Werewolf Love Story (9 page)

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Authors: H. T. Night

BOOK: Werewolf Love Story
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Sasha and I continued having some sexual tension.  We would kiss here and there, but I would never take it to the next level.  I truly was having too much fun and didn’t want to blow it with ‘friends with benefits.’  I knew I didn’t have a desire to be her boyfriend, but I did want to be her friend.  I went down and got a queen size bed at a yard sale.  I stuck it in the spare bedroom so Sasha had a place to sleep. Patrick always slept in my bed because of the whole sunlight thing—being that my room was the safest place in the house. I, however, would sleep anywhere in the house: sometime next to Patrick, sometimes with Sasha, but mainly I would sleep on my couch. It was damn comfortable and in the end that’s all that matters when it comes to a good night’s rest.

I also got my windshield fixed at a local shop and the damn thing cost me 400 dollars.  I let Sasha know she would pay for it by doing the dishes and keeping the apartment clean.  With that being said, for the first time in my life I had real friends and I was having the time of my life. The three of us seemed to be as close as three oddballs could be.

I had woken up late on a Saturday afternoon as that seemed to be the norm these days considering I was keeping Patrick hours late into the night. I was having the sleep pattern of a vampire and that wasn’t the healthiest way to live my life. I know the value of a good night’s sleep being that I am a fighter but I was having too much fun to worry about that right now. 

I had fallen asleep on the couch watching some morning show.  I had to look through the bars of the cage to watch TV, but if I tilted my head just right I could see the television without seeing any bars.
Oh, the little things

I got up and grabbed some orange juice from the fridge and took out some eggs and made myself an omelet.  I wasn’t the greatest cook, but I knew how to make eggs. It was two in the afternoon and both Patrick and Sasha were still asleep. I didn’t want to wake either of them up and I was enjoying my omelet a little too much to share.

I went into my room and changed and decided to go for a ride and pick some things up at the farmer’s market. There was a giant one I especially liked in San Bernardino.   I needed to start eating healthy again because I was healing up. My shoulder was still jacked up and my arm still looked like a dog had gotten to it. It would be a few months before I could really train the way I’m accustomed to.  So for now, I was going to have to let my undefeated record stay idle for a few more months.              

I had checked in with the Commission last week to let them know how I was doing.  We were aiming for me to fight again in six months. That should be plenty of time for me to get right again.

I went out to my car and could hear every siren, call door, and car alarm in a three mile radius.  I was learning to ignore it, but I couldn’t believe I was actually sympathizing with canines. I drove up the 91 freeway towards San Bernardino. I hadn't paid much attention to the gas gauge as I pulled off the freeway onto “D” street. I looked down and I noticed it was on empty. I needed to find a gas station fast. I looked around and there wasn't one to be found in any direction. So I kept driving forward hoping to run into something, but it was too late. My car did that regurgitate thing cars do right before they run out of gas. You know that dry heave that comes out of your engine. 

I knew my car was done and it desperately needed some gas. I coasted to the right and parked on the street. I had no idea where the next gas station was and, unfortunately, I forgot my cell phone at my apartment. I knew I had to get out and walk and, luckily, I had a gas container in my trunk. I grabbed it and started hiking up the street.

I walked up the street for about three miles until I finally saw a gas station over on the left.  I decided to take a short cut by cutting through a back alley.

I walked around a corner building and heard some commotion. I ducked behind a trash dumpster and looked out to what appeared to be some type of altercation. There were a group of high school kids in a circle confronting a tall, lengthy kid wearing a black hood. I could tell he was young by the way he talked.  He appeared to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. I could relate to that.

The kid in the black hood was outnumbered four to one. “You really should just let me go,” the young man said. “I really don't want any trouble.” Unfortunately, by the look of these guys, they were all about trouble.  I watched on and then heard something that shocked the hell out of me. The boy in the black hood made a specific demand to the group of thugs that had surrounded him. He said, “You have ten seconds to let me go through or I'm going to kick everyone one of your asses and not feel bad about it.”

Holy crap! Are you kidding me? The balls on this kid!

