Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) (4 page)

Read Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us) Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #toys4us, #contemprary, #samantha cayto

BOOK: Wet Ride (Toys-4-Us)
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“Who needs ice cream? You should have served me these for desert.” He grinned wickedly as he flicked the bottle open and squirted some of the gooey stuff around her nipples. Emily’s mouth opened in a little O at the first touch. He couldn’t see anything of her face after the initial assault because he dipped his head down and took a sweet nub into his mouth. He sucked and licked her succulent flesh clean on one side before turning to the other. Under the gentle assault, Emily moaned and bucked against his face. Her whole body squirmed.


“Easy, darlin’,” he admonished and sat his body down onto hers to hold her in place. Even though he held his weight up enough not to hurt her, his balls felt the contact and it sent a jolt up his dick. He fought the urge to lie flat on her body and rub the ache away. Instead, he squeezed more chocolate onto her breasts and laved and sucked until he had the woman crying out with need.


“Open your eyes, Emily.” When she complied, he fixed her with a stern stare. “I’m going to let your hands go so I can get you out of those shorts. Don’t move.”


He released her, and she whimpered. Her eyes were closed again and her lips pressed shut in a tight line. The strain of obeying him was obvious. “Lower drawer, pink bag,” she stuttered out.


With raised eyebrows, he leaned over to check out what she meant. He pulled out a pretty silk bag and opened it. His eyes popped with amazement. Holy Christ, this woman was full of surprises. “Why, Ms. Driscoll,” he drawled. “You are a wicked, wicked woman.” He didn’t dare even look at the flogger. Instead, he pulled out the cuffs and the cream and dropped the bag back into the drawer. He opened the cuffs and slid one of her wrists through it. Because she had a brass bed, it was easy to tether her to the headboard. He saw tension mar her face for a moment before it passed. She was at his mercy now and knowing it, sent a shiver of excitement up his spine.




Emily fought the initial reaction of concern about being confined, then relaxed into the sense of relief that came from knowing it was someone else’s job to worry. All she had to do was lie there and enjoy the ride. She had no doubt, too, that it would be quite an experience. Kevin was masterful. He knew what he was doing and knowing that he did, let her trust him and relinquish control. He had promised to take could care of her. She believed him. She dared to open her eyes to narrow slits to watch him.


Not surprisingly he was watching her. She smiled to reassure him, to let him know she was content with her position. Content? Hell, that was no way to describe how she felt. Her body was enflamed with desire. Every inch of her skin burned with the need to be touched. She had almost come just from the attention to her breasts alone. How much more pleasure would she know once he got down to serious business? He picked up the cream and waggled it at her.


“Have you tried this already?” When she nodded, he persisted. “On your clit?” She nodded again. “Well, then.”


He unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them off along with her panties. She was completely naked now, vulnerable to his gaze and his touch. There was nothing she could do to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to. Heat flared deep down between her legs, wetness seeped out and she moved restlessly in invitation to his touch. Kevin reached over to tangle his fingers in the narrow snatch of hair over he pubic mound.


“You wax,” he observed and tugged. She hissed at the small bite of pain and tossed her hips up. He chuckled. “I like it. I can see more of your lovely pussy.” He opened the tube of cream and pulled a dollop out with his finger. He slanted his gaze towards her face as he slid the finger between her folds.


The feel of him sliding over her clit forced her eyes shut. She groaned and tugged at her confinement. Her thighs squeezed shut against the invasion to make it stronger, harder. She groaned again with frustration this time, when he withdrew the finger quickly. But then the cream worked its magic, and tingling heat covered and grew around her swollen flesh. She heard rustling and then felt Kevin’s strong hands on her thighs, urging them up and apart. She forced her eyes open again to see him settle between her legs.


His fully naked body loomed over her. His long hard cock greeted her first. It was covered already in a condom, which did nothing to hide how red his taut skin was. His hands caressed her thighs as he pressed them higher and wider. A whimper escaped her lips, so desperate was she to have all that hardness buried deep inside. Her hips rocked in invitation.


“Soon,” he promised in a soft voice, while his thumb slid over her clit. He worked it with tight circles that mingled with the cream and pushed her closer to climax.


Her body bucked faster as she climbed towards her release. The confines of the cuffs and Kevin’s tight hold on her lower half made movement difficult and the very restraint fueled her pleasure. Her chest heaved with rapid, gasping breaths that pushed keening cries from her lips. Muscles tightened, her heart caught on a beat as the tension broke. She screamed as the ecstasy claimed her, tossed her into the void where there was nothing to see or hear but the red and roaring of her own blood. And when it tried to calm and cool, it was knocked back up with the intensity of her body being filled, stretched, and pummeled by the thick hardness of the man holding down.


As Kevin’s cock pushed into her, his thumb continued its assault on her clit. It built another wave of climax within her. The slap of his body against hers drove her up against the headboard. Her constrained hands managed to grip the curbed brass fittings. Her legs tightened around the male body urging her on. She could feel the power and the heat. She heard his growing male cries of pleasure that joined her own. Her breath stopped in her throat when the next orgasm ripped through her, out of her. Kevin’s body slammed into hers one more time as he roared.


Long seconds ticked by. Her senses slowly returned and her breath evened out. Kevin lay over her, his head pressed down next to hers. She felt him move, then a kiss on her cheek. “Are you okay?” he asked in a husky voice.


She opened her mouth to answer and nothing came out. She didn’t have that much breath left, so she answered him with a smile.




Kevin woke with a big yawn and a long stretch. He lay cocooned in soft, sweet smelling sheets, feminine ones. A satisfied smile played across his face as he remembered how he had spent the last evening and why he woke up where he did. The smile died, though, when he realized he was alone. Cracking his eyes open, he swept his gaze around the room and confirmed the fact. He groaned with disappointment and propped his body up on one arm. A closer inspection told him Emily was not only up, she had removed the evidence of their time together.


