Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) (3 page)

Read Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #toys4us, #contemprary, #samantha cayto

BOOK: Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us)
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She looked at the shower wistfully. “I can’t wait for my first grotto experience.” She giggled a bit, making him realize how young she still was. “It’s what Sue calls it.”


“It is big,” Kevin agreed. “You’ll love the dual shower panels. They’re positioned to spray you from both ends and have a lot of settings, everything from gentle massage to surrogate lover.” Oops, where had that come from? “
Way to play it cool, Kev.”
He winced. “Sorry.”


She took a small sip of her beer. It was obviously not her drink of choice which meant she had bought for him. “No apology necessary. Wet vibrator was what I was going for as I am obviously unattached.” Now she gave him an apologetic look over her risqué comment. Before he could reassure her he wasn’t shocked, she continued. “If you don’t have any other plans, I was going to make dinner. Nothing fancy, steak, baked potato, salad, and ice cream for dessert.” She looked at him over the top of her beer. He could tell she was nervous. Asking him to stay for dinner had taken guts. He admired courage and boldness, so he reassured her quickly.


With his broadest smile, he said, “Sounds like the perfect meal for a Friday night. I’d love to join you. Thanks.”


Her answering smile showed her relief. “Great.” She reached for his empty bottle and it gave him another chance for their fingers to brush. Such little contact, and yet his body responded as if he’d touched a live wire.


He coughed to hide his response. Too much, too soon and this evening would end in a bad way. “Mind if I use the guest bath to wash up?”


“Not at all. I’ll start on dinner.”


She turned to leave, giving him an excellent shot of her high, round ass. He had no trouble picturing it quivering under his expert control. He could imagine flogging the creamy skin, making her squirm and beg for more, controlling all the power emanating from her beautiful and feminine body. And, if he didn’t get himself under control, his head might explode all over the dinner table. He waited until she was gone to close his eyes and get a grip. Cold water and lots of it were needed and fast.




* * * * *


Having thrown the steaks onto the broiler, Emily slipped back to her room to change into something more comfortable. She tried to block out the sounds of water running in the guest bathroom. She tried not to picture what Kevin was doing in there. As near as she could tell, he was taking a shower, not just washing up his hands and face. Knowing what he was doing meant conjuring up pictures of his body, wet naked, hard. His cock perhaps jutting out in invitation. His large calloused hands gripping her hips as he pressed his rod against her pussy, pushed it in, pumped it until she begged for release. No, such thoughts were not going to help her get through dinner.


She quickly changed and stepped in front of her full length mirror to assess her looks. She had on a fitted tee and shorts, both of which hugged her body in provocative ways as she intended. Her feet were bare because she felt comfortable cooking that way, and she was glad she had taken the time to get a pedicure. As a final touch, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. It wasn’t sexy, but it was also easier to cook with it back and it made her look younger. She wanted to look younger and more vulnerable tonight because she wanted to encourage Kevin to take control. Asking him to stay had been hard, but she was used to being in command and doing the hard stuff. She hoped, however, it was the last take-charge thing she would do tonight.


Returning to the kitchen, Emily immersed herself in the familiar tasks of cooking and almost missed Kevin approaching. He was across the dining area, so far from the counter where she tore lettuce into a bowl. He stood watching her, his hair wet and slicked back, his chest and feet bare. All of his perfect muscles, from his bulging biceps, to his round pecs, to his six pack abs were on display for her to admire. A light sprinkle of dark hair stood out on his chest and trailed down into his jeans. The worn denim hugged an impressive package. She had no doubt it was his intent that she get a good look at him and weigh his worth. He should be locked up in Fort Knox as far as she was concerned.


He gave her a slow grin. “I hope you don’t mind I took a shower. And I hope you’re not offended if I keep my shirt off.” He made a face. “As dirty as it was, I couldn’t stand the thought of putting it back on.”


Emily stood and stared, her fist mangling a piece of lettuce. Words failed her. Her mouth dried up and her brain froze. She watched him saunter towards her, around the dining counter, and across the kitchen area to where she stood. His movements were slow and easy, giving her plenty of time to object. She didn’t. She couldn’t. His eyes were mesmerizing. She waited for him to do to her whatever he wanted, knowing instinctively it wouldn’t be anything she didn’t want, trusting him even though she had known him for such a short time.


He stopped beside her. His hand came up to cup the back of her head and pressed it towards him. Bending his neck, he met her half way and put his lips against hers. His flesh was warm as he coaxed her into a kiss. It was simple and sweet.


“If I’ve overestimated the meaning of this invitation, please tell me now,” he said when he broke contact. “No hard feelings and a continued appreciation for the delicious smelling meal you’re preparing.”


In answer to his question, she went up on her toes to return the kiss before turning back to her salad. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and anticipation. She couldn’t stop the smile of satisfaction that popped up on her face. “Please help yourself to another beer, or if you prefer, I’ve switched to iced tea.”


She heard the refrigerator door open, saw out of the corner of her eye how he refilled her glass and popped another beer open for himself. She felt his presence when he leaned against the counter and watched her fumble her way through the salad and turned the steaks. She tried not to show how aroused she was from the small attention alone. Her nipples jutted out against the soft cotton of her tee in a state of arousal, her clit ached against the fabric of her shorts. She squeezed her thighs together to shoot a brief spark up her core. Moisture beaded her forehead and it was only partially due to the heat of the broiler. Getting through dinner would be hell, yet the excitement building inside her would be even more thrilling for the wait.


His voice weaved magic through her body when he spoke. “At the risk of sounding sexist, I have to say I’m pleasantly surprised to see how much a hot-shot businesswoman is comfortable in the kitchen.”


