Wet N' Wild (Bayside TIgers (BBW Mail Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Book 3) (3 page)

Read Wet N' Wild (Bayside TIgers (BBW Mail Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Book 3) Online

Authors: Rachel Real

Tags: #shifter erotica, #rough sex, #werewolf, #new adult, #sex, #erotic fiction, #erotic romance, #shifter menage, #BBW

BOOK: Wet N' Wild (Bayside TIgers (BBW Mail Order Bride Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance Book 3)
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“God, every thick inch of you is sexy as fuck. Now, I’m going to eat out your ass from the bottom to the top.”

The combination of the salty ocean and air and his hot breath made me jerk as Logan pulled me off of his length.

He then pushed me face down in the sand so hard, I could taste it in my mouth. Logan mercilessly sucked my clit and licked all the way up, tonguing deeply in my pussy. He grabbed my ass cheeks, spreading them wide and sniffing fully.

“Your scent is so wet, and so fucking tight,” he growled, sliding in and out.

Logan groaned, fucking me harder. He grabbed me by the neck.

“Yes,” I screamed. “Please,

My body quivered as I felt his hot come slide down my moist folds. It’s like he had a spell over me. And I couldn’t ever escape.

Chapter Five

woke up the next morning with the sun shining fully in my eyes. My body rested curled up in Logan's soft striped fur. My tousled sandy hair draped over my face. A massive hang over was only aggravated by the all of the blinding sunlight. The glare forced me to peek only out of one eye.

No! No, I didn’t...

Logan roused up from slumber with grains of sand stuck to his soft pink nose and whiskers.

He yawned, roaring with his jaw stretched wide. His ridiculously huge razor sharp teeth could easily rip through my flesh, but instead Logan rose up on all fours and nuzzled me enthusiastically in my back.

Quickly, he shifted back into his human form, naked, and yanked me backwards towards his tight nicely sculpted chest.

"How did you sleep last night? I didn't break any bones did I?" Logan teased.

A trust existed between us that I didn't think I'd ever feel with any man.

"Hey, I'd break a few more to feel that good again..." I purred up against his neck.

A broad grin curled up in his stubbly cheek. "Well, if you feel that way, It's time to tell the clan you've made your decision," he told me with an intimidating look in his eyes.

Adrenaline surged through my nerves. Now, I
have to choose. And I knew Logan wanted an answer.

"Can't we just give it a little more time? I mean, we don't want to rush into things..."

Logan relaxed his arms from around my waist. He rested his head against mine, thinking. I maintained a safe distance. There’s no telling how he’d react to my ambivalence. I didn’t know, just yet, if settling down was the next step I was willing to take.

"You know what, that's a great idea, Jenny. Why even have a ceremonial wedding? We can just elope and start breeding at least six litters of cubs right away!" Logan exclaimed. I’d never seen such an alpha male so happy.

Wait a sec... Did he just say six litters?

I gulped. "That's not what I meant..."

Logan hurried on his clothes, and then kissed me deeply on the lips. All of this started moving way too fast. I needed to find somewhere to hide before I was barefoot and pregnant with a litter of werecubs.

Chapter Six

few minutes later, I was knocking on Kai's door. It didn't seem like a very brilliant plan, but if I told anyone else in the weretiger clan they might tip Logan off. I heard the thumping sounds of someone moving towards the door.

"Jenny..." Kai grunted in a serious tone. "If you’re worried about getting drunk last night. You’re fine. Uncle Raja does it all of the time..."

I had to think of an excuse to get the hell out of dodge.

"Know what? Why don’t you and I stay in. Get to know each other a little better,” I rushed over to the curtains and yanked them shut in a frenzy.

Kai sniffed the air. He then grabbed my blouse and inhaled its scent.

“His smell is all over you. Have you laid with my brother?”

They can smell that sort of thing?

"Yes,” I admitted plainly. "Now, he wants to elope."

Kai paused in deep thought.

"If he wants to elope, that could only mean..."

My faced turn red, knowing Kai had come to the conclusion that Logan pretty much banged the life out of me. He then eyed me with the expression of angst. He knew that must have been why Logan raced to make me his permanent mate.

Logan looked at me with a serious gaze. “Is he the one you’ve chosen to be you mate?”