The condom wrapper he had tossed on the nightstand was gone, as was the tube of cream. No doubt the latter item was back in the pretty pink bag within the drawer. He smiled again at the delightful memory of discovering its contents. A flogger and a pink one at that. Christ, it wasn’t just his full bladder making his cock hard and hungry at the moment. But his pants were neatly folded on a chair in the corner with his socks and boots below. He had dropped everything on the floor in his haste to ride the sweet woman laid out for his pleasure. She had taken the time to neaten up her room because that was who she was, a well-ordered professional woman. The wild wicked one had left with the coming of the new day and it undoubtedly meant she wanted him gone, too.


With a frustrated yank, he threw the covers off his body and swung his legs over the side of the bed. What did he expect? This had been a one-night stand. It hadn’t been stated explicitly as such, but he had known it going in. A blue-collar guy like him had nothing in common with a high priced corporate player. He strode over to his clothes and yanked underwear and pants on, hissed at the pain his quick movements caused his cock. He slid his feet into socks and boots. His shirt was tucked into his tool box, so there was no hope for it but to face her bare-chested. Maybe the sight of his manly body would make her beg for another round and this time they could make use of the flogger.


Yeah, right. That would happen. It made him wish he’d used the flogger last night, except he knew it would have been too much and too soon. He was lucky she had trusted him enough to cuff her to the bed. The power that came with such trust had to be wielded carefully. No, his only option now was to make a quick stop in the guest room, find her, thank her sincerely for a wonderful night and leave. Come the end of the week he’d be done with this project and on to the next one. He doubted he ever see Emily Driscoll again.


He stepped into the dining area and stopped. His heart did a somersault at what he saw. The lady of the house stood by the stove, her back to him. As with dinner, she cooked in a t-shirt and shorts, her cute little ass wiggling as she moved from one burner to the next. She bent over to take something out of the oven and when he took a deep sniff, he smelled bacon and coffee, and oh, holy God, cinnamon. His stomach growled and now two appetites warred within him, desire and hunger.


He stepped up to the dining counter and cleared his throat. “Morning.”


She peered over her shoulder and grinned shyly. “Good morning. I hope you have time to stay for breakfast.” Turning her body fully to face him, she placed a dish onto a potholder. Fat round rolls curled up inside, bubbling and beckoning. “I made cinnamon rolls,” she said unnecessarily, as if a there was a man alive who didn’t recognize that treat. “There’s bacon and scrambled eggs, coffee, of course. There’s bread for toast and cereal, too, if this doesn’t appeal to you.”


He watched her pipe thick white icing on the tops of the rolls. A dollop landed on her finger. He leaned over the counter and taking her hand, wrapped his mouth around the finger and sucked the sweetness off. Her eyes opened wide at the gesture and her smile deepened.


“I’m so glad I don’t have to face you in a business deal Ms. Driscoll. You do not play fair. I would have been content with a cup of coffee to go and a slap on the ass on my way out the door. This takes my breath away, as do you.”


Her gaze dropped in obvious embarrassment. “I like a big breakfast. Coffee?” she asked with her gaze back on his face.


“I’d love some, but I’ll get it.” He sauntered over to the coffee maker and grabbing a mug, filled it. He managed to watch her while he did. She slid eggs and bacon on one platter, put the rolls on another and set them both on the counter. She had already laid out place settings there for the two of them, a casual place to eat. He topped her mug off before joining her at the counter. As close as the stools where, his elbow bumped hers. He took the opportunity to plant a quick kiss on her lips when she turned to him before picking up a roll and biting into it.


“How is it?” the lovely cook asked over her mug of coffee.


“It’s a little slice of heaven,” he answered once he had swallowed. When she scoffed, he held his roll in front of her mouth. “I’m not kidding, sweetheart. This is obviously homemade.”


She took a delicate bite of his offering and chased it with coffee. “I’m an early riser and I do like to bake. I’m glad you like it; it’s my grammy’s recipe.”


Kevin licked his finger tips and picking up his fork, tucked into the rest of his meal. “I meant it when I said I wasn’t expecting all of this.” He paused. “When I woke up alone, I figured you’d want me out.”


“Out?” She threw him an incredulous look. “After last night, the least I could do was make you a nice breakfast.”


Male pride reared up and crowed inside. He couldn’t help it. A man knew when he’d pleased a woman. What he didn’t know necessarily was whether she knew it, or was willing to acknowledge it. Given how he was sure what they’d done was a first for her, he worried she might have regrets the morning after. He decided to risk using the direct approach.


“Did you really enjoy yourself, Emily?”


She continued to stare at her plate. “What? The screaming and the moaning and the writhing wasn’t a giveaway?”


He chuckled. “Well, those were all good clues, but come on, it was your first time being tied up and dominated wasn’t it?”


She hesitated, then nodded. He didn’t think she’d say more, but after a brief pause, she did. “I have a very stressful job. What I do is hard. I have to stay on my toes all the time, think fast, negotiate hard. A lot can ride on the decisions I make in an instant.” She stopped staring at her plate and faced him fully. “I’m good at it, really good and I love it. It’s just every once in a while I have this urge to let go, give someone else control. I can’t do that at work because my career depends on being the one in charge. I can’t say I want someone making my daily decisions for me, either. So, that leaves sex.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “I don’t suppose all of that makes any sense.”


“On the contrary, it makes perfect sense.” He put down his fork and picked up her hand. His thumb caressed the backs of her fingers. “Emily, I’ve been in the lifestyle for over ten years now.”

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