The group of thugs looked at each other and just busted up laughing.  Every single of the other guys were taller and wider than the young man
But that didn’t stop the kid from doing a count down, “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, oh fuck it,” the black hooded kid said, “Now, I want to kick your asses!”

Are you kidding me!

I was about to jump out and make sure it was a fair fight,    but this kid didn't need my help. He attacked them all like a super hero defending his city from super villains.  I felt like I was watching an action movie where you root for the underdog; this young man quickly proved that he was no underdog!  He beat them up individually, in pairs, and at one point, the kid had one in a headlock while high kicking another, and with his free hand he right crossed another guy knocking him to the pavement. He wiped the floor with these guys in a matter of seconds.  I wanted to walk out and give him a standing ovation; it was by far the coolest thing I had ever seen. This fourteen year old kid either knocked them out or they ran off in fear of another beating.

He finished off the last guy and wiped his hands.  He looked at his masterpiece with three guys laying on the ground and a fourth one a mile down the street. He smiled as if he just finished planting a garden.  He sighed and the turned towards where I was standing behind the dumpster. He smiled at me and nodded his head in triumph.

“Hey,” I yelled to him, “What are you? Some kind of black headed Superhero?”

“Who’s asking?”

“I am, you little shit,” I said.

“You have a name?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure do. My name is Tommy.” I looked at this kid and he hadn’t even broken a sweat. “You’re about the baddest motherfucker I have ever seen fight. What's your name?”

The kid pulled off his black hood and he had long, flowing blondee hair. He grinned at me with his piercing blue eyes. “Well, Tommy. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. My name is Josiah.”

Chapter Twelve

I stared at this blondee, blue-eye kid and was astounded that he just took out four guys like they were kindergartners.

“Josiah, huh? Sounds biblical. Do you have God on your side?”

He smirked. “I might have an angel or two watching my back.” Josiah wiped his brow and stretched his neck and then said to me, “You're not some creep hanging out in alleys are you?”

For this first time I noticed his stance. Even though we were having a peaceful exchange in dialogue, his footwork would say otherwise. The kid was a trained fighter. Only someone who has Jujitsu training or some kind of boxing training would stand with his momentum potentially ready to spring forward.  He wasn't sure if he could trust me.  How could I blame him? I was a twenty-two year old man in a bad part of town hanging around dumpsters.  I was probably sweaty and dirty from my three mile hike.

“Well you’re in luck,” I said. “I’m not a creep. Even if I was, I don’t think I would want to mess with you after that display.” I once again noticed his body language and this punk still wasn’t sure if he could trust me.  “Hey, Josiah,” I said calmly. “Stand down. I’m one of the good guys.”

He looked at me with a curious stare. “How did you know I was on my guard?”

“I'm a professional fighter and your body language displays that in a blink of an eye you’re ready to protect yourself.”

“You can tell that by just looking at me?”

“Yeah,” I said.  “I could also tell you were in protective stance and didn’t want to attack me.  It’s subtle, but a guy like me can see it a mile away.

“Wow, you really know what you’re talking about.” Josiah eyes widened and then he finally relaxed. “A professional fighter?  So you get paid for it?”

“That would make it professional,” I answered, with a little snarky in my voice.

“Where do you fight?”

“I'm in the California Commissioned MMA.”

“Bullshit!” Josiah was impressed.

I grinned. “I'm 2 and 0.” Why I felt I needed to validate myself to a young teenager was beyond me, but I guess after what I just witnessed he deserved it.

Josiah looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and then his eyes brightened, “Wait! Did you say your name is Tommy?  Did you fight a couple weeks ago at the Staple Center?”

“Yeah, I sure did.”

“That is so awesome. I was there.  I had horrible seats, but I remember your match. You kicked the crap out of the guy while only using your left arm.”

“You saw that?”


“You could tell I was only using the left side of my body?”

“Yeah, I was thinking this guy is so good he’s fighting his opponent with one-arm tied behind his back.”

“Trust me, it felt that way. I had an injury to my right shoulder.”

