Werewolf Love Story (3 page)

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Authors: H. T. Night

BOOK: Werewolf Love Story
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Sasha nearly came out of her skin on that one.  I continued, “You surf because it's the one thing you know for damn sure you can't control, so you don't even try. You ride each wave and get turned on by its power and unpredictability. The more you fall off a board and get back on, that gives you a sense of accomplishment and survival. Both are things you desire daily.”

Now Sasha was looking at me like she had seen a ghost, so I knew I was reading her better than any psychic friends network employee ever could.  “You're alone at the moment, but you have ten guys you can call that would leave a girlfriend, a wife or any other person they were involved with to have one more night with you. That’s because not only are you gorgeous, you are very passionate in the bedroom, and like to take on all kinds of roles.  You're afraid to truly let go, out of fear of real inTimocy. But secretly, you’re waiting for that one guy who completely gets you and that's the moment you have longed for. That's the moment that you know in your heart that when you finally find him you’re ready to completely let go.”

Sasha continues to stare at me and slowly shake her head in disbelief, so I decide to finish her off. “At this very moment you are intrigued by my insight and candor, but yet you’re still afraid that this is ‘my game’ and I'm trying to back door you to get you into bed. Part of you doesn't give a shit, but the real true part of you, the one that cries at weddings and Kleenex commercials, is praying that I'm being sincere. All I can tell you is that I am, being sincere that is, and I think you're about the sexiest woman I have even seen. I say this not as a line, just a statement of fact, I could care less if you believe me, because I know what I've said has ministered to your soul. So Sasha, girl I met for the first time tonight, how did I do?”

Sasha stood up from her chair, “Check please!”

Chapter Three

Sasha grabbed my hand and led me outside the double doors.  We walked out to the back parking lot that was parallel to Harbor Blvd.  Sasha, still leading me by my hand, threw me up against my black Mustang and shoved her tongue down my throat. She pushed me up against the driver side door of my Mustang and grabbed my neck so I would be at eye level with her. I spread my legs wide which I usually have to do to kiss someone without having to lower my neck. In this case, my head was eye level to hers, but nonetheless she was hanging on my neck like it was a monkey bar. She continued to jam her face into mine and kissed me with an intensity I hadn't ever quite experienced. She kissed me passionately with a lot of feeling. I had to admit it was hotter than shit and my body definitely let her know how much this was turning, me on. I wasn't one to wear underwear. So I was at full attention in my 501's.  Sasha pressed harder against me kissing my lips, my neck, and my face.

“Take me home,” she said.

“What about your car?”

“I'll get it in the morning.”

I opened my door and Sasha ran around my car and jumped in.  I drove to my apartment in record time.  The angel on my shoulder had gone to bed early and the devil was out in force.  The entire way to my house Sasha licked my fingers and kissed my right arm
. Can you say, ‘slam dunk?’

We got to my apartment off of Gypsum Canyon. I parked in my assigned spot, and the two of us nearly sprinted to my door.  I took out my keys and opened my door. I didn't have much furniture in my two bedroom apartment, but at this point all I needed was a sofa and TV in the living room and a California King in the bedroom.

We made our way through my bare hallway and nearly busted through my bedroom door. I threw it open and we both fell on my bed simultaneously.

She continued to kiss me, and I was really taken back by her aggressiveness. Usually, I let a woman just have their way if they come at me like this, but this was different. I kind of liked her.  I never had a woman match my wits like she had tonight.  I couldn’t deny the fact I was craving her body more than anything in my entire life

I kissed her with the same intensity back and trust me that hers was off the charts. I pinned her down and rolled on top of her. I kissed her neck, then her aggression let up a tad and I decided to stop. That's right! I stopped and just stared at her.

“What are you doing?” she asked

“I'm taking you in?”


“Because I like you.”

“I like you too. Don’t stop.”

“I see that, we both know where this is going.”

“Yeah, so?”  Sasha grabbed me and turned me to my back and began kissing my chest. I stopped her and said, “Are you sure?”

“Are you the same guy who talked about his beautiful penis an hour ago?”

“I am definitely the same guy. And I do have an epic penis as far as beauty is concerned.”