I never really felt like I’d chosen anything. It just all sort of
. Now, it’s time for the truth to come out.

Chapter Seven

ai didn’t know the truth. The truth that none of this went according to my plan. And, what was my magical “plan” anyway? Who would of
it? Me. Me—being a home wrecking heartbreaker. The truth was, I couldn’t hide it anymore. I couldn’t lie anymore.

“There’s something else, Kai.”

Kai contorted his brawny body in a turn, clenching his jaw.

“It’s you who I’ve chosen to be my alpha mate...”

Well, maybe perhaps I could lie a

Kai raked his fingers in his hair to keep his dirty blonde locks from falling in his eyes. “So, why did you sleep with Logan?”

“You’ve never made a mistake when you’re drunk?” I pointed out.

Kai tilted his head. The shifter had contempt for his brother but he had also done some questionable things when drinking more than his gut could handle.

He then circled me with his big tattooed arms. “That means I will call a clan meeting and make the announcement.”

God, this is so out of control.

“Nah, let’s not do that just yet...” I insisted, taking Kai’s cell phone and placing it back in his pocket.

“Like I said, why don’t you and I just spend the day together. That would be nice, huh? We don’t have to
anywhere or
anybody...” I emphasized nodding my head. Kai cocked his brow at me still unsure.

"Why don’t I make you something. A tigers gotta eat, right?" I replied.

Kai grunted.

Immediately, I sped off to the kitchen and dug through the back of his fridge. Honestly, I loved eating—but I hated cooking. Kai shot me a look, realizing that I didn’t know my way around.

“Hey, let me handle it, you seem like you’re a little confused...” Kai groaned snatching the frying griddle out of my hands. The thought of a shifter whipping up a meal, I must admit, put quite a fear in me. His gigantic frame moved towards the stove. And thirty minutes later, my nose twitched at the sweet smell of something sizzling in the kitchen.

A half-hour later, Kai’s hefty body roamed in holding two plates in his hand. My heart whirred at the sight of his rough scars. He set one plate in front of me and another right next to it. He made two sirloin steaks with grilled pineapple on the side. Not wanting to look like a greedy troll, I cut the steak delicately with my fork and knife.

“You know you
eat right...” Kai widened his mysterious golden eyes.

I half-smiled. Then cut a huge chunk and plopped it in my mouth. In that second, I glanced off at those scars again.

“Mind telling me where you got those?” I pointed out.

“Got it in a flight. My girlfriend—well, ex-girlfriend—skirted around with some hot shot mountain lion Lawyer from the big city. After I thwacked him in the face, he rammed his claws deep in my arm. Until that night, I thought she and I were destined to get married. That’s why I went looking online. I don’t think I’ll ever trust a woman who lies to me again...”

I swallowed hard. “Is that so?”

Kai got up and took off to the back of the room, switching on an old radio. Open windows, allowed a fresh breeze in and sea air tickled my nose. Old music from the 1950’s played through the static of the radio.

Kai outstretched his hand.

“Dance with me.”

“You like this old music?” I mumbled.

A deep chuckle echoed in Kai’s chest. “You can never go wrong with a classic.”

I wished the moment never had to end as I nuzzled my head on his hard chest. I squinted that there was once last piece of grilled pineapple left on Kai’s plate.

“You want that last pineapple?” I raised my brow.

“I was saving it to eat later...” Kai snarled.

...” my voice heightened. “—not if I get to if first!”

Then I shoved him in his burly chest and grabbed the pineapple with a fork and rushed to the bedroom. Kai lumbered after me with a broad grin on his face. Laughing, I tried to pass him but he posted himself in the middle of the doorframe.

“You started this, and there’s no way out now,” he grinned.

I fell into a fit of giggles, kicking him with every ounce of power in my body. Kai held me firm and unyielding as I bit a chunk of the pineapple in my mouth. He sharply forced me down on the bed with an aggressive throw.

I recoiled under his weight as Kai slipped his hand underneath my dress.

"Go on, eat it. I want to taste something else..." Kai whispered in an unholy sexy growl. He then pulled my panties aside and rubbed hard along my folds. I buried my face in his dirty laundry, lying on the bed, to stifle my loud moan.

Kai then forced down the front of my dress and took my soft nipple in his mouth, teasing me even more. Everything smelled like him. The bed. His clothes. His body on top of mine.

