, the doctor stopped. “I’m just seeing how bad this bruise and cut are,” he said defensively.

“Just take care of setting her arm properly. We’ll take care of the rest.” Paul spoke firmly as he eyed the man suspiciously. He knew it was his wolf’s response. No man would ever touch their mate again.

The word “mine” lay on the tip of his tongue.

Andre stated through their link.

“It’s my wolf. He wants her safe. I want out of here where we can
protect her,”
Paul replied.

“I don’t like this feeling I have. Something doesn’t seem right,”

Saber added.

“What do you mean? The guards are all over this place. We’re
right here. She’s safe,”
Paul replied.

Were She Belongs


“I’m getting that feeling, too. Saber, go check outside. The
doctor’s almost done. Then we can get out of here,”
Andre said, glancing toward Lexi as she slept.

Her complexion was pale, and her breathing shallow. But the doctor said whatever drugs were given to her were more than likely meant to keep her out for a while. He wasn’t too concerned.

As Saber left the room, the doctor finished setting Lexi’s arm.

“I’m assuming, wherever you go, that you’ll have a doctor to do the next step? She needs a more permanent cast once the doctor ensures the bone has remained set in place.”

“We’ll take care of it,” Andre replied.

The doctor looked nervous.

“Is that big guy coming back again?” he asked.

“Why?” Andre asked, sounding annoyed.

“I’ve heard of him before. The one called Saber of the Sinclair pack. I’ve heard of all three of you.” The doctor cleared his throat and suddenly looked very nervous.

Andre and Paul stared at him.

“I think you should hurry and leave here. One of the men I saw with your guards, who claims to work for Jacob’s pack, is not who he seems. My mate saw him talking on the phone just now. He used to be part of the Renmore pack.”

Paul looked at the nurse who had returned with the supplies. He wondered how the doctor could know that she heard one of the guards on the phone when she left the room, returned, and never spoke a word.

“You’re mates?” Andre asked.

“Yes, alphas. We are mates. I understand now why all three of you are so concerned over this woman. She is your mate, and you will do anything to protect her, just as I would do for my mate.” The doctor reached down and clasped the nurse’s hand.

He released her hand and looked Paul directly in the eyes.


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“It has been an honor to help you. Take these pills with you in case she is in any pain. Jacob is our alpha. We are part of his pack and have been for many years. His cousin Sierra helped our children when they needed assistance. We are thrilled to hear about the union between McFay, Crimson, and Sinclair. Go now. Be safe!”

Andre reached for Lexi and slowly pulled her into his arms.

Saber came rushing through the door. “We need to move. We’ve got company out front.”

“Thank you for the help,” Paul yelled over his shoulder as they rushed out from the room.

* * * *

Andre held Lexi close as growling and roars filled the alleyway.

There seemed to be so many shadows, but all he focused on was getting their mate safely to the truck.

“Take her out of the city. Head to the private airport. Sierra and I
are on our way. A group of weres just invaded VALERIE’S,”
Valco stated through the brothers’ link.

Paul was behind the wheel, shoving the vehicle into drive, as Andre closed the door with Lexi safely inside.


“Head out with her. I’ll meet you there or back at the ranch,”

Saber responded as he, along with some of the guards, continued to fight off their attackers.

Andre watched as Paul maneuvered through the traffic on the city streets. It was three o’clock in the morning, traffic was light, but they felt the need to get their mate to safety. They needed to protect her and get her somewhere where no one could find her.

Thirty minutes later, they were boarding a private jet ready to get Lexi to safety and meet up with Valco. There were a series of attacks on Jacob’s territory, and a small war emerged between Jacob’s pack
Were She Belongs


and old members of the Renmore pack. Stratton had just challenged Jacob to a war for head alpha.

* * * *

“All hell has broken loose down here. I’m leaving with the rest of
our men now. Jacob claims to still maintain control of the territory.

The police are all over the area, so I think it’s time to leave. How is
Saber asked.

“She’s out cold. Moaning a little, but safe, so that’s what
Paul replied.

“Did we lose any men?”
Andre asked.

“Not from our pack. Jacob’s lost five,”
Saber replied

“And Renmore pack?”
Andre asked.

“A shitload. Jacob’s got great warriors. This union between
Sierra and Valco couldn’t have come at a better time. With the
Sinclair and McFay packs uniting, it may be open for discussion for
Jacob’s pack, the Crimson, to join as well.”

“How does Jacob feel about that?”
Paul asked.

“He wants to do what is best for his pack. He may not have any
other option. He’s overpowered and outnumbered. Stratton has taken
the past few years to unite a large group of wolves willing to support
him. All underneath Jacob’s nose.”

“How many do you think there are?”
Paul asked, the concern apparent in his tone.

“Not nearly as many as our pack. But once Sierra and Valco
unite, we will be an even greater force to reckon with.”

Paul smirked.

“Hey, how is Lexi? Sierra is a wreck and wants to know. She
won’t sleep until she knows Lexi is okay,”
Valco interjected

“I guess those two were pretty close?”
Paul asked.

“Very close from my understanding. It appears to me that Lexi
took off to keep Sierra safe,”
Valco stated.