“All talk. Put your money where your mouth is.”  Man, she was driving harder than a guy would. 

“Let me ask you a question.  Are you okay if this is all it is?”

“I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.” She was now kissing my stomach.

I looked at this beautiful woman loving on my body and thought.
Screw it!

I looked at her kissing my body and I thanked God the devil came back.  With that I grabbed her and turned her over and ripped off both of our clothes.  Sasha just experienced beauty… and the beast.

Chapter Four

I woke up from a deep slumber and stared at the digital clock to the left of my bed. It read 11:30. That meant I had a solid seven hour snooze. I turned over and my little brunette friend was still sound asleep. She looked peaceful as she laid in my bed. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. Her eyes opened as my lips made contact.

“You are for real,” she said, hoarsely.

“You thought I was make-believe?” I laughed

“Not make-believe.  Just maybe a Greek god like Thor.”

“Nope.  I’m all flesh and bone.”

“Yes you are. I can attest to that.” She sat up and grinned.  “I can’t believe you almost went soft on me last night.”

“Soft, I was never—“

“I don’t mean soft like that. I mean you almost didn’t want to go through with it.”

“Yeah, I did have a boy scout moment.”

“Why? Do you make a habit of bringing girls you meet at a bar home and not scoring with them? Do you have a whole separate belt for notches that could have been?”

“Honestly, I just knew I wanted to see you again. I figured the best insurance I had was to still stay unfamiliar in certain areas.”

“Well, you got pretty familiar.”

“I sure did.”

“You are an interesting man, bleeder.”

“It’s the life of a fighter,” I said, proudly.

“When is your next fight?”

“In three weeks.” I reached down and felt my gut. “I need to lose about twelve more pounds.”

“Well, you have three more weeks.”

“You want to go get some breakfast?  I'm starving.”

“I thought you didn't eat.”

“I'll have some cottage cheese and egg whites.  It’s my breakfast of champions.”

“That would be fine, but let’s stop by that bar and get my car.” Sasha stood up and stretched. 
Damn she had a hot little body.

“Want to take a shower?”

“Considering we did have sex, I’d better.”

“Yeah, you might have my cooties.”

“I hope that’s all it is—is cooties.”

“I’m good, little girl.  We did use protection.”

“I know we did.” Sasha reflected a bit on the night before.  She looked at me and smiled, “You know, you are a pretty damn good kisser.”

“How could you tell?” I said, laughing.

“What do you mean?”  Sasha seemed confused.

“You seemed to have your agenda in the kissing department.”

“I do like to kiss.”

“As do I, my lady.”

“That’s good to know because you haven’t seen anything yet.” Sasha walked out of my room into the bathroom completely naked and jumped in the shower.  I shook my head at the sight of a gorgeous woman walking naked in my lonely bedroom.
Wow, some nights it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
  I got up and put on a pair of basketball shorts and waited for her to get out of the shower. I got in after she was done and took a very long, hot shower.

When I was finished we threw on some clothes and Sasha and I headed out. My apartment was about 15 minutes from Sliders bar. It didn’t take much time to get there. I whipped a left on Tustin St. and looked to over my left at the bar’s parking lot where Sasha’s Jeep was parked. There was a fairly large muscular man standing next to Sasha’s jeep.  He had a giant, black Ford Runner parked adjacent to Sasha’s car.  I slowed down my Mustang and looked over at Sasha and she looked on in horror
.  Oh, this wasn’t going to be good

“Tommy, remember last night when I asked if you had me figured out and you spouted off all those details?”

“Yes,” I said, hesitantly.

“You were right on just about everything.” She took a deep breath.  “Everything, except the part about me being single!”

“Seriously, Sasha, that overgrown heap of muscle is your boyfriend?”


“How long?”

“About a year.”

“Fucking great.  Now this meathead is going to want to kick my ass.”  I pulled my car in the driveway expecting this guy to charge my car and pull me out of the window.  I slowly inched my way through the parking lot. I stopped and put my car in park almost a hundred feet from where he was parked.  I wasn’t taking any chances.

Sasha got out of the car with her hair still wet from her shower. “I'm sorry, Tommy. I left my number by your television at your apartment. This situation is complicated.”