Kai grabbed my hips and pulled me over. Now, he had me sitting right at his crotch.


Kai forced me on top of him with all of his strength. Even in the dark shadows, I could clearly see his bright golden eyes. He had a craving look of lust, like he wanted to taste every inch of my body. When he kissed me, his stubbly chin scratched my neck. Kai then groped my ass. When he finally let go, his large hands shamelessly squeezed my breasts.

I moaned as I fell back and entangled into his arms.

Adrenaline jolted through my body, when I felt Kai’s cock quickly growing between my thighs. My legs spread even wider as I straddled him and rocked my hips over his clothed cock.

His hard erection strained to be freed from underneath his pants. My face flushed as he gripped my thick thighs. Kai slipped his tongue in my mouth, and I noticed he had a scratchy tongue, just like Logan.

Stopping, I leaned back.

He grinned broadly. “I’m going to fuck you like the beast that I am.”

God, I loved every second Kai ran his hands up and down my ass. My hips rode up and down his hard length before I couldn’t take the teasing anymore and ached to have Kai slip inside me.

His warm mouth drifted up from my lips and sucked on my earlobe. With one throw, he forced me belly down on the mattress. The open window in the bedroom allowed a cool wind to blow across my mound.

Kai then pulled down his pants, exposing his giant big cat cock. I glided my hand behind my back and started stroking it from its thick base to the tip. Warm pre-cum dripped down Kai’s swollen pink length.

“I want you to flood my mouth with your sweet juices,” Kai growled between the cheeks of my ass. He then buried his face in my moist willing pussy.

Kai darted his tongue over my clit, causing me to moan loudly and clutch his dirty t-shirt in my hand. He then mounted me from behind, holding on to my hips until I was writhing underneath his body. We both looked over when the bedroom door swung open.

A low snarl echoed in the darkness.

"You think you're just going to steal my mate, and I
know about it? She's mine!" Logan grunted.

Chapter Eight

ai squinted at the light shining in from the open door.

“Logan, what the
are you doing here?” he roared.

“What the hell are you doing fucking my mate?” Logan hollered.

I shut my eyes fast and grabbed one of Kai’s wrinkled t-shirts and yanked it on.

Without even another word, Logan socked his brother clean in the jaw. Kai swiped at Logan’s stomach and both of them crashed in the door.

This is happening all because of me. The two enraged tiger shifters tackled each other onto the kitchen floor. So embarrassed, I snatched up my things and scrambled past them out of the front door.

The two of them looked past me as I bolted down to the beach. I ran out of there without my shoes on, feeling too guilty.

Real mature, Jenny...

Logan and Kai shifted in the blink of an eye, vaulting right behind me. In the distance, I noticed a suited man waving me down as I darted down the beach.

“Wait! Ms. Mason! Ms. Mason!” The strange man called out from my rear.

I stopped, hyperventilating as I tried to catch my breath.

Logan and Kai shifted back to their human forms in an instant, as the suited man holding a folder approached.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“My name’s James Trillby from Mystic Moon Getaways...Ms. Mason, there’s been a mix up at the airport. We were supposed to chauffer you to your hotel a few weeks ago. I was told I’d find you here. You won the contest fair and square—we want to make good on our promise.”

“Contest?” Kai and Logan hurled back.

And now, the lies came right back to me and bit me in my own ass...

I turned to them, tugging down the hem of Kai’s big shirt.

“Yup, I’m not the girl who you were supposed to meet you at the airport...” I confessed. “I won a contest that sponsored a one week vacation for our office raffle. I’m not some mail order bride...”

Logan and Kai paused.

“You mean you’re not from curvystripes.com?” Logan asked.

I only shook my head.

“You have my brother and I at each other’s throat—over a
?” Kai scowled at me with an unfeeling look on his face.

“Yes,” I felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart. “Yes. I never wanted to hurt any body,” I cried.

“You did...” Kai grunted.

The agent from Mystic Moon had an awkward look on his face. Neither Logan stared off in the distance while Kai walked away.

It frustrated me that Kai could just leave and I stomped my foot in the sand. “I made a stupid mistake, yes. But at least we all had fun. At least we all made each other happy. Isn’t that what you two wanted?”

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