She gave him a wry grin. “I pride myself on both my business and domestic skills. I just rarely have the chance to cook given the hours I keep.”


“I can imagine,” he replied, his gaze fixed on hers. His look was predatory in an arousing sort of way. It promised wonderful things to come. “Too bad you don’t have a grill. This is the perfect Texas night for cooking outside.” He looked out the sliding doors that led to the backyard. “You have enough space to put in a nice barbeque pit.”


She shrugged. “Probably not worth the cost or the effort given how little it would be used.”


“If you had a Texas man around the house, it’d get used plenty.”


Her heart stuttered to a halt before picking up the beat again. Oh, wow, was he volunteering for the job? It was a ridiculous notion given their short acquaintance. Besides, other than a physical attraction, they had little in common. A one-night stand was the most they could expect. As if sensing he had said too much, Kevin dropped his gaze and focused on his beer. With a weak smile and an inward sigh, Emily got back to finishing dinner.

Chapter Three


Kevin enjoyed the fine meal Emily set before him and forced himself to take it slow, keep it light and breezy. He had practically proposed earlier with his barbeque remark, moron that he was. Lucky for him she hadn’t taken any notice of it. They sat at her dining room table, eating, drinking, laughing and getting to know each other better. The tension that came from awkwardness had slowly dissipated. On the other hand, the tension that came from sexual interest mounted. It was a strain to concentrate on the food and conversation and to ignore the way her simple top hugged her pert breasts with their hard nipples inviting him to touch and tease. Or to forget how well her shorts molded her hips and ass and showcased the plump flesh between her thighs.


They were eating dishes of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. His brain struggled to focus on her words while his eyes watched her pink tongue lap the desert off her spoon. A fine sheen of sweat popped up on his shoulders and back even with the air conditioning blasting away. If he didn’t make a move soon, he might scorch the nice chair he sat in. Putting down his spoon, he reached over to cover one of her hands with his own.


Emily had been saying something about her life in Boston. The words died on her lips when he touched her. She dropped her gaze down to their hands before raising her eyes again. “You’ve probably guessed already that I tend to be the kind of woman who takes charge,” she said in a sultry voice. He could tell from her tone how much he affected her. When he nodded, she licked her lips and continued. “Tonight, I’d prefer it if you lead the way, if that’s okay with you.”


He gave her his most disarming smile. “It’s fine by me.” He clasped her hand and raised it to his lips. He placed a chaste kiss on her inner wrist. “I like being the boss in bed. I’m very good at it, Emily. I’ll take good care of you, I promise. And we’ll take this as slow as you want. If I do anything you don’t like, anything that makes you uncomfortable or even afraid, if I hurt you, tell me. I’ll stop immediately. You have my word. I understand how you don’t know me very well and you’re the one taking the greatest risk. But I pride myself on taking good care of my women, and tonight, if you’re still willing, you’re mine.”


He saw something change in her expression, a softening, a yearning. “I’m willing and I trust you, and...” She stopped and swallowed visibly. Her gaze dropped to her lap. “I’ve been thinking lately it might be kind of fun to be controlled, a little.”


Kevin buried the groan threatening to erupt at the revelation. How did he get so lucky? Had this powerful woman just confessed to him a secret fantasy to be dominated? He shoved his chair back and stood up, pulling Emily gently to her feet as well. Gathering her body to his, he kissed her as sweetly as he knew how. She melted into his embrace, inviting him to deepen it. He circled his arms around her and slanted his lips. His tongue pressed into her mouth and tasted the last of the chocolate sauce. As he swirled around her warmth, chasing her tongue, mating with it, he moved them towards the bedroom.


He snagged the bottle of chocolate sauce off the table without letting her go.


They kissed and caressed each other’s bodies all the way down the hallway, into the bedroom and over to the bed. Kevin dropped the bottle of chocolate on the nightstand and broke the kiss. With his hands gripping her small waist, he stared down at Emily.


“Prepare for the ride of your life, ma’am.”


With that warning and promise, he lifted her up and tossed her onto the middle of the bed. She bounced and gasped, then flopped back and watched him with round eyes. He wanted to leap on the bed and ravish her, but worried it was too much too soon. He needed to balance the dominance with caring and the rough with the gentle. She was new to this and they were new to each other. Rule number one for Doms was to take care of your sub, make sure you gave her only what she could handle. It took patience and usually he had it to spare. This woman, however, drove him crazy with need. His cock had been semi-hard all evening and had gone fully erect as soon as she had confessed she wanted him in control. It screamed to get out.


With his gaze fixed on Emily, he knelt onto the bed and straddled her. She looked small and vulnerable underneath him. The look in her eyes said she trusted him. When he grabbed the bottom of her tee and drew it up and over her head, she remained compliant. He tossed the cloth aside and sat back on his heels while he admired the simple white bra and the breasts it covered. He could see the dark of her nipples through the fabric. They were hard and inviting. With his thumbs, he teased them to sharper points. Emily moaned and arched against the touch. Her eyes closed, her teeth bit into her lower lip and her hands came up to cover his.


“No, keep your hands down,” he ordered.


Her eyes popped open. With a second’s hesitation, she did as he commanded. He didn’t miss the way her breath increased, how her pupils dilated more. Oh, yes, kick ass Ms. Driscoll definitely liked being dominated in bed. To please himself and her, he slipped his hands under her back to undo her bra. He pealed it off her and sent it sailing onto the floor to join the shirt. Now those plump globes were bare to him, available for true feasting. Because he knew it would kick up the tension for both of them, he grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head. He held them there with his left hand as he reached for the chocolate sauce.

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