Complicated? Was she kidding me?

Sasha slammed the passenger door and walked over to her boyfriend standing by her car. I knew I shouldn't whip out of the parking because that would look bad and was definitely the dick move. Sasha and the dark brown hair fellow talked. And surprisingly, he didn't seem upset. He just leaned back and listened.  He was at least 6'5 and weighed 250 pounds. He looked like he should be playing linebacker for the Green Bay Packers.

Sasha turned around and walked towards my car.  Then she stopped and motioned for me to come out of my vehicle.

Was she serious?
This was the last thing I wanted to do.

But I had no choice.   I slowly got out of the driver’s side. I rolled my eyes as I turned around and gave my best Hollywood, good-guy smile that I had in my arsenal in times of turmoil.  I confidently walked over to Sasha's jeep.

“Hey brother,” the large man said.

“What's up?” He eyed me in a way to see what I was about trying to read me before we even began to engage in a conversation.  I gave him a sincere, warm stare not knowing what Sasha could have possibly told him.

“Thanks for taking care of her last night.”

“No problem,” I said, just going along with it.

“Not every guy would help a drunk girl and not try anything.”

Try anything? There wasn’t much we didn’t try last night!
But that was definitely not something to blurt out.

Meathead continued, “Thanks for making sure that creep that was hitting on her didn't take advantage of her.”

Wow. Sasha laid it out and gave him a detailed story. Oh, she’s good.

Sasha jumped in, “I told Gary about that jerk that was grabbing my arm and not letting me get in my car.”

“Yeah, what a douche,” I said, with zero expression in my voice. “He was a real
.” I emphasized asshole, so Sasha could tell I was referring to her.

“Well, maybe you and your wife would like to come over and barbecue sometime,” Gary the meathead said.

Huh? My wife?
Ok, I’m ok with helping someone get out of trouble, but don’t get me hitched, not even in fantasy land.

“Yeah, I told Gary that you and your lovely wife let me sleep it off in your guest room. You two were great.” Sasha smiled at me innocently.
Wow, she was a piece of work.

“That's what we Mormons do,” I said.  Hell if she was going to lie. I was going to go all in. “And don't worry about the bed,” I continued. “We knew you were drunk and everyone wets the bed once in awhile.”

“You wet the man's bed!” her boyfriend said, disgusted. He stared at Sasha with an embarrassed, horrified look.

“We don't have to go into that,” I said, reassuringly. “She got real crazy and free and ran outside naked. My poor wife chased her down the block.”

Sasha looked at me as if to say, ‘Are you kidding me?’

“Why the hell would you allow yourself to get that drunk?” Now her boyfriend was irate.

“Yeah, she gave those junior high boys an eye full.” I said, piling on.

“Junior high boys?” Now, he was about to explode.

“Yeah, they were more like our local street gang,” I said, pressing the point.

“Where the hell do you live?” Meathead apparently didn’t like my pretend address.

And like I said, I went all in.  “Unfortunately, I live in a not so safe neighborhood in Anaheim, but we only had one drive-by shooting last week, so it’s improving.”

“Let me get this straight, Sasha. You got so drunk that some jerk tried to take you home forcefully. And then this poor guy helps you out and lets you sleep it off at his house… in what appears to be downtown Compton. If that wasn't bad enough, you stripped naked and ran down the street and this guy’s poor wife had to run you down at four in the morning. Are you serious?”

Sasha looked stunned and just had to nod.  She was in no position to dispute anything so I couldn’t resist, “Don't forget she peed our guest bed, and maybe even pooped in it a tad bit.”

That was it!  Gary was done! “New rule, you are to never go out anywhere again unless I'm with you.” Gary then turned to me. “Thanks, bro. You are good man.  Please apologize to your wife for me.”

“Oh, I will.  She’s at the Laundromat washing the sheets.”

Then Gary reached into his wallet and pulled out forty bucks and handed it to me.  “I hope this covers it.”

It didn’t exactly. All the drinks and food she ate last night came closer to about sixty, but it was a good gesture even though he thought it was for the sheets.

“Let's get the hell out of here Sasha. I’ll deal with you when we get home. Then Meathead walked past me and jumped into his giant truck and slammed the door.

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