“I figured as much, unless you’re such a badass you only fight guys one-handed.”

“I’m impressed you noticed that. Not even in the write up on Yahoo was that mentioned.”

“How could I not. My right hand is my bread and butter. The first thing I watch in every fight is how explosive an opponent’s right arsenal is.”

“Are you training?”

“I'm a boxer.”

“That’s a good place to start.  Are you any good?”

“What do you think?”

I looked at the spot where he easily took care of four guys and laughed. “I guess so.”

“I’ve been Golden Gloves champ three years in a row.”

“That is impressive.  You plan on doing the Olympics?”

“Hell, no! My dad would love that.  But, I want to do what you do. Olympics are a waste of time.  There is no real money there. I want to get into the ring the second I'm 18 and kick ass as much as I can.”

“Well, you’re off to a good start!” I said, with obvious intentions.

Josiah looked down the street and noticed the guys he kicked the crap out of had gotten up and left. “Hey, Tommy Boy, we better split, I have a feeling those guys will be back with a few more friends, if you know what I’m saying. Unless you’re prepared to fight about twenty guys with me we should take off.” I nodded and followed Josiah in the opposite direction I had come from.  “By the way, what is a MMA fighter doing in an alley? You buying crack?”

“Not quite, my car ran out of gas.”

“Oh that sucks. Where's it at?”

“A couple miles back near the freeway.”

Josiah pulled out his cell phone. “Let’s go to this Starbucks that’s down the street and I'll have my sister come pick us up. Then we'll drive you to a gas station.”

“Ah shit! I remembered I dropped my gas container back by the dumpster.

“What’s wrong?”

“I left my gas container back there.”.

“Don't worry,” Josiah said. “Well get one at the station.”

“They are like twenty dollars.”

“Who said anything about paying for it?” Josiah winked at me and I shook my head at the young punk. I had to admit, I really liked him. He reminded me of myself, a little more out of control, but he was definitely a cool kid.

We made our way to the Starbucks and sat down. Josiah called his sister and she told him she would pick him up in about ten minutes.

I looked at Josiah and he seemed to have an insane amount of poise for a kid his age.  He sat there with the confidence of three grown men. “Are you thirsty?” I asked

“I don't drink this stuff,” Josiah laughed.  They are just caffeinated shakes.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more. You’re better off getting a shake; you would have less of a chance at heart attack.”

Josiah’s eyes lit up, “But I love their cake lollypops. They are only like 150 calories. It's like God himself baked them.”

“God himself? He would make some cook!” I laughed.

“Dude, you have got to try one. I had a mouth orgasm the first time I had one.  My sister likes rocky road, but I'm in lust with the birthday cake one.”

“Let's do it,” I said. “I need to splurge now and then.” I got up and walked over to the counter where a there was a cute blonde putting out items behind the display area. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me.

“I would like two cake lollipops, one Rocky Road and one birthday cake.”

“Oh, I love the Rocky Road,” the young blondee girl said. “They are to die for.”

“Apparently so, my friend claims they were made by Jesus himself.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” she said, smiling.  “Maybe an angel or wise man.”

“There you go, I guess everyone agrees that there is some divine intervention taking place when these things get made.”

“You just might be right.” She rang me up and I paid for the lollipops and put a two dollar tip in the jar. The cute ones get me every time.  I took the Rocky Road and gave the birthday cake to my new friend.

“Thanks, man” he said.  “I’ll get you next time.” Josiah took a bite out of his birthday cake lollipop and closed his eyes and had what I swore to be a spiritual experience. He ate each bite slowly, savoring each nibble as if it was his last meal. When he finished, he looked up at me and said, “Better than sex.”

“What do you know about sex? You’re like fourteen years old.”

“I'm sixteen,” Josiah said, proudly, “or I will be in a week.”

“And you know about sex?”

“I know about orgasms!” he proclaimed out loud.

“I believe that. You probably spend more time alone than a monk.”

Josiah was quiet and grinned, “I do have a wild imagination. Trust me, if I wanted to I would have plenty of options.”

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