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“Yeah, I had that same thought. When Sleeping Beauty awakes,
she’s gonna have some explaining to do,”
Saber added.

“She needs her rest, Saber. Cut the shit,”
Paul replied.

Both men growled through the link.

All the men stopped as the sound of laughter was heard.

Valco was still laughing.

“This is going to be so much fun,”
Valco added in between snickering.

“What’s going to be so much fun?”
Paul asked, annoyed.

“Watching the three of you try to convince a human that you’re
her mate. All while you try not to kill one another.”

“Cool it, Valco. Go tell Sierra that Lexi is doing well and we’ll be
home in a couple of hours,”
Andre added.

“He’s gonna enjoy this,” Andre mumbled.

Paul looked over at Lexi asleep on the small couch inside the cabin of the plane.

“She’s ours, guys. She’s what the Fates have given us, and she’s perfection,” Paul whispered.

“I don’t know about perfection, brother. It seems she comes with trouble,” Andre added.

Paul looked over his shoulder. “Are you saying you’re backing down and giving up your rights to her as your mate?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Andre replied, annoyed.

“Your attitude?”

“My attitude? Who the fuck put you in charge of her? She’s our responsibility, and we need to find out everything about her. Why she was in hiding. Why she disappeared three years ago and who’s after her.”

“The two of you just sit down and be quiet. We’ve had no sleep and no food in too many damn hours. Let’s just rest and get her to the ranch,” Saber stated, then closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair.

Paul and Andre gave each other annoyed looks but finally gave in to the exhaustion and rested.

Were She Belongs


Chapter 6

The first thing Lexi felt was warmth surrounding her, then the smell of a fireplace along with a hint of apples and cinnamon filled her nostrils. She blinked her eyes open, instantly feeling a throbbing headache. She never drank so much as to get a hangover, but this had to be what it felt like. Slowly, she sensed something to her left and turned her head in that direction. She nearly screamed at the sight.

Her heart pounded against her chest, and fear consumed her. Sitting a few feet away from the bed was an enormous man dressed in fatigues.

A soldier? Why would a soldier be guarding her? She took a deep breath and refocused on him. Taking a glance around the room, she realized she was in some sort of large bedroom. By the look of the décor, the owner was wealthy. She glanced back at the soldier, drawn to his appearance. He was gorgeous as damn hell to boot, but she had never seen him before. As she stared at him sleeping in the chair, she thought he looked familiar, but then she would have definitely remembered seeing a man as attractive as him.

Slowly, she moved her arms from underneath the sheets and comforter. Her right arm felt extremely heavy, and she wondered if it had fallen asleep.

That’s when she realized she was wearing a man’s long-sleeve shirt and nothing else. Alarmed, she zeroed in on the black cast covering her forearm.

“What the hell!” she yelled without thinking, and the man in the chair jumped up from the seat.

“Oh my God! Don’t hurt me. Please don’t do anything more to me,” she pleaded, shoving her body up against the headboard. The

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man appeared huge when he was sitting, but now standing was gigantic. He looked like a freaking linebacker, and her heart pounded more. Nausea set in at her abrupt movement, and the pounding in her head somehow subsided by sitting up.

“It’s okay, Lexi. Calm down,” the man stated.

“Calm down? You calm down. Where the hell am I, and who are you?” she demanded, sliding farther away from him and toward the other side of the large king-size bed.

He moved closer and looked rather annoyed. “Just get back under the covers. You need to rest.”

“Who the hell are you?” she demanded. He looked mean and pissed off at her tone, but she was just as angry.

“I’m Saber. Now calm down, and stop acting hysterical.”

In a flash, he was on the other side of the bed trying to tuck her back under the covers.

Lexi swatted at him with her cast. As it made contact with his head, he winced, and so did she as the pain radiated up her arm to her shoulder and back down.

“Ouch!” they stated in unison.

“Hey, what’s going on in here?” Two other men emerged into the room. They were just as big and looked just as mean.

Lexi began to shake in fear. They were monstrous compared to her. One hit, and she was toast. Her body ached, but she somehow maneuvered away from them. A cool breeze caressed her backside, and the realization that she was waving her ass in the wind at them had her diving under the covers, head and all. She was so embarrassed her cheeks were on fire, and she prayed this was a nightmare.

“Lexi, Lexi, come out from underneath there.”

She heard a soothing voice.
Soothing my ass.
He was the Big Bad Wolf, and she was no Red Riding Hood. She stayed put.

She felt a large hand caress her shoulder.

“Let me in there. What the fuck were you doing, Saber, scaring the shit out of her?”

Were She Belongs


She heard one voice, then another.

“Screw you. She woke up all confused. I was trying to calm her down, but she wouldn’t listen. Stupid woman hit me with the damn cast.”

She was furious and let her temper get the best of her. “Stupid woman! Who the hell are you calling stupid?” She threw the pillow at him, hitting him in the chest. She yelled and then realized once again that she was alone in a bed half naked with three large men. One looked ready to kill her, and two looked amused like this was some kind of foreplay. Foreplay? Where the hell did that thought come from?

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